John Cena/Randy Orton feud or Triple H/Rock Feud?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
so what do you think was the better feud Triple H/Rock or Orton/Cena lets look at the matches these 2 have had


I Quit Match
Iron Man Match
Hell In The Cell
Main storyline in 2007 and 2009
Tables Match on Raw

Rock/Triple H

main mid-card feud in 1998
2 of 3 falls IC title
Ladder Match IC title
Iron Man Match
Strap match on Smackdown and Fully Loaded 1999
Main Storyline in 2000

so looking at the matches both men competed with each other in a one on one capacity which feud did you enjoy more?

for me it would have to be the Rock/HHH feud because it started when both men were in DX and NOD and they feuded all the way up to they were mega stars,
I agree with you in that hhh vs the rock was a better fued. and pretty much for the reason that you gave. these guys pretty much came up and established themselves together. hhh was the perfect foil for the rock. they always seemed to cross paths as they were trying to become the best. they also had common enemies such as stone cold and mick foley. they were also the only fued of the two to have a wrestlemania match.
I'd have to take HHH/Rocky simply because Cena/Orton drove me to the point of insanity, seriously, they had one main event for about 8 months while all that shit was going on. At least when Rock and HHH were feuding it wasn't the only thing they were giving any screen time to!

I think it's pretty well accepted that Cena vs. Orton has the ability to bore people to tears. And to compare it to one of the greatest feuds of the 90's? You kidding me?

This topic reeks of weaksaucedness.
It has to be The Rock/Triple H for me.. It was when I started getting into WWF and this was the major feud.. I was just really into it.. The matches were not boring, Cena/Orton got kinda boring even they can work well together.. Rock/HHH had that great chemistr and made it work.. Had some great matches in 2000..
the thing is rock/hhh was way bttr simply because it was one man taking on the entire mcmahon helmsley regime. it never got boring. on one side u had the rock with occasional help frm mick foley, the undertaker or stone cold. occasional. on the other hand u had 4 dx members(hhh xpac road dogg billy gunn), 2 women whos job was distracting and lowblows(stephanie and tori), 2 mcmahons(vince and shane) and 2 stooges(patterson and brisco). it was entertaining as hell.

y is it bttr than orton/cena.
1) it was believable
2) it had tht whole the boss is ur enemy thing
3) both worked extremely well in the ring
and 4 and probably most important) both cud cut the best promos in the business. u didnt have triple h pedigreeing the rocks dad or somethng like tht like orton did to cenas dad. the only thing both were vying for was the title. nothing else mattered. it didnt look as personal as orton and cena did. orton and cena went on for months and months with triple h being thrown in the mix as well. so it got kinda lame. the rock and hhh went on for the bttr part of a whole year but never did u thnk it got old.

and when cena once said tht randy orton and john cena has become THE rivalry, quite possibly the greatest rivalry of all time. the rock and hhh were the first two ppl tht came to my mind. and i thought in my opinion tht was the greatest feud of all time.
are you kidding me? is this a serious thread? wrestling in the late 90s was AMAZING because of feuds like the rock vs triple h. look at wrestling today.. it's a joke compared to what it was.
Please don't allow this kat to make anymore threads. I mean why waste our time comparing the two boring guys of today to the 90's. Not even close. That's like comparing Lebrick to Jordan
I don't know why you'd compare The Rock/Triple H to Orton/Cena.

The Rock and Triple H was something which began when they were unknowns, and it progressed onwards as they grew in stardom. Matches for the IC Championship which are featured on DVDs and collections came from their feud, while Orton and John Cena will probably never have any match on any DVD collection because not one of their matches sticks out to me as good.

While in the case of The Rock and Triple H, you have their match at Summerslam '98, Wrestlemania '16 albeit in a Fatal-4-Way, Backlash the following month in a great match, one of my favorites of all-time and another match the following month at Judegment Day.

There was no reason to compare, it's blatant as the grass is green.
Hands down absolutely no question Rock/HHH...Idk if you are forgetting how mind numbing orton/cena was. First and foremost, Cena/Orton did not put on a fraction of the show and performance that Rock/HHH did. Everytime rock and hhh stepped into the ring it was a classic. They had the kind of rivalry that didnt even need a storyline because of the fact that the two character naturally clashed. AND Cena/Orton are nowhere near the entertainers that Rock/HHH are. Plus there was no point in the Rock/HHH rivalry that made you wanna stop watching wrestling. Cena/orton were just plain contest Rock/HHH
Rock-Triple H is the winner, because of a few reason.

1. They had classic feuds over not one, but two titles. You can rank it how you want, but they are in a class of their own when it comes to the I.C. Title. Then bring in the WWF Championship and there another story. Also look at their non title matches and you see that they had a natural hate for each other. Cena/Orton wasn't natural as we never talked about the two wrestling as mid-carders. Rock/HHH brought a mid-card feud to the main event. The feud was good when Rock was face/Hunter was heel, Hunter face/Rock heel, Rock face/Hunter heel. No guy made the other look bad or tried to one up each other, it was perfect. I don't get that out of Cena/Orton as both are trying to be cool too much.

2.Rock-Triple H had better matches and moments. Thursday Night Raw, Rocky wins his first I.C. Title, from who? Hunter Hearst Hemsely. DX mocks the Nation. SummerSlam ladder match. First Smackdown. Rock as ref for Triple H & Bulldogg. Wrestlemania 2000, 6 Man Hell in a Cell match. Rock's first title defense as WWF Champion against Triple H. Corporation feud. Rock vs pre evolution Triple H. Iron Man Match. Last Man Standing Match. All are classics and I may be leaving out other stuff.

3.Promos. I can watch a Triple h-Rock promo all damn day. Funny/Entertaining/Great.

4.Because they were never friends, never shook hands. To this day, if they are on screen, and fought, you wouldn't blame them as they hate each other. If both are faces, they still don't like each other, not the love fest that Cena has with Orton at times. Rock and Triple feud to me is still going on as it can happen if they wanted to.

But like others have said, this is a waste of time thread, any one who thinks Cena/Orton is better is under 15 years of age. What next, we will compare Hogan/Savage to Cena/HBK.
Without a question the rock/hhh fued is,was,and always will be miles away way better than cena/orton fued.Like you said hhh and the rock started their fued since they were midcarders to when they were mega stars.And they actually made their fued believable like they hated each other's guts.With cena and orton we all know their bbf in real life so that doesnt make their fued believable.
Dumb thread, dumb question.

All you need to do is watch one promo or match involving a HHH-Rock feud, and that would be better than EVERYTHING that Cena-Orton do COMBINED in their entire careers against anyone, let alone against each other.
The Rock/HHH feud, easily. Their feud can't really be placed into a certain timeframe, either. What you put there was the apex of it all, but they continuously had programs together and hated each other for years. They had some of the most brutal matches I'd seen until that point, they were amazing together. On top of that, I loved the promos they had against each other, they're both great mic men, so it was only natural that the promos would be excellent. To add on to that, their chemistry was top of the line as well. That's why from day one, from their first feud, everybody knew they'd be something someday.

Orton and Cena, on the other hand, while they've had their good moments, their feuds can also get stagnant at times. Their matches are fairly limited, they don't really pull much out of the bag, in comparison to Rock/HHH. Their matches aren't bad, but they don't compare to HHH/Rock.
Rock and HHH. 100% no doubt.

Cena and Randy was the most boring thing to ever happen in the last 5 years. God, EVERY single main event was Randy Orton vs John Cena.

With The Rock vs Triple H, There matches were good, They had entertaining promos(especially the Nation and DX ones), It was just a better rivalry which was made better because it DIDN'T HEADLINE EVERY FUCKING SHOW!!!

Easiest question ever.
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