Justice League vs. The Avengers Tournament, Match #5: Cyborg vs. Iron Man

Who wins this match?

  • Cyborg

  • Iron Man

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The Phenom of WZ



Victor Stone is the son of Silas and Elinore Stone, two STAR Labs scientists intent on using their research to improve mankind. Silas and Elinore scientific adventures often estranged their son, as they would sometime dedicate more time and toward their work, oppose to him. The two even used their son as a test subject for intelligence-boosting experimentation. While the successful experiment granted Victor a genius-level intellect, he resented his parents for treating him more like a lab subject oppose to a son.

Vic's resentment caused him to steer away from science and math in high school. Instead, he pursued an interest in athletics, much to his father's disdain. His life changed profoundly during a visit to STAR Labs to meet up with his parents, who were busy conducting inter-dimensional experiments. The experiment accidentally allowed a protoplasmic creature into the lab. Silas managed to return the creature to its home dimension, but not before it had slain Elinore and severely injured Victor. Desperate to save his son's life, Silas used untested cybernetic enhancements to rebuild and reconstruct Victor's body. He succeeded, but didn't anticipate Victor's horror and anger at what he had done.


Cyborg possesses cybernetic enhancements that provide superhuman strength, endurance and durability. Cyborg can also interface with computers. Built into his body-armor were an infrared eye, computer generator, sound amplifier, and special programming adapters that allowed him to interface with other body extensions.

Shape-Change: Cyborg has virtually unlimited shape-changing abilities that allow him to mimic road, air or space vehicles and even reshape his entire body or parts of it to form such complex shapes such as a tank.

Superhuman Strength: At optimal capacity, Vic can lift/press in excess of four metric tons. If he pushes himself, he can even exceed five tons, but not without causing severe stress to his cybernetic components. Recently Victor breaks apart Kalibak's Chaos Cannon used to destroy planets.

Superhuman Speed/Agility: He possesses a degree of superspeed.

Jump Jets: At his request Dr. Silas Stone installed Jump Jets onto Cyborg so that he wouldn't be so dependent on Boom Tubes. Apparently the Jump Jets provides the ability to super-jump across state lines and fly.

Sensor Systems/Superhuman Senses:. Due to cybernetic enhancements the five senses were increased to superhuman levels.

Super hearing
Microscopic Vision
X-Ray Vision
Night Vision
Target/Tracking Systems
Physiological/Medical Scanners

Superhuman Stamina: Victor doesn't need to sleep, eat or drink. Adding the Environmental Mode (that replaced his last lung) he no longer has the need to breathe and can operate in any area that has no oxygen, such as space or underwater.

Superhuman Durability: The nature of Cyborg's body provides protection against physical and energy attacks. He is also able to withstand the pressures of the deepest parts of the oceans.

Computer Interfacing: Cyborg is connected with all Earth's computers and satellites, including government agencies, secret service (CIA,MI-6...), and even the Batcomputer.

The Grid: Alongside Batman, Cyborg created a program to prevent himself from being distracted while on duty, because he is constantly bombarded with an endless influx of data streaming into his system. That program selectively focuses on high-priority items and filters out other received data, which helps him to create a complete database of every metahuman/superhuman on Earth.

Technopathy: Since Cyborg is linked with Earth's computers and satellites, Victor can control any type of technology that has connection with the Internet as well as control any form of electronic communication; allowing him to manipulate data or rearrange security privileges. Recently he demonstrated the ability to hear Brainiac's drones communicating with each other.

Technomorphing: He doesn't just command technology, but he is also capable of incorporating them into himself as he did with Red Room's technology and a Motherbox. Recently his systems suffered serious damage after the explosion of the Watchtower and to repair himself he used technology from an escape pod.

Teleportation - Cyborg can use Boom Tubes to transport himself and the League to anywhere on Earth and in the Universe. Since it has been stated that Darkseid uses them to cross dimensions, it can be assumed that Cyborg can as well. One out of every thousand 'jumps', however, results in transporting himself and whoever is with him to Apokolips. Recently he installed a silent mode to not be noticed by others. Not even Superman could note him coming.

Integrated Weapons: He has various types of weapons integrated into his cybernetic parts.

White Sound Disruptor: The Sound Disruptor or White Noise Canon fires focused sound blasts powerful enough to vaporize a Parademons group, blow up portions of a building, and affect spirits. The canon has been able to reach 300 decibels and theorically can exceed this limit.

Sonic Emmiter: Beyond the noise cannon he also has a sonic emitter that allows him to mimic and generate any sounds he desires. He can run voices through his systems to make real-time translations and even generate ultrasonic sound attacks.

Ice Beam

Energy Cannon/Energy Gun

EMP Pulse: It can incapacitate any technology (that's not shielded against such an attack) in a distance of 50 meters. T.O. Morrow nicknamed it as a Heart Attack.


Cyborg is subject to computer viruses, emp attacks, magnetism, and pretty much any type of technology incapacitating weapons/techniques. Having said that, they must be very powerful or advanced weapons/techniques.


Iron Man



Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark was born in Long Island, New York, to Howard Anthony Stark and Maria Collins Carbonell Stark. In his youth, Tony Stark was a precociously intelligent young boy. When Tony was 7 he was sent to a boarding school, and during this experience he found people difficult to relate to. This was when he became fascinated by machines. By the age of 15 Tony had enrolled in MIT (The Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Boston, Massachusetts. He graduated at the top of his class at age 19 with double masters in physics and engineering.

At the age of 21, his parents were tragically killed in a car accident. Afterwards, Tony inherited Stark Industries, an unparalleled mega-conglomerate that mostly manufactured weapons for the United States military. One of his first projects as the new CEO was to purchase the manufacturer who designed his parents' car and have the faulty brake system, which was seemingly the cause of their deaths, redesigned in order to prevent any further incidents, thus saving lives. Unknown to Stark, the true architect of his parents' deaths was a business move by Republic Oil (later renamed Roxxon Oil). Lacking in business skills, Tony promoted secretary Pepper Potts to be his executive assistant and left the majority of his workload on her so that he could avoid what he saw as a burden.

During the war in Afghanistan, Stark was at one of his munitions plants testing new technology for the military when he was injured by his own land mine that lodged shrapnel near his heart. Tony was then captured by a local warlord named Wong-Chu (a lackey of the Mandarin) and forced under threat of death to create a doomsday weapon for him with another captive, the famed Nobel award-winning physicist, Yin Sen. The shrapnel was going to enter his heart and kill him, but he and the physicist created an arc reactor which kept the sharpnel away from his heart. In response, Tony built a suit of armor to help himself escape captivity. In the suit, Stark took on the warlord and his men and avenged Yin Sen's death, thus Iron Man was born.


Tony Stark's intellect allows him to constantly upgrade his armor designs. Stark recently had to inject himself with the Extremis techno-organic virus to save his life. The effects are that now the inner layers of the Iron Man suit can be stored in the hollows of his bones, and he can control the suit with his mind through direct brain impulses. He can also remotely connect to just about any communication device, including satellites and computers, across the world. Stark can even regenerate organs due to the enhancement. Extremis also allows Stark to interface with his armor in a faster and more efficient manner as well, thus dramatically increasing his response time. Without his armor Tony Stark is considered to be above peak human and has displayed superhuman capabilities such as super human reflexes, His speed, strength and agility without his armor is now considered to be at peak human levels.

Iron Man's abilities are constantly changing because of his constant technological upgrades on the armors. In general terms, he has super strength due to the build of his armor. The exact amount of strength is unknown, but it seems that he can lift and press over 100 tons.

The armor is very durable, capable of withstanding tremendous amounts of punishment. Tony Stark's armor has a muscularly aligned matrix of crystallized iron enhanced by magnetic fields over layers of other metals like titanium, which grants him endurance capable of withstanding high caliber bullets with ease. He can withstand rockets, torpedoes and such, although he does take damage. The armor also enables Iron Man to fly at high speeds, exceeding the speed of a jet airplane, due to the rocket propelled boots that are placed on the bottom of the armor's boots.

Iron Man's suit has many power sources, such as solar converters, electrical batteries and an on-board generator that uses beta particle absorption as a fuel source. The suit is also able to convert nearby energy sources, such as heat or kinetic energy into electricity, or even drain electrical energy directly into the batteries for recharge. Although the suit has some open holes to allow the wearer to breathe normal air, it can be sealed off, allowing the pilot of the suit to go underwater or into space by granting its own life support and limited air supply systems.

As mentioned, Tony Stark controls the suit mostly by movement as if the armor is his skin and through the Extremis upgrade(before it started to fail), essentially making the suit an extension of his own body. In addition to this however is an internal artificial intelligence operating system that provides strategies, background information on opponents, and on surroundings and the current status of the suit.

The Extremis upgrade gave him a healing factor and enhanced abilities and could expel the inner-most armor layer in his body then "will" the rest of the Extremis armor to attach to him

Stark also has equipped the suit with numerous weapons over the years, making the suit more powerful each time. The most often used weapons are the repulsor rays (magnetically channeled beams of super-heated plasma) that are fired from Iron Man's palms or gauntlets. Other weapons that are built into the armor include the uni-beam projector in its chest (controlling the full range of the electromagnetic spectrum from blinding searchlights to cutting lasers), pulse bolts that pick up kinetic energy along the way, so that they hit harder the further they have to travel, an electromagnetic pulse generator and energy shield, the generation of ultra-freons, the creating and manipulating of magnetic fields, sonic blasts, and a holographic generator to create decoys.

Tony Stark has also created many specialized models of the armor. Other models that are in his possession include a model for deep-sea diving, for stealth, space travel, etc. He has also enhanced the armor on a few occasions for unique circumstances. For example, Tony Stark has modified suits like the "Hulkbuster" heavy armor, composed of add-ons to his so-called modular armor, designed to enhance its strength and durability to allow it to take on the Incredible Hulk in combat. One time, when Stark had to face Thor, he made an armor modeled on the Destroyer and used a mystical power source.

While the Iron Man suit is very durable, high amounts of lighting or electricity can make the suit overload, as well as magnets, as this would happen to a regular machine.

Tony stark is effectively a genius, able to constantly create new and improved technologies and make upgrade after upgrade to his suit of cybernetic armor. Iron Man is able to harness his intelligence and ingenuity in order to allow him to defeat more powerful foes and escape their dangerous traps and machinations. Stark is also a powerful leader, able to command the loyalty and respect of others. Stark has been expertly trained by Captain America in hand-to-hand combat, making him a formidable opponent even without the power suit.


The Iron Man armor is vulnerable to high amounts of electricity which can short out the armor. It is vulnerable to magnetism, software hacks/viruses, and high powered EMPs. Also, it has a finite power supply meaning it can run out of power if pushed to hard.

I have to give this to Iron Man as Tony Stark's armor is essentially the Swiss Army Knife of comic books; basically, he can upgrade or modify his armor, sometimes on the fly in the midst of a battle, in order to adapt to whatever situation he finds himself in. In the Marvel Universe, it's usually a toss up between Tony Stark and Reed Richards, AKA Mister Fantastic of the Fantastic Four, as to who has the greatest intellect and whatever sort of tech or strategy Cyborg would implement during the fight, Stark could and would do it better. Stark has been able to use his intelligence to create armors granting him sufficient capability to take on the likes of the Hulk, Thor, Doctor Doom, Magneto, etc. and hold his own, for the most part, or come out on top and Cyborg just isn't in the league of those heavyweights.
It has to be Iron Man here. He just has to many gadgets and ways that he could take Cyborg down. Not to mention that Stark is a genius and could probably figure a way to take out Cyborg technologically. Also, Iron Man has many different suits of armor for many different things. He could easily change armors if one isn't working as well against Cyborg as Stark had hoped. Also, the Iron Man armor (standard) is physically stronger than Cyborg and faster. The only advantage I'd see Cyborg having is his ability to generate boom tubes. He could theoretically teleport around Iron Man and attack like that or he could even send Iron Man out to deep space or another planet. So Cyborg would definitely get his licks in.

Vote Iron Man.

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