Kevin Owens Quit


Staff member
So tonight on raw, kevin owens just quit? So yes this is all part of a bigger storyline but where do you see the story line going. Do we see him go back to smackdown eventually? Maybe a appearance in NXT?

Maybe just have him stay at home until zayn comes back next year and bring them back together.

Whatever the plans his for Owens, I feel that it will do a lot of help for Owens because he does need a refresh and having him off tv for a while will make his comeback and his character feel a lot bigger.
This was completely out of the blue. I was expecting him to make some sort of heelish excuse as for why he lost to Rollins but I didn't expect him to "quit."

There are rumors, just rumors of course, that WWE MIGHT do another Superstar Shakeup sometime this year rather than waiting until the post WrestleMania Raw to do it with the reason being that particular Raw should be devoted entirely to the fallout of the biggest show of the year and that the Shakeup took away from that this year. If it's true, I could see Owens going back to the blue brand as I just don't see him doing much on Raw for the foreseeable future. The Shield, Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre are going to be the ones featured in the top stories for the next few months.

Maybe Owens needs some time off, he's never really had any significant time off since coming to the WWE. He's been fortunate not to have injurie issues and if there's not really anything significant for him right now, maybe a little time off would be for the best. I like Owens a lot, always have and even though I also dig Strowman, I wasn't a fan of how WWE had Strowman just bulldoze over Owens in their program, especially at SummerSlam. Owens has too much talent and is one of the most versatile guys on the roster; he can do the cowardly, chicken shit heel bit great, he can do comedy that genuinely produces some chuckles, he can be the straight forward brawler, the sociopathic shitheel and pretty much any other role they can fit him in.
Yeah, this was a little out of the blue for sure.

Owens has shown that he is a good level talent and has many WWE accomplishments to show for that. He's been then Universal Champ, the Intercontinental Champ, the US Champ, etc. But right now at least, Owens seems really lost in the shuffle on Raw. I don't think feuding with Strowman was the right thing for him in all honesty. He does make a good chicken shit heel and that's the foil that Strowman needed. But it made Owens look terrible in the end.

Who knows what the WWE is going to do with Owens but I don't think SD is the answer either. He's been there and done that for so long, there's nothing that enticing for him on the blue brand. Maybe he and Daniel Bryan could feud for a bit but he's currently wrapped up with The Miz.

I don't know, this is strange. There's usually a mid term shake up, so maybe this is leading to that eventuality. At least it's got us talking about Kevin Owens again.
Maybe the guy has unreported injuries or needs some time off for other reasons and this is simply a device to get him that time.

I thought he could work a long program with face Bray. The two could fill a lot time with meaningless promos and matches. Neither has much going on right now, they are on the same roster and are pretty evenly matched. They also have no history as far as I can remember.

I think this will just end up keeping him off tv for awhile only for him to return with no change and little explanation. Though I hope not, the guy is entertaining and could do something with a program with some depth if offered.
Another rumor going around is that he might come back in a few weeks with Paul Heyman as his advocate. If That's true then i don't think it would be a bad idea mostly because the last time Heyman was successful with somebody outside of lesnar was CM Punk who was as good on the mic as Owens is today.
Pairing him with Heyman would be the best thing for him, the guy deserves to be at the top of the card and Heyman will be the best chance for him. Maybe we can finally see the Owens we all know he can be, a competitive match with a returning Lesnar could solidify him as a main eventer.
Kevin Owens has talent, real talent. Not many are as versatile as him. WWE should be able to see that. And please, please, please, please, do not put him with Bray Wyatt. Bray Wyatt can't work with anybody, at least he is doing fine right now with Matt.
I have no idea of KO's mindset but if I were him I'd be quite frustrated as even Eugene was booked better than KO has been.

Though his physique is often in question there doesn't need to be a drastic change as his charm wouldn't work the same if he was chizzeled as today's crowd demand more relatable characters than they once did.
I have no idea of KO's mindset but if I were him I'd be quite frustrated as even Eugene was booked better than KO has been.

Though his physique is often in question there doesn't need to be a drastic change as his charm wouldn't work the same if he was chizzeled as today's crowd demand more relatable characters than they once did.

He just sign a five year contract a few months ago, so he not going anywhere anytime soon. So this quitting stuff is really just a storyline they started with him to give him a jumpstart after being so generous in putting Strowman strong the last few months. So i'm more intrigue with where the angle goes from here then anything else.
He just sign a five year contract a few months ago, so he not going anywhere anytime soon. So this quitting stuff is really just a storyline they started with him to give him a jumpstart after being so generous in putting Strowman strong the last few months. So i'm more intrigue with where the angle goes from here then anything else.

That makes too much sense to give credence too if that makes any sense :icon_lol:
Well that felt cheap and meaningless. Not only did he come back with what I think was an incredibly random attack but then he followed it up with a second attack that helped the guy that humiliated him multiple times not long ago.
Hopefully they are going somewhere with this. His random quitting would have made a much bigger impact had he not come back tonight for an attack like that. It's WAY too soon. Maybe they'll address it next week. I'm giving it a chance although, still, a bit disappointed in how his return happened.
The Australia show ruined the angle. Like probably did with the WWE championship and most of the matches.
Basically, we’re gonna have KO vs Lashley, and then Lashley&Cena vs Elias&Owens at the Supershow
Well this is a bit of a mess...

Of course it is because WWE creative has to do its job with Vince's grand designs smack in the middle of everything as a big ass roadblock. There may have been no reason, no long term plan for Owens "quitting." It may have been done just for sheer shock value just for that particular episode. That wouldn't surprise me in the least as Vince doesn't really seem to care about the long term picture of about 99% of what goes on in WWE anymore, unless you're a wrestler that's a special project of his and, even then, it's still something of a crapshoot. Things like continuity and consistency are sometimes afterthoughts or not really all that important as he's been known to change his mind on angles, storylines, who to push, who not to push and pretty much every other aspect of the product we see each week multiple times, often right smack in the middle of things. The sheer crazy that WWE creative has to endure in regards to Vince's whims has to be beyond frustrating at times, at least if even half of what I've read over the years is accurate.

I will say, however, that it was great to see the old fire back in Owens. I really love watching him when he's vicious and that was what I was hoping and waiting for in his program with Braun Strowman. Vince has such a hard on for the alpha male mentality, however, that there's no telling if this will last or not. By next week, Lashley might have Owens trembling like a bitch because Vince thought Lashley looked too vulnerable.
I guess when they did the angle last week, they had some sort of a plan and then they remembered that they already had booked Kevin Owens for the australia show in october and didn't have anybody to replace him, so they had to scrap what they had planned for Owens and just brought him back early to start the feud with Lashley.

The thing is, we can criticize all we want but at the end of the day, we're not in Vince's mcmahon's shoes. They have so much event to promote now because of the network and other deal they made over the last few years that sometimes, it's hard to plan long term. So they most time have a general plan of what they want to do and if they forgot something or decide to change direction, like it seem like a lot of that happened last night, Then they can call a audible and change it. Personally, i don't mind it as much as others did as it made for a nice surprise and it did make Owens look like the old Kevin Owens which was a nice change from what he had become in the last few year.

I'm sure that Owens gets a little bit more creative freedom from Vince since he's an establish star and as proven he able to cut a great promo and to improvise on the spot, so i'm not to worried about him in that regard.

Anyway, it's kinda sad they wasted a really good opportunity with this angle mostly because they forgot about the meaningless tag match at the super showdown special, but at less it brought the old KO back.
The wrestlers on the main roster don't enjoy a hundredth of the creative input that the stars 20 years ago had. When it comes to 90%+ of the main roster, they show up, get the script, do what they're told and that's pretty much it. Sometimes, depending on the circumstances, some wrestlers will be able to tweak a few things here and there, maybe do a little something more than what's in the script but that might not happen all that often. There couldn't have been a better example than last night with HBK and Taker sharing the ring, those guys weren't given little sheets of paper earlier in the day telling them exactly what Vince wanted them to say. Sure, they knew what the deal was, what the gist of the conversation and the top was to be about but they used their own words and allowed more of who they are to shine through just like back in the day. Triple H won't be reading from some script next week, just like he wasn't when he appeared on Raw to begin hyping the match with Taker. Vince McMahon wants a very, very, very specific image for WWE and he believes that part of the way to achieve that is to have as much control over the wrestlers as is humanly possible. It's almost as if he's scared to death that a wrestler will go off the reservation and blatantly say something that will piss off a sponsor or something. Trust me, if Vince was able to legally interject himself into the personal lives of the wrestlers via contract to tell them what they can & can't say in public, where they can eat, what they can eat, what they can drink, what sort of vehicle they should drive and where they should live, I believe he'd do it in a heartbeat. I mean, if he were able to have such clauses placed into the contracts of WWE wrestlers, I very much believe he'd do so with a smile on his face and a song in his heart. That sort of control would allow him to mold the stars in such a legally binding way that he could truly, 100% ensure the sort of wrestlers to help enforce the ultra clean corporate image that he covets.

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