King Of The Mountain On iMPACT?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
X-Division King of the Mountain Match: Curry Man vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Kaz vs. Chris Sabin vs. Johnny Devine - The winner gets a TNA World Title shot on the Impact after Slammiversary!

They all brawl to begin, Curry Man and Sabin battle. Forearms by Curry Man, Rave to the floor and Kaz kicks Devine in the head. Devine is catapulted to the floor by Kaz. Kaz and Rave go at it, but rave STO's Kaz on the apron. Suicide dive by Sabin. DEVINE MOONSAULTS OFF OF THE LITTLE CAGE onto Sabin and Kaz! And we head to a commercial @ 1:30.

Back from commercial @ 4:25 as ladders are involved now. Rave pinned Curry Man during the break, so he is eligible. Rave gets the big red X and starts to climb. Sabin missile dropkicks the ladder, and rolls up Rave for the pin, Sabin is eligible. Curry Man and Devine brawl at ringside, Sabin climbs but Kaz tosses a ladder at him. Sabin hits Kaz with the X, they set up ladders and climb, Kaz knocks the X to the mat and to the mat they go. Wave of the future into the ladders by Kaz. Curry Man monkey flips Kaz into the ladders, Devine in and DDT's Curry Man. Devine gets a ladder, sets it in the ropes and grabs Curry Man. Suplex onto the ladder by Devine, Rave is out of the cage as Sabin nails Devine with the ladder. Tree of woe on Devine, lays the ladder in front of him and LEVITATION DROPKICK to Devine! We head to a commercial @ 8:25.

Back from commercial @ 11:40 and we get a three man tower of doom spot. Sabin and Kaz battle on the little cage, Kaz grabs Sabin…but Sabin counters the capacitor try and then Sabin dives in onto Curry Man. Kaz kicks a ladder into Devine's face as he tries to hit Kaz with it on the cage. Kaz rides the ladder in onto Rave and gets the pin. Devine then rolls up Kaz for the pin. Kaz and Devine are eligible, but Kaz has to go to the penalty box. Devine goes to climb, Sabin grabs him and gets kicked away. Back elbow by Devine, traps Sabin in the ladder and dropkicks him in the face. Devine climbs, Curry Man is up and grabs Devine…SPICE RACK~! 1…2…3. Curry Man is eligible. Slingshot suplex on Sabin! Tosses him to the floor, and now Curry Man sets up a ladder, Kaz and Devine brawl in the cage as Curry Man climbs. Kaz in, runs up the ladder and knocks Curry Man off, grabs the X and hangs it for the win!

Winner: Kaz @ 16:15

Taken from the main WZ site, probably taken from another wrestling site. I haven't see this weeks iMPACT. I'll probably be able to catch it in November as Bravo always appears to be showing them about 5 months behind schedule. If my interpretation of the results is wrong I apologize. My bad. But a King Of The Mountain match on free TV?

So TNA only has the KOTM match once a year at Slammiversary. Same with the Lethal Lockdown at Lockdown match. Yet this year they haven't. This year they've put it on TV. Not only that. They've used smaller wrestlers, the ones that do all that jumping around stuff. They've also done it a few days before the PPV. What exactly was the point of this? I'm really not sure why I'd bother to watch the PPV now. It's just been given away for free. With wrestlers who aren't the focus of the show, and as a result will probably do more things to get noticed. With the X-Division wrestlerrs. The ones that are usually able to perform more intresting moves off ladders. So I'm not entirely sure why I'd purchase Slammiversary if I was an American.

Not only that. But it's for a title shot after Slammiversary. Since when did they just hand out title shots to X-Division wrestlers every couple of weeks? Wouldn't the other wrestlers involved in the PPV KOTM match be contenders #1, #2, #3 & #4 respectively?

Like I said I haven't seen the show yeat. But I will make a conscious effort to try and find it. So sorry If I've interpreted the results wrong.
What you read was correct but I think they did it to continue this Kaz is always so close to win the world title but just can't kind of thing. It also gives the X division more credit if one of their top guy can put on a good show versus the champion, but overall i find it as more poor booking and furthermore the match itself was in my opinion the worse king of the mountain match in history. All big spots were faked and none actually executed its kinda sad actually
What you read was correct but I think they did it to continue this Kaz is always so close to win the world title but just can't kind of thing. It also gives the X division more credit if one of their top guy can put on a good show versus the champion, but overall i find it as more poor booking and furthermore the match itself was in my opinion the worse king of the mountain match in history. All big spots were faked and none actually executed its kinda sad actually

So it was, in a way, like the Terrordome match? Intresting from one perspective. But just one spot after another. Not even remotely memorable, and ultimately just rather pointless. If they want to get over Kaz then they should push him consistently, and aginst top talent. Cage put him over, but a feud with Black Reign won't help anybody. Neither will an allegiance with Super Eric.
I saw this match last night, and I immediately thought to myself that TNA is doing the same thing again: Not thinking. Where is the need to show one of the few unique matches that you have on your free show, 3 days before the big one happens? This match is supposed to be at one time a year. That's fine, it makes the match feel special, which to me sounds like a good idea. They called it a Slammiversary preview. That's also fine in concept. You have a five man match coming up, why not have a 5 man scramble match, wihtout any stipulation, just first fall wins. It could put over someone like Roode, who is an underdog in this match as a potential threat to steal it. That would make sense to me, as it would be an actual preview. But it was 5 random X division guys. As Jake said, this isn't doing anything for Kaz. He could be the future of TNA, but this isn't proving anything. TNA has one thing that seperates itself from WWE, and that is/was the X-division. If you want to have the X guys go out there and put on a spotfest, great. Those matches can bring in fans to your product. But there is no point in taking Kaz, who right now is the X wrestler being pushed the highest, and putting him over the X guys. It makes me think that the X division is below the main roster, instead of an alternative. Just another botch by TNA, which are running out of things to screw up.
I'm not a huge TNA fan i guess i have been watching it every week for about a year now except for the 4 months i was deployed but i have looked back on the King of the Mountain match and didn't necessarily think it was like an Ultimate X or a Monsters Ball Match i saw it more as like a Royal Rumble or King of the Ring kind of thing

yeah its kinda like if on the raw before the 1997 king of the ring if they held one for the light heavyweights and Scott Taylor won. so both HHH and S2H were KOTR that year(speaking of that it makes about as much since as Luger and Hart winning together in 94 and then 11 years later Batista and Cena and having to start over)

but even if thats not the case I dont recall last friday Matt Hardy and MVP having a TLC match for the US Title where if MVP lost he had to go to RAW
Can I ask something, I hear so much about the TNA fan base being the best in the World. Yet, Johnny Devine, hits a moonsault from the booth thing, and there isn't the tiniest pop? This didn't make sense to me, some of my friends are rabid TNA fans, and the way they talked up the Impact Zone it sounded like the ECW Arena
I think it was genius. They showcased the KOTM with some of their best X-Division Wrestlers on free TV to remind people the concept of it, and to also show it to the new fans who've never seen the match before. It was smart on their behalf. Some think it could kill the hype of the match, but that KOTM Match will be no way compared to the one on Sunday. It's like, Free TV was for X-Division, PPV will be for the big stars. And not to mention, the KOTM on Free TV even gave meaning to the winner, as Kaz now has a World Title shot next week on iMPACT, and gives him credibility heading into the PPV.

Congrats, TNA.
The Impact ZOne is not going to be anything like the ECW arena. If your friends were really into TNA they would know that the company do not charge anything for tickets and the crowd is made up of locals who go every week and tourists at the Universal studios. They sometime have a good atmosphere but it will never be rabid there like in Philadelphia.

I agree with HTTT about reminding fans of the concept of KOTM using the X Division. But being TNA they will do this every year when they have a hardcore fan base who know the KOTM rules!
I think it was genius. They showcased the KOTM with some of their best X-Division Wrestlers on free TV to remind people the concept of it, and to also show it to the new fans who've never seen the match before. It was smart on their behalf.

There's no need to remind people of the concept of it. It's essentially a ladder match. In this day and age it shouldn't need explaining. Also from what I hear, iMPACT did it's normal rating. So it's not shown new fans the match. It's shown the regular viewers. The ones that tune in each week regardless. The ones that usually buy the PPVs. But there's no need for them to buy the PPV now. They've seen that once a year match concept now.

Some think it could kill the hype of the match, but that KOTM Match will be no way compared to the one on Sunday.

It will be though. It's the exact same match. Held three days before the PPV. There's no way comparisions won't be drawn.

It's like, Free TV was for X-Division, PPV will be for the big stars.

So Kaz isn't a big star? I though he was now. That's what I was unreliably informed by TNA anyway.

And not to mention, the KOTM on Free TV even gave meaning to the winner, as Kaz now has a World Title shot next week on iMPACT, and gives him credibility heading into the PPV.

Well you would have thought that he would have credibility anyway. He was in the main event of Sacrifice. But alas, he came out of that show now better than he went in.

He also has been given another title shot. But since when were generic X-Division guys more deserving that charismatic main eventers. Not to mention that he also has an X-Division title match at Slammiversary. Why would he compete in that match mow. If I was him I'd save my energy for the more important World Title match eh's got next week.
I can see from TNAs point of view why they did this, number ratings are slumping a bit so see if this helps, and number 2 with the lamest card ever for a Slammiversary (minus Angle v AJ) IMO they think they need to build it up more so by offering a KOTM with X Division wrestlers instead they want people to be like wow that was amazing I have to buy the PPV to see the real one. Personally I didnt mind it being on iMPACT it was quite a good match but it was way to obvious that Kaz was going to win it. And what was the point of giving him yet another title shot? For petes sake hes an X Division star not a main eventer. I dont understand why TNA did that! But to be honest well done TNA for putting on somethinig new in iMPACT and well I hope it pays off.
I haven't see this weeks iMPACT. I'll probably be able to catch it in November as Bravo always appears to be showing them about 5 months behind schedule. If my interpretation of the results is wrong I apologize. My bad.
Soz mate but yep, your interpretation IS wrong. It was a king of the Mountain Match, but only an X Devision version. The usual (important) KOTM match was still to take place at the PPV.
It was simply a chance to let the X guys have something of relevance to fight over on TV. And at the same time, an advertisement for the PPV.

As for Bravo, it actually shows IMPACT the following Saturday after it airs on US tv, so its only a 2 days later. Its shown on Bravo 2 which has changed to 154. Normal Bravo (123) still shows IMPACT shows and PPV's but it shows older ones so that people who have been missing it can catch up. Are those the ones you've been watching?
Anyway, hope thats helped.
So, Kaz wins the King of the Mountain match 3 days before Slammiversary. At Slammiversary he loses to Petey Williams when challenging for the X division championship.. and now on Impact he's going to have a shot at the World championship coming off a loss, with no momentum at all, unable to beat the X division champion who is in no way on the level of the World champion? Great booking! Yay for TNA! This is just a prime example of the bad writing and booking in TNA.
Soz mate but yep, your interpretation IS wrong. It was a king of the Mountain Match, but only an X Devision version.

I knew it was an X-Division verion. I got that by the wrestlers involved. All X-Division guys, so that wasn't what I misinterpreted.

The usual (important) KOTM match was still to take place at the PPV.

But it stands to reason that it was less important come the PPV. It's not the wrestlers involved that you want to see, it's the match type. And TNA gave that away on iMPACT. Booker, Joe, Cage etc interact anyway. It would be the gimmick match they were in that would have sold the show. And wrestlers like that can't do the moves that X-Division guys can. It's a ladder match, so what you want to see is elaborate jumps and falls. Which is what the X-Division guys do better than the main eventers.

It was simply a chance to let the X guys have something of relevance to fight over on TV.

I'm pretty sure they have a title for that division. What they should have done is have Kaz & a partner vs. the X-Champ and Scott Steiner, or another partner. With the challenger getting the victory.

And at the same time, an advertisement for the PPV.

Well you would think they'd do that in the weeks leading up to the show. It's stupid to say (adopts Don West voice & mannerisms) ''Hey what we have for you tonight is the once a year high concept match the King Of The Montain. Once we've given this to you for free would would be greatful if you buy this once a year high concept match again on PPV. Deal?''

So, Kaz wins the King of the Mountain match 3 days before Slammiversary. At Slammiversary he loses to Petey Williams when challenging for the X division championship.. and now on Impact he's going to have a shot at the World championship coming off a loss, with no momentum at all, unable to beat the X division champion who is in no way on the level of the World champion? Great booking! Yay for TNA! This is just a prime example of the bad writing and booking in TNA.

This pretty much sums it up.

As for Bravo, it actually shows IMPACT the following Saturday after it airs on US tv, so its only a 2 days later. Its shown on Bravo 2 which has changed to 154. Normal Bravo (123) still shows IMPACT shows and PPV's but it shows older ones so that people who have been missing it can catch up. Are those the ones you've been watching?
Anyway, hope thats helped.

I know son. I was being sarcastic. It's just I have better things to do at 9pm on a Saturday night, like cleaning my sandwich toaster.
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