Kurt Angle - Comedic Angle


Occasional Pre-Show
i'm sure you've all seen this funnyordie video with kurt angle and rob van dam from this last summer.


upon first seeing this, i couldn't help but feel that tna had missed a trick with such a storyline. but it also got me wondering, has kurt been able to show his undoubted comedic talents during his time with tna? as i cant think of any examples off the top of my head. yet, we all know that it is another strong suit in kurts arsenal of talents. and kurt has never been one to take himself too seriously, on screen at least.

the time has now long gone for an olympic based skit. but surely a comedic angle for kurt, whose character has long gone stale is what is needed to give him a bit of a boost. comedy is more often than not poorly done in wrestling. but kurt has constantly delivered good work when asked to bring his comedy chops to the fore. personally, i would love to see him in the right comedy angle. i'd love to know if im alone in this, or do any others think it would help? would it be career suicide and only hinder him further? does angle even need saving?
Are you not familiar with his skits with Jeremy Borash? From 2007 to 2008 Kurt Angle was involved in most TNA's comedy. From being oblivious to AJ and Karen's relationship, to the Thanksgiving dinner that featured the entire Angle Alliance dressed as pilgrims to screwing up his own wedding. And the time his clothes were stolen from his tanning booth. He's done comedy often in TNA.

Though with his importance dropped so has that side of his character. I think the last we saw of that was when he showed pictures of his son dressed and painted in Hardy garb. I would like to see him return to the more comical side that made him a major star back in 2000.
Reminds me of the hilarious moments him and Brock Lesnar had back in the WWE.

Kurt is much funnier than people give him credit for.
I love lighthearted Kurt Angle. I mean, he's an intense competitor but when he doesn't take himself TOO seriously he does his best work. I was worried a little bit when he debuted in TNA because it seemed like he was doing the whole ITS DAMN REAL thing and there was going to be no room for fun Kurt.

I mean, just remember how he reacted as a heel to the "You Suck" chants to his theme...and how the fans turned it around and he led the chants when he was a face. Awesome.
Yeah, that was pretty funny! I would like it if he brought back some more of that comedy that he used to do like for example as was already mentioned with the Angle Alliance in the thanksgiving special a few years ago. He does pull out a one liner once in awhile that makes me chuckle, I can't remember exactly what it was but he even had something that made me laugh out loud when he was jawing with Mr. Anderson the last impact. Does anyone remember what he might have said? Sorry, I deleted it from my DVR so I can't remember exactly. I know it wasn't TNA but the 3 I's used to be pretty damn funny with the WWF. He comes across to me as a wrestler who really loves what he is doing.
In his earlier days, I wouldn't have been slow to assume he would have any comedic talent, but to me he now has the cold, dead eyes of a shark. And I think he's an incredible wrestler, but without fail, whenever I see him, that's the first thing I think. That said, I'm all for it if it's done well. I did like him long ago as a cheerfully-oblivious, insulting heel. Like him now too, just not the shark eyes. :)
Ehh Angle is one of the main guys against Aces & Eights so he doesn't have time to be dicking around right now. And I don't think you'll ever see him in that role again. It's like with Jericho he was great with comedy and all that but it's too far gone I feel.

Having said that though, Angle has shown shades of his comedic self in 2011 when he was feuding with Storm (dressing up as a cowboy and going to a bar) and then in 2012 when he was feuding with Hardy ("I turn my son over in his bed, and he's wearing frikkin Jeff Hardy facepaint!") so who knows?
That was the first time in a LONG time that I've ever laughed at Kurt Angle. I've never seen anything like that. Even RVD was funny.

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