Kurt Angle to TNA?

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R.I.P Benoit Family
Due to personal issues, Kurt Angle has been granted an early release from his contract. WWE looks forward to establishing a new relationship with Kurt in the near future.

I don't really know the situation, and this may have nothing to do with TNA, but Kurt Angle quit the WWE because of personal issues (his injury, and his impending divorce from his wife). Now, the contract that was signed may be a no-compete clause, (except with the WWE), until he comes back. But, if it wasn't, we may see the Olympic Gold Medalist Angle Slam Jeff Jarrett to hell in the next few months.

IMO, (after he gets over his personal troubles), Kurt Angle would be a GREAT addition to the TNA Roster. He can wrestle, he's good on the mic, and he could EASILY be a contender to either the X-Division Championship, or the NWA Heavyweight Championship. He shouldn't be in the WWE, or WWECW. He should be on iMPACT!, destroying Rhino, Jeff Jarrett, Samoa Joe, Sting, Christian Cage, and anybody else that stands in his way of grabbing that NWA Heavyweight Championship.
He would be a great addition but I cant see it happening, as soon as he's got over his personal issues he'll be back in WWE where the money is.
this wont happen. If he resigned for personal issues, hell carry on in ECW!
NEVER! When he comes back, if he comes back, Kurt Angle will go back to either SmackDown or ECW!
The whole fued between him & Cena when he was on Raw made him look bad getting beat by Cena so much. I think if he gets things back together he could go back to Raw for one more good run & kick Cena & Edge's ass cause no one else is stepping up.
yeah i REALLy think Angle would sign with TNA, and go from making millions to hundreds a year.
He would be great in TNA but I dont think its gonna happen, not soon or later.
I don't think Kurt Angle would go with TNA, it just don't see it happening, i'll doubt he'll even get back in a wrestling ring.
I don't see it happening but if it did TNA's ratings will go up his a great wrestler and his could really improve TNA by being there
Oh man, its a wish of mine that I could so see coming true. But, of course, I want him to just get better first. Then sign with TNA. He hasn't been getting along with vince here lately, and has been said to have become very irritable backstage. Here's hoping he's had enough of Vince's crap and he goes to TNA!
I'm a realist, and I truly think this can happen. I think that TNA will be willing to pay him lots of money, and also, Kurt Angle may have been fired because he was talking about how he wanted ECW to be based completely around him or he didn't want to be there at all. He also wanted to be champion of the WWE (not ECW) again at some point, but WWE won't let him wrestle. He was appearantly mad about that and so he was fired (Other reasons include his injury and divorce). I truly think that if TNA offers Kurt Angle the NWA championship with a long enough run with the title, Angle will join TNA. He's a freakin' gold medalist. Woo!
Money or not, it's possible. I think Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle would be an incredile match. With the departure of Monty Brown and Ron the Truth Killings, not to mention technically, Kevin Nash's contract is up and we don't know if he'll stay. That would give them some breathing room to make a significant offer to Kurt Angle. But first things first, Kurt would have to heal up. Let's face it. He's been banged up since January. Maybe longer. But let me say for the record that I feel that Kurt Angle along with many others ought to go to TNA, regardless of the fact that it would more than likely not happen.
theres no way that angle would go to tna. he had no problems with vince just other ecw superstars. hes always got along with vince. he said the reason he quit is because of pro wrestling putting such a toll on his body. he wouldnt go to tna because if he did come back he'd always be in the title hunt as usual.
Personally I don't see him coming to TNA. First off the money, second he is already in a good position with WWE as I believe he is one of the modern day Legends within the company. To me TNA doe's focus on the wrestling which is awesome, but moneywise direction wise they need more exposure a couple of household name's to really get them up there as they are nowhere near competing with WWE like WCW did. Plus despite WWE having limit's that may be more attractive to Kurt as it would probably be a safer bet injury/knocks wise with the shape he is in.
that would be like getting sent to the minor leagues...a main eventer would have no incentive to take a pay cut and go somewhere else that is less visible. The man is sick, he's taking time off from wrestling to get his shit together. I'm sure if he does decide to continue wrestling in the future, it would be with WWE, with a modified schedule that allows him to extend his career. I also wouldn't be surprised if he took an office position with the company down the road.
chances of Kurt Angle being in TNA are very slim he left on good terms with WWE it wasn't do to him not being pushed or money issues
Chances of Angle going to TNA are slim to none... He's a WWE Franchise player... Angle seriously is NOT ever going to TNA... He doesnt have a prob with Vince.. And him being released was for his health...
sorry if this comes out wrong but angle to tna thats like sting signing with wwe it aint gunna happen angle is just wwe not tna...:wwf:
iamwrestling said:
I'm a realist, and I truly think this can happen. I think that TNA will be willing to pay him lots of money, and also, Kurt Angle may have been fired because he was talking about how he wanted ECW to be based completely around him or he didn't want to be there at all. He also wanted to be champion of the WWE (not ECW) again at some point, but WWE won't let him wrestle. He was appearantly mad about that and so he was fired (Other reasons include his injury and divorce). I truly think that if TNA offers Kurt Angle the NWA championship with a long enough run with the title, Angle will join TNA. He's a freakin' gold medalist. Woo!

If you're a realist then you'd relaize that this is about his health and not about a problem with WWE management.
Angle to TNA is definately a possibility.

Angle is a legend at this point, being the first ever, and only ever, gold medalist in the company; he's at a position that any other legend has, he can refuse to job to certain people and so on, like many of the upper tier wrestlers. If he were to go to TNA, even for a little while, I doubt there would be that many repercussions for him.

Furthermore, Angle wants to be the best in the business, that much is known. I have a feeling if it weren't for RVD's suspension and the subsequent title win by Big Show, Angle would have been the first Triple Crown champ in the business (that is, WCW, WWE, and ECW, even though his WCW title reign isn't completely authentic). If he were to go to TNA, win the title there, and then go back to the WWE and possibily get the ECW title (presuming that the company is still there by the time he comes back), his legend would only cement itself further.

Who knows, maybe it's all an overly complicated plan to get Angle in TNA and make him that big of a star. Probably not; TNA isn't that much of a that of a threat currently.

But with a star like Angle, it could be. As far as TNA is concerned, they should spend the money they would of given Goldberg to Angle. He'd be the Luger for a new generation WCW, except...Angle is good and TNA is better than WCW.

I doubt Angle, who loves the sport so much, won't work somewhere else int he meantime, be it indy-shows or TNA or Japan.
The simple truth is Kurt Angle is WWE... No if, and or buts about it.
He has taken time off to heal both his body and his family AND if he ever does step back into a wrestling ring it will be with WWE and noone else.
I've read countless interviews about Angle and he talks about the respect he has for the WWE and it's roster and admin.
As some else said i think he will have a job behind the scenes in the WWE if he doesn't wrestle again.
I really think this is stupid... Because he asked for his WWE release... Theres a chance of him going to TNA... I doubt it.... Angle is kind of like Sting of WCW... He's one of there Franchise players... He's not going to TNA...
If anybody would make TNA watchable, it's none other than the Big Show, you people can cry all you want about that the only thing big show would do in TNA is fill it up with gas and run it out of business, but unlike you who want your jerichos, benoits and angles to fire up TNA, sure they would put up great matches and Angle vs Sting would surely top any Wrestlemania 23 match, but I think that if Big Show wins the NWA title, he'll put the company on top of the world, much like he did with WCW when he was their world champion 10 years ago, imagine the pride that the Jarretts would feel if the ONLY man in history to hold the WCW, WWF, WWE, ECW AND NWA titles was their top man, that would be a claim that not even Ric Flair or Lou Thesz could make, and maybe by winning the NWA title, the Big Show would surpass Andre as the premier Big Man in the history of the business
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