Laurel Van Ness Gone from IMPACT Wrestling?


Staff member
It's been reported that Laurel would have ask for her release after the latest set of tapings and that Impact wrestling official are willing to grant her release.

If that'S true, this is really bad timing for them considering what'S going to happens in the next couple of weeks plus the fact that they don'T really have a lot of women's wrestling that her able to have both charisma and wrestling ability. In Fact the knockout division is pretty much as bare as it can get since a lot of the indy's women'S wrestlers would rather either continue to work in other promotions or try to get in NXT

Anyway, i'm hoping for their sake that this is just a rumor and their no truth to the report because this will hurt them if they lose her since she one the last remaining character on that show that'S actually entertaining.
If this is true they might as well close down the Knockouts...they lost Taya to "visa issues" which makes no sense as she is Canadian, Gail retired and now your champs wants out
Turn the lights off folks
If this is true they might as well close down the Knockouts...they lost Taya to "visa issues" which makes no sense as she is Canadian, Gail retired and now your champs wants out
Turn the lights off folks

Taya will be back once they start filming in Orlando again. Her "visa issues" prevented her from re-entering the US if she left, she said so herself.
Taya will be back once they start filming in Orlando again. Her "visa issues" prevented her from re-entering the US if she left, she said so herself.

they are no longer filming in Orlando. Impact Wrestling is a CANADIAN COMPANY NOW and will be doing their filming IN CANADA.
so that blows your quote out of the water.
as for LVN...i have read/seen NOTHING WHATSOEVER ABOUT THIS SUPPOSED REQUEST FOR RELEASE. She is still promoting Impact all over her twitter and Instagram
they are no longer filming in Orlando. Impact Wrestling is a CANADIAN COMPANY NOW and will be doing their filming IN CANADA.
so that blows your quote out of the water.
as for LVN...i have read/seen NOTHING WHATSOEVER ABOUT THIS SUPPOSED REQUEST FOR RELEASE. She is still promoting Impact all over her twitter and Instagram

Chill man. The next set of tv tappings will be in Orlando. A quick search before coming off like a dick would work.

Losing her sucks but hey, they can focus on other talents and see who the fans like and go with it. These are some hard regrowing pains for iMPACT.
they are no longer filming in Orlando. Impact Wrestling is a CANADIAN COMPANY NOW and will be doing their filming IN CANADA.
so that blows your quote out of the water.
as for LVN...i have read/seen NOTHING WHATSOEVER ABOUT THIS SUPPOSED REQUEST FOR RELEASE. She is still promoting Impact all over her twitter and Instagram

If you want to read the post where i got the news here the Link:

Plus like somebody else posted before, they're going back to Orlando for the next set of tapings, probably to try and work out some of the problems with paperwork like the one they had with Taya which by the way she confirm and explain on her twitter account.

Finally on a related note, it's been also reported by dave meltzer that James storm got release because Anthem didn't want to renew his contract and that Lashley and EC3 might be next when their contracts expires. Again if you want to read it for yourself here the link:

I feel like Anthem is truly trying to save as much money as they can mostly because they are losing a tone of money on the company. From Firing employes of the Fight network included everybody that worked on Live audio wrestling, to giving up on keeping the broken Universe gimmick, to releasing pretty much every big name they have on the roster, it's really a make or break situation for them right now.

Impact can't continue to work like they do and expect fans to want to watch or go to their shows. Until Bound For Glory i was a big fans of the company, now i can't watch it anymore mostly because nine times out of ten, the shows has more filler matches tapes outside their own promotion with wrestlers that aren't even sign with them so you don't know who they are. So the connection between the fans and wrestlers isn'T there anymore and that will be the death of them because unlike Dixie, Ed northolm won'T be able to sell a bill of good to somebody to keep this afloat. If i was them, since pretty much anybody of importance is already or on the verge of leaving anyway, I would just close the company and try to find somebody that wiling to buy the video library.
If you want to read the post where i got the news here the Link:

Plus like somebody else posted before, they're going back to Orlando for the next set of tapings, probably to try and work out some of the problems with paperwork like the one they had with Taya which by the way she confirm and explain on her twitter account.

Finally on a related note, it's been also reported by dave meltzer that James storm got release because Anthem didn't want to renew his contract and that Lashley and EC3 might be next when their contracts expires. Again if you want to read it for yourself here the link:

I feel like Anthem is truly trying to save as much money as they can mostly because they are losing a tone of money on the company. From Firing employes of the Fight network included everybody that worked on Live audio wrestling, to giving up on keeping the broken Universe gimmick, to releasing pretty much every big name they have on the roster, it's really a make or break situation for them right now.

Impact can't continue to work like they do and expect fans to want to watch or go to their shows. Until Bound For Glory i was a big fans of the company, now i can't watch it anymore mostly because nine times out of ten, the shows has more filler matches tapes outside their own promotion with wrestlers that aren't even sign with them so you don't know who they are. So the connection between the fans and wrestlers isn'T there anymore and that will be the death of them because unlike Dixie, Ed northolm won'T be able to sell a bill of good to somebody to keep this afloat. If i was them, since pretty much anybody of importance is already or on the verge of leaving anyway, I would just close the company and try to find somebody that wiling to buy the video library.

The fact they are massively promoting former DVD collections of former tna/current wwe stars is a blatant cash grab, and its only a matter of time till they sellhe tape library.

I wonder if its merely trying to divest of any assets and contracts before selling to Vince?
Could be. The fact that they gave up fighting wrestlers about keeping their gimmick outside of impact wrestlings is also a sign that they are in serious financial trouble. The fact is that a lot of the move they are doing right feel like they are trying to salvage as much as they can before they can see how much they can get if they sale the whole thing.
Anthem was trying to recoup SOMETHING with the debacle with Dixie. Otherwise, they should have just let Billy Corgan have it, and call it a day. It looks like Corgan may end up with Impact anyway, once Fight Network crashes and burns like FloSlam did. As for Laurel: She should go back to using Chelsea Green, anyway. She should be a snob character in the old Tina Ferrari/Ashley Cartier mold. Laurel Van Ness was just so WASPy ugh.
Anthem Is already planning to call WWE to sell them the tape library and IP's as well before the end of the year? Next year's WWE 2K19 will have a TNA Impact Wrestling DLC set if it's true.
I think that Gail Kim should've lost at Bound For Glory to either Allie or Laurel Van Ness. How can someone go out winning? It's rather why would she?

Coming to Laurel Van Ness, she was getting exposure but it wasn't about Knockouts Division. It was just random. And that sucks, since I see some potential in her. I hope that she doesn't leave because along with Rosemary and Allie, she's interesting in Knockouts Division.

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