Matt Hardy - Jeff Hardy fued discussion thread

This is something Matt needs, his been really a bland face for too long its time for a change. Yes, he has helped ECW for the past year but its now time for him to show what his got. Seeing his promo on Smackdown, it was pretty good he really conveyed the fact his brother is a screw up and that he was always there for him but Jeff wasnt there for him. This feud seems pretty good and should go on at Wrestlemania, brother v brother with Matt screwing Jeff out of the title at No Way Out. And im defiently seeing their match as a hardcore match with Jeff taking the bumbs while Matt will do most of the talking.

In the end though, Matt needs the victory more than Jeff. Jeff is over as hell already, Matt is but he is an afterthought compared to his brother but a victory at Wrestlemania against his popular brother could help propel him into better things on Smackdown. Im looking forward to this feud and it should have a pretty big build up considering Wrestlemania is like 10 weeks away.
Remember how much we enjoyed the Bret and Owen Hart conflict? And when that ended, I enjoyed the two of them even more as a team.

That should apply here, too.

Going to agree with you. I HATED the WWF in the 90s, but the Harts have always been some of my favorites. That feud made me tape Raw on a different TV while I watched Nitro on the TV in my room.

The Hardys feuding can send them both skyrocketing as far as popularity is concerned. Matt's promo on Smackdown was worded perfectly and he came off perfectly. Now if they'd actually let Jeff show up on Smackdown sometime soon, this feud could be the best thing in the WWE.
Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy,(if pushecd to the extreme at WM25), could be a match of the year candidate, i think Matt should change his music and his video and outlook for his heel turn, i love WWE's picture perfect idea, this rivalry sucked in the past, but with both superstars just becomin main eventers, this would be awesome, Mattt will need a new partner in my mind, and i would recommend Shelton Benjamin or Edge for that, and Jeff should make a team with Helms
I recall them doing this feud at least once before, and it ended up being a major flop, the lone ppv match between the two of them was complete shit, and both were taken off TV for bit, before coming back a reuniting to take on the deadman

As I recall, it wasn't a flop from anything the Hardys did on-screen as far as something one, the other or some outside influence did off-camera.

From that behind the scenes issue, Matt Hardy's heel push at that point was cut short and he was fed to Test, who was at the time also a heel. The sole Pay per view match they had was the groundwork of everything that would've been major. It was Matt v. Jeff, with Lita as the special referee. The match ended with Lita not seeing Matt's feet on the ropes, and Jeff picked up the win.

The following night on Raw, Matt and Lita got into a huge argument, and the understory seemed to be Matt being jealous of Jeff, which was looking more and more like it'd have drug Lita directly in the middle. Then something happened, and all three of them were more or less "fed" to the Undertaker.. only to return as a united team, as if nothing ever happened.

I see absolutely no reason to beleive that the second attempt at a feud between these two will end any better than the first one did

Well, the first thing you need to look at is the fact that neither Hardy is considered a Tag Team superstar trying to break out as a single's star. Which was the case back during the first attempt.

Both are now former Heavyweight Champions, among other accomplishments. And as far as I know, outside of Jeff's ability to fall off the wagon at any random point in time, neither of them have done anything to warrant behind the scenes actions to cause this attempt to fail the way the first one did.

If anything, I honestly and firmly believe this is Matt Hardy's last chance at getting solidly over as anything other than a mid-carder. While he carried E.C.W. it was after all.. E.C.W., if Matt can deliver in his promos, and he can then get the fans to react with true hatred, against their beloved Jeff, then he'll have succeeded. If not, then my guess is Matt will be doomed to mid-card forever, and likely come close to being released.

Regardless, this time around is far far greater and completely different than their first encounter and attempt. So it's not going to wind up the same, unless one or the other absolutely fucks up backstage.
This feud is what was needed to make Jeff Hardy from a upper mid card who has been the Champion (just like CM Punk) to become the top tiered main eventer. The WWE has everything needed for the WWE oi create a great feud, they have wrestlers available (Edge, Kozlov, the possibly returning Christian, The retired Michaels Hayes (Imagine bringing him back as Matt Hardy's manager), and even Lita could make a few big apperances).

These two will put on great shows, from regular matches to ladder type matches. Matt's better ring wrestling will balance Jeff's high risk wrestling. If they do meet at Wrestlemania, it will be interesting to see what kind of match they do have, if there will already have been a ladder styled match in the Money in the Bank match.

The story has a great background. Like Owen and Bret, they are brothers in a jealousy feud. But has Matt really committed all the negative things in Jeff's life? Did he really burn down the man's house? If so, how hard is it to actually bring back Matt from being a heel. Randy Orton made fun of a dead Eddie Guerrero, but he didn't jump out of a hiding spot and give him a heart attack! This feud has the ability to really damage Matt Hardy, and create a super face out of Jeff.
I actually like the whole idea for this fued. Maybe its because i'ma HUGE hardyz fan, but u have to have chemistry in any relationship for it to work. Jeff and Matt have natural chemisty and so their fueds always work.
This feud is what was needed to make Jeff Hardy from a upper mid card who has been the Champion (just like CM Punk) to become the top tiered main eventer. The WWE has everything needed for the WWE oi create a great feud, they have wrestlers available (Edge, Kozlov, the possibly returning Christian, The retired Michaels Hayes (Imagine bringing him back as Matt Hardy's manager), and even Lita could make a few big apperances).

These two will put on great shows, from regular matches to ladder type matches. Matt's better ring wrestling will balance Jeff's high risk wrestling. If they do meet at Wrestlemania, it will be interesting to see what kind of match they do have, if there will already have been a ladder styled match in the Money in the Bank match.

The story has a great background. Like Owen and Bret, they are brothers in a jealousy feud. But has Matt really committed all the negative things in Jeff's life? Did he really burn down the man's house? If so, how hard is it to actually bring back Matt from being a heel. Randy Orton made fun of a dead Eddie Guerrero, but he didn't jump out of a hiding spot and give him a heart attack! This feud has the ability to really damage Matt Hardy, and create a super face out of Jeff.

Actually, and I hope I'm wrong about this, this feud seems designed to
destroy both the Hardy's.
It should not take long to verify if this is true, because if the storyline
goes nowhere, like it started from nowhere, then it won't take long for
Jeff to catch on and leave the WWE and Matt hanging, and I would not
blame him a bit. Matt will be put back in low midcard, like this feud is anyway,
and Jeff will be branded as "unreliable" because he smelled the coffee and
realizes that he's forever viewed as a midcarder in the WWE no matter how popular he gets or how much effort he puts into his work.
Like I said, I hope I'm wrong.
i saw this match 2 miles away. i can see them doing a ladder match, however it would be interesting to see wat they would be fighting for. maybe the..........acally i have no idea wat they would fight for. so i pose a new queistion (mostly because i have no friging idea how to make a theard yet) if this WM25 was a ladder match, wat would be at the top?
i saw this match 2 miles away. i can see them doing a ladder match, however it would be interesting to see wat they would be fighting for. maybe the..........acally i have no idea wat they would fight for. so i pose a new queistion (mostly because i have no friging idea how to make a theard yet) if this WM25 was a ladder match, wat would be at the top?

If they did do a ladder match, they should put the pink slip for the creative
genius that came up with this feud on the top.
So, if Jeff or Matt gets to the top, he gets fired.
I kind of like the idea, and it would be unexpected and surprising, because
nobody knows who came up with this gem.:evil3:
The feud has been very lackluster so far. Apparently the Hardy's are having a match next week on Smackdown. So if this match somehow puts an end to this feud, I will be very pissed off. I mean, they build up Jeff Hardy for over a year, he finally becomes a legitimate main eventer but is searching for that WWE Title, then he finally wins the WWE Championship but loses it a month later so that his brother can turn heel and the Hardy's can feud on Smackdown instead of at Wrestlemania or any other pay per view.

However, there is always the posibility that the match on Smackdown won't end cleanly so the brothers can compete against each other at Wrestlemania, in a TLC match. Seriously, how great would that be? Two men that basically started the TLC gimmick can finally feud against each other using that gimmick that made them so famous in the first place. It sounds fucking perfect to me.

The feud has been rather lackluster so far though. Nothing has happened at all except for Matt talking bullshit that nobody actually believes, and he's only attacked Jeff two times. Sure, he did other things such as "knock him out" at Survivor Series and stuff like that, but the WWE still hasn't given us proof that it was Matt so therefore this feud just hasn't been that interesting so far. Compared to some of the other feuds at the moment, this one is just a filler and that's sad considering Jeff Hardy is supposed to be a main eventer.
The feud has been very lackluster so far. Apparently the Hardy's are having a match next week on Smackdown. So if this match somehow puts an end to this feud, I will be very pissed off. I mean, they build up Jeff Hardy for over a year, he finally becomes a legitimate main eventer but is searching for that WWE Title, then he finally wins the WWE Championship but loses it a month later so that his brother can turn heel and the Hardy's can feud on Smackdown instead of at Wrestlemania or any other pay per view.

I think another theory is that one Hardy could attack another before the match even happens. But then, Jeff basically went "I'm not going after you, Matt, it's about the title" he could be taking the higher road and goes "I will not fight you" I honestly think they'll play it out until Wrestlemania
Matt Hardy has become a heel after betraying his brother. He said that the Hardys are done and never will be a tag team again. I think this is pushing it because I see the Hardys being in the WWE for much longer and for Matt to be a heel for a long time sounds very bad because he's better as a face and the Hardys will never be a tag team again. That is very, very bad. The WWE is pushing this "feud" way over the line. Sure Matt has become a heel equal to Chris Jericho but this heel thing can't stay forever because even the worst/best heels turn face eventually. Your thoughts?
Matt Hardy has become a heel after betraying his brother. He said that the Hardys are done and never will be a tag team again. I think this is pushing it because I see the Hardys being in the WWE for much longer and for Matt to be a heel for a long time sounds very bad because he's better as a face and the Hardys will never be a tag team again. That is very, very bad. The WWE is pushing this "feud" way over the line. Sure Matt has become a heel equal to Chris Jericho but this heel thing can't stay forever because even the worst/best heels turn face eventually. Your thoughts?

Of course the Hardyz will team again, it makes sense, this feud is being built just like Bret v Owen. Both brothers at it for a while and eventually they team back up, as is the way I can see this feud going. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, this will go until about SummerSlam where it'll be Jeff v someone for world title, Matt comes out and helps Jeff win, ending with both brothers hugging in the ring.
I think another theory is that one Hardy could attack another before the match even happens. But then, Jeff basically went "I'm not going after you, Matt, it's about the title" he could be taking the higher road and goes "I will not fight you" I honestly think they'll play it out until Wrestlemania

I think that will be the best way to do it. Matt wants to rip Jeff's head off so he will want to do it straight away, if he said "I want you at Mania" it would not be personal, it would be professional "let's fight at the grandaddy of them all".

To make it last all the Mania, Jeff HAS to show that he has more important things than Matt, getting the title back. This plays with the storyline Matt is jealous of Jeff. Matt hates Jeff, but Jeff is too big now to even care about Matt, which leaves with Matt having to give Jeff no option but to fight him.

It could be simply brilliant. Then at Mania they can have Jeff win cleanly, then they have three options. A brotherly handshake turning Matt face again (the wrong option) a teased brotherly handshake which ends with Matt giving Jeff a cheap shot, or just have Jeff walk off but have Matt keep attacking him again and again and again.

The only potential problem with this feud is if the match at Mania is not gold, no one will remember it, cos there will be at LEAST three high profile matches on after it, and possibly another one of two inolving legends or Mickey Rourke. It must steal the show or it will be forgotten.
The build up for this has been quite slow, but it's starting to build momentum. Everyone knows that the fight next week will end unsatisfactorally, and we will end up with the two going at it at Wrestlemania. However, the feud is beset with a few problems that will make it difficult for the feud to fulfil it's potential.

The first problem is that Matt Hardy essentially has a slowed down version of Jeff's moveset. He needs to adapt and change that in order for the match to avoid monotony. Jeff's Twist of Fate rearely wins alone, but Matt's does. That inconsistency will look bizarre if they match up. I'd suggest either Jeff stops using it, or Matt starts finishing up with the Side Effect, or something else.

The second problem is that Matt keeps helping Edge against Jeff. This is bad, because everyone knows that Matt legitimately hates Edge. It would not make Jeff look particularly weak if the next time his opponent is helped out by Matt, it is someone like Kozlov or the Big Show.

The most fitting outcome for the whole thing would be them having it out in a ladder match, given that they are seen as pioneers in tht particular match type. That isn't going to happen, because the MITB match would probably outshine it considerably, given that there are far more participants, and the whole thing would look poor.

As far as I can see the best outcome is this: Edge beats Cena and keeps the title at Wrestlemania, before losing it at Backlash to Jeff, possibly in a triple threat with Matt. Matt then continues to attack Jeff, setting up a ladder match between the two for the title at Judgement Day. Thus giving the feud a fitting finale and giving the WWE's most lacklustre Payperview a decent main event.
I think it's about where we could have expected it to be now. They have over a month to build up a more legit feud, and I think they'll pull it off. Next week can't end cleanly, it wouldn't make sense to let it end cleanly. They shouldn't square off and have a resolution until WM. Hopefully they keep it going a good amount of time and this can last through a few PPVs. Anything with Jeff Hardy's name keeps the fans interested.
I think the feud should carry over past Wrestlemania. I think both of these guys should be in MitB. Matt should win. He then returns to focus on Jeff. The feud could go through to Great American Bash, where they would have a one on one MitB. Jeff needs to cut a promo saying that Matt cost him his title, so he will do the same to Matt.

Jeff would win this match, and cash it in at SummerSlam. Matt could come out during his match with, I assume, Edge. This time, Matt helps Jeff. After the match, Christian could come down and attack the Hardys. Then, maybe, I could get a TLC at Survivor Series between Edge/Christian vs. Hardy1/Hardy2.
I like the idea of Matt winning. If Jeff wins, so what? He's the bigger superstar. Him winning makes sense and proves that Matt is completely wrong. That's boring. This could be dragged out for awhile. Don't let Jeff win until the end of it, or let them go 2/3 or something like that. These guys could do regular wrestling as well as gimmicks, so why not let it go on for awhile? If you do a one off match, Jeff winning is all that works. Matt winning opens a lot of doors.
I just think Matt needs a new video/music/look for anyone to really buy him as a new man. He has the same hardy look and I dont take him seriously as a heel when I heard him come out to "OHHHHHHHHHH YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" The segment with Jeff was pretty good tonight though. I liked how jeff was trying to be the bigger man and not fight Matt. I think a new look Matt hardy should beat up Jeff to a pulp soon so they can really heat things up for a match at wrestlemania
Yeah,I must admit,this seams like a WM match in the making,,& for the longevity of both competitors,worthy of a 25th .
But its being dragged out already with daytime soap wooden acting, "I just wanna say for the umpteenth week Jeff,I hate you,youre not my brother,,,long pause,,now do your job & hit me" .Plus the fact this feud wasnt seamingly good enough for MiTB demeans it slightly..
If it drags out too long without a Punch Up,III be praying for Jeff to say "Matt,Mom says Youre Adopted,now P*** off!"
I think Jeff has all the tool's to pull off a win if they end up facing at WrestleMania. Jeff is faster, more agressive with high risk moves and has more "big match" experience and I think it will help him in this feud with Matt. Look for Matt to try to outpower Jeff but be shocked that Jeff can actually outpower Matt if need be, I think he picked up these traits min matches against Abyss in TNA. Should be an interesting match to say the least.
I like the idea of Matt winning. If Jeff wins, so what? He's the bigger superstar. Him winning makes sense and proves that Matt is completely wrong. That's boring. This could be dragged out for awhile. Don't let Jeff win until the end of it, or let them go 2/3 or something like that. These guys could do regular wrestling as well as gimmicks, so why not let it go on for awhile? If you do a one off match, Jeff winning is all that works. Matt winning opens a lot of doors.

You know, when I first read this I thought "how can you have Jeff possibly lose?!?!". However, now I am agreeing with you. Jeff wins, and it does nothing. The crowd are happy, sure, but can he go straight back into the main event considering this feud is not getting top billing? If he is unlucky in the draft he may be out of the ME for good. Also, if he wins, Matt is mid card forever.

Matt wins and the possibilities are endless. A re-match with a stipulation, or a straight rematch will of course happen, which Jeff could win. In the future, if Jeff got the belt again, a ladder match between the two from the people who made the ladder match what it is (yeah I said it, sorry HBK).

At the end of the day, a Jeff win leaves this feud quite pointless, a Matt one gives them both options, and it gives matt a chance at finally being true main event, like his brother.
I don't know if I'm still sold on the way this angle has gone, but I've always wanted to see these two really have at it. Put them both in the MITB match, then end it at Backlash or Judgement Day in gimmick match suiting of these two.
Please this feud has no depth or creativity. Matt can't mold in to any kind of real threat as a heel. Jeff may also suck on the mic, but atleast a heel turn from him could have been something special. Jeff could easily turn in to the "fallen" type gimmick. Not saying much, and turning his back on his fans. A few weeks back I made a thread on having a wrestler go bonkers like Joaquin Phoenix. I think Jeff Hardy would have been a good fit. He is in to music very heavily, and he is extremely artistic outside of wrestling.

Costing Matt the title because he was the one who was tired of failing, due to living up to the fans expectations Jeff could say that he was tired of putting his life on the line for other people. Maybe insists that the fans drove him to drug useage. Basically the heel who fends away from the truth, and uses sneak attacks to gain leverage on his foe. Possibly a new mind games type of character as well. Jeff has a mysterious side to himself, and he is physically much more creative than Matt. Would love to have seen a very dark, vindictive, and deceptive Jeff Hardy. One who responds to fear, and latches on to insecurities. They have done this feud all wrong imo.
This feud is as barren as it gets. I have a feeling that it only exists to give Matt something to do. And it stupidly keeps Jeff out of the title picture, which is where he should be.
I had hopes that they would put Jeff in the MITB match, which looks pretty dreadful so far, but I don't think it's going to be the case, sadly.

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