Media Jobs Within The Wrestling Business


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
So, here is the deal.

I'm a 32 year old guy. I live in London. Much like many, my job doesn't exactly satisfy and the only passion I have ever really had (aside from a couple of other hobbies) is wrestling.

Its my escapism. Now I'm also not stupid. I understand that wrestling is an incredibly niche market. And with the plethora of people who watch and support pro wrestling I understand that actually having a job within the industry is consigned to those lucky enough to get a break.

I guess what I am asking is this. I would really like to work within the industry. preferably in a journalistic presence. Whether that is Vlogging or written. From the bare basics, what would I have to do in order to at least go about this? Write an article and send it somewhere? Create a video review of shows?

Granted anyone reading this may think I'm a little mad, but I am completely determined to do something I love for once, and this was my first passion.

If you have to bash me, be gentle.
The nice thing about the world today is you don't need anyone to get started. Buy some webspace, set up a website and start writing. There are a few members of the forum who already do this.

If you want to work IN the industry and not just write about it from the outside, then you'll likely have to find a good suitcase and start going wherever the wrestlers are. Buy them drinks, be trustworthy and get interviews. Obviously, any wrestler worth writing about isn't going to just do an interview with any drunkard off the street, so you need to have evidence you are a legitimate resource...which brings you back to the website.

Otherwise, you need to have some serious credentials in some area which an employer will find intriguing. Be a great writer, know how to edit video or use Photoshop, etc. Volunteering with some local promotions wouldn't hurt your odds either and, if the wrestling scene is similar there as it is here, I'm sure there are no shortage of promotions who wouldn't mind some extra hands for little or no cost.

Being successful in any business endeavor is always going to be hard work. But in a business like pro wrestling, where there is such a wide range of business practices, you'll likely have to "pay your dues" to get anywhere.

My advice would be this. Grab a domain name and some cheap web hosting. Set up a website (I like using Joomla as my website framework due to its incredible flexibility, but others like Wordpress because it doesn't require much technical know-how). Join Google's ad network program. Start writing. Consider making HIGH QUALITY YouTube videos about wrestling. Start there and see if your interest grows or wanes and if you can build an audience. This is probably the slowest path to relevance, but it is also the least risky and you can do it in your free time.
Step One: Buy a web domain and set up a site on Wordpress or Medium (its easy enough to get a nice stylish one, if you need a hand in how to do so just ask here)
Step Two: Start writing and publishing on your own site
Step Three: Get feedback, you could post here (do we have a section?) or even tweet wrestling journalists/bloggers you like and ask them politely to read your material and let you know what they think
Step Four: Build up your portfolio of work
Step Five: Learn how to pitch stories <--That's a link to a good article on pitching
Step Six: Start pitching (a lot) and getting your name out there.

Takes time, effort and luck but it is doable. You're in the UK and I know the Sun used to have a wrestling section at one stage. Do they still? Could you offer them, or titles like them, something they don't have? Do Wrestlezone, or sites like this, have a UK correspondent? Pitch a story around an interesting topic (the UK scene is blowing up right now so is there a hook there?). Do not pitch topics like 'Here's why I think the WWE sucks', takes a while before you can rely on your name value to carry columns like that.

Good luck too! Always good to go after what you really want to do in this worl
You should keep in mind that it can take a LOOOOONG time before you start to see any returns in your investments. There's also being careful with Google AdSense which I lost on a technicality putting me far behind the 8 ball as a website that can generate revenue. Starting a website is going to be a hobby for a long time and you should keep that in mind if you choose to start.

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