Meltdown Madness/Ascension Anarchy 2014 - ALL RP'S GO HERE

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
Deadline is May 16th at 11:59 PM. Please note that the date is already 24 hours extended. As such extensions will only be granted under the most extreme circumstances. I'm doing this because, normally, one extension grants the whole match an extension. Since at least one person is bound to ask for one this round, I'm just heading it off at the pass with this extension.

Here are the rules:

Everyone can post an RP here. Everyone who does post here will be put into a match. Not RP'ing this round does not count as a no show, unless you are a holder of a championship (so that everyone can have a fair shot at a title, traditionally one of the best parts of the roulette rounds). Everyone who RP's here will be put into a pool, and we'll generate a 100% random card. Any non-tag matches involving a champion will be for that title, so champions, keep in mind you're likely defending this round, and everyone else, you have strong odds of challenging, so bring your A game.
Normally, this is the part where you read the exploits of Dr. Zeus, the wacky doctor hell bent on purging the world of mental disorders. Some of you have PM’s that need answering, and need your fix of Dr. Zeus. And you will get it, soon enough. But this isn’t that post. If you’re expecting wacky shenanigans with Dr. Zeus and all his allies (old and new) stay put, it’s coming. But if you want to see me spill my heart and soul over someone, keep reading. I’m about to do just that, for one special person.

Some of you know her as Lady Dragon; I know her as the love of my life.

Yes, I know you’re reading this right now. I know you’ve been watching me work on this RP all weekend, right in front of you. And I know, in no uncertain terms, that it has upset you. That you feel I put my RP’s before you. And for the past little while… Perhaps I haven’t given you all the attention I should. But make no mistake about it… Absolutely nothing, or no one, comes before you, dear. And nothing ever will. I appreciate how patient you’ve been with me, how much you have accepted the fact that this is part of my life. That some weekends, you are willing to share me with a handful of strangers I’ve never even met (though they’re all lovely blokes, that much I still hold to be true). So, if not for this time, perhaps I can show you how much you mean to me, with what I’m willing to write on the very same forums you fear takes up so much time of mine. And maybe this forum will indulge me, in giving me the chance to tell you how absolutely amazing I find you.

I wish I could meticulously explain, in no uncertain times, how you’re absolutely stunning. I’m not one for throwing compliments, Hun… I believe you know that to be true, more than anyone else. And I still can’t find an eloquent enough compliment, something I feel sufficiently perfect enough saying that describes how perfect you are. Yes, you are perfect, and don’t let anything or anyone tell you otherwise. The very first moment we met, I knew how perfect you were. You are more than everything to me; I would not be, if you were not with me. And yet, in spite of how comfortable I am around you, I find myself always tongue tied, completely befuddled to find the perfect thing to say to you.

I imagine that’s why these letters turn out in this rambling manner; you make me blather like an absolute dolt. You render me a tub of jelly, weak at the knees, completely intoxicated by the mere thought of being around you. Make no mistake, this may just be a little heart wrenching for me. So why do this? I dunno… It must be strangely exciting to watch the stoic squirm, eh? And make no bones about it, this will likely make me squirm. Hell, part of me a little light headed, scared at what you’re going to think of this “RP”.

Make no bones about this, either… I tried to impress you from the very first time I met you. And if I’m being injected with truth serum (because, well, that’s the whole point of this), it was probably because I thought you were drop dead gorgeous. You were wise beyond your years, and I know I’ve said that over and over, so I’ll stop mentioning it. But yes, you are rather brilliant. You always have been, to me, and always will be. I just couldn’t shake thinking about you… And I still can’t. No matter how much is on my plate, every thought, and every word, always comes back to you. Hell, Dr. Zeus took the turn he did in character, because I wanted to make these RP’s easier for you to read (a little bit of Supernatural never hurts, indeed). In every action, and every thought, I’m always thinking of how I can make this for you.

Sometimes, it’s impossible to surprise you. You’re so damn insightful, I always feel like I can never surprise you. You know me so well, that not only can you predict what I’m about to do before I do it, you can predict what I’m about to do before I know I’m going to do it . I’m somewhat frightened by the notion that maybe you already know what’s coming… That none of this surprises you. Again, a tip of the cap to you… You are, and always will be, absolutely brilliant to me. But if I did surprise you, then consider me pleased. I’m not sure if you were expecting all of this. For me to say I’m sorry; for me to tell you how much I love you. And how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you…

Aftershock 31 was the last time anyone had seen Corvus in public, until today.

Six months after suffering a brutal beating at the hands of Mikey Stormrage, I made the decision to step out of the shadows, and back into the light. A lot has changed since December, both in my world and in the world of WZCW. Champions that people thought would rule for long reigns have lost their championships, new alliances have been formed and old friendships have been shattered. The only thing that hasn’t changed though, is the overbearing sense of lawlessness in the company. I’ve watched every week as people who make themselves out to be heroes do absolutely nothing to earn that title, I’ve watched as a coward became world champion, and I watched as the most sinister person WZCW has ever seen grew his ranks by two people the fans used to love.

One thing that I haven’t seen since I’ve been gone though, is any mention of me.

It’s like I never existed in WZCW. Like I never had any meaning in a company I busted my ass to clean up, or attempt to at least. And what about the man who attacked me from behind like a coward, who called out his best friend and ridiculed him to the point that he left the company?
He’s back in the good graces of the fans, but I don’t forget. I always remember and I always deal in absolutes. The people who watch WZCW and buy his merchandise may have forgiven Stormrage, but I haven’t.

And I will get my justice.

That’s the biggest problem with WZCW today though. The people who watch and buy merchandise and sit in the stands and clap their little hands and cheer have such short memories. They forget that at one time Blade was one of the worst villains in the company. As long as he keeps telling them what they want to hear they’ll forgive. Same with Stormrage. And even Ty Burna, a man who for a year and a half had nothing but the destruction of WZCW on his mind has been welcomed back with open arms, while someone who gave everything he had to protect these people; to show them what true justice is doesn’t even get the time of fucking day.

It makes me sick.

That’s why I came back to where everything began. Back to Washington. For the last six months, I've been living in a run down apartment above the gym my dad and I used to go to when he was around, West Coast Fight Team. I've been honing my skills to make me more dangerous than ever before, and when I return, there will be no doubt about my focus. My new calling is simple, to hunt down and punish those who do wrong, even if the people who call themselves "fans" don't like it.

I'm coming back for their own good. Whether they like it or not.

One week later

I've been gone for six months, and the accommodations that WZCW gives it's wrestlers haven't changed a bit.

Still shitty as ever.

But only for guys like me and the rest of the "lower mid-card" everyone else is flying first class and living a life of luxury in a five star hotel on the beach. Me? I'm stinking it up in a 1 star shithole in the middle of the most crime infested area of the city. Typical. As I lay on my bed, a knock on my door lets me know that Leon Kensworth is here to do another of his "groundbreaking" interviews.

He wants a scoop? I'll give him one.

As I open the door, Leon gives me a small smile and sticks his hand out for me to shake. When I don't return the pleasantry, the confidence in his eyes turns to uncertainty.

Wasn't I supposed to be one of the good guys?

As the cameraman sets up his equipment for our interview, Kensworth tries to engage me in small talk, to no avail. I just stand and wait for that little red light to turn on. As soon as it does, Kensworth becomes completely professional and turns to speak to the Camera.

Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time is Corvus, who after a long absence from WZCW has decided to make his return during the Anarchy series of shows. First of all Mr. Corvus, welcome back to the company. Can you tell the fans what you've been doing the whole time you've been gone?

I refuse to look at the camera, insisting that I keep my head down for the time being.


There's an uncomfortable silence in the air as Leon tries to figure out what to say. After a second of regaining his composure, he speaks once more.

Care to elaborate?

I slowly look up and gaze into the camera. My eyes are dead, showing no emotion.

I like to go hunting.

It’s not for the meat. Not for the sport.

I go hunting because I love the moment just after I shoot an animal – when the light goes out of its eyes.
It’s a rush. To be that powerful. To end a life. I try to get as close to the animal as I can, closer than I’m supposed to, because I want it to know – in that last moment of its existence, I want it to look me in the eye and know I am its master. That I held its life in my hands and then extinguished it. Do you know what that feels like, Mr Kensworth? To have a living beings life in your hands and deciding to extinguish it? Of course you don't you live in your nice little house and drive your nice little car to your nice little job, just like the people who watch this interview. You go home at night and kiss your wife on the forehead and everything is right in your world, but it really isn't. Let me tell you what that feeling is like, Leon.

It's almost orgasmic.

Leon is startled at my choice of words. He begins to speak again but I cut him off.

No, Leon. Your time to talk is over. Your job now is to hold that microphone and hope that I let you out of here in one peace. Let me tell you a story.

A man came to a road, and in the middle of the road was a snake. The man felt sorry for the snake so he took it home and took care of it. Fed it. Dressed its wounds.

Showed mercy.

When that snake was healthy, the man decided that he was going to let his friend back out into the wild. The snake would appreciate his freedom and the man hoped that the snake would come back and visit him, because he was lonely, and the snake had become his friend.

The man woke up one morning, took the snake to the end of the road, let him loose and turned around to leave. As soon as the man turned around, do you know what that snake did, Leon?

It bit him.

As the man laid on the cold ground dying, he looked at the snake and asked him why he bit him. Wasn't the snake his friend? The snake said something very simple, yet powerful.

"Never trust a snake."

Gone is the dead look in my eyes. As I speak, I feel the anger of the last six months bubbling to the surface.

I didn't come back to WZCW to be a protector anymore, Leon. I came back because I have one hell of a score to settle. When I was left for dead at Aftershock 31, nobody gave a damn. Not one phone call, email, letter, text or anything for six months. I'm not here to protect these people anymore, Leon.

I'm here to see that they get the punishment they deserve for abandoning me and condoning the so called "heroes" they worship now.

It's fitting that this round is known as the Anarchy round. That's exactly what I'm going to bring to WZCW now. Complete and utter anarchy. I don't care of these people cheer me or boo me. If I see you as someone to be dealt with, you will be dealt with.

I'm here to kill every single one of your so called heroes.

It's for your own good.
April 25, 2014

In a small town outside of Pittsburgh, the rain came down hard. After a long, drawn-out winter, spring was starting to show itself. The changing of the seasons was welcomed by the locals, even if it meant getting a little wet.

Inside Lefty’s Gym, Mick Overlast was more than just a little wet; he was soaked.

Overlast sat in a steel folding chair placed along the wall, a towel draped over the back of his neck. His old, light gray college T-shirt had been turned several shades darker from sweat. As he looked down and began to recapture his breath, more drops dripped off his brow and bounced off the padded gym floor. He had been put through a hellacious workout; the final one before he was to hit the road once again.

Voice: So you’re off to Boston soon, yeah?

Overlast looked up to see his trainer, John Low.

Overlast: Yeah, then I guess we’re going on an international tour. You do crash courses in Spanish too, by chance? It’s been a while for me.

Low chuckled at the question and shook his head.

Low: Nah, señor…can’t help you there.

Low sat down in a folding chair next to Overlast. He, too, was sweating from the workout he put Overlast through. This was nothing new for him, though, having been a boxing trainer for 20 years before stepping away. An old friend of Overlast’s – one of Low’s former fighters – put him in touch with Low, and the two had been working together since.

Low: How you holding up? You feeling OK? Can’t afford to rush back like you did last time.

Low nodded down in the direction of Overlast’s right knee, the scar on it clearly visible from a surgery he had almost a year ago.

Overlast: Nah, I’m good. Feels almost as good as new.

Low: Good, good. You need anything else? I’m about to head home for the night.

Overlast: No, I’m alright. But before you go, I just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done for me, helping me get back in wrestling shape and all. I don’t know if I would’ve had the drive to do it without you.

Low: Can I tell you something?

Overlast nodded.

Overlast: Yeah, sure, anything.

Low: You know, I saw you on TV a couple of times, and I thought you were a real prick. But I thought that was all a part of your persona. And then I heard the rumblings around here, about how you were just the same person off of TV that you were on it.

Overlast looked ashamed of himself, as he knew Low was telling the truth.

Low: And to be honest, when Ricky told me you were going to contact me for training, I dreaded it because I didn’t want to help someone like that; it’s not who I am or what I stand for.

Overlast: I know, I know. And I know I’ve done despicable things in the past – sleeping with married women, standing at some poor young girl’s grave and mocking her boyfriend, depriving a legend of what should have been a shining moment. I feel guilty about it – all of it.

Overlast then paused, thinking back to what Low had just said. He arched an eyebrow.

Overlast: But if you didn’t want to help someone like me, why’d you take my call?

Low: I don’t turn people away without giving them a chance to redeem themselves. You sounded genuine on the phone – OK, a little desperate as well, but still genuine. I’ve dealt with kids with criminal pasts, and sleeping with married women is nothing compared to what these kids have done. But as long as you’re willing to bust your ass for me, and more importantly, to help yourself, then I’ll guide you as best I can.

Overlast: John, you’re right. I needed to help myself. It seemed like I burned every bridge with what I had done in the past that without wrestling, I really have nothing. And being a dick to people just to feed my ego wasn’t going to help me get through life. So I decided to make a commitment to you to get back into wrestling shape, and a commitment to myself to right my wrongs…for my own good.

Low: I can see that, and I’m proud of everything you’ve done to this point.

During the brief silence that followed, Low pulled out his cell phone to check the time.

Low: I should get going.

Overlast: Me too.

Both men stood up, and Overlast extended his hand to Low. The two shook hands, then hugged for a moment before separating.

Low: If you need anything, you know where to find me. Good luck out there; I’m pulling for you.

Overlast: Thanks, John.

Overlast turned away to head out toward the door.

Low: Hey, Mick?

Overlast: Yeah?

Low: If you see Zdeno Chara up there, knee him in the nuts for me.

Overlast: Consider it done!

The two laughed for a few seconds, then went their separate ways – Low toward his office and Overlast toward the back door of the gym leading out to his car. But before he left, Overlast took a minute to take one final mental picture of the place that served as a second home during his rehabilitation – the clean white walls, the lines of equipment all throughout the gym, the chairs he just had his little heart-to-heart on. If nothing else, it’d serve as a way to keep him focused on not only his goals in WZCW, but also his goals for the rest of his life.


April 27, 2014

The TD Garden crowd was still buzzing after Overlast made his surprise return to WZCW after nearly a year’s hiatus. While the fans may have been stunned by his comeback, they may have been just as equally stunned that he helped out Blade, of all people, in his match against Diabolos.

With all of that in mind, a person Overlast was very familiar with came to him, seeking answers.

Leon Kensworth: Good evening, WZCW fans, and thanks for tuning in to the WZCW App. We’re live here in Boston for All or Nothing, and we have just seen Mick Overlast return to the company. Mick, how are you?

The camera pulls back a little. Overlast, wearing a Lefty’s Gym T-shirt and jeans, comes into view with a smile on his face.

Overlast: I’m doing great, Leon.

Kensworth: So a lot of people, myself included, thought we had seen the last of you almost a year ago. Why’d you come back tonight, and is this a temporary return?

Overlast: Leon, you’re not the only one who thought I was done. I had hurt my knee and had to get surgery, and it took a hell of a rehab process to get to where I am now. I missed being in the ring, and unlike my last stint, I wanted to make sure I was ready to go physically and mentally before I came back. So, I guess you could say this is not a temporary return.

Kensworth: Why did you come out to help Blade tonight?

Overlast: Well, I came out tonight to make peace with Blade. I know I sent him off in a bad way a couple of years ago, and this is part of my apology. Once I’m back in the locker room, I look forward to rebuilding my friendship with him.

Kensworth: Finally, now that you’re back in the fold, you know what comes next: the Roulette Round. What are your thoughts and expectations going into it?

Overlast: You’re talking to a guy who had to deal with penguins in his Roulette match, so my expectations are to really expect anything.

The two chuckle for a moment before Overlast continues his response.

Overlast: But seriously, it’s so wide open and so much has changed. It’s like up is down and black is white. When I was here, Ricky Runn was some putz that always got into weird accidents and Triple X was on the path to sainthood. Now Ricky’s the champ, Triple X is an asshole, and I don’t know pretty much half the guys on the roster. Speaking of changes, I’m looking forward to getting back in the ring and showing off a couple of new things myself, but I’d rather let that be a surprise to whoever I’m facing.

Kensworth: Well, we look forward to seeing that and more when we get to the Roulette Round! Thanks again, Mick!

Overlast: No problem, Leon.

Kensworth: That’s all for now. I’m Leon Kensworth, and thanks once again for tuning into the WZCW App. Enjoy the rest of All or Nothing!

The camera shuts off, and Kensworth turns to Overlast.

Kensworth: So is this you turning over a new leaf?

Overlast: You can say that. But just because I’ve had a change here…

Overlast points to his heart and gives a small, knowing smile to Kensworth.

Overlast: …doesn’t mean I forgot how to kick ass when that bell rings.
The Chronicles of M

Season 1 Episode 1:

"Dastardly Doctor D"

AKA: I didn't intend for this to be this long.... Oh well, more fun for you :)

A Dream Sequence said:
I scream,
You scream,
We all scream because M is stealing our souls...

M! Wake up you lazy sod!

After a close up of The General's face, we pan around M's bedroom (not unlike last time) and we're presented with the majestic visual of The Magnificent Mr M waking up with all the grace and delicacy of a marsupial trudging through a thick gooey marshmallow.

....awwww dammit Green I was having a most magnificent dream...

Get up M we don't have time for your nonsense today!

Awww but I don't want to train today... Besides, it's that messed up Meltdown Madness round this time isn't it? No point preparing to face one guy when I could be facing Mad Mark Madden for all we know....

The Green General takes a step back, the look in his eyes painting an expression of shock at the surprisingly normal reaction from M.

Oh shush you... Even I have my "normal" moments...

The General comes back to reality after his moment of stun-lock and proceeds to convey his apparently urgent message through the common medium known as "talking"

No, M, it's not that... I'm afraid you were mentioned on the news again, we may have to put a stop to that before you end up with an anklet that alerts the authorities if you step 300 metres away from a certain General... Again...

As he finishes his snide remark, obviously referring to the anklet currently worn by the magical M, he begins a giggle, but to his dismay M seems unfazed, instead inquiring on the matter General Green is taking about.

What the macguffins are you talking about Green?


General Green grabs the TV remote from M's bedside table and turns on the surprisingly mediocre sized tv at the foot of M's mattress.

TV said:
The TV turns on to display the opening graphic for "Underground News Tonight/Today/This Morning/Whatever Man It's Hard to Tell What Time of Day It Is When You're Underground" before fading to the visual of the Handsome Hank Anchordude sitting at the news desk with his signature look of confusion, joy, and hunger in his eyes as he begins the newscast.

Hello there fellow dwellers of the underground lair, Hank Anchordude here with some shocking breaking news. Earlier today, police found a man laying unconscious in an alleyway with mangled legs with what appeared to be a moustache drawn on his face in magenta marker, along with fragments of a meringue pie. Tom Reporterdude is at the scene of the crime with more information, take it away Tom.

We cross over to a dark alleyway where the strangely easy to hate, but always hard to define the cause of that hate, Tom Reporterdude, is standing, holding a microphone in his hand and wearing that damned smile that makes you want to punch a kitten.

Thanks Hank, I'm here in the very alleyway that this crime took place and police have told me that the assailant used a bag of mangoes to mangle the poor man's legs, then proceeded to draw a moustache on his upper lip before finally mashing a meringue pie in his face and running away into the night.

Tom holds up a bag of mangoes with "evidence" written on the outside in his free hand as he continues.

Police say they haven't yet caught just who did this most heinous crime, but sources are telling me that the main suspect is the masked machete man from the mashed potato incident from a couple of Mondays ago. Yes you heard that right; the masked machete man has struck multiple targets and is STILL on the loose. I repeat: STILL on the loose.

Tom faces the camera with an obviously played up expression of fear for a good five seconds or so, before going back to his calm, extremely hittable facial expression and continuing.

Back to you Hank.

We switch back to Hank at the newsdesk, shuddering and trembling as he rubs his own moustache and starts to tear up.

....oh dear god... We must catch this man before he strikes again!! What if he decides to go after children next?? Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children??!?

Hank turns on the waterworks for a couple of seconds before realising that's not what you do on a news broadcast and proceeding to brush himself off so he can finish off the segment holding on to the last few shreds of dignity he has.

We'll be right back after these messages.

The General turns off the TV before turning towards M with a clear image of urgency in his eyes as he awaits M's response.

Mwahahahaha that was magnificent

Yeah so we've gotta get the heat off of you before they catch you!

Yeah, except for one thing...

Which is?

It wasn't me...

They stare at each other for a short while, unable to comprehend the predicament that they may be in. Before either can speak, the TV turns itself on and reveals a man dressed in a white lab coat laughing to himself in a dastardly fashion.

Oh no it's the Dastardly Doctor D!

Great, what does he want?

TV said:
Dr D stops laughing and turns to the camera with an expression not dissimilar to the face of a fat kid as he awaits the arrival of a fat juicy quintuple chocolate pizza cake as he begins his speech.

Hello there M, you may remember me from the last time we met - when you made off with my pet monkey?

Hey man he wanted to come with me!

TV said:
No he didn't, he was a very distraught little monkey...

Dr D stops for a second to pick up a monkey and commences hugging the little guy.

Oh yes he was he was so distraught...

Dr D begins tickling the little monkey's stomach, laughing with the monkey as they enjoy their moment together, before putting the monkey down and brushing himself off.

...ahem.. Well, M, for my revenge...

He walks two steps to the left where a brown box is seen with a timer display wired up to some sort of mechanism hidden within the box.

In this container contains the cure for all life threatening disease known to man. If you don't say you're sorry for stealing my little Eduardo within the next two hours I will release this cure into all of the world's water supplies. Wahahahahahaha.... See you soon....

Dr D waves goodbye and winks before cutting off the broadcast.

M is seen visibly shocked and appalled at the notion of curing all those diseases as he rolls off his bed to the floor and begins pounding the wall with his fists angrily.

You sick freak!

Quick M! You know what we have to do!

M springs up as if the last portion of the story about him pounding the wall and calling Dr D a sick freak never happened, pointing to the door enthusiastically.

To the M-Mobile!


The M-Mobile - literally just a motorcycle with a ride along cart on the side and a giant M spray painted on - screeches to a halt outside of a costume shop. Naturally General Green is rather confused.

Ummm M... Why are we at a costume shop?

Well, you can't witness me getting up to any mischief, and I can't be away from you or else the magic ankle thingy will go all "woop woop" which drives everyone mad... So I thought you could wear a dog costume. It makes perfect sense.

The General simply stares at M with his jaw hanging open after hearing that hair brained explanation. the hell does that make sense??

Well, using my magnificent brain I came up with a solution to your little "General power" situation: if you wear the head part of the suit you can't see very well so your curse won't activate and you can join in the fun!

The General puts his face in his hands and starts shaking his head due to the stupidity he just heard. You can take on Dr D by yourself, I'm not wearing a damn dog costume!

M looks at the General with the eyes of a puppy, but is quickly distracted by a blimp flying overhead with a big D painted on it in a dastardly fashion.

Oh snap he's in a blimp! I gotta bounce!

M taps his heels together and says the magic words before leaping towards the blimp in a mesmerising fashion.

God dammit M... Why does he get to have magical moccasins?

The General sighs as he watches M soar like an eagle off towards the big showdown between him and the dastardly doctor.


M is seen crawling around the vents of the blimp's interior, before flipping through a grate and knocking out two guards with knees to the heads which, on purpose or not, would look pretty damn magnificent on a montage.

M looks around the interior of the blimp, taking in his surprisingly dull surroundings of what appears to be mainly metal walkways without much of a colour scheme.

Time to mess up this dastardly doofus before he performs a miracle...

Three more guards appear from around a corner, two wielding baseball bats and the other holding a pair of nun-chucks because that's the standard defensive equipment the guards hold when you hire from Guards-R-Us

You mugs can't handle the M! Now tell me where Doctor D is before I make your world into a miasma of misery!

Just as M finishes his magnificently intimidating threat, something that appears to be a failed science experiment by the dastardly doctor - or it may just be a grumpy old lady being awoken by all this ruckus - cartwheels down the hall and appears to be equally interested in silencing both M and the guards, facing both opponents in a "come at me bro" fighting stance.

Well smother me with Maybelline and call me a model, we have ourselves a Mexican stand off!

The experimental old lady kicks the fight off, whipping out an iron cane out of god knows where and smashing one of the baseball wielding guards over the head. The two remaining guards charge right at M but he leapfrogs over the nun-chuck guard, delivering a kick to the forehead of the baseball bat guard, before ducking a cane shot from the abomination and locking in the M Special.

As M rolls around on the floor trying to make the monster tap out, both him and the... Thing... are blind-sighted by a spinning nun-chuck attack which knocks them both out cold sending the scene into a fade to black...


The sound of a bag being lifted off of M's head cues the fade in to the visual of a maddened M tied to a chair in a dark room.

Welcome, M, to my darling blimp "Desire"!

The lights come on the reveal that the dark room is in fact the control room of the blimp, being piloted by Eduardo the monkey in an adorable pilot's hat. After a quick pan around the room showing off the many gizmos and gadgets inside the room, we focus on the same brown box from Dr D's TV broadcast, albeit with a lot less time on the timer.

You see this here? This is the instrument which will unleash a cure of epic proportions which the world has never seen before!! Hahahaha yes, M, in just under 5 minutes the cure will be released and you can't do anything about it!! ....except hit the "Stop" button next to the countdown timer... But you're tied up so there's no way that'll happen!

M spits on the ground and looks up towards the doctor with a look of insurmountable anger and rage.

You bastard... If only the General were here....

Upon the mention of General Green, M appears to calm down, as if remembering that he didn't actually put the stove on and that he's having cake for breakfast tomorrow before starting to giggle to himself.

Why are you laughing?

Because my anklet hasn't gone off, which means a certain General is nearby....

As he finishes his sentence, a smash is heard in the distance.

Woof woof motherfucker!!

The General swings in through a window wearing a full dog costume and proceeds to fight off the cheaply employed guards before throwing Dr D aside so he can untie M.

Oh I'm going to enjoy this...

M cracks his knuckles as he approaches a quivering Dr D, grinning a maniacal grin, but The General stops him.

No! M! The stop button!

The look on M's face says "Oh Snap!" as he realizes there's less than 5 seconds left on the timer and dives in slow motion to hit the stop switch.


M hits the stop switch with 2 seconds left, therefore saving the world from being saved from all life threatening diseases ever again.


The Doctor!

We see Dr D making an escape out the window General Green made his spectacular entrance in with Eduardo the monkey in tow.

Grrrrrrr curse you M!! I'll get you someday!!! I'll get you, and your little dog too!!!

M and General Green try to run after Dr D but it's too late as he leaps out the window and flies off into the distance on an emergency hang-glider, so M and The General simply sigh and relax.

So what do we do now?

I guess you could prepare for Meltdown Madness...

The General and M both look towards each other for a brief second before falling to the ground in a flurry of laughter at the absurdity of preparing for a wrestling match, as the now pilotless blimp somehow glides towards the lair in which they call home.


Set Design: Your Imaginations

Costume design: Various Japanese concept design artists

Story: A very sleepy thirteenth letter of the alphabet

Blimp by Blimp co. - helping you fly better

Original Soundtrack performed by There isn't one

Special Thanks to Risa Taneda <3

Inspired by a true story

All Or Nothing
TD Garden
Boston, Massachusetts

Consciousness fades in. Consciousness fades out.

Like the hanging chord of a basement light switch, Ramparte's vision came to and fro as he attempted to pull himself up from the callous floor. The impact of the Iron Justice sent his body into paralysis; his gloved hands not registering the surface they touched. With matted blonde hair stinging his eyes, inch by inch he crawled closer to the ring until his last bit of stamina gave out.

The last nail in the coffin came as he watched the man he beat upon his debut hang suspended in the air like that hanging chord; clutching on to life itself until he tumbled down with the coveted WZCW World Tag Team Championships.

The Catalyst turned away and just lied there, spread-eagled. All hope abandoned.

It's not fair!

His cane brought down a tower of worn books when he threw it. Cerberus's dressing room was in complete disarray: a grim William Blake painting that once hung from a wall now rested face-first on the carpet amongst broken glass. A bowl of pomegranates spilled out and sat upside-down beside it. Gym equipment from the opposite side leaned against another wall, with one barbell gone from the set and lying on a vanity table with pieces of what used to be a mirror.

The Man in White flipped the vanity over on its side, one leg breaking upon impact.

They were mine! My moment- My fucking moment!!!

Forgetting about his tag team partner, he peeled off his white suit and pants until he was in the nude and stepped into the walk-in closet; the only thing that didn't suffer Godfrey Ramparte's wrath.

From within the closet he bitched some more.

Superheroes, Mussél. Where once we had dragons, now we have superheroes...that was our chance...

From inside, a scuffle was overheard, followed by heavy breathing.

Are you...are you crying, Rambo?!

A pause.

"We need never be ashamed of our tears" or so Charles Dickens once wrote.

But no. I'm not-I'm not crying. I have sweat in my eyes.

Flex adjusted his equipment to where it belonged, and placed the barbell in it's respective place on the rack. Facing the closet door, The Man of a Thousand Muscles called out to his partner again.

We just need some R&R, dude. With Svetlana doin' what she did to me and that barbaric match, maybe a nice hiking trip to that White Worship place is what the doctor ordered. That one cult was nice. Wanna go see them again?

Go away, Flex.

Or how about my old stomping grounds at Camp Cholesterolia? Summer is coming. Fatties gotta pay, and the price is camping. Let's torment some kids. You get a kick out of that, I know.

I'm not in the mood.

Mussél let his brain muscles get a rep in before he finally thought of something entirely new. In his excitement, he could not help but ask Ramparte in song. In a particularly popular Disney song all the kids were singing nowadays...

&#9835;Do you wanna see a cave, Ram?
Or in the dark you stay?
All Or Nothing is over now
No wondering how
Those two goofs seized the dayyyy

We still have one another
Cerberus Knocks
And now we're really pissed offfffff

Do you wanna see a cave, Ram?
Then we will focus on a game plannn&#9835;

The closet stood silent. The door jiggled and then the knob turned. Ramparte stood before Flex without his white suit, but in a white sleeveless fur hoodie. Giving himself a once-over from the broken vanity mirror, Ramparte puckered his lips.

The Third Head of Cerberus is alert to our cause now. That's the one good thing to come out of this. WZCW is about to enter it's annual Lethal Lottery. This is when men are given the real spotlight anyways. This week is all left up to chance, and no denying they will be seeking a chance to make a name for themselves by allying with us.

...what the hell is with them clothes?

I want to make an impression on our mutual friend. And besides- this looks gorgeous on me.

Bayano Cave
Lago Bayano
Panamá Province, Panama

The motorboat rested securely upon the shore inside the cave as Flex Mussél and Ramparte touched land. The tourists had long since left the entrance of the cave, but artificial lights were still aligning the walls. It was growing dark outside and the river seemed to swallow what remained of the sun. Only the dusty bulbs guided them as they journeyed deeper inside; dodging stalagmites and large spiders that made the cave their home.

Finding an ominous black hole in the center of one clearing, Mussél brought out his mountian climbing equipment and set it up for spelunking. Driving a nail into a flat surface close by, Mussél ran military grade mountain climbing rope through a hole in the nail and latched the end to his belt buckle and to Ramparte's. Ramparte grabbed a portable floodlight from his partner's bag as they slowly descended.

For what felt like hours, the ground finally met their feet as Ramparte rushed to unfasten himself from Mussél and explore. The area was circular and looked like a new excavation site. A floodlight was left illuminating one wall in particular. The Catalyst stepped up to it and paused.



Partner, you may want to take a look at this.

As Mussél ambled his way over, Ramparte moved aside and sat the floodlight next to the other. The Monsieur of Muscle whistled and his voice gave an echo.

Wow! Bit of irony, eh? Who knew we'd be looking back at that? What're the odds?

Cerberus is a dweller of the underground. It's only fitting to see this image now, while we watch Haven and Hyada take up residence like angels on high. This is a sign. The Hounds of Hell do not sleep. It only rests; licking its wounds.

This reminds me of an allegory Plato made famous. The Allegory of The Cave.

The Catalyst, that man in white, breathed in the air and turned away from the primitive painting on the wall. He slithered closer to the unknown dark areas of the enclosure and hunched over; crossing his arms and resting his elbows on his knees. When Ramparte spoke, his gaze fell to the ground.

Four prisoners are bound to the floor and chained up in the darkness. They cannot turn their heads to see what it is behind them. To the back of the prisoners, a fire is going on and under the protection of a parapet, puppeteers are casting shadows on the wall in which the prisoners are perceiving reality.

The prisoners know nothing but these shadows.

One prisoner is set free, and he is forced to look upon the fire and objects that once dictated his perception of reality, and he then realizes these new images in front of him are now the accepted forms of reality.

The comfort of what was once perceived, and the fear of the unrecognized outside world would result in this prisoner being forced to ascend this cave and step outside into the bright sun.

With a gloved hand, he drew a basic circle into the dirt and curvy lines around it, suggesting a sun.

Seeing these new sights and wonders, the prisoner returns to the cave to tell the other prisoners. Care to know how this story ends, Mr. Mussél?

He rescues them and they escape the cave together?

Storybooks would have us thinking this, but no. The other prisoners laugh at the released prisoner, and ridicule him for leaving the cave in the first place. The others cannot understand something they have yet to experience.

With that same hand, The Catalyst brushed away the sun.

Sometimes we must see the light for ourselves to tear away from our own realities...this all has a point, you see...

The angel Erin started speaking to him again, as if she could read his mind. But he tuned her out. He listened to her once before All or Nothing and in turn he spared his butler's life. But no more.

Now was the time for closure.

Standing back up, Ramparte went back over to the rope hanging loosely from their exit.

Like the hanging chord of a basement light switch.

Fastening the latch onto his belt, he started to pull himself up until Flex realized what was happening.

What are you doing??!

I am leaving you down here, good monsieur. Think of this as a true test of your proclaimed power. For months I have stood by and listened to your great feats of strength, but I have yet to see them. Cerberus does not have complete faith in you. You must prove yourself to them and to me.

THEM? We are Cerberus, Rambo. You know that. Come on don't you leave me down here. We are a team!

Oh you poor unfortunate soul. You really think Cerberus is just a tag team?

No. Cerberus is much, much more than that. Cerberus is universal. We are everywhere. You are only a spoke on the wheel, as am I. But I have something you don't-

An identity.

Hearing this, the Behemoth of Bodybuilding pat himself down, looking for his wallet. Not finding it, his voice grew angrier.

Where is it you loudmouthed cretin?

Oh partner don't be like that. I remember you leaving it back in Massachusetts. I'm sure you can find a phone and reclaim it once you learn to get out of this pit.

The choice rests all on you now. Climb out and become a part of The Big Picture and never face scrutiny ever again or stay here with nothing but the painting for company.

We are either coming into this as a team or I am running this game solo. Who knows? Maybe I can dethrone the legendary Ty Burna and bring about a new age of decadency his old self would be proud of.

Will we receive Young Justice? Will I face the slothful Stormrage? Or maybe a new rivalry will spring from the ashes of AoN. We shall see. Or more likely, I will see.


Ramparte tugged at the chord and rapidly went up before Mussél could grab him and bring him back down. The Catalyst's laughter echoed against the walls as he rose closer and closer to the surface. His next words reverberated loudly, but he wasn't addressing Flex. He was maddeningly talking to himself now.


Hearing his vow, his tag team partner yelled for him to return, but he never did. Once out, the dirt-covered Faustian brat pulled the nail out of the ground and chucked it into the abyss he crawled from.

He started the motorboat up and left the allegory of the cave in his wake.

Scene fades to white

The camera opens on Leon, dressed smartly as always, microphone in hand as he stands amidst an array of backstage equipment.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here with this exclusive backstage interview with our new number one contender to the Elite X Championship, Aubrey Sloan!"

The camera pans back to reveal the girl, still in her ring gear and sweaty from the ring, with a smile on her face.

"Aubrey, there's so much to talk about regarding the Elite X Championship right now. How do you feel about taking on the new champion John Constantine?"

The girl starts to speak, but furrows her brow and closes her mouth. After a moment, she says:

"Well...ah...who, exactly?"

There's a moment of palpable tension before Leon responds.

"Constantine...he won the title earlier tonight? He's a veritable WZCW legend? One third of the Elite?"

The girl nods at each point, but when the mic is handed back to her, she says:

"Wow, those, um, those sound like really, just really important things, but I just...I haven't had a lot of time to get to know anyone here, so...well, what do you think of him?"

Leon, rather stunned at having the interview turned on him, takes a moment to respond.

"Well, it would compromise my journalistic integrity to really answer that question, but I think anyone would tell you Constantine is one of the absolute best competitors in this company. I think most people are going to consider you an underdog in this fight, Aubrey."

The girl seemed rather taken aback at that.

"I do not understand why would have to insult me like that..."

"I don't understand what you mean."

"I'm not a dog, Leon, even if Constantine is so good."

"No, Aubrey, it's just an expression. I mean you're at a disadvantage."

The girl looked skeptically at Leon, narrowing her eyes.

"If you say so."

She offered nothing further, and Leon was eager to move on.

"It's been well documented that you have yet to win a one on one contest in WZCW yet, but you did score a singles win in this four way match. Do you have anything new in store for when the WZCW Universe sees you one on one against Constantine?"

"Well, I recently came very close to catching a squirrel, I think the closest since I've come to this country, so I'm very encouraged about that. Constantine can't be nearly as fast as a squirrel."

She thought for a moment, and her eyes widened.

"Is he?"

"...No, probably not."

The girl heaved a deep sigh of relief.

"Oh, good. I was very concerned."

Leon shot a look at the camera, but kept his calm.

"Aubrey, one more question. How do you feel about participating for the first time in the Roulette Rounds?"

"The what now?"

"You can't be serious,"
Leon complained, his frustration showing. "The cards are totally random this round!"

"I was wondering why no one had told me who I was wrestling next..."

She took a moment to reconsider Leon's earlier questions.

"Well, I think like most situations, as long as there are no devious woodland creatures to interfere, and I do my best, everything will be okay."

The girl nodded, satisfied with her answer. Leon signaled to end the interview and the cameraman put the camera down.

"I think it was awfully nice of you to ask me so many questions, Leon. Not many people have tried to talk to me around here."

"Well, it is my job..."

The girl cocked her head. "Your job is to ask questions?"

"My job is to hold interviews, so people can see what the wrestlers are all about."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know, when everyone watches your interview, they'll all have a better idea of who you are."

The girl had a sinking feeling in her stomach.

"When you say everyone..."

"The WZCW Universe. Our millions of fans around the world."

The girl nearly ran out of the room in panic.

"Millions...oh. Excuse me, please."

She left the room as quickly as possible, hoping to find a quiet, dark corner to hide in for a few hours before leaving.

Or, possibly, forever. She hadn't made up her mind yet.


Jonathan Hyada leisurely steps out from the big blue shuttle that picked him and his partner, Haven, from the airport to take them to the convention center. The both of them had been running off of very little to no sleep in the past few days, all due to the object Jon pulled from the trunk along with his travel bag; a finely designed and newly polished strap of leather and gold. One of two championship belts were thrown over his shoulder as Haven collected his own from the trunk and strapped it around his waist, making sure it fit snug and looking good along with his normal costume. Unlike his partner Jon was not clad in his own costume, instead he was opting to wear his more normal attire of a faintly tight fitting distressed Captain America shirt, black unbuttoned dress shirt and black slacks. The two WZCW wrestlers were hardly out of the shuttle with bags in hand before a collection of fans rushed them at the drop off zone. Many of them were in costume, ranging from nothing but a pair of cat ears and a tail to a nearly perfectly done M. Bison.

"It's Young Justice! Sweet!"


"I'm gonna get Haven's number!"

"Jon! Jon! I've been following you since you fought in MMA!"

Jonathan turned to his friend who had a handful of teenage girls and double that amount of little kids surrounding him, shoving pictures and replica WZCW title belts at him for him to sign. Laughing to himself at Haven's exuberance with the people he put his attention on those that had rushed him, offering smiles, handshakes and photo opportunities.

"What was it like at All or Nothing?"

"Who's your favorite comic character?"

"Are you going to be in costume later?"

"Easy guys, easy." Jon laughed during his reply. "I don't have that much time to answer questions at the moment, I have to head inside to get ready for a panel. I hope you can all make it." Jonathan turned to Haven, who now had a much larger collection of people around him and waved to get his attention. "Haven! I'll catch up with you later, I'm going to head inside for my panel."

The Emerald Enforcer lifted a little boy up to hold on his shoulder for a photo before waving at Jon and giving a thumbs up to signify he heard the plan. Taking the signal, Jon paused long enough for a couple more pictures and autographs before collecting his bag and jogging up the big pavilion steps that lead to the main entrance way of the auditorium. Stepping through the doors and into the lobby, Jon was greeted by a sight he always loved to see; fans collecting around some of their favorite cosplayers, a group of gamers off to the side grinding away on their handhelds, dozens of pictures being taken and people talking happily about all their purchases. He slipped past a large group of fans who were encasing one of the more physically appealing female cosplayers and made his way to the sign in booth to flash his badge.

"What happened to you?" The ticket girl asked, not showing any real recognition of who Jon was other than as someone with a panel badge, but noticing the still fairly prominent bruises he collected from All or Nothing.

"Huh? Oh the bruises." Jon motioned to the title over his shoulder and the 'WZCW' logo on his badge. "Price you pay to win championships."

"Oh, I see. Well I hope you feel better soon. Your panel starts in about an hour. If you want, you can cut back around this way to get to the prep area if you don't want to be held up by fans. Usually all our panel members will want to lounge around for a while before getting ready. And I think most of the people on your panel are already here."

"Alright, it would be nice to meet some of them for a bit."

* * *

"Ladies, gentlemen and Ewoks of various sizes, I'd like to introduce to you now our final guest for the Reality of Comics and Games panel, one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions and a Mad Catz sponsored player in the fighting game community, Jonathan... Hyada!"

Jon steps out from behind the curtain that separates the panel lounge area from the main floor of the auditorium and pauses upon seeing the crowd gathered. Quite a number of cheers and cat calls come from the crowd of about a hundred all gathered to listen to and ask questions of the panel. Holding the gold and leather strap high for all to see, the former MMA fighter walks out and slaps a few hands before climbing the steps to take a seat next to comic book artist Adam Hughes, who happens to be a personal favorite of his.

After some forty-five minutes of going down the line of panel members and getting their thoughts on how comic books and video games can and have affected everyday life, the announcer states that it's time to open the floor to the audience for questions.

"I have a question. Hi, my name is James and I wanted to ask something of Jon in regards to a statement he made earlier. Jon, you're a big gamer and comic book fan, and your partner Haven has graduated from the Hero Academy, correct? You stated such training could have a more impactful change on everyday life, can you expand on that?"

"Absolutely James. As you said, I stated earlier that places like the Hero Academy could have a bigger impact on everyday life than it already does now. The way I see it, places like the Hero Academy are kind of like the amalgamation of taking someplace like a Boys and Girls Club and say, the martial arts dojo I help run. I don't want to go into too much personal depth of my partner, but he grew up in the Hero Academy because he didn't have a family or a home. The Hero Academy for him acted as his parents, trainer, mentor, friends, family and heroes. They were there for him when he needed them most, they taught him not only how to be physically strong but emotionally, mentally and morally as well. I think that if we had more places that were like that, we'd have a more upstanding population in the world."

A red head in her later twenties stood up to flag down the announcer with the mic.

"I also have a question for Jon, if that's okay."

"Questions from pretty girls are always okay."

She smiled at the compliment, her cheeks shading towards the same tone as her hair.

"I wanted to ask you about All or Nothing and about the roulette heading into Lethal Lottery, is that okay?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"First, about All or Nothing. While I'm a big fan of yours, do you think you and Haven would have walked away with the titles if Amber had not turned on Califa? If so, why?"

"I think so, yeah. I think, going into All or Nothing, myself and Haven were probably the only tag team that was one hundred percent in sync with each other. The Dragons were having problems with each other, and while even if Amber hadn't have turned, I think those problems still may have gotten in the way of a victory. I give each team every bit of credit as I can on a professional level for how they handled themselves in the ring that night, but there's no doubt in my heart that my own personal evolution thanks to close friends like my partner allowed us to prove that on that night, no one was going to beat us."

She nodded in reply before speaking up again.

"My second question is about the upcoming roulette path leading into Lethal Lottery. Is this the first time you've ever been in a random set of matches such as this, and who are you hoping to face and who are you hoping to avoid?"

"That's actually a question I've been mulling over for a while myself. First, no I've never been in something like this in any sort of competition, I've always known who my opponent was going into any kind of match. I'll answer the who do I not want to face first. To be honest, there's only one person I have no desire whatsoever to face during this roulette road and that's my partner Haven. I've fought my friends before, in fact I've fought my friend Nathan several times during my MMA career, and it's just... it's an unsettling feeling to me on a personal level to be put in a position to strike a friend in a capacity that might injury them. I will step into the ring against him if I'm forced to, and I won't disrespect his ability by holding myself back at this point, but it's no position I actually want to be in."

Jon took a quick sip of water from his glass.

"In regards to who I wish to see standing across from me? Everyone, because every member of the roster presents either a new chance to test how far I've come and how good I am, or it presents the opportunity to avenge prior losses and faults. I'd love to stare eye to eye with someone like Theron or Ricky, to assess if I've got it in me to stand with people who could be future World Champions or already know what it takes to hold the position of the best wrestler in the company. I'd personally love to be able to avenge my singles losses against Ramparte and Amber."

"One last thing if I can, you mentioned wanting to face Ramparte or Amber, what happens if you get paired with either one of them?"

"Honestly? I'm not sure if this makes me a bad guy or not... but my first desire would be to knock their head off and leave them to the wolves because of how I feel about them personally."

The red head, along with a majority of the other WZCW fans attending the panel laughed at Jon's remark about a couple of potential tag team partners.

On older male wearing a black WZCW logo shirt stood up and requested the mic.

"I would like to follow up on the young lady's question. During the roulette all champions must defend their titles. If you're placed into a singles match, which title would you wish to compete for?"

"Well, to be truthful, I've not thought about such an opportunity yet. But for the moment, since you brought it up... I personally would feel the least comfortable if I were to be matched against Ty Burna for the World Heavyweight Title. But please, don't mistake my discomfort for fear because it's not. I've no fear of a person when I step into the ring. But I do feel I know what my own limitations are, and at the moment could not honestly say I have the physical ability nor the experience yet to hold such a prize. While I have years of fighting experience in MMA, wrestling is not MMA, it's a whole different animal and I'm still relatively new to this scene. I try to abstain from bravado, so truthfully, I would rather be placed in a position to fight for the Eurasian or Elite X Title."

"We have time for one last question, anyone?"

"I have a question!" Called out a teenage boy wearing a Spider-Man shirt, taking the mic he looked at Jon.

"Are you going to stick around for the entire convention and the Street Fighter tournament, because I'd love to play against you!"

Jon laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm going to be here all Comic Con, after this I'm going to be just a fan for a while, maybe dress up in what I brought with me, take some pictures and yeah, I'd love to play you even if I'm not in the tournament."


"Well that's it for the Reality of Comics and Games panel folks, I hope you enjoyed the panelists and enjoy the rest of the Los Angeles Comic Book and Sc-Fi Convention!"

Each panelist stood up and waved to the crowd before venturing off back to the lounge area. Jon however stuck around long enough to stand center stage and raise his title one more time, smiling and waving to the audience before disappearing from the view of the crowd.
Issue #8: Not A Casino RP

Haven waves after his fellow tag team champion as he disappears and merges into the countless number of faces littering the Comic Con event. With a breath of eagerness, Haven turns and begins perusing the various booths at the event. Haven begins to think as he swims his way through the sea of people.

Wow, WZCW Tag Team Champions.

Haven reaches down and grabs the belt on his waist as he continues to walk.

Not only did Hyada and I stop evil at All or Nothing, but we got rewarded for it in the form of these belts. Heh, I never was one to win many awards, so this is something special for me. I mean, my grades were sub-par at best in the Hero Academy, and I was never good at any sports, except hacky sack. Boy, was I good at hacky sack! I&#8217;d be all like, *hack* *hack* *sack* *sack*. Yeah, those were the days&#8230; Well, this thought is going nowhere, let&#8217;s see what I can do to accommodate my ADH-

Never before has Haven seen such an eclectic taste of interests and people. Even the Hero Academy didn&#8217;t have such diversity. He sniffs the unique air as it tickles his nose. It is a mix of Axe body spray and a rich sturdy body odor from heavy breathing fanboys. This sense of smell is complemented by the sight of others passing by him, which conducts a pattern as follows: Cleavage, fat gut, shitty cosplay, and repeat.

Suddenly, he hears a mucus strained voice echo nearby.

???: You fool! You activated my weapon card!

Haven: Huh?

Haven tapers off to the side out of the stream of Comic Con walkers and finds himself at a booth where two rotund individuals are competing in some kind of WZCW themed card game. There is a man with a &#8220;I <3 Cup&#8221; shirt breathing heavily as he glares at his card-game opponent. His opponent resembles a sausage casing as he dawns a skin tight King Shabba cosplay outfit.

Shabba Fan: Like I said, I activate my weapon card. Steel Ladder! I use it with my Amber Warren card to destroy your El Califa card.

Cup Fan: Argggggh!

Haven is fascinated by what is happening.

Haven: Hey, this is awesome! What is this?!

The two rotund duelist don&#8217;t even look up from the card game.

Cup Fan: Like, duh. It is only the best fan-made card game ever for WZCW. *under his breath* Dweeb.

Shabba Fan: I set one backstage card facedown and end my turn.

Cup Fan: Alright, get ready. First, I summon the team of Hyada and Haven, Young Justice!

Haven&#8217;s eyes fill with delight as he sees a playing card with his face on it.

Haven: Yeah! Young Justice! Woo! Kick Warren's ass!

Cup Fan: Then I sacrifice them both-

Haven: Wait, no. : (

Cup Fan: To special summon the mammoth, Rush!

The Cup fan slams down a limited edition holographic Rush card. The Shabba fan is in shock!

Cup Fan: I use his super ability of being badass to attack your ring points directly!

Shabba Fan: You activated my backstage card! It is called &#8220;Delayed Push&#8221;. It is super effective against wrestlers Rush and Sam Smith. Your card has to leave the field and go directly into retirement. You don&#8217;t pass go, you don&#8217;t collect 200 dollars, and I activate a chain effect card on Amber Warren called "Awesome Swerve"! If nothing interesting is going on your side of the field, I automatically win the duel! Game, set, and match, bitch!

Cup Fan: Bull shit!

The Cup fan throws his cards in the air in frustration. He is extremely pissed until he looks over and sees a shining gold belt. He looks at it in awe and then looks up to see it is attached to THE WZCW Tag Team Champion, Haven.

Cup Fan: Dude..

Shabba Fan: Sorry, bro. I won! Hahaha!

Cup Fan: No, dude, look!

The Shabba fan stops gloating and looks up at Haven, who is standing there with a sad face. He speaks like a whimpering puppy.

Haven: You sacrificed me&#8230;

Shabba Fan: Oh my Ty Burna, you are THE Haven!

Both of them stand up in excitement and reach in their pockets.

The Cup fan pulls out a sharpie.

Cup Fan: Will you sign my diabetes?

The Shabba fan pulls out his Iphone.

Shabba Fan: Can I get a picture of you holding up the belt?!

Haven snaps out of the sadness over being sacrificed.

Haven: Uh, no to the first, but yes to the second!

Haven unlatches the belt and holds it up in the air with one hand like a Greek warrior offering up the gold belt as a sacrament to a beloved Greek god. The sight is so beautiful that the Shabba fan puts down his Iphone and sheds a tear.

Shabba Fan: So majestic.

Cup Fan: I have the weirdest boner right now.

Suddenly, a sizzling voice breaks up the nerdgasm.

???: Hey, boys.

All three men turn to see a steaming seductress dressed in a skintight black latex outfit with a black mask on. She has a duffel bag hanging off the side of her right shoulder. The zipper at the top of her latex is down to the middle of her-chest, displaying a sample of her luscious body.

The Shabba Fan is speechless as his jaw drops.

Cup Fan: Is it possible to have a super boner?

Haven timidly speaks up as he continues to hold his belt in the air.

Haven: H-- Hi.

Woman: Mind if I hold your belt for a second?

Haven looks over at the two fat nerds. They nod furiously.

Haven: I mean, I don&#8217;t know why I shouldn&#8217;t trust an extremely hot woman in black latex.

He hands her the belt. She gazes into her golden reflection and winks at Haven.

Woman: Thanks, babe.

She suddenly sprints away with the belt in hand.

Haven: Wait, no!

Haven runs after her in a panic. The two heavy duelist are left in shock.

Shabba Fan: I&#8217;m so gonna vlog about this.


We switch back to Haven frantically weeding his way through a heavy concentrated area of cosplayers. The woman in black latex is just up ahead, as she herself pushes her way through the crowd. Suddenly, they both find themselves trapped in an encircled social area where cosplayers can meet and greet each other. As the latex woman tries to figure out where to escape, Haven yells after her as he confronts her in an open circle in the middle of the chattering cosplayers.

Haven: Hey!

The woman laughs as she knows she has nowhere to run, and must now face the man she robbed.

Woman: What&#8217;s a matter, hun?

The woman kisses the tag team title belt and glares playfully at Haven.

Haven: Do you always steal from green themed heroes, or do you just like me?

The woman laughs evilly as she unzips the duffel bag hanging from her shoulder.

Haven: Why do you want my belt anyways?

Woman: Let's just say I'm a sucker for authentic accessories.

She smirks at Haven.

Haven: Why don&#8217;t you give the belt back nicely, I don&#8217;t want to fight you.

Woman: You fool, you don&#8217;t know who you are messing with.

The woman shoves the belt in her duffel bag. She then reaches in her duffel bag and twirls around in a tornado like fashion. After the whirlwind disappears, the woman is now dressed in a Spidergirl costume. Haven is amazed.

Haven: Who are you?

Woman: Oh, me? I&#8217;m the Cosplay Queen!

The Cosplay Queen leaps at Haven with a kick, but the green hero dodges the assault. The Queen quickly recovers and lunges at Haven with a punch. Haven grabs her arm and then pushes her back. Haven then lunges at her to grab the duffel bag, but she leaps backwards and into the crowd of cosplayers that surround their open circle. Haven frantically tries to find her, but she has fused into the crowd. Suddenly, she begins to laugh and jumps back out of the crowd. This time dressed like Master Chief from Halo.

Haven is confused, and perhaps doesn&#8217;t realize that it is her.

Haven: Huh?

The Queen runs up to Haven and socks him in the gut. Spit flies out of Haven&#8217;s mouth as he falls to his knees.

Queen: Give up, Haven. You can&#8217;t beat me. I have too many forms.

Haven gasps for air, but then clinches his fist. He pushes himself up to his feet.

Haven: No, I won&#8217;t let you take away my belt. Not after I just won it! Give it back youuuuuuuuuuuuuu bitch!

Haven lunges at the Cosplay Queen in Master Chief form. She goes for a block, but Haven turns it into a toss, and throws her back into the crowd. The sound of a whirlwind occurs and she jumps back out in a Captain America outfit. Haven combats her again until she jumps back into the crowd. Suddenly, Batman steps out of the circle. Haven runs up to him and prepares to punch, but he stops when he realizes the Batman cosplayer is not the Queen.

Queen: Behind you.

Haven turns around to see her dressed up as Superman. She socks Haven in the jaw and he tumbles backwards.

Queen: What&#8217;s the matter? Too much?

Haven rubs the pain out of his chin as he stands up.

Haven: Yeah, right. I fight tougher competitors on a weekly basis.

Queen: Oh? Then how about this?

The Queen goes into a whirlwind and turns into Matt Tastic. She lunges at him, but Haven rolls out of the way.

Queen: No? How about this?

Another whirlwind turns her into The Beard. She lunges at Haven for a punch, but he dodges once again. However, he stumbles in the process and lands flat on the ground.

Queen: Come on, now.

She begins a series of whirlwinds and turns into various superstars as she walks towards Haven. Finally, she stops on one.

As Haven is getting up, he finds himself getting picked up by the collar. He is face to face with Ty Burna. The Cosplay Queen has turned herself into the ultimate challenge in WZCW.

Queen: You are just an ant among Kings and Queens.

Suddenly, Haven shoves her back. She is taken back while still maintaining her Ty Burna form.

Haven: It doesn&#8217;t matter who I face, or the fact that I may be an ant among giants. I&#8217;ll still fight, and I&#8217;ll still bite. You can count on that!

Haven lunges at the Cosplay Queen and connects with a kick. The blow is so hard that her Ty Burna wig flies off. Haven then sweeps her legs out from underneath her. However, she quickly responds by flipping herself back on her feet.

Haven: It doesn&#8217;t matter who you try to be from the WZCW. I&#8217;ll take on any challenge that comes my way.

Queen: Oh, really?

The Queen spins in a frenzy and gets right in the face of Haven. She is dawning the outfit of our hero&#8217;s tag team partner, Hyada, with Haven's half of the tag team championships around her waist. Haven is stunned in fear. A cold sweat breaks out on the back of his neck.

Queen: Can you fight me? Your friend?

The Queen punches Haven down to his knees in her Hyada form. She grabs his collar and begins wailing on his face.

Queen: Can you bite back against your partner? Can You?!

Punch after punch connects as Haven just takes each one. Finally, the Queen stops to shake her hand from the self-inflicted hurt of hitting Haven. She walks away for a moment to collect herself.

Queen: You are pathetic.

Haven stays on his knees with a bruised face. His mind slowly begins to stew.

How, how can I fight back against my partner? My friend?! This upcoming round of shows, it is the roulette round&#8230; It is very possible that I might just end up in this exact predicament. I can&#8217;t, I can&#8217;t fight him. I can&#8217;t. I CAN&#8217;T!

Haven: I WON&#8217;T HURT MY FRIEND!

Suddenly, all of the cosplayers circling the two turn and look at Haven as he yells from a kneeling position. The Cosplay Queen shakes her head in disgust as she walks back towards Haven. Haven just stares at her as she mirrors his best friend. However, a voice suddenly echoes in Haven&#8217;s head.

Haven, you fool!

God? God is that you?

No, you idiot!

Hyada, is that you?

Yes, what are you doing?

I can&#8217;t&#8230; I can&#8217;t fight you... You have done so much for me. I just can&#8217;t!

Haven, that isn&#8217;t me. She is trying to mentally attack you.

But, Hyada&#8230; The roulette rounds...

Look, if we happen to face each other in the ring, I want nothing but your best. Not only are we partners, but we are rivals. We help each other become better by competing alongside each other. You hear me?!

Wow, thanks Hyada.

Don&#8217;t thank me, I&#8217;m just saying what you knew all along. Don&#8217;t let fear consume what you know is true! NOW GET UP AND FIGHT!

The Cosplay Queen gets to Haven, but she is taken back as Haven leaps up and uppercuts her stomach, just above the tag belt. Haven then grabs her duffel bag and swings it into her. She flies backwards as her cosplay outfit crumbles, revealing her black latex suit.

She screams at Haven.

Queen: No, my outfits!

She tries to get up, but Haven walks up to her and presses his foot down on her chest.

Haven: No.

Haven tosses the bag side and reaches down to unlatch the belt around her waist.

Haven: My belt.

He smirks down at the Cosplay Queen as he puts the belt back around his own waist.


We transition to a shot of the Cosplay Queen being put in a police car. Haven is watching this unfold as he puts a hand down on the tag team championship gilding his waist. It glistens under the fading sun. Suddenly, Hyada walks up next to him, with his belt on his shoulder. Hyada watches the police car zoom away and then smiles at his partner.

Hyada: So, what have you been up to today?

Haven: Eh, nothing much.

They share a smile as Hyada pats his friend on his back. The two begin to walk away from the Comic Con event as the scene fades to black.
Blade paces back and forth in his locker room, cigarette letting off smoke between his fingers. Becky Serra watches, looking almost bored. She has given up trying to get a coherent interview out of him.

“What is he doing?” Blade mumbles, half to himself and half to Becky.

Becky doesn’t bother answering. There’s no answer that could make him shut up.

“What is he doing? The first time he sees me after trying to end my career and he helps me? Try and explain that.” This time he stops and glares at Becky. This time he wants an answer. It’s his own sick way of taking out his frustrations on Becky.

Becky sighs wearily. “Everyone can turn over a new leaf, I guess.”

Blade immediately shakes his head, as he continues pacing. He takes a quick drag, the smoke being exhaled as he repondss. “Not him. He’s not capable of it.”

“People said the same about you.” Becky says with a hint of a smirk. She’s trying to wind Blade up for her own amusement at this point. And it clearly works. Blade stops in his tracks, and points the fingers holding the cigarette at Becky. He really wants to make his point.

“There’s a difference. I did what I had to do to get what I wanted. I hurt people, yeah, but I only hurt people who got in my way. It was always business, never personal.”

Becky can’t stop herself from laughing. “Never personal?”

Blade is taken aback by the response, but stands firm in his statement. “No. Never.”

“Pinning Rush after the heart attack?” Becky asks casually, tired of bringing it up at this point.

“I was getting myself a EurAsian title match!” Blade fires back instantly.

“How about ending Zander Young’s career?” Becky says, listing off incidents on her fingers.

“That wasn’t intentional. And either way, I was just trying to get into the rWo.” Even Blade isn’t too convinced about that one.

“Sending flowers to the funeral of Chris Beckford’s mother?” Becky finishes. This time it’s serious. Her tone, her body language, it all becomes more serious.

And Blade doesn’t have an answer for this one. He shakes it off and continues pacing. “Overlast is a psychopath, you hear me? When we were in the Sons of Destiny, Hammond and I, we did everything for a reason, for the good of the group, and for the good of me. Overlast… He hurt and he punished people with no sign of humanity. I had to pull him back at times. He actually seemed to enjoy it.”

“I don’t recall him being like that before he joined your little group.” Becky quips.

“I cannot be held responsible for the fact that he is unstable!”

“You made him like that, Blade” she begins, with a little venom behind her words, “He was just a rookie when he got here. Then you got your claws into him, and he started watching you and how you’d act. And how you’d destroy lives and careers to get what you want. Then he turned on you. You created this monster, Blade. Take some damn responsibility!”

“Don’t turn this around on me! What kind of goddamn journalist are you? You’re supposed to be unbiased, you’re supposed to tell it like it is, and now you’re trying to tell me that it’s all my fault? That I’m the reason Mick Overlast tried to end my career?” Blade growls. There’s an anger bubbling just below the surface, almost trying to get out.

Becky sense the danger, and pulls back a little. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I was being a little too harsh.” This doesn’t do much to diffuse the tension. “Well, you can stop worrying about Overlast for a little while, with the Roulette rounds coming up.”

“Oh yeah, you’re right!” Blade’s tone is clearly sarcastic, pseudo-hopeful. “I’ll forget about the psychopath who tried to end my career! I’ll forget how he’s acting so nice to me now without any possibly explanation. Because the Roulette rounds are coming up! Nothing bad ever happens during the Roulette rounds, am I right?”

Becky is growing more uncomfortable by the second. “Blade, just calm down.”

“How could I calm down?” The sarcasm continues. “I’ve got the Roulette round to look forward to! It’s so exciting! Maybe I’ll get a EurAsian title shot! Reclaim the belt that I never truly lost! Or maybe, just maybe, I’ll get a World Title shot! Maybe I’ll strut to the ring, smirking that smirk I always wear, that arrogance that has endeared me to so many people. And I’ll beat Ty Burna and win the World Title! In a goddamn Roulette round, of all things!”

Becky stays silent, hoping he’ll soon get it all out of his system.

“In fact,” he crosses the room towards her, “if my watch is correct, they should be doing the draw right about now! Why don’t we go see what wonderful match I’m in, huh?” He grabs her by the wrist and pulls her to her feet.

“Blade! Stop!” she shrieks.

“No, come on! We’ll go see what Myles and Bateman have lined up for me!”
He pulls her by the wrist across the room towards the door.

“I said stop it!” She pulls her wrist free and slaps him across the face hard. Blade is shocked, as he runs his fingers over the hand print on his cheek. Becky isn’t shocked, nor fearful of a possible retaliation. She’s just angry.

“What the hell is wrong with you? A man you consider an enemy is trying to make peace with you and you assume it’s some kind of attack! I don’t know if you’re overthinking it or if you’ve just gone crazy, but ever since you feuded with Triple X, you’ve been trying to destroy everything that crosses your path. Not only that, but you’ve become self-destructive. It’s like you’re begging people to hurt you. Like you want someone to take you out, because it’s easier than failing yet again.”

Blade is looking at the ground. “Get out.”

“Blade, I—“

He looks up, fury in his eyes. “I said get out!” he spits at her. She shakes her head sadly. There’s pity in her eyes. She turns and walks away, leaving Blade fuming.

He turns and looks in the mirror. There’s something there in his eyes that he hasn’t seen in a long time. It’s not a good sign.
The room was dark. A quick flash of lightning dims the room a feint blue-grey. The rain bounces off tge window as if it is a burglar trying to force entry. Another flash of lightning. A shadow can be seen frantically writing. A loud boom shakes the room as the thunder rolls closer.


A voice mumbles.

Not knowing when it is going to happen. It eats me up inside. My whole life has been a struggle.

The voice grows louder and more recognizable. The Beard is overcome with emotion as he continues.

It all started when my father passed. Then my mother put all the blame upon me. That is was my fault the illness took him from us. She was next. She wanted nothing to do with me and my sister. She took late night trips to a friend’s house. We knew, but she always denied the fact. She was ****ing herself around trying to replace what my father had gave her but she never could.

Another blast of lightning brightens the room as Beard can be seen pacing around.

I’ve been abandon by friends, partners, and love. Now I stand here today as a man with no direction, with no place. My heart as empty as the bottle of wine next to me. My mind races yet the finish always leads me back to you. No matter where am I or what I do, somehow you remain a piece of me. You complete me. Our song plays on loop, my heart vows to return home. You were always there for me and I sit here today, a failure. I’m not the man I ever claimed to be. I was never there to help chase your dreams. And I sit here a broken soul. I look at the stars and all I see is your face, wondering if you think and feel the same. Soon I’ll be home, with you in my arms. Soon we will chase your dreams and forget that this nightmare ever existed.

Beard folds the paper and sticks it into an envelope as he sets it upon the desk. Beard bends down and grabs his King For a Day case and stares at it intently.

Inside here is nothing but destruction. Pure Armageddon and it is in the hands of the most dangerous man in the world.

Beard voice is rasp as he rubs his hand up and down the case.

But do I believe that? Do I believe that I am this monster of a man that Zeus has brainwashed everyone to believe? Am the greatest enemy of their greatest heroes? Am I.

Beard pauses as his phone rings. He seems hesitant as he lifts the phone from the charger and places it to his ear. A sudden pause followed by a deep breath.


Beard falls to his chair as he rubs his hand over his weary eyes down to his unkempt beard.

You mean you’ve read them. All of them?

Beard is confused as he stumbles across his words. His breaths become shorter as tears flow down his face.

I love you so much. I never wanted this to happen. You are what matters most. Tonight I end.

Beard is cut off as Amber Warren interrupts.

It is time.

Beard quickly hides the phone as Amber raises her eyebrows as Beard shakes his head.

I’ll be right there.

Amber closes the door as Beard lifts the phone back to his ear.

I’m on my way.

Beard with no response hangs the phone up and shits the light off as he exits the room.

Days have passed as Amber Warren struggles through the door, accompanying her is a burly man with a sack atop his head. Dr. Zeus sits atop the stairs in front of an empty congregation. Amber kneels before the good doctor before driving her foot into the back of the man’s legs, dropping him to his knees. Zeus removes the mask, revealing The Beard.

Your questions and concerns bring no pity
Was it how you remember, her face oh so pretty?
Your lack of faith Beard, I’m upset.
And now it is time to put you to rest.

Zeus pulls a whip from behind him and lashes Beard across his back. Welts form at an instant as the King for a Day holder squints in agony. Zeus lashes again, but this time to the chest as Amber restrains Beard to his back. Another lash and another. Beard’s skin rips open as his blood pours out the wounds. Beard’s breaths are heavy as Zeus places the whip down upon the stairs.

Is that how you treat those who misbehave? You think you are a man Zeus? You don’t have what it takes to end me.

A rage fills Zeus’s eyes as Amber’s jaw is left open as Beard questions Zeus’s ways. Zeus reaches for the whip and he lashes Beard in the arm. Beard takes on the brunt of the shot as his eyes widen and he nods his head yes, begging for more. Zeus cracks the whip, this time right to the side of his ally’s neck. Beard falls face first to the carpet below. His breaths short. Zeus signals for Amber to back away. Zeus grabs Beard by the hair and stares into his flickering eyes.

Have you had enough?
Without a doubt this will be rough.
For we are partners, gifts from God.
For my teachings are not fraud.

Beard spits in the face of Zeus, who is licking his chops. Zeus whips away the saliva as he nails Beard with a right hand to the temple. Beard falls back to the carpet and Zeus signals for Amber to lift him up. Amber holds the wounded Beard as Zeus beats his face to a pulp. Beard is on his final breathes as Zeus raises his fist for the final blow. A hand grabs Zeus’s arm stopping the doctor in his tracks. He turns with fire in his eyes and sees Chastity, with sympathy in her eyes.

Dorian you leave him be. If you dare take another swing.

Zeus raises his hand, interrupting Chastity. He signals for Amber, who joins him at the front of the congregation. Zeus stares at Chastity, who stumbles back worried. The look in Zeus’s eye seems to be picking her apart limb by limb. Zeus’s trance is broken as a mumble is heard in t background.

Heavenly Father for I have sinned.

A long pause between each word as Beard struggles to continue as if he has been overcome with regret. He inhales before continuing.

Forgive me Father for I have questioned the path you have placed in front of me. I have doubted your existence and today’s has shown me that you are the superior being. Today I have seen the light, a light you have provided. A light that will lead me home to Heaven’s garden.

Zeus has gleam in his eyes as Beard speaks to the Heavens.

I will forever follow your ways, no questions and no burdens. You are my reason for existence. I’m at your command.

Beard struggles as Zeus holds him up and kisses Beard on his forehead. A smile has overcome Zeus’s face as he gathers Chastity, Amber and Beard together.

Ironically they look to a villain to be the hero.
The faith among them almost zero
Our mission, we must make them cry.
By destroying their savior, the man named Ty.

Father, wait!

Zeus, stunned that his son would interrupt him in the middle of his sermon, stops speaking, as his eyes grow wide. The Beard makes it to his feet, the blood on his back still oozing. Every moment seems to wrack Beard with pain, but he makes it to his feet, with focus glare in his eyes.

Father... I wish to speak to the congregation. For it is written that I shall be ascend to the throne... That I am the man, destined to dethrone The Father of all Demons.

The Beard looks to Amber and Chastity, who are following each of The Beard's words. Silently, Zeus bows his head... Not allowing for a glimmer of pride to be seen from his eyes.

And they are correct... I was deemed by God as his weapon, in the war on Hell. And so one by one, I destroyed every foul demon in my way. I've turned Ty Burna's foot soldiers to mere ash and rubble. I have walked upon their huddled carcasses, like the conquering King that I am.

The Beard grabs his King for a Day briefcase from the altar, cradling it in his hands as if it were his own child.

But that was nothing, compared to the trials of conquering the Father of all Demons. Our father, a great man... He has led me to the battle for the very soul of mankind. But he knows that only I can vanquish the evil demon. Only I can finally send Ty back to Hell, where he so belongs.

The Beard goes to Dr. Zeus, and stands behind him. Though it's always been true, it becomes ever apparent that The Beard dwarfs Dr. Zeus.

But doing so will be the hardest challenge of my life. That's why you've worked so hard to prepare me, Father. Why you've pushed me beyond the farthest realms of agony. Why you've made me sacrifice.

The Beard look down at the congregation, and gives a large sigh.

To destroy Ty Burna, I needed to lose everything. My family, my happiness, my life. For that is what the good shepherd does, to protect his flock. Though Ty has tried to pry into my mind, make me weaker, he will find that he has failed! Our Father has prepared me well for this war.

The Beard looks down at Dr. Zeus, who can't help but raise his head, revealing his pride. Zeus looks up at his son, and for the first time ever, kneels before him. This takes Chastity and Amber by surprise, as neither are sure what to make of this showing. Zeus bows his head in silence, as The Beard looks down at his father. Slowly, Chastity drops on bent knee as well, as does Amber Warren.

I am your king, the man who shall conquer Hell, and slay the beast, Ty Burna. I am The Beard, and may it be shouted throughout the world. May the children excitedly scream in the streets, freed of their sin by my hand. May the sinners of the world breathe a sigh of relief, no longer under the mind control of the Father of all Demons. And may the truly righteous whisper, tears in their eyes...

The Beard's eyes well with tears, as he screams at the top of his lungs. The church walls reverberate from the sound, as The Beard goes to grab a large Chaos symbol. The Beard beckons for Dr. Zeus to grab his blowtorch, which Dr. Zeus does in quick order. Zeus offers it to The Beard, as The Beard takes it, and sets the symbol ablaze.

The King is dead!

The Beard grabs his briefcase, and holds it high over his head. Amber and Chastity look on in amazement, as the glass windows of the church begin to tremble at the might of The Beard's voice. Even Dr. Zeus' hairs on his arm are raised, as the Beard's righteous fury is palpable to all in the room. The Beard looks up high to his briefcase, as a glass window depicting Christ's ascension to Heaven is behind them.

Long live The King!

Amber is in her locker room staring at the floor. Seeing as though she is uncomfortable, she sits on the floor and folds her legs together before she closes her eyes and lets out deep breaths.

I know what I must do. There&#8217;s really nothing I can do to stop this, it has to be done. Not just for his sake but for my sake.

Am I right in doing this though? Of course I am, don&#8217;t be stupid Amber. You know your instructions, just do it. It can&#8217;t be that hard right.

The young dragon has her eyes closed but it seems as though she&#8217;s struggling within herself.

Think back Amber. Think back to why you&#8217;re about to do this. There&#8217;s just no other way. You are in the right and he is in the wrong. Simple as that.

Amber takes a few deep breaths again as she seems to be calming down. She rises from her sitting position and lets out one more deep breath. She looks better now, looking calm, looking serene. She walks over to a stool where she placed her WZCW tag team title belt and looks at it. She runs her hands through the gold and pats it. She slings it over her should and looks at it once more, admiring it. That&#8217;s when her tag team partner, El Califa shows up.

El Califa: Are you ready Amber Warren?

With his own title slung over his shoulder as well, he smiles at Amber.

Amber: As ready as I&#8217;ll ever be.

The two dragons clasp hands showing unity before their big tag team bout. They both nod at each other before El Califa takes the lead and exits Amber&#8217;s locker room. Amber follows suit but not before a devious smirk on her face appears.


After the All or Nothing pay-per-view commences, the scene opens backstage to where Leon Kensworth is with Amber Warren, who looks intent on giving Leon and everyone else an explanation as to what just happened with her and El Califa at this pay-per-view.

Leon: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another app exclusive interview. My guest at this time is former WZCW tag team champion and someone who played a very controversial ro &#8211;

Amber: Yeah, yeah. Can we get this moving along Leon? Just listen.

Amber is visibly annoyed with Leon as she cuts him off. She takes the microphone which Leon is still holding and holds it close to her mouth before she speaks.

Amber: You all saw what happened out there. Does anything really need to be explained? All my actions have been justified the last couple of weeks. El Califa was just no good to me anymore, get it? That&#8217;s all that was. So if anyone else needs another answer, there is none, because that&#8217;s all there is to it.

Amber shoves the microphone into Leon&#8217;s chest who stumbles back a bit. The former tag team champion storms off the set but the camera still follows her. She doesn&#8217;t noticed the camera following her but she doesn&#8217;t get that far anyway as she&#8217;s stopped in her tracks by none other than her brother, Nate.

Nate: What the hell was that out there?

Amber: I don&#8217;t need this right now. Leave me alone Nate.

Amber glares at her brother who just doesn&#8217;t want to hear it right now. But Nate is persistent as he goes after his little sister.

Nate: Hey! Don&#8217;t walk away from me. There&#8217;s something clearly wrong with you because the Amber Warren that I knew is not the Amber Warren me and the entire WZCW fanbase just saw out there. What is the matter with you? Have you forgotten all El Califa has done for us?

Amber: Oh so you&#8217;re on his side huh? Typical.

She walks away again but Nate pulls her arm so she doesn&#8217;t leave.

Nate: AMBER! What is wrong?! You haven&#8217;t been yourself the past few weeks. I thought you were just going through a phase or that this was normal because you lash out at times, but this time seems different.

Amber: You&#8217;re damn right it&#8217;s different. I&#8217;m sick of everything. I&#8217;m sick of you berating me and I&#8217;m sick of everything El Califa stood for. I mean, do you really buy his act?

Nate: What do you mean?

Amber: See, even you are oblivious to what&#8217;s going on. New flash Nate, I&#8217;m not blind. But clearly, everyone else is. Beard isn&#8217;t blind. Dr. Zeus isn&#8217;t blind. They&#8217;re the kind of people I want to be with. People who see clearly. People who understand me.

Amber:I feel as though I've been rejuvenated and what better way to make a name for myself than in the Roulette Rounds? Tune in Nate because you're about to see just what exactly your little sister is capable of.

Nate shoots a look of confusion at his sister as he tries to make sense of all of this. Suddenly, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. He searches his wallet for something before he pulls out a polaroid photo of himself, Amber, and El Califa. It was after Los Magnificos Dragons&#8217;s first win as a team at Aftershock 27 against Bobby Adams and Sandy Deserts. He places it right in front of Amber&#8217;s eyes so she can see clearly.

Nate: Do you see this? Can you see this CLEARLY? These are the people that care about you. The people that have been with you through your roughest times here in WZCW. Your own brother, how could you abandon your own brother after everything I gave up to help support you here in WZCW?

Amber frowns a little looking at the photo. The two Warren siblings are smiling and you can&#8217;t help but think that El Califa is smiling through that mask of his. She looks at Nate again who with his last ditch effort to bring back his sister to the good side, hopes it works. Amber takes the photo from her brother and stares at it.

Nate: We were really happy that day. It was your first &#8211;

Before Nate could finish what he was saying, he looks in absolute shock as Amber tears the polaroid photo in half. She stretches her arm out to her much taller brother and holds the photo right in front of Nate&#8217;s eyes. When she was sure he was looking straight at it, she playfully drops it to the floor and smiles big at her brother. She turns her back to her brother before letting out a maniacal laugh and slowly walks away. With rage filling within Nate, he stomps his way towards Amber to give him another piece of his mind.

However, that is stopped when Beard, the 6&#8217;6, 285-pound muscle of War and Death appears from the shadows with his arms folded. Amber appears behind Beard with a wicked smile on her face as she holds onto the arm of Beard.

Beard: Is there a problem here?

Beard glares at Nate who doesn&#8217;t back down. Hell, Nate sizes Beard up as he stands at an impressive 6&#8217;4, but is clearly outweighed by more than a few pounds by Beard.

Amber: Nope. No problem. He was just leaving. Weren&#8217;t you Nate?

She again flashes her brother a smile which turns into a smirk. Nate is absolutely fuming but knows he has lost this battle but not the war.

Nate: This isn&#8217;t over.

Nate says that with a vendetta in his tone as he storms off but not before looking Beard in the eye and shaking his head at his sister.

Amber: Yes it is.

With that, Amber and Beard walk away from the scene. When the camera man and Leon see that the entire fiasco is over, they run at the exact spot where it all happened.

Leon: Holy hell, did you see that? That was intense. That was &#8211;

Beard reappears and he is not happy. He shoves Leon to the ground and looks at the camera. She uses his massive hand to shove the lens of the camera away. When he does so, the camera man stumbles back and the scene turns black but we still have audio. We can hear Leon apologizing to Beard and begging for Beard to leave him alone. Before long, we hear screams from Leon followed by the unmistakable maniacal laugh from the one and only Dragon Queen, Amber Warren.
Theron's Merry Band Of Misfits




Scene opens to Theron Daggershield looking out the window at his room at The Jumping Penguin Inn at the town of Thunderbelle. Celebratory music can be heard from the central district of town through the following scenes.

Theron: I'm in no mood to celebrate, but it sure seems like everyone else in this town is. Everybody Or Nobody will forever remain an event I wish to not remember. Beardacus and Davkas defeated us. I thought Vire and I would be the superior team. I can't believe we couldn't get the job done! It only makes matters worse that The Duchess of Dragons has now joined them in a triumvirate of sorts. She is one terrifying Dragon Shaman, but I have slain many dragons before. I'll simply add her to the list, if the opportunity arises.

A knock is heard at the door. Theron turns his head to face the door.

Theron: Come in.

Davivel the Cleric and Sheshmish the Swashbuckler walk into the room.

Theron: Did you guys need something?

Davivel: Why aren't you out joining in on the fun? It's the Festival of Thunder this week!

Theron: Not really in the mood. How did it go at the Thunder Shrine, did you guys get the elemental artifact of Mystra that was in there?

Davivel: Unfortunately things did not go as we planned, my friend. We got outnumbered by the Thunder Cultists and had to retreat.

Sheshmish: Did ye win the match?

Theron: Does it LOOK like I won the match!?

Sheshmish: Yarr. Fair enough, captain. All the more reason for ye to come outside and get ye mind off it.

Theron: Tempting, but no.

Davivel: Theron, you're not still thinking about what happened here with your brother all those years ago, are you?

Theron: That, and about my loss at the Everybody Or Nobody event.

Davivel: Don't dwell on it, man. You cannot blame yourself for the sins of your brother. It's an ironic twist of fate that we would end up in Thunderbelle during the Festival of Thunder though. They hold it each year in hopes that she will return, it will be exactly four years this month since The Lady of Thunderbelle's disappearance.

Theron: You're not helping, Davivel. You were there for it. Why would you bring that up?

Davivel: Kirilah told me that there is a new champion as a result of the show, does she speak the truth?

Theron: Every single championship was won by a new gladiator. The legendary Tiberius Scorch shocked everyone by returning to win the World Gladiatorial Championship. The Youths of Righteousness a new team made up of Harbor the blue caped ranger and a monk clad in a red gi by the name of Ken Moth who used to be a lethal unarmed fist fighter, have won the Tag Team Championship. The Geographical Championship was won by Leonaros Moonshadow, who I have faced before. Finally, Marrmell finally lost the Regional Championship to Kaiser after having almost completed his task of defending it enough times to earn a chance at the top prize.

Sheshmish: Marrmell no longer be Regional Champion? Arrr! Captain, let me buy ye a round of rum! Why be ye not celebrating his loss after what that landlubber put ye through!?

Theron: I'm too preoccupied with memories of the incident in this town with my brother and my own loss at the event to care about Marrmell's loss.

Davivel: Theron, did the federation not inform you? Every champion is defending their title at the next show! It is a special Shuffle event where anything and any matchup can happen. You could face Kaiser, Leonaros, or even Tiberius for their belts potentially! I think you need to sign up, Theron.

Theron: I didn't think about that. I've always wanted a shot at the Geographical Championship, I have defeated Leonaros Moonshadow before. I can do it again. As for Kaiser? He may be a challenge, it would depend on what match type we get assigned to if I am placed in a match with him. Then there is Tiberius Scorch.... He is a one of the most powerful gladiators in history. Facing him for the World Gladiatorial Championship would be a dream come true. I'm in! Let's head down to the arena.

Davivel: Oh, it's not at the arena. This is being held at the Platinum Platter, where we used to play electronic simulations back in the day. A mindflayer is passing out invitations for it in a tent there, but the catch is you must draw a card from The Deck of Many Things. It determines who your opponent will be.

Theron: I have heard the dangers found within The Deck of Many Things.... It's worth that risk knowing I can potentially face anybody on the entire roster.

Sheshmish: The others already be waiting for us, captain!

Theron: Well let's get going then.

Scene fades to black. The music can still be heard.


Scene fades in to a large crowded platinum disc with tunnels leading to chambers containing events for the Festival. Theron, Davivel, and Sheshmish are seen looking for their allies. They make their way through people of all races until they find Kirilah on the other side of the crowd waiting at one of the tunnels, with a glowing sign over it reading "Game Room".

Davivel: This brings back memories. Remember the game simulations here, Theron? I wonder if your old high score is still intact on the Snow Glider game, man.

Theron: There's Kirilah.

Kirilah sees them and waves to get the attention of her friends.

Kirilah: Over here, guys!

They walk up to her, avoiding some of the townspeople walking in and out the tunnel.

Kirilah: So I see you convinced our fearless leader to come. Are you feeling alright, Theron?

Theron: Other than wishing I had teamed up with The Youths of Righteousness rather than Vire Silverclaw and having several negative flashbacks of what happened with my brother years ago in this town, yeah I am fine.

Kirilah: You did the right thing in giving Vire a chance, Theron. Do not be so hard on yourself. It was a better match than you may think and you both made a strong effort. On a happier note, Davivel told me about how you set the high score for the popular Snow Glider game years ago. I want to see if you still got it.

Theron: I'm surprised you're not shoving the Tome of Mystra in my face and making me read scripture instead of encouraging me to enter the Game Room.

Davivel: Ha! Don't give her any ideas, friend. Say, where are Keifasar and Kayrentia?

Kirilah: Already inside. Kayrentia is playing a game where you feed a beaver, and Keifasar is playing some game that simulates an underwater team sport.

Theron: Alright, I'll try to have some fun. I need to sign up for the Shuffle though eventually, what convinced me to show up is the fact that I can potentially get signed up to have a match against any other gladiator. A couple of gaming rounds first, but then I'm off to find the mindflayer's tent to get myself signed up.

Kirilah: Keifasar has pass tickets for all of you, we have to grab them from him so that you don't have to wait in line for an eternity to play a game.

Scene fades out, as the music continues playing.


Scene fades in to a large chamber full of electronic simulators and a long line of people of various races waiting for a chance to play. One game stands out from the rest, it is in the center of the Game Room and has a massive sapphire frame surrounding its screen, above it is a glowing sign that reads "Snow Glider". Theron and his Merry Band of Misfits all approach the Snow Glider simulator flashing their pass tickets to the guard so as to skip to the front of the line.

Theron: Well, here goes nothing. Keep in mind guys, I haven't played this thing in four years. I may be a bit out of practice.

Theron turns to the guard, who has a look of boredom on his face.

Theron: Hey, how many rounds on this thing are we allowed before we have to purchase another or the people in line get a turn?

Guard: World Gladiatorial Combat Federation members get a hundred rounds. For anyone else it's only one.

Theron: Alrighty then.

Theron cracks his knuckes and turns on the simulator. Angle changes to a view of the game screen. Surf rock music begins to play in the background and continues to play through the following scene.


Theron's game avatar is a scrawny adolescent with black spiky hair wearing a blue outfit. He is on a red snowboard. The avatar is seen beginning to glide down the slope approaching a red star. The avatar glides through the star as a chime goes off signifying that this was a good thing. The path has a fork in the road with a banner on the left reading "beginner" and a banner on the right reading "expert". The avatar goes down the beginner path.

Rude Guy In Crowd: (heard from offscreen) Boo!!!! Take the expert path! Easy is for wimps!

The avatar continues down the path and jumps to grab another red star in the air. The environment changes to a snow filled frozen canyon. The avatar grabs 7 out of a string of a dozen stars.

Rude Guy In Crowd: (heard from offscreen) Ha! You missed some of those!

The avatar continues downard through another similar canyon, and grabs a blue star which causes a double chime to sound off. Sounds of cheering can be heard from the people in line. A beaver holding up a red arrow pointing left is seen on the right side of the slope as the avatar continues down.

Rude Guy In Crowd: (heard from offscreen) Run into the beaver! It'll be funny!

Theron: (heard from offscreen) I'm not stupid, I know that makes you lose points.

The avatar glides down past the beaver and is moved by Theron to the left at the suggestion of the beaver's sign. The avatar misses hitting a tree. And another. The avatar grabs nine stars out of a string of a dozen as well as a blue star following the string. Three large snowmen are on the slope in a triangle formation with a blue star in between two of them, the avatar grabs the blue star. More cheers can be heard from the people in line.

Rude Guy In Crowd: (heard from offscreen) You should've run into the snowmen! You're no fun!

The avatar glides further down the slope and another beaver is seen this one has an arrow pointing to the right. Theron moves his avatar to the right. The avatar nearly collides with an igloo, but avoids it in time. He misses a blue star on the way past the igloo.

Rude Guy In Crowd: (heard from offscreen) There's a bunch of beavers coming, are you gonna run into them?

The avatar glides further down the slope and no less than half a dozen beavers show up on snowboards of their own, each going in seperate directions. Theron's avatar dodges each beaver as they glide in his avatar's way one by one. The beavers glide offscreen.

Rude Guy In Crowd: (heard from offscreen) Why didn't you HIT them?

Theron's avatar glides past several trees on both sides of the slope, missing each of them. After the trees there are more igloos on the sides of the slope, the avatar misses them while grabbing four red stars out of a string of a dozen, and misses a blue star at the end of the string. The avatar approaches the end of the slope with a green star floating above a snow filled arch at the end. The avatar jumps for the star but did not jump high enough.

Rude Guy In Crowd: (heard from offscreen) Ha ha! You missed the green star!

The avatar crosses the finish line and Theron's score is tallied.... he got a 75%. Angle shifts back to Theron as the music keeps playing.

Theron: Not bad for having not played in so many years.

Sheshmish walks up to Theron.

Sheshmish: Arrr, captain! Will ye let me have a try?

Theron: Go for it.

Angle shifts to show the gamescreen again. Sheshmish's avatar is a large heavyset man with a long brown beard and a green outfit on a yellow snowboard. The avatar begins gliding downward.

Sheshmish: (heard from offscreen) How do ye jump?

Theron: (heard from offscreen) You have to press the "J" button. "D" is for grabbing a star and then use the control stick to move.

Sheshmish's avatar is seen jumping a few times as he practices the jump command. He misses the first red star. The avatar approaches the fork where the path divides into the "beginner" path and the "expert" path.

Rude Guy In Crowd: (heard from offscreen) Take the expert path!!!!

Theron: (heard from offscreen) Ignore that idiot.

Sheshmish's avatar takes the beginner path. He jumps to grab the red star in the air but misses it. The avatar enters the first of the snow filled frozen canyons. He misses all but one of the red stars in the string of a dozen. The avatar glides down into the second snow filled frozen canyon. He jumps grabs the blue star as a double chime goes off. Mild cheering is heard from the people in line.

Rude Guy In Crowd: (heard from offscreen) You better run into the beaver holding up the red arrow! Or the snowmen! Run into the snowmen when you get to that part!

The avatar glides past the beaver holding up the arrow pointing left. Sheshmish fails to follow the beaver's suggestion and bumps into both of the trees moments after gliding past where the beaver was. Laughter is heard from the people in line. The avatar misses a string of a dozen red stars and the blue star after the string. He approaches three snowmen in a triangle formation. The avatar collides with one of the snowmen, revealing that a beaver was inside the snowman. The beaver runs offscreen. The laugher from the line becomes louder.

Rude Guy In Crowd: (heard from offscreen) WHOA!!!! That was AWESOME!!!!

The avatar gets back up from having been knocked down on the ground by the collision with the snowman the beaver was in. He begins gliding down again. A beaver is seen with a red arrow pointing to the right. Sheshmish's avatar barely misses hitting the beaver, only to collide with the igloo a mere moment later. The laughter from the people in line has become quite loud.

Rude Guy In Crowd: (heard from offscreen) YEAH!!!! Do it again!!!! That was so FUNNY!!!! DO IT AGAIN!!!!

The igloo crumbles to the ground revealing an irate beaver. The beaver throws a chair at Sheshmish's avatar before running offscreen. The crowd's laughter is now so loud that the rude guy's remarks cannot be heard for the time being. Sheshmish's avatar gets back up and resumes gliding downward. Half a dozen beavers show up on their own snowboards, each goes in a seperate direction and one by one they glide into Sheshmish's avatar who is unable to move out of their way. He collides with them all.

Sheshmish: (heard from offscreen) YARRRR!!!! What be this idiocy!? Get out of me way, landlubbers!

The beavers get up, back on their snowboards and glide offscreen. Sheshmish's avatar also gets back up and continues down the slope. The avatar glides past several trees and igloos on both sides of the slope. He misses them as he grabs three stars out of a string of a dozen but misses the blue star following the string. The avatar approaches the end of the slope where a green star is floating above a snow filled arch at the end. The avatar jumps in an attempt to grab the star and hits the arch itself face first. The arch, which was nothing but snow breaks sending the avatar flying trough midair through the finish line before he lands in the snow ending the game round. His score is tallied at a 49%.

Sheshmish: (heard from offscreen) Arrr, did I win, captain?

Theron: (heard from offscreen) No.... but you've never played before.

Angle changes back Theron and Sheshmish. The crowd surrounding the simulator has grown by a few dozen humanoids. The music keeps playing. Theron steps down from the platform and looks around. Sheshmish opens up a bottle of rum from his bag of holding.

Theron: Alright, which one of you is the idiot that kept on giving us a hard time about running into the beavers?

No response from the crowd.

Theron: Figures he would take the coward's way out. Alright, I have ninety-nine more free rounds to play. I set the high score on this game four years ago. Who here wants to see the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation's own Theron Daggershield set the high score AGAIN on this thing?

The crowd erupts into loud cheering and they chant Theron's name. Theron turns back toward the simulator.

Theron: Step aside, Sheshmish! I'm doing expert mode this time!

Fade to black. Screen remains black for 10 seconds. Bright red letters fade into the black screen reading "Five hours and ninety-eight rounds of Snow Glider later....". The text remains onscreen for 10 seconds before the screen fades to fully black again. After four more seconds pass, scene fades in to a view of Theron standing on the platform at the simulator, about to play his last free round. The crowd has grown larger and now more than a hundred humanoids are watching his attempt at breaking the high score.

Theron: Well, here we go, everyone! This is the last free round I have. I'm pretty confident I got this. Here goes!

Angle changes to a view of Theron's avatar on the game screen starting to glide down the path. The avatar goes down the path with the banner reading "expert" as the crowd cheers. The avatar glides down into a canyon similar to the one from the easier mode but it is not frozen. The avatar grabs a full string of twenty-five red stars and four blue stars while dodging rocks on the path.

Davivel: (heard from offscreen) Come on, Theron! You can do it, man!

The avatar glides down into a desert slope. He dodges dozens of cacti and grabs seven blue stars along the way as double chimes go off on the simulator and the crowd cheers loudly.

Sheshmish: (heard from offscreen) Ye be almost there, captain!

Theron's avatar glides down into a frozen terrain again upon getting past the desert. He glides into a cave. In the cave he grabs nine red stars as the path takes multiple twists and turns. Icicles fall down from the roof of the cavern, the avatar leaps over them in impressive fashion while grabbing a blue star on the way.

Kirilah: (heard from offscreen) Holy mother of magic, you're about to get a perfect score! Just avoid the beavers and you're done!

Rude Guy In Crowd: (heard from offscreen) No! Run into the beavers and knock them off their snowballs!

Theron: (heard from offscreen) Seriously!? Can someone get him out of here or shut him up?

Keifasar: (heard from offscreen) Done.

The rude man can no longer be heard. Theron's avatar glides downward emerging outside of the cave again. He reaches a snow filled area of the slope similar to the path on the easy mode. Beavers are rolling down the slope riding large snowballs. Ten beavers are on the screen. The avatar dodges each beaver as they roll into the way of the avatar, they roll offscreen one by one.

Theron: (heard from offscreen) Almost there.... Almost there....

A large tree can be seen in the distance. The avatar glides closer to it and jumps onto a trampoline, launching him into the air high enough to go over the tree and grab a green star floating above the tree. The crowd is cheering louder than ever. Theron's avatar lands and glides downward a few more moments before crossing the finish line. His score is tallied at 99%. The music stops playing.

Theron: (heard from offscreen) Dang. Almost had it. A perfect score on this thing must be impossible to obtain.

A NEW RECORD flashes over the screen. Angle changes back to Theron at the platform. The crowds cheering and chanting of Theron's name only grows even louder as he turns away from the simulator. Theron turns to face Keifasar.

Theron: What did you do to that annoying guy?

Keifasar: You don't want to know.

Theron: Anyway.... I need to go find that mindflayer so I can get signed up for a match.

Keifasar: I'm going to play some more games, but you guys should go ahead. I saw a mindflayer handing out cards from a tent over in the casino.

Theron: Shall we then?

Scene fades out.


Scene fades back in to a view of a large crimson tent. A blue mindflayer wearing a purple robe is standing at the entrance of it. Theron and his Merry Band of Misfits minus Keifasar approach the tent.


Mindflayer: Ladies and gentlemen, a heartfelt welcome.... to the Gladiator Shuffle! And what I show I'll have for you tonight....!

Theron: My friends here will be in attendance. I on the other hand, wish to compete.

Mindflayer: Ah, yes. Theron Daggershield. I have saved a special card in my deck of many things, just for you....! Come, draw....!

Theron takes a card from the deck of cards the mindflayer extends to him. It is the "Comet" card.

Theron: Comet.... So, do I face the gladiator who also drew a Comet card, or how does this work?

Mindflayer: You'll find out. Right this way....!

The mindflayer goes into the tent.

Davivel: From what I recall on the brief study I did on the deck of many things a very long time ago.... Comet is one of the best cards you could have drawn. I believe the end result was that the being who draws a Comet card from the deck of many things will prevail in their next hostile encounter.

Theron: Whether it be a newcomer like N, or World Gladiatorial Champion Tiberius Scorch.... I'm feeling confident. It will be different to enter a match without knowing who my opponent is, but whoever they are.... They better be ready!

Theron strikes up an impressive pose holding up his Falchion with a grin on his face as the scene freeze frames and fades to black.
Sweat slowly crawled across the skin of Eve Taylor before being flung off at high speeds as she threw strike after strike into the punching bag. Her unprotected hands were aching but she didn't let up, focused on annihilating the opponent she imagined she was attacking. Her chest felt like it was closing on her as she it became harder for her to breath, unsure of whether it was because she quickened the pace of her workout or the multiple thoughts racing through her mind, to which the latter became more overpowering by the second. Just as Eve thought she was going to collapse, she delivers one devastating roundhouse kick to the bag and ends her sessions, bending over on her knees to catch her breath as all her troubles had seemingly passed and returned Taylor back to reality.

Eve stood up vertically to see her friend Aubrey Sloan looking happy sitting by the bench Eve had left her belongings, causing herself to smile as well. She made her way over there, wiping away the sweat before grabbing her water bottle to soothe their dry throat.

"You seemed very focused."

"Yeah... got to be prepared... for the upcoming Roulette round." Eve said, still trying to catch her breath. "We don't know... who we are going to face... that is to say even if we are teaming at all. We could get the World champion... or we could be facing each other. I hope not."

Aubrey has a look of confusion on her face. "You seem to prepare yourself very heavily for a fight you don't understand the parameters yet when you know exactly what's happening, I had to motivate you to compete. That doesn't make any sense to me."

Eve takes another swig of her water bottle before putting it down, getting her breathing closer to a regular pace.

"Like I said, I could be facing the World champion for the title."

"Or another match against Cerberus?"

Eve let out a laugh. "I've enough of fighting Cerberus for one lifetime... you're getting better at these jokes, though."

"I... um, wasn't joking." Aubrey said in a serious tone with Eve quickly shutting up. "However, you knew you could win a championship shot at the Elite X title, something you had to explain to me the importance of winning and considering you failed the first time, I would've thought you wanted another chance. I know what that feels like too, especially with those damn squirrels. Any chance I get..."

"Aubrey, you're crushing my water bottle."

Aubrey stops to see that she is indeed crushing the neck of the bottle with her hands. Sloan slowly lets go of the bottle before putting it down gently, looking back towards Eve with no remorse about her actions and continues on as normal.

"Why wouldn't you want a guaranteed opportunity at something that matters but focus everything on the unknown?"

Eve was struck by Aubrey's persistence and thoughts.

"This is the one time of year where you could receive anything... anything that normally wouldn't be bestowed upon you. I definitely know that I'm not ready for the World championship yet but getting a shot at that belt would mean more than anything to me, even if I was randomly chosen as a challenger. The experience and exposure I could gain from a match against a veteran like Ty Burna would do me wonders and I've got to be at my absolute best to face someone like him. It's funny, you know, because I get this feeling that I've faced him once before and managed to defeat him."

"Have you?" Aubrey queried.

"No, but that's how ready I am for this. Hell, I would be proud to be even selected as an opponent for the Eurasian title or, if the stars align, we could get a shot for the tag team titles. You just don't know what you can get."

"Or you could not even compete, if my understanding of this concept is sound... and another thing, why do you wish not to face me if it was decided for us to have a match?"

Eve was taken aback by that question, not quite sure how to respond.

"You're my friend, Aubrey. I don't want to hurt you and if we face each other..." Eve said, trailing off.

"Is that why you didn't want to compete at All or Nothing and are now extremely excited for this upcoming round?"

"No, no... it's not that. I just... I just don't know what I'd do if I were to ever hurt you or lose your friendship, Aubrey." Eve admits. "You probably don't realise it but being friends with you has done a lot more for me than you being friends with me as done for you. I've never had many friends in my life and even though I'm always looking to meet new people, I always cherish the friendships I have and with you being the only friend I have in WZCW, what else would I do?"

"Make new friends?" Aubrey says, pointing out the obvious.

Eve ponders on that thought for a moment, leaving the two to be apart of an awkward pause before Aubrey pipes up, standing up from the bench.

"I um... I understand that we are friends. That is a concept which has taken time to learn but I think I know what I'm doing... but, if we were to ever face each other, I would like to know that you wouldn't take it easy on me. I'd like to know that our... err, friendship, can take a beating and still survive."

Now it was Eve who looked confused as Aubrey had a genuine look of concern on her face, waiting for Eve's response.

"Well I...

Eve takes a moment to reflect on everything the two have been through thus far.

"If there is one thing that I've learned from being friends with you is your ability to fight and considering how you became such a capable competitor, I guess you'd consider a fight between the two of us to be honourable and respectful..." Eve says, mostly talking to herself at this point, "... so in that case, if we ever have to face each other, I promise that I'll make sure to beat the daylight out of you."

Eve smiled, reassuring Aubrey who smiles back.

"I'm not sure how one can force the sun's rays out of a person but to hear you say that you'll find a way to do so and to see how much punishment you inflicted on that dangling weight makes me happy you will live up to those expectations. I promise to also beat the daylights out of you as well."

The two smile as Eve hugs Sloan who awkwardly stands there, merely absorbing it before she begins to accept this gesture. As she is about to hug Eve back, she sees two bypassers (who heard the last line of their conversation) stare at the two with a weird look on her face, causing her to quickly back away from Eve and the hug. Eve recovers quickly and picks up her bag.

"So... let's continue training, I guess."

"Sure, buddy. Let's."
Diabolos is lying on a couch in his Grandma's living room, a blanket with puppies on it is covering all but his eyes. Pictures of kittens and young children line the wooden paneled wall behind him. His Grandmother stands in front of him, shaking her head.

Grandma: Get up, boy. You've gotten chores to do.

He turns to his side and covers his head with his blanket.

Diabolos: How can I get up? I'm nothing.

Grandma: You're damn right you're nothing, nothing to me until you take out the dang trash you lazy slob.

Diabolos: I should just put myself in the trash and get thrown out. That's where I belong; eternally rotting in a pit filled with other tossed out trash and nothingness.

She walks away, Diabolos peeks out from under the blanket before going back under. She comes back over to him, two skeleton men by her side. She nods to them and they rip the blanket off of him and throw him to the ground. Before he can utter a word, one man grabs his arms behind his back and bring him to his knees. Grandma slaps him in the face.

Grandma: You have forsaken your ancient oath and failed me, your family name, your followers and worst of all you have failed the Old Ones. You dare walk around in my house, lazily sprawled out on my couch with that stench of failure all about you. You're lucky your Grandfather isn't alive to see this, Gods know he's rolling in his grave. He would have had a heart attack had he seen that pitiful performance you put up against that good for nothing, loser; Blade!

Diabolos: But Grandma, I did my best. I fought as hard as I could fought, I threw everything I had at him including a ***** and Baller's head!

Grandma: We needed that head and you just threw it into the crowd so some snot nosed punk could sell it on e-bay!

Diabolos: Who besides us would want a hollowed out severed head with Cheetohs in it?

Grandma: You put Cheetohs in that sacred artifact?!

Diabolos: I had no where else to put them. The bag had ripped and I didn't want to get my clothes covered in cheese inside my luggage.

Grandma: Boy, I have put up with you for far too long. The prophecy was a lie. You are no god, you are no avenger, you are no man. You are a useless, weak little boy and that's all you'll ever be. You're constant failures and foolish endeavors and obsessions have brought the great name of this family down to nothing. I will not have you ruin anything else we worked so hard to built. You are not a leader, you are cast out of the shadow of the Old Ones and you are cast out of this family and house.

Diabolos: But Grandma, what about my parole? My P.O. has this as my address.

Grandma: He hasn't come by in months and your time is almost up, besides maybe being back in jail will reawaken the fire you had when you were let out. You had such promise, eyes full of rage and blood lust. When I look into them now all I see is a scared, spoiled little boy. You dare walk around with that mask around your face, I made that mask from a vision I had of the Old Ones. They told me that whoever wore this mask would become a god, bring glory to this family, and would be the end of the end. But they didn't expect someone as low as you to wear it, I bet. You shame us all prancing around in it and I will not condone it any longer!

She snaps her fingers and the other skeleton rips the mask off, Grandma throws a paper bag with holes over his head. The skeleton hands her the mask, she looks at it and shakes her head. She slaps Diabolos with the mask on her hand and spits on his bag.

Grandma: Get this piece of trash out of my house.

She turns away and sits on her rocker, staring at the mask. The men drag Diabolos out of the house. He stays silent the whole time. They put him in a trash barrel and roll him down the street, which is a long hill. He rolls for several minutes and falls out of the barrel motionless. Rain begins to fall and a low thunder is heard. He stares at the sky, he slowly lifts his hand to the sky and points at it. He makes it into a gun and shoots at the sky, as he does a hand grabs his. A young Japanese women gives him a pity smile.

Diabolos: Machiko...

Machiko: Get up, would ya?

Diabolos: Why?

Machiko: Because you have faces to smash, spines to crush and worlds to destroy.

Diabolos: The Old Ones hate me, my Grandma hates me, I lost my minions, I lost my mask, and I'm covered in trash. All because of that damn Blade.

She sits down next to him, still holding his hand while he lays.

Machiko: Your Grandma is insane, those two "minions" were mindless assholes, and too be honest I never believed in the Old Ones. The mask was pretty cool though.

She takes some of the garbage off of him.

Machiko: Sure you lost to Blade, but it's not the end of the world. You gave your best and lost to a great and focused competitor, there's nothing to be ashamed of. I mean sure you lost the match, but you won the war. You managed to push him back over the edge of madness. He was kind of a normal guy, obsessed with Triple X, but he was trying to be good. You sent his best friend packing and pissed him off so much that now he's turning into a psycho. He's been doing this for a long time now and for you to get into his head that much to turn back into what he was working so hard to be is kind of crazy.

Diabolos: I bet he's not laying in a pile of trash with a bag over his head and getting soaked from the rain.

Machiko: Maybe not.

They sit in silence for a few moments. She sighs, stands up and wipes herself off. She grabs his hands and forcefully pulls him to his feet. He stands but his head slumps down.

Machiko: Hey, man cheer up. Sure you lost everything you worked so hard to build but now you can start fresh. It's the Roulette Rounds, anything can happen. Maybe you'll team with Showtime and kick the crap out of Theron and Zeus. You could get Blade again and shove your fist down his throat and get your revenge. You could even face Ty Burna and get the World Heavyweight Title around that skeleton waist!

She lifts his head up.

Machiko: If you've taught me anything since I've met you is that when life gets down and people give you hell, you bring them a greater hell they could ever imagine. You make them pay for everything that they have done, what everyone else has done and what is going to be done in the future. You eviscerate their bodies and devour their souls. And if not...

She shrugs

Machiko: Then you'll take that failure and unleash it on the next person you face. You don't need henchmen or your Grandma or the Old Ones to guide you. All you need is that fucked up head of yours to come up with some out of this world way of screwing with your opponent long enough for you to break their necks with a cradle pile driver.

He wipes himself off and looks at her straight in the eyes.

Diabolos: Old Ones help whoever is standing on the other side of that ring from me this week. The fury and rage of the Old Ones that I've been taking out on WZCW is nothing compared to the pain fueled anger I have building now. I'm going to rip them apart and play in their blood.

Machiko: That's the Diabolos I love so much! Now let's get out of this rain and let's drink until you forget all about this!

They walk towards her car as the scene fades to black.
After meeting with his congregation, Dr. Zeus silently paced the hallways of the church, waiting for someone to come his way. Zeus paced, as all had passed by him. Beard and Amber Warren had already left, and Chastity had long since fallen asleep. The only person left was Zeus, as he looked on, worriedly. He heard the hoofsteps of a horse outside, and walked towards the door. As he opened the exit door of the church. Dr. Zeus looked on with glee as a horse stood before Zeus, and a cloaked figure dismounted the horse. The figure before him was gigantic, towering over Zeus. Zeus looked on with admiration at the giant figure, and dropped to his knees, praying to The Lord.

"Lord, you have blessed me with the gift of your grace.
Now you've given me the weapons to destroy the demon race.
The final horsemen arrives, to help finish our heaven sent quest.
Come ride with us... The fourth horseman, Conquest!"

The cloaked figure took Dr. Zeus hand, as he walked him into he church. Zeus, with the aid of his final weapon, now had all he needed to trap the Father of all Demons. And he sat to plot the demise of the unholy demon.
The scene opens to complete fog covering the screen. Total silence almost seems to echo throughout the feed, the fog rolling along when the gentle sound of water moving breaks the scene. The fog lifts, ever so slightly, revealing a wide slow moving river. A boat slowly floats into view, a ferryman paddling along the river, his head down with long scraggly white hair falling around him. He looks off into the distance for a moment, a very faint yellow light can be scene bouncing off the clouds of fog. The ferryman wipes his brow with a rag before continuing the slow stroke of the paddle. As the boat moves through the river water, the camera pans out just enough to see a hooded figure standing at the end of the ferry boat. The figure's head is lowered along with it's arms crossed in front of it's chest. The fog slowly begins to divide, as if setting the course for the ferry to follow. The ferryman coughs as he reaches with a trembling hand into his coat pocket, removing a small silver flask. Taking a long drink from it he turns back to the hooded figure, holding it out as his hand shakes again.

Ferryman: Care for a drink friend?

The hooded figure lifts it's head up, a brief flash of red escapes the inside of the hood as a pale hand reaches out, taking the flask and bringing it up. The wind picks up and soon the hood is blown back, long black hair flying wildly in the wind as Ty Burna is revealed. He takes a long drink from the flask, wiping his lips before returning it to the old man.

Ferryman: Mighty cold evening tonight. Though I figurin' that not many travel round these parts this late at night, especially one as haunting as this.

Ty: On the contrary. It is a beautiful night. The allure of darkness casts it's shroud upon those that wish for it's comfort. Do you not feel it in your bones old man? Or perhaps are you unnerved at the silence of tranquility? Or perhaps are you more at home with the warmth of the familiar, than the excitement of the unknown?

The ferryman stops paddling for a moment as he turns back to Ty, contemplating his words for several moments before turning back and returning to his work. Gnarled hands seem to mesh into the wood of his paddle as he continues his blissfully unaware actions. His grey eyes stare down into the water at his own reflection, a mirror into a simple man's soul.

Ferryman: S'pose an old man like me isn't up for all of that nowadays. All I have left on my side is time and death, and death draws nearer as time fades way.

A chuckle escapes Ty as he sits down in the ferry, his hand reaching out and grazing the surface of the water, bringing his hand up and dripping water on his forehead before gazing up at the sky, what little can be seen through the fog.

Ty: Perhaps that is true for all of us old man. Though what would it be like to be youthful again? To be reborn into an even stronger entity? To become something greater? Is it something you merely pray for, perhaps the Fountain of Youth is real? What say you, what would you do to achieve that vigor once more?

Ferryman: Young man, I have spent my days wading across this river. Years, decades, perhaps even centuries have passed. For all I know is this one menial task, and to repeat it for every soul that passes through here to the other side. I have no time to contemplate dancing with the Devil or to match wits with God. I am just a cog in a wheel, replaceable, yet vital for however long I remain part of the cycle.

Silence overwhelms the scene once more, save the quiet displacement of water as the ferry nears the shoreline. Ty reaches down and places his hand in the water once more, the murky grey river suddenly reacting, a red glow slowly rising up from the bottom, the fog further dissipating as the moon comes out from behind it's cloudy sheath, mimicking the water's hue. Ty smirks as he listens to the man with an earnest ear.

Ty: I have a hard time believing in a similar aspect on life sir. You see, I have spent the better part of two years trying to becoming the wheel itself once again. To have such power, to be the very center, that in itself makes you become God and the Devil. The savior and the destroyer. Is such duality truly possible? To bring redemption through destruction.

Ferryman: One human may not carry such a burden upon their shoulders so willingly. They shall crumble at the mere weight of their folly. And they will become neither Devil nor God. They become a caricature of their own vision, destined to flail in utter despair. Disappointment and depression a foregone conclusion in that man's quest for magnificence.

The boat suddenly reaches the shoreline, the old man stepping out of the boat and pulling it to shore as Ty stands straight up. He walks smoothly out of the boat onto the shoreline, the ferryman leaning against his paddle, holding one hand out, once more shaking. Ty reaches out, placing a single gold coin in the man's hand and clasping the man's fingers over it.

Ty: Perhaps what I chase is more than just glory. What I chase is something far more everlasting. To become the very part of Eternity in of itself. I shall become the very fabric of existence, and when that day comes.

Ferryman: If that day comes, then I shall be released forever from my bonds of servitude.

The two men clasp hands as the Ferryman returns to his boat. He steps up slowly, using his paddle to push off back to the river.

Ty: Perhaps we shall see each other again, Charon.

Ferryman: This will certainly not be our last meeting, Harbinger.

Ty turns his head towards the single path cleared through the trees, before looking back to the river, the Ferryman having disappeared into the now suddenly thick fog once more. A smirk plays on Ty's lips as he turns and begins walking towards the path, his hair swaying in the wind. The path winds around as Ty continues his journey, twisting into a small graveyard. Small headstones litter the ground, some broken and shattered. However, towards the end of the graveyard lies a large statue, a large serpent encircling a large cross. As Ty walks up to the statue, he stares up at the serpent, rubies glistening in the serpent's eyes. A footstep can be heard as Ty suddenly looks over his shoulder, his smirk widening.

Ty: You couldn't resist could you my little rogue?

A smaller lithe woman walks through the shadows, violet eyes piercing through the darkness as she carries the World Heavyweight Title close to her chest. Serafina smiles as she reaches Ty, her eyes gazing up into his.

Ty: Do I dare ask how you got past the Ferryman?

Serafina: You're not the only one who has gold and an interesting tale to tell, Ty. Here, I figured you would want this.

She holds out the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship, and Ty accepts it, his eyes dancing over the gold and his name plated on the bottom. He drapes it over his shoulder as he and Serafina turn towards the serpent statute.

Serafina: So what now Ty? It took you one match to achieve what you've wanted once more for so long.

Ty: Indeed I have Serafina, though this is just the beginning of this new journey, this new revelation in my life. You know very well that the difficulty will be drastically increased starting with the Roulette. My name alone means the very best will be brought out of any warrior that will stand before me, we shall now battle greatness every single night, from every single opponent. This is the path I have missed Serafina.

Serafina: They will believe you to have further machinations. To hold even more power than you had before. You will become an enemy of everyone, from Bateman, to every single person vying for the World Title. Who will trust the great deceiver?

Ty shakes his head as he walks up to the statue, reaching down and wiping away the dust and an overgrowth of weeds from the base, his eyes casting across the symbols engraved into the darkened marble.

Ty: It is different this time. Chaos is the entity we kneel to, but it is that entity that we will use to embolden WZCW. To make it even better than it is now. It will be a more boisterous task than even the corruption we once wielded through the masses! I cannot do this alone, so I must ask.

Ty slowly stands up straight and turns towards Serafina, his eyes glowing red briefly as she seems to radiate from his attention. This felt right, it was a return to the familiar for the both of them as well, even in this unfamiliar land they both stood in.

Ty: Are you prepared to be my queen, once more?

Serafina walks up to Ty and drapes her arms around his neck, her hand placed squarely over the WZCW World Heavyweight Title, her face gently placed in the crook of his neck.

Serafina: Is that a question you have to ask, King of Darkness?

Ty smirks and kisses the side of her head as Serafina looks up at him and smiles. She steps aside as Ty turns back to the statue, running his hand along the symbols at the bottom. They begin to flash red and the ground begins to quake under Ty's feet. Ty stands up and turns back away from the statue, slowly sliding the World Title off his shoulder. He holds it to the side as he stares forward, his eyes completely glowing red now.

Ty: Prophecy has spoken true once more, it has become reality by hands at All or Nothing! I am once more a champion you can be proud of! Once more my reign has rekindled, the flames of war have ignited and the cleansing has begun! These cowards that have corrupted WZCW shall now bow down to the King of Darkness, their necks exposed for their inevitable decimation.

Ty slowly lifts the WZCW World Heavyweight Title as the marble statue begins to shudder, the rock cascading down behind Ty as the serpent begins to slowly move along the cross. Ty's other hand reaches back behind him, gripping a long metal rod which suddenly is basked in a golden light. It dissipates, now showing a large scythe held in his hand. Ty spins it forward, the blade pointing to the ground as he lifts his head up to stare towards the heavens.

Ty: I have tasked myself with eliminating the weak, to cull together the strongest, and to defeat every single being that dares oppose me. I am the one true warrior that this title deserves, and it will no longer tarnish from the underhandedness and the cowardly acts of betrayal you have all brought upon it's legacy! Three long years have passed since I made this title the Holy Grail. I shall not let the unwashed touch it's precious glow anymore. Chaos is it's protector now, and it is through it's fiery hell that you will undertake to reach it's power, for it remains firmly entrenched upon the Reaper's shoulder.

The serpent suddenly let's out a voracious roar, shaking free of it's marble tomb and it's dark grey scales are clearly visible. The rubies have melded and becomes it's eyes, glowing red as does the Harbinger's. The cross begins to melt, a dull blue aura forming around it as it becomes one with the serpent. Ty kneels down, crossing his arms and causing the World Title to rest upon his scythe.

Ty: The seeds have been sewn for the great resurrection. The meek shall follow their king, and the choirs of angels shall sing of his glorious return. Demons shall kneel to their master, and the kingdoms of Heaven and Hell shall become truly his! In Glory his name shall become forever the chorus on the tongues of his disciples. He shall reign free and true, no longer merely a Harbinger, no, he shall become the very strands that life itself builds itself upon!

The serpent completely envelopes the cross, becoming one with it's holy power as it slides down off it's post, circling around Ty and wrapping it's body along his waist, chest, arms and neck, the head held high alongside his as Serafina walks behind Ty as he spreads his arms out, the scythe held up high and the World Title gleaming as the earth continues to shake violently. The serpent let's out a violent roar once more, Ty's hair even flying from the sound.

Serafina: Bring upon your nonbelievers! Bring forth the cowards that huddle en mass in their corners! For they shall now see the true power of Chaos and the redemption it offers!

Ty strikes the ground with his scythe, the soil crumbling all around him as the Chaos Symbol begins to form on the ground underneath him, fire springing forth enveloping Ty and the serpent as Ty begins laughing, somehow echoing louder than the rumbles of earthquakes. His voice deepens as he lowers his head.

Ty: For they face not just a warrior seeking his repentance, but the monster that still feeds upon the blood of sinners. Prophetic visions become truth. Karma becomes the dagger that slices the necks of those that have wrought damage to the glory of the word Champion. The Harbinger and The King of Darkness. They have become one in the same, melding into the holy and the unholy! Let God tremble at the power that not even He can comprehend, and beware, the savagery of the serpent he cast aside so long ago. I am the Alpha, and I will see through to Omega, and I will be beautified in the realm of the Eternals once again!

Serafina: Thus it is written.

The fire suddenly completely engulfs Ty, nothing more than a large flame before the scythe can be seen swinging out, sending the flames flailing as the serpent now resides on Ty's body as a black and red tattoo, the serpent head on his neck and it's scaled body all around his arms and chest. Ty slowly lifts his head up, one eye glowing blue, the other red as a snarl forms on his lips.

Ty: So it shall come to pass.

Fog suddenly envelopes the scene once again, completely covering Ty and Serafina, except for the gold of the World Title, and the eyes duality of Ty.
I sat alone on the plane to Las Vegas. To some extent, the last few days had been a blur. It was as if I had gone to sleep as a champion, and woken up as simply a man. I don't really remember that night at All or Nothing, or much of the days before. All I knew is that once again I had failed to deliver at All or Nothing. The sting of losing a title was worse than being trapped in a net gun on live television, but failure came in many forms.

I thumbed through the pamphlet provided to me upon boarding the plane, detailing all of the Las Vegas attractions over the next few days. I stopped on the page advertising the WZCW Roulette Rounds. Looking down I saw the pictures of Ty Burna, "WZCW World Champion" There were Haven and Jon, "Tag Team Champions" Constantine " Elite X Champion" and then I saw, Matt Tastic "WZCW EurAsian Champion" The same title I just held. I scanned the bottom of the page for other names, Ricky Runn, Showtime, Blade, Theron Daggershield. I let out a sigh, my own name noticeably absent. It seemed to me that no matter what I accomplished in this company, I was an afterthought.

I wasn't really a fan of the Roulette Rounds. Last year I had a vicious battle with my friend at the time Ricky Runn. I hadn't kept track, but I believe it was my first win in a main event, and on Meltdown no less. The thrill of that victory was overshadowed by the fact that Ricky had tried to run me over with a car that night. Luckily the car failed to start, later catching fire, classic Ricky Runn moment, and in truth I couldn't help but crack a small smile and feel nostalgic. I should count my blessings and put avoiding Bad Luck Ricky in the win column, but it was overshadowed by the fact that nearly every big win in my career after that point would come at the expense of a friend.

It only seemed fitting then that dropping my title would cause Matt Tastic and I to become friends. For better or for worse, it seemed that my time in the company revolved around friendships. In truth, it was starting to wear on me being viewed as a sidekick. Yeah, I'd stepped out of James Howard's shadow by beating him twice with the EurAsian title on the line, but I had yet to earn respect. The current King for a Day, Beard, I had never lost against, winning both tag matches and a brutal Mayhem match. Ricky Runn, the man who just dropped the World Title, had only beaten me once in four encounters, I had singles wins over many recent contenders and former champions, including Saboteur, Constantine, Barbosa, and S.H.I.T. yet Mikey Stormrage never came up when people talked about the best in the company.

I tried not to allow hatred to build inside me, not after the last time. I had come to learn that hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it. Each time I saw a poster or commercial or action figure of one of the other guys though, it got hard. I didn't want to go back down the road of being Carrie White or Pamela Voorhees and correcting what I felt were unjust actions.

Soon the voice of the pilot came over the loudspeaker and announced we would soon begin our descent. It wasn't much longer after touchdown that I met up with Matt. I think all along he knew deep down what I was saying was right, and there was a part of me that was happy that he was beginning to change his ways, even if I had to lose to him to kick start that process.

"Hey chicken fucker, about time you got here."

Matt's voice cut through the crowd at the gate, as he threw the wrapper from his soft pretzel on the ground, causing some people to turn to him in shock.

"I'm not the one who grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere. I know what it's like to be a nerd, you probably got pretty sexually frustrated at times."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

I pulled out my phone and brought up a video.


"All I'm saying is you look like the type of guy who cut the heads off a few chickens in your day."

As we both laughed, more patrons turned to look at us, many covering the ears of their children. It wasn't long however before people began to approach us for autographs. Matt and I, surprisingly only had to pose for one picture each. It was one of the benefits of purposely flying smaller airlines.



As the short lined got down to the last person, we both scribbled our names and were happy to leave until the man stopped us.

"You know I work at one of the casinos here in town, and well I was wondering if the two of you would be interested in a free buffet and house credit in exchange for a personal appearance. I think it would be a good deal since WZCW is having a show this week."

Matt shook his head and we both rolled our eyes as I turned to face the man once again.

"We appreciate the offer the sir, and believe me when I say I'm not one to turn down free food, but we both have clauses in our contract that prevent us from booking our own appearances and using the WZCW name. You would have to talk to the office rats, then they talk to the suits to arrange meet and greets and what have you. Besides, Matt is homesick so I'm taking him to Taco Bell. Their food is enough of a gamble."

As I walked back to Matt he looked at me, almost offended.

"I'm glad you lied to that guy, a casino in Vegas is pretty cliche, but Taco Bell?"

"Yeah, Taco Bell is like the most Mexican thing I know. Live más."

"Live more? And I'm not even Mexican, I'm...."

"Live más!"

Matt shook his head at me as I picked up the keys to my rental car and began to drive away.

"Is that the only Spanish you know?"

"Live más!"

I yelled and pumped my fist into the air. Matt sat back in his seat and sighed defeated.

"Live más."
Elderly Woman: So you’re saying this new debit account will save my money from the credit card organization?

Telemarketer: Of course ma’am, I specialize in protecting people such as yourself from scams that can lead to things like fraud.

Elderly Woman: Excellent, I would hate for anything to happen to my pension. It would be like those fifty years of teaching all going down the toilet.

Telemarketer: Well all I need is your social security number and the process can begin.

Elderly Woman: My social? But why would you need that?

Telemarketer: Well we do need to make sure you are who you claim to be. We would hate to be securing your money with some criminal.

Elderly Woman: Very true, you telemarketers are so knowledgeable and trusting.

Telemarketer: Well we try ma’am.

Elderly Woman: So the social is 399-708-3434

Telemarketer: Excellent, all of your funds will be transferred into the necessary accounts immediately, have a nice day.

Elderly Woman: You too sir-

The seemingly caring and thoughtful phone salesman quickly hangs up the phone cutting off his customer as he transfers her life savings into a private owned account named “Cerberus”. As we zoom out of his computer screen his surroundings reveal he is not an official telemarketer but a practitioner in identity and credit card theft. He also seems to be extremely overweight and out of shape barely fitting into his rolling chair positioned in front of a few hi-tech screens in a dark cold basement. After completing his daily dose of scams the man begins scrolling through his news feed breezing past headlines but is quickly stopped by the title that reads “Young Justice: Cleaning up the Streets and Capturing the Gold”. The man quickly uses his Bluetooth headset to deliver a call upon reading it.

??? : What is it Mr. Draxel?

Draxel: Sorry to interrupt boss but I’ve come across this article and…that string of robberies we’ve organized have seemingly been stopped by this group of superheroes known as Young Justice.

??? : Well it’s nice to finally have a name to put on the miscreants costing me millions of dollars.

Draxel: That’s not all sir, it also says they’ve defeated Cerberus.

??? : Blasphemy! No member of this organization has been brought to light let alone captured by costumed buffoons!

Draxel: But that’s the weird part, the article says they’re also wrestlers and have won the tag team titles by defeating three teams, one of them being Cerberus. I’ve never heard of these members before though.

??? : What are their names?

Draxel: Flex Mussel and Ramparte.

??? : Flex Mussel? My wife does his fitness DVD’s. They really got rid of that post-pregnancy fat.

Draxel: So you know this man?

??? : No never met him, but I do owe him, for a long period of time I was really getting sick of looking at her. This is actually a very peculiar situation, it would seem these two gentleman and ourselves have the exact same name yet before now have had no idea the other exists.

Draxel: Shall I initiate copyright protocol?

??? : No, instead we shall bring them into the fold; mold them into what they need to be. We’ve been working from the shadows too long. Hiring petty criminals to do our work for us has led to failures at the hands of this Young Justice. For the first time we need to make ourselves known to the public, the real Cerberus. We shall use this Ramparte and Mussel as the public faces of the organization and draw out these costumed heroes and dispose of them at once. With your set of skills it shouldn’t be hard to find the current location of these men, find them and make them an offer they can’t refuse. I’ll be sending over the Soldier to assist you.

Draxel: Will do sir, Hail Cerberus.

??? : Hail Cerberus.

The call is disconnected but a door opens at the top of the basement stairs blasting an array of light horrifying the hacker.

Mother: Harry when are you going to stop spending all your time in the basement! You need to move out and do something with your life!

Draxel: Mom for the last time you need to call me by new first name Haxel, and would you please stop interrupting me while I’m plotting evil schemes with my friends!

A couple of hours later.

Draxel and his superior appointed muscle can be seen scouring the Panama Province in search of the hounds of health but for the last couple of hours have seemingly come up dry. The soldier’s impatience grows as he believes his time can be better spent taking out the superheroes himself.

Soldier: Are you sure these are the correct coordinates?

Draxel: Don’t question me, I’ve been tracking Flex’s credit card since the airport transaction and have used my Ipad to sync with any security cameras and keep tabs on them since they entered the country, they have to be around here somewhere.

The pair eventually is drawn to the sound of a man’s faint singing. Their search leads them to a cave where they run into a delusional Flex crying in the fetal position rocking back and forth.

Flex: Mr. Lonely, I am so lonely, I have nobody, to call my own….

Soldier: This is the guy the boss wants representing us?

Draxel: Are you Flex Mussel?

Flex: I used to be, I used to healthiest man alive, one half of Cerberus, seemingly destined to become champion. But now what am I? I failed at All or Nothing, let that lying hero in a mask steal all the glory and here I am stuck in a cave talking to hallucinations of an obese man and a soldier with a cybernetic arm.

Draxel: We are not hallucinations. I am Haxel Draxel and this is indeed a half man, half robot programmed by yours truly for advanced tactical purposes, mostly in Russia. I guess you can call him the Winter Soldier.

Flex: So you’re really that fat?!

Draxel: I’m going to pretend you didn't say that instead let you in on a key piece of information. It would seem you belong to a team called Cerberus. Unbeknown to you there is already a Cerberus, bigger than what you currently belong too, with much more influence. It seems we have a common enemy in the duo known as Young Justice correct?

Flex: The Ryu parody and the green looking hamburgler, what of them?

Draxel: Well my superior wants to see them destroyed just as much as you do. So I believe it is in your best interest to join our cause and acquire all the necessary skills to dispose of them completely.

Flex: Ram was correct; Cerberus is bigger than just us.

Draxel: Cerberus is not only bigger than you Flex, it’s bigger than everyone; it’s a way of life, a movement that cannot be stopped by the common man. Join us Flex.

Flex: I will, I want to be a part of this new Cerberus.

Draxel: Excellent, now where is the blonde one?

Flex: He…he actually left me here, just like everyone leaves me. I let him down just like I do everyone else. I’ve let down my parents, Svetlana, now Ramparte

Draxel: Well we need the both of you for this little project, any idea where we can find him?

Flex: Well it’s a tossup but either on this week’s Meltdown or Ascension. Nothing it set in stone, I could even be fighting him myself.

Draxel: Well that’s where we shall go then, believe me we here at Cerberus can be very persuasive.

The Soldier cracks his metal knuckles.

Draxel: I’m sure after you talking things out with your partner everything will be just alright.

Flex: You’re right, Ram has blindly followed me into oblivion and now I need to prove to him this cause, this crusade, it all still matters. We temporarily won’t be a team this round but I can prove to him we both have enough strength as individuals, no matter who we might find ourselves against. When you cut off one head two more really do grow in it's place. Thank you for the prep talk stranger, I was always told the overweight are jolly people but I never believed it until now!

The healthiest man alive embraces the hacker in a hug and Draxel reluctantly embraces him back. However instead of shedding tears just like the prophet of health he utters just two simple words into the ear of the fitness trainer.

Scene opens in a backstage dressing room. The handle clicks before the door swings open and entering the room is "Showtime" David Cougar. He claps his hands and waits by the door as Michael Winters slowly limps in behind him. Showtime brings his head in close and congratulates him on his efforts out there. Winters smiles and nods and steps to the side as John Constantine walks in behind him, holding his newly won Elite-X Title. The two men applaud and Constantine smiles and laughs, hugging both men in celebration.

Constantine: Gentleman, tonight The Elite claimed their very first bit of gold, the very belt we have each held and brought greatness to. It won't be long now before we hold every single title in WZCW.

Showtime: Truer words couldn't have been spoken John. The roster has been issued a warning about the things that we are capable of doing. When Lethal Lottery rolls around we three will be the last men standing in the match and one of us will have the privilege to go on to Kingdom Come and claim the WZCW title. The remaining two will scoop up the lower tier titles as you have already begun to John.

The three men shake hands and continue about their business. Winters sits down on a bench and begins to remove his ring gear. Showtime waves Constantine over to the table he is standing by and pours each of them a glass of scotch. He hands Constantine his glass and the two raise them up before taking a sip.

Showtime: In all seriousness John, I'm very proud of what you accomplished out there in the ring. You've come a long ways from your time as the "Power Trip" to today where I am proud to call you one of WZCW's elite. The days where you and Winters will be battling for the WZCW Title are not far away.

Constantine: You could say it's about 7 or 8 weeks away now.

The two share a laugh at the joke as Showtime takes another sip of his drink.

Constantine: It's a shame you and Michael weren't able to win the tag title tonight. Would've made us look quite dominant to come out on Meltdown with three belts around our waists.

Showtime: I do feel bad for letting Michael down, but we shouldn't focus on the negatives at hand. The tag team division is unpredictable at the best of times and we can't risk our whole empire over it. The titles will be in our possession soon enough

Constantine takes a sip and nods his head in agreement.

Showtime: We must continue to maintain and grow our foothold in the company and soon we will be able to climb to heights that we should already be at right now. We must show that The Elite is as strong and united as ever and will continue to become more powerful as time goes on.

Constantine: Speaking of united, where were you when Winters came out for the distraction? I was hoping you'd be at ringside to hand me a weapon so I wouldn't have to roll out and do it myself.

Showtime: Let's just say I had a very interesting conversation with someone who may be of some help to us.

Constantine: Do tell.

Before Showtime could answer, a knock his heard. Winters opens the door and Becky Serra's head pokes in.

Serra: Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you three, but I was hoping to get a post match interview with Constantine.

Constantine: Certainly my dear, just give me a few seconds and I'll be out there to grant your request.

Becky ducks her head back out as Winters closes the door while Showtime and Constantine down the rest of their drinks. Constantine picks up his Elite X Title and walks towards the door where Winters is standing. He opens it for Constantine, who pats him on the shoulder and thanks him, and then closes it for him after he steps out. Winters heads back to the bench with his head slightly down as he continues to removes his ring gear. Showtime stops himself from pouring another drink and takes a seat beside Winters.

Showtime: Is there something troubling you Michael?

Winters: Yes and no David. I'm really happy for John, and I'm happy for the opportunities that we were given tonight to prove that we are the very best in WZCW. I think we each fought very hard out there in the ring, but I am still deeply saddened that we were not able to hold up our end of the deal.

Showtime: You shouldn't be blaming yourself for what transpired out there.

Winters: I don't.

There is a brief pause as Winters continues to unlace his boot. Showtime looks down and away, knowing that he may have let down Winters more than he thought. Winters pulls off his boot and speaks.

Winters: I don't blame you either, of course not. You are the reason for where I am today in WZCW.

Showtime: You are the reason you are where you are in WZCW. I merely provided you with the opportunity to get there. Everything you do from here on out is because of the talents that you were blessed with, not because of the people you hang out with.

Winters: Then why did we fail? If my talents can take me this far then I must be able to take it one step further when the moment is there, especially when you and John are there by my side.

Showtime: The match itself was a crap shoot. The team that walked out with the titles didn't win the match. They were handed the belts because the champions lost focus. It could've been one of us on that ladder, on that table with them, taking their offering. You deserve better than that, we deserve better than that. When we step into the ring again with Young Justice, we will show them how to win those belts. You will show them what it is like to be one of the elite wrestlers in WZCW, not some fake hero who takes things that they didn't earn.

Winters nods his head in approval as the door opens and Constantine enters the room.

Showtime: You know, I recently saw the movie Noah.

Winters: That movie is completely inaccurate, but I am aware of it.

Showtime: I'm sure you can point out to me all its inaccuracies, but the reason I brought it up is to remind you that the arc wasn't built in a day, that all the animals weren't gathered up at once. Everything takes time and patience, and the longer the three of us stay together the stronger we will be and the bigger our group will become. Success will come to us because we are three of the very best in WZCW, and soon nobody will be able to stop us from holding every title including the WZCW Title.

The three men smile and laugh with delight. It is at that moment that a familiar song catches the ear of Showtime and Constantine. They both turn to the TV in the room and their fears have been confirmed.

Copeland: It&#8217;s Ty Burna! It&#8217;s Ty Burna!

Showtime quickly stands up and all three men walk over towards the TV, Showtime pulling up a chair directly in front of it while Constantine and Winters each stand beside him. The match ends with Ty Burna being victorious and winning the WZCW Title. Showtime calmly stands up after bell has rung, but soon he grabs the TV and throws it across the room, breaking it upon impact. He then proceeds to flip the table over and throw just about anything else he can get his hands onto as Constantine and Winters grab Showtime and try to calm him down. At that moment the door opens and Leon pokes his head in.

Kensworth: Hey I heard a bunch of noise in here. Is everything alright?

Constantine: Mind your own business Leon. Everything is fine.

Leon ducks his head back out and closes the door. Showtime calms himself down and fixes his hair after he is let go.

Winters: I&#8217;ll get my stuff back on.

Winters turns towards the bench, but Constantine puts a hand on his shoulder and shakes his head. They both turn to Showtime.

Showtime: This certainly changes the game a bit.

The three men look at each other and nod as the scene ends.


Scene reopens inside a pitch black room. A single spot light shines down over top of a plain looking desk. The only thing sitting on top of the desk is an old looking revolver. Two hands appear from the darkness and slowly pick up the gun. They handle the revolver with meticulous efficiency, swinging the cylinder open to the side and inserting a bullet before spinning the cylinder and locking it back into place. The holder of the gun points the barrel straight forward, his hand almost perfectly still as he pulls back on the trigger. The revolver clicks, but does not fire anything. The holder of the gun spins it around in his hand and then places it flat on the table. He moves forward into the light and we see that it is "Showtime" David Cougar. A smile on his face as he uses his finger to spin the gun around once on the table before speaking.
Showtime: Good evening folks and welcome to a special "Victoria Day Weekend" edition of The Show. My name is Showtime and by now you might be asking, "What is Victoria Day?" Well in Canada it's a celebration of two things. It honours the birthday of the late Queen Victoria, the longest reigning British Monarch in history and one of the most respected and influential leaders of the world, and it is also the official birthday of Canada's sovereignty. Not the time period where Canada officially became a country, but the date in which British settlers began forming the very first colonies that would eventually become Canada. I like to think that The Elite had their own little "Victoria Day" some weeks back when we all stood proudly in the ring after laying waste to Titus and Ricky Runn. While we have continued to grow as a group, we are still far from a nation under WZCW. Other teams, War and Death, Cerberus, Young Justice, stand in our way of achieving that distinction. Others continue to ban together, Blade, Overlast, Taylor, Sloan, in hopes of surviving the great war to come two months from now at Lethal Lottery. The Elite are destined to win that war and we begin that march to battle this week during the roulette round.
Showtime reaches down and picks up the revolver with his right hand. He tosses it over to his left hand and swings open the cylinder of the gun. He inserts another bullet into it and then spins it around before locking it back into place.
I have competed in this type of environment many times before. In fact, I am a perfect 4-0 during the roulette rounds, but that doesn't necessarily mean the match I will be in will be worth any more than a regular match. Twice I've qualified for the Lethal Lottery, something that should be automatic by now for me. Nor does it mean that my opponents will even be worth my time in the ring, save for my two brothers of The Elite, of course. None of my previous opponents are even still apart of this company. Last year I defended the WZCW Title, successfully, against a masked buffoon and an incompetent women, wrestlers we are seeing far too much of in WZCW right now. This match will mean so much more to my opponent, especially if they were to somehow defeat me, but to me personally the match could mean so little that I'm not even afraid about what would happen even if I were to lose.
Showtime holds the revolver up to the side of his head and slowly pulls back on the trigger. His face flinches ever so slightly as the gun makes a click sound, but doesn't fire. Showtime looks at the revolver and then casually tosses it onto the table.
That was before what happened at All or Nothing. There is no great leader in the history of WZCW, but the one that is most remembered is Ty Burna of the AOC. For all the wrong that he caused and the damage that he had done to WZCW, he was allowed to waltz right back in here and win the WZCW Title at All or Nothing. A travesty to end all travesties, that he was given such a reward upon his return. Ty Burna should've started near the bottom, just like I did when I signed my new deal, just like they made Winters do, just like they made Constantine do countless times over.
Showtime reaches down into his pocket and pulls out a third bullet. He places it down on the table and slowly opens up the cylinder to insert the bullet.
This isn't a declaration of war between me and you, Ty Burna, this is a statement. Unlike you my end game is not to destroy WZCW. My goal is to simply raise the bar for everyone here. The talent pool is so low right now it wouldn't have taken you long to get to where you are at, but the fact that you have leap frogged over everyone to get what you wanted is something I'm no longer willing to accept. You are not deserving of this reign, you are not deserving of the fans appreciation. I am the one demanding better from the company, I am the one who is determined to create a better product for these fans. My two associates have already achieved more alongside me than any of your apostles did under your guidance. You weren&#8217;t there for any of them, only yourself, and it is just a matter of time before the fans and the locker room remember that and force you out again for a third time.

Showtime looks down at the cylinder and gives it a good long spin before locking it into place. He slowly places the gun down, the handle pointing away from him.

The roulette wheel spins for everyone and there&#8217;s no telling who we all will face or what any of the outcomes of these matches will be. So to those on the roster, any one be it, Triple X, Matt Tastic, Daggershield, Warren, Stormrage, Corvus, Diablos, Young Justice, or M, fair warning. That gun is loaded, but it&#8217;s not in my hand. If I meet you in the ring though, I will beat you with my hand, 5-0. That gun though is for Mr. Ty Burna. It&#8217;s his turn in this crazy game of roulette, and should we meet this week we will find out...

The spotlight grows to cover the sides of the table and beyond, revealing Michael Winters and John Constantine seated at opposite ends of the table.

Which of three bullets will be the one to take him out.

It's been weeks since All or Nothing. Matt Tastic did it. He finally obtained the Eurasian Championship.

There is no way I am getting on that deathtrap, 'mijo!

For years it was the title that alluded him the most. Several previous occasions trying. Even at 3 All Or Nothing PPV's at it too.

You can't be serious.

It was a relief. A very exciting moment. But right now, it seems that's the last thing on the champ's mind.

Granpa, I wanted you to come with me on this tour. It ends right back here. Come on, you need the fresh air.

Matt and his grandfather seem to be bickering back and forth in front of the Tastic Farmhouse. It's a very sunny day as spring marches on and summer begins to creep its way into the tropical island.


DAMMIT TO HELL! You senile old basketcase! Why are you so afraid of the damn plane?

Things that heavy are not meant to be so high up. Not to mention there's been 2 of those flying contraptions disappearing in the last few months.

Yeah. From Malasya. It's not from the U.S., granpa.

Florence passes on by among the two clucking and eating whatever it finds on the floor as the Tastic family bickers on.

You're right, Florence. Puerto Rico isn't from the U.S.

WE DON'T HAVE AN AIRLINE! WE USE THEIRS! AAAGGHHH!!! Don't you wanna go to Panama? Argentina? Brazil? The other side of the island, at least?


Mikey will be there.

The fat guy?

Yeah! The fat guy. Coming?


Arrrgghhh..... I'm gonna put you on that tour. I don't know how. But I will.


The scene briefly fades to black as we hear a phone being dialed....... With a rotor.

Granpa, what the hell did you do with the phone I got you? This thing is 40 years old.

It wasn't working. The voices sounded far.

I'm betting a million dollars and my title that he would hold it upside down.

Hello, you have reached the WZCW Travel Agency, this is Burt.


The scene eventually re-opens with Matt once again standing by his granpa.

Done. You and I will be traveling for the tour via boats across the Caribbean.

Cluck, cluck.

Yeah, yeah. You too, you flying drumstick.

I don't get it. Why the interest?

Matt sighs at his grandfather's question and sits on a nearby hammock. He pulls out the newly won Eurasian title from it and looks at it in reverence.

Since I won this, I've been thinking. I would have failed again if it weren't for your help. You kept my head clear while I was contemplating what to do about Mikey Stormrage. You calmed me down when I came back here sulking about losing to Fallout. You've done so much for me for so long. I just wanted to repay it somehow. When you were a manager, you never went pro just because of your fear for planes. You never got to see what it's like to be in front of 19,000 fans instead of just 190. Sure, I don't get along with them these days, but seeing so many screaming their lungs out is a sight to behold. Not to mention all the people back there. Didn't you used to be a big Stan Rogers fan? Hell, what about Daddy Mac? He's been hanging around with us lately. Please.

Granpa laughs as Matt stands up with the title in hand. He drapes it over his shoulder as he looks at his granpa.

I appreciate it, 'mijo. I've seen you grow up and I'm proud of who you are. Even if you have your.... Defects. You never give up. No matter what.

Then why don't you come see me not give up one more time?

You're right. I guess it's time to pack up.

Haha. Thanks. And what do you mean by "defects" anyway?


The following day, Matt and granpa set off to Panama. The first stop of the Lethal Lottery tour. But the first show of the tour may be lethal by itself. The Roulette Rounds. Where anything can happen. Matt may defend his title against anyone. Or even challenge for another title. It's an interesting night. But Matt is not one to take unneeded risk.

On the deck, Matt simply sits on a beach chair. Laid down with nothing but sunglasses, trunk and his title as the sun pours over him. He thinks about what's next for him. The impending Roulette Round and what it might bring. And what will he do when he see's Mikey Stormrage again. The two may have shaked hands, but he now feels awkward about confronting a man he may owe a rematch to. He picks up his title and he looks at it.

So...... Now what?!

It's an odd question. But a genuine one. Matt has finally reached a goal that eluded him for many years. But now because of holding that title going up to where he truly wants to be, the main event, is out of reach. Or so it seems.

Would I really get that damn lucky?

It's a near 30 person roster. The chances of him getting such a chance are dim to none. There's a far better chance that he'll face 3 guys at once than getting the pipedream World title shot. And even if he did, he'd have to face none other than Ty Burna. Within the WZCW roster, there's only one man that has felt the full wrath of Ty Burna's first World title reign while Matt watched.

Matt once admired Showtime. More than anyone else on the roster. But much like Matt, David Cougar has evolved into a far more dangerous man. Now surrounded by the so called Elite. They seem to downright mirror Matt's ideal of eliminating WZCW's more.... &#8220;outrageous&#8221; personalities. Except..... They're almost all gone.

Comical as he is, Diabolos has proven to be just as deadly. Odd and quirky, but at the same time capable of unspeakable evils. Similar to Matt in a sense. But when it comes to unspeakable evils, a dark force in WZCW comes to mind. War & Death and their new recruits.

So many opportunities. But at the same time, such a large gamble. Matt has a lot of options. And a lot on his mind. But as he continues, his grandfather stands by him.

So 'mijo. I hear your first challenge is a total gamble. What do you think of doing if you'll have to defend that thing?

Matt stares at the gold pondering his answer before turning back to face his mentor.

Same thing I always do. Look for the best way to come out on top and execute it. Deliver the usual Kickassery.

Really? Because you look awfully nervous. You didn't do so well last time you held one of those belts.

Matt stands up furious at his grandfather's words. He drops the sunglasses to the floor with an angry look in his face.


People look on as granpa smiles on before elaborating.

That you need to breathe and think. Don't let your worries consume you.

You're saying I might lose the title in one round again, that's what you're saying. What the hell, granpa! I thought you believed in me.

I do. It's you who doesn't seem to believe in himself.

Oh, don't give me that philosophical non-sense. If I have to defend this title, I'll do it. And if I have to punt whoever I face in the nuts to keep it, guess what? I'll freakin' do it!

Would that include Mikey Stormrage?


What if your opponent has no nuts to kick?

Matt drops the belt after hearing his grandfather's silly joke. He certainly isn't fooling around. His grandfather implied he's nervous of losing one round after his big win. And he's right. Matt lives in deep fear of messing up again. Even if he might get something else out of it.

I brought you on this tour to help me stay focused. Not arouse the doubts I already have. I'm going into that show ready to do whatever the hell it takes. You said I never gave up and I won't here either. I don't fear anybody on the roster.

No, but you still fear the potential of losing. Listen, son. I-

NO! Don't give me the lecture. I don't want to hear it.

Matt sits back down and grabs the title. Looks on to it as he calms down.

I am scared. I-I don't wanna mess up again. It took me so long to get here. I don't wanna just lose it so fast. I've lost my confidence instead of gaining it after winning this thing. What the hell should I do? On one end, I could get a chance to win one of the two titles I've never won. On the other hand, I might end up facing.... Showtime. Or even Ty Burna. And it would be my title on the line. I've been around just as long as these guys. But... I just don't see myself in the same caliber as them?

What about Blade?

Fuck Blade.

I guess it's because unlike them, I always seem to hit the glass ceiling. I'm sick of that. I've got the Eurasian title now. And I want to keep pushing further ahead. But I'm afraid of losing and having to start all over again. Like I seem to have been doing for years now.

Basically, you're hoping the opportunity comes to you rather than risking what you've gained to go get it. Son, this isn't Soviet Russia. Opportunity doesn't come to you. You need to go get it. You didn't win any of these titles by just sitting and twiddling your fingers hoping for the chance, now did you? I know I said you never give up. But I know that since you were little, you could be so lazy you'd stay in the house all day playing games and not feed the animals. It's your choice. We're here. You can either sit there and dread the day you'll inevitably lose that thing. Or get your ass up and face adversity like the badass grandson I know you are.

Matt gets up and grabs his title. A smirk forms on his face as he lets his grandfather's advice fill him up with the courage needed. He's ready. He's not afraid. No matter what, he'll reach the next step of his career. And he won't let anyone say otherwise.

You coming? Or are you gonna wait to be told when to get off?

The fuck I'm not.

As the boat honks it's horn signaling it's arrival at the bay, Matt rushes across the deck at full speed. He leaps over with the Eurasian Championship and dives right off to the cool Caribbean sea. His grandfather and the rest of the boat patrons look on as an assistant approaches granpa.

Haha. That's my boy. I'd jump too, but I can't run. Or swim. Hell, I don't think I even know how to drown. Get our bags kid. And careful with the rooster. He bites.

Matt makes it to the bay and comes out of the water. He dries himself off and the title belt. As he does so, someone with a bear mask approaches him.


Oula! How are tu... senior Tastico?

Matt goes from happy to utterly confused as he turns to the odd bear mask wearing man.

&#8230;..........Mikey? What in the flying fuck are you doing?

I am not this... damn.... Yo no am Mikey Stormrage. Yo am.... &#8220;El Gordo Oso!&#8221;

I never mentioned your last name, fat bear. Now take that off before Diabolos gets a good look at you and tries to kill you.



So much for feeling awkward. The two keep on bickering as the scene fades to black. The future is completely uncertain. Not just for these two. But for the entire WZCW roster. All Or Nothing brought so many chances. Ascension Anarchy and Meltdown Madness may bring even more. Whether they are to Matt's benefit or not is a bigger mystery. But with the Eurasia title under his wing, Matt must now set himself for his new objective. Can he be recognized as an all-time great?
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