Million dollar man- released

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I dont know if any of you TNA fans care or agree... im not that into tna but recently ive been more entertained than usual.. but anyway... million dollar man was just released from wwe as a talent scout or producer or whatever they say... but..
does anyone think dibiase will come on over to TNA and take a managerial role? cause i think that would have me watch tna that much more...
he has his own Power Wrestling Alliance thing going on and alot of outside interests. Unless he desperately need money to survive i doubt we will see him there for too long but an appearance or two might not be out of the question.
na TNA already has enough people but ted could go to ROH i hear there looking for ring people so maybe he can go there
Ted would be awesome in TNA in any caapcity they can think of bringing him in as. I always loved Ted's work as the financial backer for the nWo, and WCW never fully capatilised on it. I think he would be awesome in that role. TNA just needs to jump to another level before pushing out their own nWo.
debisib said:
I dont know if any of you TNA fans care or agree... im not that into tna but recently ive been more entertained than usual.. but anyway... million dollar man was just released from wwe as a talent scout or producer or whatever they say... but..
does anyone think dibiase will come on over to TNA and take a managerial role? cause i think that would have me watch tna that much more...
I've wanted Dibiase to come over to TNA as a manager for a while now, but I don't think there's really anyone he can manage apart from Robert Roode who already has a manager now. The only person he should manage is a young guy, preferably someone who doesn't have good mic skills (that's why he wouldn't have worked for Roode. Roode didn't need him.). I can see him becoming a manager for AMW. Gail Kim, James Storm, and Chris Harris don't have good mic skills. That would work for them.
Maybe he would fit in TNA, but the gimmick would have to be good. Im not sure he would choose to go there though unless he needed the money or just got boared
There's already a topic on this in the WWE section, plus just because a WWE released name was released DOES NOT MEAN they will go to TNA.
I dont like all the old wrestlers T.N.A. brings in to wrestle but I would love to see more legends in a managerial capacity.
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