Most Improved Wrestler of the Year

Most Improved Wrestler of the Year

  • Moose

  • Roman Reigns

  • Ryback

  • Nikki Bella

  • Baron Corbin

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Did I forget to nominate New Day? Go back to the beginning of the year. Crickets when they came out. Zero heat. Nobody cared at all. Ever since mania they're one of the most over acts on the show.
Did I forget to nominate New Day? Go back to the beginning of the year. Crickets when they came out. Zero heat. Nobody cared at all. Ever since mania they're one of the most over acts on the show.

This is an interesting debate. Was it improvement or unshackling?
This is an interesting debate. Was it improvement or unshackling?

Unshackling may be accurate but the way I see it they are in a much better position and much more relevant and entertaining now than they were one year ago. That's improvement to me.
Since I'm not familiar with what Nikki did this year, I'll give this one to Reigns, also due to personal reasons really. Roman was a really bad main-eventer in 2014. When he started his singles push back in June 2014, none of his matches really delivered for me. Not with Orton and especially not his early 2015 feud with Big Show. But after the Rumble, he took his game to a whole different level. He had great matches with Bryan, Lesnar and a Last Man Standing match with The Big Show. Then another great match with Bray Wyatt at HIAC.

He also made great improvements in his mic skills, too. He's a whole different man and I hope he keeps improving and not sit back and relax, because the guy is born to be champion.
Unshackling may be accurate but the way I see it they are in a much better position and much more relevant and entertaining now than they were one year ago. That's improvement to me.

I agree. The devil's advocate in me sees the dissenting opinion, but improvement is improvement no matter the impetus.
I'm both surprised and not surprised that Roman Reigns is in the lead. He has been awesome this whole time, it just became acceptable to praise him now for some reason.
I used to hate Corbin and wish he would get hit by a speeding car, and now I only wish that car was backing out of a parking spot when it hits him.
Last year, fans would have had trouble telling one Bella twin from the other. This year, people outdid themselves trying to describe how their hate for Nikki Bella was real.

Nikki Bella and it's not even close. Roman Reigns did do a lot of improving, but mostly because the ending to the Royal Rumble made it trendy for fans to shit on him.
Roman's always been awesome so I'll vote Borin Corbin as he could end up being what they wanted 2015 heel Sheamus to be. Except he might actually get a crowd to care, simply because of the fact that you hate how much he doesn't.

Plus Ryback still sucks.
It seems unlikely that one can become world class in a number of weeks, so it seems probable that Reigns was already that good - though it was certainly much more evident this year. I'm going to watch his SummerSlam match with Orton one of these days.

I'm both surprised and not surprised that Roman Reigns is in the lead. He has been awesome this whole time, it just became acceptable to praise him now for some reason.

People have begun to wonder if Daniel Bryan can be superglued back together again this time and have decided they can probably make do with the awesome Samoan dude in the meantime.

God help him when Sami Zayn gets called up.
I dunno whats changed but Roman's build took a turn somewhere. Letting him be a ruthless, violent man should've made him a heel, but his whole dynamic made him a face.

That Samoan BADASS, that match with Brock, with D Bry started all this, kinda got lukewarm in the middle and now after all that's happened with the Authority being involved.

Those chair shots.
Corbin went from having a shit match in a shit feud against Bull Dempsey to developing an "I don't give a fuck" persona and having a pretty great match with Rhyno and Gable/Jordan and a pretty good match with Apollo Crews where he ended Crews's winning streak. Plus he's pretty great on Breaking Ground. I'd go with him just based on personal preference, but Roman's improved more.
Since I don't watch NXT I'll throw Nikki a bone. She was blown the fuck out in the first round of my Women's tournament for a reason. Next time she might score an upset. Or at least put up a good fight. Compared to her sister, Nikki is a totally different performer.

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