Movie/TV Show Discussion Thread (SPAM VERSION)

Sitcoms: Just Shoot Me. That 70's show. 3rd Rock from the Sun. Everybody loves Raymond.

Drama: Boston Legal. 24. Chuck. The 4400.
Chuck is a good call. Totally forgot about that. Will probably buy that just because Yvonne Strahovski is in the show. But really, Chuck was a good show. The premise was fun and the characters were awesome imo.
Captain America: Winter Soldier was great. I really enjoyed it and it's just yet another proof that Captain America's franchise is better than the Iron-Man and Thor ones from The Avengers.
The only thing the Captain America franchise is better than the IronMan franchise is in the meme business.

Do you guys see Nicolas Cage delivering any worthy performance ever again or can I just give up? Even yesterday I was watching the good ol' Raising Arizona and Cage was great and he's also an Oscar winner - so is he like "been there done that" or do you think that he "lost" it?
Cage is still capable of delivering good performances (using The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans and Kick- Ass as more recent examples). Problem is, he stars in a barrage of mediocre and forgettable films year after year, and the overall quality of his sub-par work overshadows everything else, so the days of Leaving Las Vegas Cage are over for now.
Anyone else started watching Fargo? I'm very interested after the first 2 episodes.
I think Fargo is the first dark comedy I've ever seen. I watched the entire first episode but decided not to watch the second one as I didn't find this genre is for me. It's very interesting though, I'll give it that.
I think Fargo is the first dark comedy I've ever seen. I watched the entire first episode but decided not to watch the second one as I didn't find this genre is for me. It's very interesting though, I'll give it that.

Bates Motel is a good dark drama.
When people say Fargo, I think of the 1996 film. Google told me it was related, so I'll take a gander sometime.

The show has the same feel or aura around it that the movie had. It's very dark, but also kind of funny at the same time. It's also set up north. Not in Fargo, but it's mentioned enough.
Supernatural Season 9 Finale was fantastic. This season they went way too much into fillers, but even those were at least funny/creative, but the main story, it was very well told. This show would be so much greater if it had something like 12 episodes instead of the heavy 23/24. Does anyone follow it?
Any great new TV shows out. I need a new series to sink my teeth into. I tried Fargo but I wasn't a fan. Movie was great but I just didn't like the series at all.
Any great new TV shows out. I need a new series to sink my teeth into. I tried Fargo but I wasn't a fan. Movie was great but I just didn't like the series at all.
It's not exactly new, but Person of Interest is a show you should check out. It starts off a little slow for half a season then it comes at you with full force. It might seem like a crime procedural at first but it becomes so much more than that.

Arrow is good too. Glad I got back to watching it. Others I can suggest is House, Modern Family, The Blacklist, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Suits.

Anyone watch Smallville? Been contemplating if I should see it or not.
Smallville was pretty gash. The last few seasons were dreadful.

Anyone watch Silicon Valley? It's hilarious. A little like the Big Bang Theory but darker and not shit.
I started watching Smallville yesterday... God it's so bad it's good. The plot is really "simple" and the fact that everyone gets powers and Luther doesn't is pretty bad luck. I could've written it better (if only in my native language).
I'm surprised that this thread doesn't have more traffic. But anyway, let me try and get discussion going. If you were only able to watch one TV series for the rest of your life, what would it be?

For me, I think I'd choose House. It's just filled with awesome characters and the storyline arcs are some if the best I've seen. Not only that but the medical side of the show is very interesting. You'd be hooked in the first time you watch it. I guarantee you that.
Mine is Doctor Who for sure. Can't wait for August.

So far I've been trying to keep up with The Leftovers. I'm not truly into the very religious aspects of the show but so far they have come off pretty clean without sounding like Left Behind. I kind of dig the overall atmosphere they are building from the biblical telling of Revelations. Christopher Eccleston is just awesome.
Also, I'm still looking to build my DVD collection. So anymore suggestions please?
I'd suggest Justified if it hasnt been mentioned already.

Love that show. Season 2 and 3 could be some of the best television I've seen.
I'd suggest Justified if it hasnt been mentioned already.

Love that show. Season 2 and 3 could be some of the best television I've seen.
Justified is a show I've been meaning to watch. However, I'm looking for shows that have finished so that I can buy the boxsets since I think it's cheaper than buying each individual season. Still looking for suggestions though :)
Any great new TV shows out. I need a new series to sink my teeth into. I tried Fargo but I wasn't a fan. Movie was great but I just didn't like the series at all.

Well personally i've gotten hooked on Matador, but thats really because I'm a football(soccer for the uncultured) fan and was a big fan of Chuck, so the spy side isnt really as comical as chuck but the sporting side is enough to give a chuckle
Has anyone else been following the events of Comic-Con? Lots of great stuff have come out of it. There was also a video on the rumored Deadpool movie! If you want to see it, shoot me a PM. It really is great, I hope they do this movie.

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