Mr Kennedy/Underestimated Superstar


Dark Match Winner
Mr Kennedy was just on Skysports News in the UK and I sent in an email asking him who he thought was the most underestimated superstar in the WWE. His answer was... MVP!

I totally agree with Mr Kennedy. what does everyone else think?
yeah he is definately one of the most underestimated. mvp has huge potential, and seems to be getting a push again. i think there can be little doubt that mvp will go on to bigger and better things. however the most under estimated could fall to a number of people. morrison? bourne? Kennedy himself?
Yeh MVP might be underrated. He's good in the ring and brill on the mic, maybe he doesn't get the recognition he deserves. He will given time.

Mr.Kennedy imo is not underestimated, in fact I think he's overrated. I liked him initially with his whole mic gimmick which was entertaining but that grew tired quickly for me. As for in the ring I always thought he was nothing special but then again he is always injured so hard to truly judge this. I hope for his sake when he returns he can stay healthy and prove people like me wrong. Hopefully he doesn't turn out to be a liability because if he does he won't be around long. Luckily for him he does have charisma and sometimes that's all that matters...
I think WWE made a mistake by turning him into a face. He was getting so much heat as a heel on Smackdown (1st time around), and then after a little while on Raw, they try to make him a good guy. It was just weird hearing that lame new version of his entrance music. He went from having feuds with the the Undertaker and HBK, to feuding with William Regal and Paul Burchill? Mr.Kennedy needs to be heel again. He can cut one hell of a promo every now and then, and fans go nuts when he sais his name. After WM 23 I thought he was on his way to the top, but of course he got injured. Kennedy just needs to improve on his ring skills because he already has the charisma.
Mr Kennedy is 50/50 for me. he has the look and a Austin/Rock type of character but in ring he's not that great and lets face it every time he gets going he gets injured.

Kennedy & MVP were on par to be quick fire main eventers but atm it's just MVP thats finally getting over. So for me, MVP was the most underestimated for a long time.

After his initial massive push he fizzled but now he's back with vengreance. BALL IN!!!
I have been saying this for a long time now. MVP is the future of the WWE. People always accused him of being overrated and his mic skills weren't as good and that. The fact is they are as good as everyone makes it out to be. Sure he might not be what he was during his US title run but thats because he isn't getting enough time like he use to be. When he was feuding with Matt Hardy he was probably in his prime. Why? Well because he got more time to do everything. He got more time on the mic, he got more wrestlign time and of course he got to win more often. Then alot of poeple started to blame him in his loosing streak "phase" that he sucks in the ring now and is just not cut out for it. Well how can you be good in the ring when your gimmick is to lose and you loose to a fucking jobber.
I wouldn't really consider MVP to be underrated, as he is quite recognized as being good. I feel like the most underrated WWE Superstar has to be THE BRIAN KENDRICK. Amazing ring work, a pretty sweet gimmick, yet absolutely no respect from either the Internet community, or aside from his initial push, from WWE creative. Kendrick has what it takes to become an upper mid carder, but most people still see him as Spanky the jobber.
I wouldn't really consider MVP to be underrated, as he is quite recognized as being good. I feel like the most underrated WWE Superstar has to be THE BRIAN KENDRICK. Amazing ring work, a pretty sweet gimmick, yet absolutely no respect from either the Internet community, or aside from his initial push, from WWE creative. Kendrick has what it takes to become an upper mid carder, but most people still see him as Spanky the jobber.

Nah I have to things wrong with this post. First MVP isn't recognized for being good. When you hear his name or read his name on this forums everyone will say "he isn't that good and he gets so much credit, he is just overrated". So because people think he is overrated he can not be considered as good as he is because people are just sick of it. Were as he is actually really good in the ring and people were comparing him to the Rock last year or the year before but now people are saying he is overrated, even tho I he is actually underrated.

Now for TBK. He is not fucking underrated. Just because he doesn't get a world title shot or even a US title shot does not mean he is underrated. People on this forum last year were comparing him to HBK. Now that is just bullshit, TBK is good but he is no HBK, and since people are comparing him to HBK how is that making TBK underrated?
MVP has only one thing working against him and that's his age. He's 35 I believe and yet to win a World title. But other than that he has everything that a person needs. He's got a great name, a great look, he's unique as all get out and he's absolutely amazing both in the ring and on the mic. He just needs the right push. Winning the U.S. title and MitB would be perfect for him. I want him to have another nice, long run with the U.S. title and wait to cash in MitB. We haven't had someone hold onto the case for a long time since Edge won the first one. If MVP isn't the current World Champ by 'Mania 26 or he isn't winning it for the first time that night then the WWE is screwing him over.

Kennedy is his own worst enemy. He has everything needed as well. It's only a matter of if he fails another drug test or his body betrays him again with another injury. That's the difference between MVP and Kennedy. The only thing holding Kennedy back is Kennedy. The only thing holding MVP back is management.
Nah I have to things wrong with this post. First MVP isn't recognized for being good. When you hear his name or read his name on this forums everyone will say "he isn't that good and he gets so much credit, he is just overrated". So because people think he is overrated he can not be considered as good as he is because people are just sick of it. Were as he is actually really good in the ring and people were comparing him to the Rock last year or the year before but now people are saying he is overrated, even tho I he is actually underrated.

Now for TBK. He is not fucking underrated. Just because he doesn't get a world title shot or even a US title shot does not mean he is underrated. People on this forum last year were comparing him to HBK. Now that is just bullshit, TBK is good but he is no HBK, and since people are comparing him to HBK how is that making TBK underrated?

A year ago is a long time in the wrestling business. You said it yourself, MVP was being praised a year ago by people here, as was TBK. Nobody is comparing hims to HBK anymore, nobody is talking about him at all. He is one of the most talented wrestlers on Smackdown, but as I said before, he gets no recognition. Anywhere. Not since his character was first introduced a year ago. So yes, he is underrated, he is not compared to HBK. He WAS compared to HBK, but those comparisons have been long forgotten about. And for the record, his gimmick was compared to HBK a lot, his work rate, not so much.

As per MVP, this is the only place I see anyone claiming that he is overrated.
This is the only forum I have seen where people actually call MVP overrated. How can a guy who is in the early stages of the biggest push he has ever recieved, and is twice the in ring performer of a year ago, suddenly become underrated? WWE creative certainly isn't underrating. Fans who actually know what is going on don't underrate him, and the common fan who reacts so loudly when he comes out since turning face do not underrate him.
MVP has only one thing working against him and that's his age. He's 35 I believe and yet to win a World title.

Batista was what, 37 or 38 when he first one the belt? And he didn't have nearly as much going for him as MVP does. All he had was look, MVP is the whole package.
I'm not sure. I can respect routing for him to get on the main-event scene, standing up for his ability and what not, but personally I've never been impressed by him. To me he just doesn't have the main event look and feel to him, and I think that's very important. He draws good enough heat, but he looks like a fish out of water as a face. And it doesn't effect my opinion on his ability at all, but his wrestling attire is pretty crappy at best.

All that being said, i see him receiving a big push this year, so hopefully we see him take advantage of it and prove any doubters wrong, including myself.

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