MVP or Jay Lethal??


Pre-Show Stalwart
I am not trying to compare both MVP & Jay Lethal based on their race. I just see them as being bright stars in there companys and as future main event players.

But I just saw Jay Lethal's most recent PPV match against "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair at TNA's Victory Road. It was a very credible match between the two. That match kinda reminded me of the match up between Ric Flair vs. MVP in the WWE back in '08 at the Royal Rumble PPV.

Ric Flair helping put over a young hot wrestler with the passion & skills to one day main event down the line. Both MVP & Jay Lethal are still kind of lost the shuffle in their respective companys. But which one in your opinions, is the better wrestler and will one day make it into the main event picture??
I just cannot see MVP as a major main event player in the WWE. I just do not think he is good enough in the ring to be a world champion, and unless he can show significant improvement I think US title level is where he will remain. He has the charisma to be a major star, no doubt, but his physique, costume, finisher and general wrestling ability could stop him getting to the top. WWE will always be introducing younger, better athletes and will continue to push them harder than MVP- for example, Jack Swagger, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Ted DiBiase

Jay Lethal on the other hand, I do think he CAN become a main eventer in TNA, he is great on the mic and very entertaining in the ring. If he is pushed right, and beating Ric Flair, one of the all time greats, is a good start to this, I do see Lethal v Styles for the TNA title within the next couple of years. This is an opportunity for TNA to create another true star of their own, like they did with Styles and to a lesser extent Abyss. I cannot see a way that MVP will be given a main event run before Jay Lethal
Jay Lethal probably is all around the better wrestler in comparison to MVP.

Both can talk. But Jay Lethal cut one of the greatest promos I have ever seen around Ric Flair. The fact that he reached that level to actually strike me as a better promo cutter than Ric Flair. The one guy I thought was the greatest promo cutter of all time. That leaves quite an impression on me.

Both has in-ring skills but Jay Lethal just strikes me as the better wrestler. MVP bores me in the ring truly. He's talented don't get me wrong. But he's nowhere near a level of excitement. Hell overall MVP bores the shit out of me. Heel or face.

The looks is probably a bit of MVP. But Jay Lethal is not lost behind a wagon neither so to say. MVP is a hard one to comment on because all we truly get to see is the arms which. As much as any other wrestler in the end. They're big.

Jay Lethal is the one I think could draw better. He could easily be both a heel as well as a face. MVP is boring as both to me. But he got over as a heel. He never truly went anywhere as a face. That hurts him in overall potential to reach stardom.

Besides I would much rather see Jay Lethal as a main event wrestler. But in the end. I don't really care if either of them ever reaches main event status.
I'm not the biggest MVP fan, for sure. He's put on a few good matches, and he seems to be decently over with the crowd, I just don't like him as a main event guy. I don't think he deserves that push over the likes of Miz, Morrison, R-Truth, Matt Hardy, and even McIntyre in some respects. Don't get me wrong, he's not bad. I just don't really see what all the MVP fuss is about...

Now, Lethal is a guy who isn't held back by his age or his size. He's damn charismatic, and he's got the best Flair and Savage impersonations in the business. It makes me wonder who else he's got up his sleeve. Lethal is a guy who would fall flat in WWE, in my opinion, but given that he's in TNA I think he has a real good chance of being a main event player at some point. It just depends on how they decide to use him. He works best when he's got a heel to play off of, so he would probably just make a better title chaser than he would an actual champion. I would get behind in anyways... I think Lethal is definitely the better of the two of them.
As of right now, I don't really see either one of them in the main event of their right now, neither of them have nearly the credibility to do it.

MVP is someone I've always thought was pretty good as a heel but he's mostly been floating around in mid-card hell for the past couple of years. As a face, he's extremely stale in my view. As far as his in-ring work goes, he's alright but definitely nothing special. Many of his matches are extremely slow paced and choppy that just doesn't really keep me interested. Besides, there's a youth movement going on in the WWE right now and MVP turns 37 towards the end of October. I think the time for MVP to have been in the WWE's main event scene is probably past.

Jay Lethal has shown me that he can do a couple of impersonations really well, but that's about it. I haven't really seen what Jay Lethal can do. I've seen what he can do while playing as either Randy Savage or Ric Flair, but that doesn't tell me anything. Lethal isn't going to be taken seriously if he doesn't establish his own identity and he hasn't just yet. Inside the ring, Lethal is pretty good. Overall, he's a superior worker inside the ring to MVP and he's about 12 years younger. Jay Lethal is a young man and, barring severe injury, has a lot of time to potentially become a main event player in TNA.

In the end, I think Lethal has the better shot of being a main event player. He's better in the ring, I think he could be better on the mic and he's got time on his side.
Jay Lethal all the way, the way he's done multiple characters and how well he is in the ring says it all. I don't care much for MVP, haven't since his arrival, and don't really foresee ever caring much about him. I am looking forward to seeing what happens with Lethal and where they are going with his character.
I'm a big fan of both of these guys. Lethal seems to be getting a mega push seeing as how TNA is using him lately, which I am very happy with. I think he's incredibly entertaining on the mic and he's very good in the ring. Hopefully one day he will be maineventing. To be honest right now it seems a little weird to think of Jay Lethal being in the mainevent but I'm sure that if this push is continued than he will eventually make for a believable main event wrestler.

MVP impressed the hell out of me with his debut. His heel gimmick was great and I have always been high on this guy since I first saw him. As a heel he was very entertaining on the mic and he's good in the ring, at least good enough for me. Since turning face I think he has definitely lost a lot of what made his character interesting. He has become generic like all the other WWE up-and-comers. His age is another thing working against him. I personally don't think it matters that he is around 37 - but a lot of people on here seem to think that if you are one day over 35 then 'you're a dinosaur' and 'you are worthless' and 'you need to retire' and 'let the young guys get their chance, damnit!'.

However it can't be denied that as a face MVP is more over than he ever was as a heel, even though he is much more bland. I think if his face character is allowed to grow and be less one-dimensional then he can become interesting again and get more over. Unfortunately I don't think he'll get the chance in WWE because everybody seems to hate guys over the age of 29. It's a shame since he's one of the very very few people in WWE that I actually am a fan of.

I can't decide on which one I like better but I can say that, unfortunately, I believe that out of the two, only Jay Lethal has a chance to become a maineventer at this point.
For as much as I love to ridicule the really lame things TNA props up as "awesome", I have to pick Jay Lethal over MVP. MVP is a lame character, has limited ring skills, and he has no mic skills whatsoever. That whole "ballin" schtick is lame. If the two were to switch places, I would consider it a win for the WWE, and a loss for TNA. I am not convinced Jay Lethal is destined to be a huge star, but at least he is ENTERTAINING. MVP does absolutely nothing for me as a wrestling character. WWE fans would mark out completely if he came to the Fed and was allowed to be Black Machismo. Obviously, Vince would never allow it because its a reminder of Savage, but the WWE fans themselves would mark out big time, especially those around my age. (IE those actually old enough to remember Savage in the WWF, when he was in his prime during the 80s, and not just WCW.)

I would probably pick Jay Lethal over MVP if only for the nostalgia, but he is a better wrestler on top of it.
I don't see why the comparison has occurred or even sparked an interest in being posted on a wrestling forum, but I'll answer this for reasons that are unknown to me... boredom, maybe?

MVP is an established star in the biz and definitely knows how to be a worker within it. He has said some pretty good things for students of the game to take away with them, so he is knowledgeable. Despite this, I believe that his age and the way he wrestles won't get him anywhere near the main event. I'm not saying age is a bad thing, but why have someone work at a higher level and push them there so late in their career? It has been done in the past and worked, but the wrestling style... he is just too slow and hasn't got the required stamina to be involved in main event contests. His character hasn't got any substance. He has already been the cocky guy who made it rich and famous, starting out with nothing. He has already shown that he has had a previously bad life... what else can he do?

Jay Lethal on the other hand, is quite young and is still learning the game. His in-ring skills have always impressed me, despite what gimmick he might be impersonating... although he does have the natural charisma to pull off other people's gimmicks. So he definitely has all the tools to become a main eventer one day, but two things are holding him back. First being that he hasn't developed a character for himself. If you haven't got an identity, how are you going to be taken seriously and connect yourself with the crowd? The second is that he needs to gain credibility and get a build, which TNA has been recently doing by allowing him to beat AJ Styles and Ric Flair with his own submission. Once Jay gets those done, he can be a main eventer some day.
How can you even compare the two?

This is like comparing beef shanks to filet mignon.

MVP is one of the most annoyingly overrated wrestlers in modern day history. The fans love this guy for whatever reason. He wears a breathing strip on his nose and a females one piece bathing suit and pretends to make basketball jump shots down a wrestling ramp. If anybody did this 20+ years ago they would be in a mental institution. Somehow, this smorgasbord of a mess entertains people these days. The only thing worse is R-Truth's "Whas Up"...making a complete mockery of the English language. Not a great impression for the youth of America.

No, I'm certainly not racist...but I mean cmon. Two black guys in a tag team called "Crime Time"? That's nearly as racist as Virgil being the Million Dollar Man's slave. They bring this upon themselves. I equally hated it when the Road Dogg had his ebonics gimmick. Has nothing to do with color of skin but rather decency as a whole...regardless of skin color.

That being said, I think Jay Lethal is incredible. His personality is one of the best I've ever seen since the older grand wizards of the business. If he's used properly, I see him going very very far for a long time. He's something special. Just be yourself and use your talent to your benefit. Don't force racist cliche's upon the public in order to get a misunderstood cheer from an impressionable generation.

Actually, do whatever you want. I'll raise my kids differently though.
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If they were both in the same company, then I think they would remain roughly the same level for a while.

However, this is not the case, MVP is with WWE, Lethal with TNA.

Lethal can get a mian event push in TNA for a few good reasons. Firstly, there are less main eventers in his way. Secondly, he is currently in a fued with a creditably main eventer/legend. Thirdly, he displays some degree of personality on the mic. Fourthly (if that's a word) he is decent in the ring..

These are all the things that will hold MP back in WWE. He was Raw, he had to get above Sheamus, Nexus, Cena, HHH, Orton, Jericho, Edge and others to become the top guy. Now he's on SD, he has to get above Mysterio, Punk Kane, Taker, Big Show and Kofi. I just can't see it happening.

Jay Lethal is also a lot younger than MVP.

Plus, look at WWE's record of having non-white champions. There aren't many, The Rock, Booker T, Bobby Lashley are among the few (and Lashley only won the ECW title)
TNA has had Ron Killings, Samoa Joe, Monty Brown aomong others. They have had as many 'coloured' champions in 8 years as WWE have had in 20. That should really tell you all you need to know about who is more likely to get a world heavyweight title out of the two.
Jay lethal in terms of athleticism and age for sure.
He's coming along well in the charisma and mic work department though he needs to keep improving which he has been lately plus I think the flair feud is further giving him a chance to define himself character wise.

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