****New ECW Titles****

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ECW NEEDS NEW TITLES...the main problem with ecw is that its boring to see lashley defend and regain his title every week...and have other matches with no meaning to them...THEY DEFINATELY SHOULD BRING BACK THE ECW TV TITLE OR SOME KIND OF MID CARD TITLE...so that guys like:
cm punk
elijah burke
Tommy Dreamer
Kevin thorn
Balls Mahoney
Matt striker
could compete for...i think ECW would be alot better after that..but maybe they will bring it back right after wrestlemaina or before ONS..it would make sense..
if da show goes to 2 hours they should hav another championship maybe a tag tilt or tv
If the are going to bing in a new Title it will be after OnS III. Wrestlemania is to soon to go and create a new belt for WWECW. The show will not go for 2 hours unless it drastically improves and all of the Roster is used. As well as WWE deciding to continue on with it. The TV title should come in before Tag Titles, WWE doesn't know what to do with Tag teams right now, so it would be redundent to create them as the 2nd belt on the Show.
I definitely agree with you. I'm a little tired of seeing Lashley in predictable title match after predictable title match. However, I don't think they'll introduceany new titles until they increase the timeslot to two hours
hmmm idk i think it will be possible to have at least 2 titles in an hour timeslot...i mean look at TNA they have 3 titles in an hour timeslot..and its not like the ECW guys dont go on RAW and SMACKDOWN...lashley has been defending his title 3 times a week!!! i dont really think they should have ECW TAG TITLES YET THOUGH UNTIL THEY GET 2 HOURS OR AT LEAST MORE TAG TEAMS....BUT DEFINATELY A TV TITLE....i again wouldnt doubt if they bring it at ONS 3..
i agree, But also on top of getting more titles and incresing the time slot to two hours then need to get a better time. It doesn't air in Canada until Friday and even on tuesdays it's not until 12. They should not make it air live and air it on wednesdays instead. I think that adding new titles would also increse people watching
I would love to see the TV Title come back, but only under extreme rules. This would play in nicely between the new breed and the ECW originals. I think that a TV title that is held only under extreme rules could be introduced with the current story-line between old-school vs. new-breed. This would also allow us a break from Lashley every week. Tag titles are out of the question. The roster can't support that.
I dont think they need another mid card title. The roster is that thin that it wont generate any new match's and the World Title mean's so little, a mid card title would mean less. The World Title is pushed so hard, and maybe if it had a different champion it would mean more. But unfortunatley around Lashley's waist it mean's poo.
source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
Dusty Rhodes has pushed WWE to add tag team titles to the ECW brand. The new belts are currently on order and should be in by the end of this month. We could possibly see the champions crowned at WrestleMania.

Well looks like they going with a Tag team titles and i guess its a way to get some of the not used talent together to be on TV..yet still with the show not being 2 hours long i dunno how thsi will work or even if the tag team champions will be on TV much as we have Lashley down our throats each week
i think this could alnostly make ecw better now that they got la resistance there sending vito to ecw there trying to get cade and murdoch i think this could really be cool. i think they will keep the new breed vs original ecw going and make it a faction and have the fighting for the titles.
im so excited about the new titles coming to ECW...its gonna be alot more entertaining to watch now with other titles then the WORLD title being defended everyweek and the same outcome...now just can't wait till they get a TV title or something..
Well, bringing in the Tag Belts would be a start, but I really wish they'd bring back the TV Title. That was always a big part of the original ECW, and it could add alot to the show and give some of the mid-card guys more direction.

they should have the tv title and have it defended every tuesday - kicking it off with a tourney to decide the Tv champ.
and with all the people worried about Ecw's 0ne hour time slot - the old Ecw only had 1 hour to work with but crammed WAY more into the show.
I agree that they should at least bring in the TV title to give the mid card guys something to work for. I'd even go so far as to make CM Punk win a TV Tournament to become the first TV Champ. They should bring it in after WM and have a TV tournament, that caps off that the ONS PPV. Think about that kind of a rating for the match if CM Punk and R.V.D. go head to head in hardcore rules with the TV Title on the line, the belt that R.V.D. made famous, with one of the fastest rising stars on the New Era of WWECW. Further more... they should at least make Lindsey lose the belt to someone worth while. They have no had no heel champ since Lindsey took it from the Big Show. Every champ lately seems to be holding to belt for too long. And I know for damn sure they aren't going to job the belt to Bob Holly. And frankly, I don't want to see Holly with the belt, I want to see someone like Dreamer, or someone like Sabu, actually take Lindsey to the extreme and completely work him. The point about that is that before they can bring in another belt, they have to establish the championship belt. Or else its gonna end up like the old E.C.W. where R.V.D. defended the T.V. Title in the main event while Justin Credible defended the E.C.W. belt on the mid card.
how bout bringin back the tv title and the hardcore title and putting them on ecw and then eventually producing some sort of tag team division with their own belts wen they get more tag teams and a 2 hour show.
i dont get how they can bring in the tag team titles to ECW..i mean there are no tag teams..i mean i heard they were gonna bring vito to ECW to reform the FBI but thats it??? what about la resistance?? well they also said that they were gonna bring in CADE/MURDOCH...so maybe at BACKLASH...they will win the WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES from THE HARDYS..and move to ECW and rename themselves the ECW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS..leaving the WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES VACANT..resulting in a tag team title tournament....

or THE HARDYS reatain..and CADE/MURDOCH get angry and move to ECW and start a tag team division over there...

just my thoughts..
I'm hoping some title comes soon to ECW to spicing things up so there is a worthwhile title on the show that will actually be contested with the possibility of the title holder actually losing it. TV Title would likely be the best option but if they can manage to get a tag team division working on ECW then Tag Titles should be fine as well.

On another note relevant to this thread.....what they need to do in the distant future assuming ECW survives and gets a 2 hour show. They will have to get a TV Title, Tag Team Titles, and Hardcore Title, keep in mind they cant support that now but possibly down the line.

I mean all three brands are supposed to showcase something different and unique from each other:

Raw - Womens division
Smackdown - Cruiserweight division
ECW - Hardcore division

I might be getting ahead of myself, but this is what i hope happens down the line. With that being said the titles could look like this.

- ECW Championship, WWE Championship, World Heavyweight Championship
- TV Championship, Intercontinental Championship, US Championship
- ECW Tag Team Championships, World Tag Team Championships, WWE Tag Team Championships
- Hardcore Championship, Womens Championship, Cruiserweight Championship (these titles showcasing their different qualities of the show)

What do you think?
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You really outlined what the WWE should look like well Kain, bravo.

Right now I just don't think ECW is strong enough to support another title, aside from a TV title. If they brought that in, than we could actually see some more of the midcard talent of ECW on the show, instead of every show just being between Lashley, the New Breed and Originals with a CM Punk or Snitsky match thrown in here and there. Maybe then we could see Stevie Richards actually win a match, as well as possibly giving Balls Mahoney a match for the first time in monthes. I think another individual title would definately bring a lot more quality to the show. But right now, they really need to build up a tag team division if they have any hope of that title. I don't think they'll need to go two hours because TNA is able to pull off the X-Division, Tag Division and the Heavyweight Division in every iMPACT! remarkably well. However, that would mean ECW would have to cut out their twenty minute Mr. McMahon speeches...aw jeez what a loss.
Yeah no doubt McMahon needs to stay off, i've been saying that time after time in numerous posts along with the my reviews on each show. I agree they shouldn't bring the tag titles in either...at least not until a division is built up. The one that would work the best is the TV Title. Stevie Richards would put on a great show for that title, along with CM Punk, Elijah Burke and even Little Guido.

I suppose if they ever decided to add the Hardcore Title in, that would work great too because then we would be seeing more "extreme rules" matches and it would be a good title for say, Sandman, Sabu, Balls Mahoney. Generally for people who's strengths are in the hardcore aspect of wrestling.
The fact is with ECW, there is just not enough talent to support two or more title divisions. We aren't going to see a TV title anytime soon and the competition for the ECW Title is not there in the first place. Until they make a credible top title competition, I do not see the need for adding another championship on a brand with limited wrestlers anyway. A hardcore title is going to be terrible if they bring it back anyway because it will have no meaning. If they brought the hardcore title back, they'd have to bring hardcore wrestling back, and that ain't happening. A TV title would be good for guys like Punk and Burke, but why not use them for the top title and get some respect to that instead of trying to make another division? Until Lashley drops the title, it's going to keep losing value. It loses it everytime he squashes opponents, but they should concentrate on getting the young guys to hold that title, because that's the only useful thing I see with ECW.
I agree for the most part but, i don't think Elijah Burke or CM Punk right now should be pushed to be a ECW Title contender just yet, their still young and would be better for them to win a second tier title first. Thus bringing in the TV title would make great sense. Like you said not having enough talent to support it is true atm but it wouldn't take to long to build ECW up again now that they are presumingly done with there "fire sale" on that brand.

Your right about Hardcore wrestling prolly not coming back on ECW but just think if they did have a Hardcore Title they would have one match a show of Hardcore wrestling and at least living SOMEWHAT to the E in ECW. I think the hardcore title would be great like i said though it would give Sandman, Sabu and Balls Mahoney a reason to be on the show after the Originals vs New breed story die down.
yup i definately agree with the TV title..TAG TITLES..and even the HARDCORE TITLE(but for that one only after they get 2 hours)
i agree they need 2 hours if they want more titles in ecw tag titles would be good because they have some good tag teams already such as rvd and sabu and if they had a hardcore title which had to be contested under ecw rules every match that would be awesome to have to watch it would be a million times better than watchin extreme expose every week that isnt hardcore
WWE should bring back the ECW television title for the mid-lower card wrestlers to fight over like marcus cor von, sabu, kevin thorn and sandman to fight over. Also should bring back tag titles for the major brothers, new breed and any other team coming to ecw like cade and murdoch.For these to happen the time slot has to be 2 hours and some wrestlers from raw and smackdown should be moved.

Wrestlers like -

Jeff Hardy) showed in tna that he can wrestle hardcore and will bring a big face to the show to bring in better ratings.Also would challenge for ecw title.

Super Crazy) would be a good face since being an original and would bring a new fighting style to ecw.

Chavo Guerrero) brilliant heel and would challenge for the television title.

regal and taylor) good heel team and would challenge for tag team titles.

The naturals)could be great face team and would add depth to tag team

billy kidman)good face or heel and would bring fast paced wrestling to ecw

kid kash)bring another original and could be a great face or heel

Mamaluke and Vito)reunite fbi, would be good heel tag team

Diamonds in the rough)great team and would be great heel team and would eventually move to raw or smackdown.Even could just bring back Skipper becuase he is great athletic wrestler.

Tajiri)good face due to being original and would be good lower card wrestler.
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