New WWE Title Design (Keep it all in here!!!!)

The new belt is ok.

That being said, should "ok" really be what the top belt on the top show is regulated to? No.

I don't like the angles, the shape. Like people have said, it looks like a glorified class ring.

I don't like the damn bling aspect, either. It doesn't have to look like it just came off of a f'n rap video shoot. Gold, sure. Looking like it's been bedazzled by your little sister? Sorry, but no.

I do think the idea that was mentioned by JSV about the side plates being the main plate was a better idea than what they went with. The logo on the front is just too damn big and it looks hokey as shit. If it was just polished up/tweaked a bit, it wouldn't be too bad.

If Daniel Bryan gets another title run and this is still the belt, it'll cover up half of his body. I mean, really, Sin Cara could hide behind the thing it's so big. Very unnecessary.

I've been seeing stuff about it being "business" and about "making money". That's exactly the shit attitude that has evolved products and services today into the no quality garbage they are. Sure, it's about money, but not about stepping on the customer to get it or scoffing at their requests/concerns.

Business didn't start out shitting on the people that provide that money. That evolved later, and is so out of hand it's disgusting. If you condone that kind of shit, that just means you're happy with mediocrity and should never expect anything better out of life ever.

People forget the other aspect of a business is to PROVIDE A SERVICE. And that service depends on the people who utilize it.

But getting back to the subject at hand, I would like to say that it is different, and not entirely horrendous, but at the same time there are elements of it that I do not like at all. The angular shape, the huge WW on the face plate (you can have it on there without making it that f'n blatantly huge), the amount of "bling", and the lack of some sort of intricate design somewhere.

I don't mind it as a transitional "Hollywood" title, but to be quite honest it looks awful thin and like it was only made for a limited run at Toys R Us or Wal Mart.
For those who are interested, has an article about the inspiration, design, and construction of the new title.

Here's the article

Here are a few choice excerpts:

“Our idea was never to take a step back or do something predictable or expected,” Stanski said. “We wanted to evolve the brand and create something that’s never been done before.”

The group wasn’t necessarily looking to reinvent the wheel — the championship would look like a championship — but the globes, eagles and whatever else WWE fans had grown accustomed to seeing in bronze on a title would be replaced by new ideas.
But there was also an urge to use the traditional aspects of the title — namely the metal plates and the leather strap — in a unique way. Most championships have their logos and symbols etched into the face of the plates themselves. It was creative director John Jones who thought of cutting the WWE logo out of metal so that the black strap underneath would show through. How to go about doing that was another question entirely.
“From an iconic standpoint, we want this to stick around for a while,” production director Liz Montgomery told us. “The people will know this is the WWE Championship.”
I doubt the article will change anyone's opinion on the matter, but it is interesting. As that first quote points out, all the stuff people are whining about was never part of the plan, so if you aren't happy with this title, you weren't gonna be happy with anything they came out with.

Anyway, check out the article. Even if you hate the belt, you can at least understand the motivation behind it; equipped with that, you can hopefully hate it less.

Personally, not my choice of title, but it does grow on you, especially the image on the main site.

What bugs me is people moaning about the bull side plates as if they are permanent. It is quite obvious the side plates are a replacement for the name plate and adds a cool feature to the title and the possibilities.

Miz, Punk, Sheamus, (Imagine Mark Henry bar bells ) etc.. This is also a way for WWE to make money off a belt with new side plates being available to customize. It makes sense in all aspects. Granted, I am one for an Eagle design, I think this should be given a chance, especially in todays Era.
Don't mind the new belt but I do think the eagal on it looks more classy tittles has always had rubys on it so the diamonds ain't a surprise, I believe the side plates can change well I hope so lol
I like it. Like others said I expected more of a classic look, but the picture on wweshop makes it look real clean. I bet this belt will grow on everyone. It's not the best heavyweight title, but it's clean. I actually like the idea of interchanging the the logos on the side of the belt instead of having the name of the wrestler on front. It's different. Glad Rock was able to debut it and finally get his own customized belt (sorta kinda)
Here's my thoughts on this:

Whether I like it or not, I completely understand why things must change every few years, the entrance way, the theme songs, the ring aprons, etc. etc. You have to keep things fresh and relevant. However, I think this should apply to everything in wrestling except for 1 single item, care to guess what that item is? THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE BELT.

It's funny how in so many ways the WWE attempts to emulate aspects of other sports, but the one thing they probably should be emulating they don't. So I'll just spell it out. In all of professional sports, the NFL you have the Lombardi trophy, NHL the Stanley Cup, etc. etc. those organizations change up things all the time, team logos, stadiums, etc. but they NEVER change the championship, and you know why? BECAUSE THEY REPRESENT HISTORY, LEGACY, LINEAGE, TRADITION. The title belt is the one element that unifies generations, think of how incredible it would be to see a video package with every WWE champion from the last 60 years, and they all had the same belt? To know that in 2013 The Rock is holding the same title that Bruno or Hogan did before him. It would mean something! I realize at this point they've already had so many different designs, but the best thing they could do is go back to the winged eagle and stick with it permanently.

It seems to be a consensus that nearly every fan likes it, and it carries the most value in that guys like Hogan, Austin, Michaels, Hart, Warrior, Undertaker, etc. all held it. Bringing back the old IC title was one of the best moves they could've made, they just need to restore honor to it, but that's a whole other topic. Bottom line: this belt looks like cheap shit, like a toy, and does nothing to speak of the heritage it should encompass. It is a mockery, just like the spinner before it, of the rich history the title should represent. The WHC in that regard is a far more valuable belt.

I'm quoting this post because it brings up my (UK / European) point (of view) to some extent.

The championship shouldn't be a belt anyway! It should be a trophy!

Look at all the top sports in the world, the World Cup, isn't excactly a cup, but a damn fine looking trophy (which was changed, but still works because it is the history and lineage behind it.)

UEFA Champions League.

Europa League / UEFA cup.

FA Cup.

Stanley Cup.

Super Bowl.

F1 Championship.

The list goes on, until I reach the ashes, but even that is a cup (an egg cup pretty much at that)

Why is it a belt? UFC/MMA is the only other place you find belts really. Even Pride, before the UFC willy lickers took it over had trophies (and belts yes).

I get the correlation between martials arts and belts, but for sports you win trophies, not belts!

Even a medal (Kurt Angel) would probably look better.

That being said, the belt looks a bit better than the previous, but still looks god awful. It's plain while being ugly which is a rare characteristic you don't see too often.

It stands out, but so does a naked man in -30 temperatures. Standing out, isn't always a good thing. :shrug:
I'm quoting this post because it brings up my (UK / European) point (of view) to some extent.

The championship shouldn't be a belt anyway! It should be a trophy!

Look at all the top sports in the world, the World Cup, isn't excactly a cup, but a damn fine looking trophy (which was changed, but still works because it is the history and lineage behind it.)

UEFA Champions League.

Europa League / UEFA cup.

FA Cup.

Stanley Cup.

Super Bowl.

F1 Championship.

The list goes on, until I reach the ashes, but even that is a cup (an egg cup pretty much at that)

Why is it a belt? UFC/MMA is the only other place you find belts really. Even Pride, before the UFC willy lickers took it over had trophies (and belts yes).

They do have boxing in Europe still, right? Because that's the sport that started the tradition of using a belt as a title and it's been going on since 1809. Wrestling got it from boxing. Not trying to be a jerk, I'm just a little flabbergasted that a wrestling fan would question why championship belts rather than trophies.
They do have boxing in Europe still, right? Because that's the sport that started the tradition of using a belt as a title and it's been going on since 1809. Wrestling got it from boxing. Not trying to be a jerk, I'm just a little flabbergasted that a wrestling fan would question why championship belts rather than trophies.

I realised that not long after posting it but didn't want to edit the post.

I forgot about boxing yes, I used to love boxing but it's more predictable than WWE these days. I actually haven't watched a boxing match for months.

I don't know, there is something about a belt that just doesn't seem to matter these days, but maybe there is something else behind that personally.

Speaking of boxing, you could take that fact and add it to this one.

Boxing: same sport with different champions with different belts, multiple champions in the same class.

Wrestling: Same sport with different champions with different belts, multiple champions in the same class.

Same as UFC and MMA have had. Maybe I am just fed up with it in general and belts seem to be the common factor in the sports I'm not that interested in right now.

Difference between Boxing and WWE is, Boxers generally want to unify their class, WWE/Wrestling seem to want to keep them seperate to make crap matches seem more important.

1 Sport / 1 Company = 1 Champion.

That aside, a Trophy could work wonders in WWE, imagine the current champion carrying a trophy around with him rather than a piece of leather with some metal attached to it.

Belts get treated like a shit filled nappy in wrestling, at least in boxing they are handled like they mean something.

Maybe that's another difference.

Perhaps they should get 2 guys in gloves to place to belt on a platform at ringside before a big match for it.
I've thought about it for a night, and I've looked at a bunch of pictures of it, and I watched Rock debut it on Raw. I have plenty of opinions, like the rest of this forum, but I can sum it up easily.

The good:
It looks cool. Check it out on the Superstars section of next to all the other belts, it really does look like the most coveted title. It's a proper evolution of the WWE Title, which is always (I assume) going to feature a giant WWE logo. The proportions, shape, colors and size are great. Punk said it best: "I want that one."

The bad: It has no nostalgia factor, but I guess that's what the Intercontinental is for now. The giant logo is sort of toy like but it's important to stockholders, so it stays on the Champ's waist.

All in all, I like the new belt, I'm not in a hurry to buy a replica though and I just wanna see some guys win it. I think Cena needs a character evolution before winning it. I think it would look cool on CM Punk, at Wrestlemania maybe.
My first immediate reaction upon seeing it for the first time live on Raw was much like most peoples on here. I was outraged and disgusted by it. By the end of Raw I thought well,maybe I was too quick to judge a newly formed WWE championship design. Its barely a day old and people are already calling it the worst design of all time. Give it sometime to grow on you,like really.

I also notice a lot of people mention that Rock wasn't the one who should have debuted it but rather Punk. Personally I think Punks long reign as WWE champion was,in my opinion really to give the Spinner belt one last hora and give it that importance to it on its way out. I mean when people people think of the spinner in the future,they will immediately connect it to John Cena. Others will connect to it in a different way,such as myself. I will remember it as the championship belt CM Punk held for over 400 days as WWE champion. How this version of the WWE championship had one final run around the waist of CM Punk for 400 plus days. When people talk about Punks once in a life time run as WWE champion for 400 plus days,I think people will make that connection with Punk. Sure the belt was created by Cena but Punk held it longer than anybody.

So with that said,my thoughts are that overall I think its definitely an improvement over the spinner,by far. I think that the protruding WWE logo sticks out like an eyesore. They could have have added some sort of plating in behind the giant WWE logo but oh well. Overall it may not be your "winged eagle" Championship belts of yesteryear but it does what most championship belts do,it represents the company as its flagship title. I remain content with the design.

See I think why most people are let down is because they already had this picture perfect championship belt already pieced together in their minds. Naturally when people are present something that doesn't turn out like their vision,they com-bust and rebel. Then there are the people who believe that every incarnation of WWE's flagship belt(past,present and future) should somehow be burdened with a winged eagle or a globe of some sort. Face it people,times are changing,this isn't the 80's or the 90's. Its 2013. I mean its no wonder why WWE doesn't chatter to us these days. We are always digging in the past and trying to incorporated things and ideas that are 20 plus years old and trying to fit them in today's mold. Its not happening,as much as you want things to stay traditional and always and forever remain static,it just wont. WWE is sprinting into the future with new ideas and new inspirations while we all sit here twiddling our thumbs and talk about getting into our imaginary time machine and going back to 1998 and prance around in our DX and Austin 3:16 shirts and bicker about how superior this WWF is and how today's WWE should be more like that WWF. Times are changing,ether you change with them or it will leave you behind.
I am not into this new championship belt design. I'm tired of seeing these over the top diamond studded pieces of crap designs that you'd most likely see around the neck of a talentless gold tooth hip-hop "artist". Give us something that is the symbol for pride, honor, respect and strength! A symbol of greatness. A diamond?! Diamonds should be on the damn Divas belt!
This belt should forever be known as "The Class Ring". I ended up growing to love the Spinner belt, and I'm sad that it's gone. This thing is not as gaudy as the Spinner belt...but for a championship title...gaudy is kind of the point. The side plate idea is really cool, I'll give it that. It will also be a huge money maker for the WWE, especially considering that now with ever reign there will be a "custon title".

Business wise, it's a great idea. I don't find it visually appealing, though.
I went to and took a closer look at the title. There's a little feature on the page advertising the title replica that will zoom in closer on whatever section of the title you point your mouse to. On the standard side plates, there's a WWE logo set against a globe. I hadn't noticed that in the other pics I'd seen thus far.

The more I look at the title with the standard side plates, the more I like it. The standard plates work well with the center plate and help offset its black background. I sent a link of the belt to my dad last night and he likes it and he's about as casual a wrestling fan as it gets. He said it reminded him of a championship ring.

At any rate, for me, it's a HUGE improvement over the spinner belt. I eventually got to the point where I kind of liked the spinner belt design but, in my opinion, it overstayed its welcome. I never got over the fact that it looks like a tacky, blinged out piece of jewelry that belonged on some rapper.

"It's mostly the size of the belt, I dislike.
can you see someone, like rey's size holding it

As far as the size of the belt, it's slightly smaller than the World Heavyweight Championship. On, the center plate of the WHC is listed at 11.5 inches and the title measures 52 inches in length. The new WWE Championship is 51 inches long with the center plate measuring 10 inches. Aside from Hornswoggle, Mysterio's the smallest guy on the roster. Mysterio is about 5'6" and 170 lbs. I doubt Mysterio will ever be WWE Champion again. And, as I said, all in all, the new WWE Championship is only slightly smaller than the WHC. If someone the size of Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk or Daniel Bryan, guys who are generally around the 210 pound range, looked alright wearing the World Heavyweight Championship, then I fail to see how they'd look any worse wearing a title that's slightly smaller.
It's new and people need to get used to it. But I'm digging it so far. The belt needed to change and I'm glad that they decided to change it. This new design is new, fresh, clean and modern. Non-wrestling fans can recognize this belt and the kids can throw their old belt away and buy the new one. I can't believe how negative the people are right now about this belt. I'd rather have a paper bag as a belt than that horrible spinner belt. The spinner belt was so bad that even past champions like Edge are glad it's gone. I thought it was really funny when Punk laid out Cena with the spinner belt and afterwards looked at that rock and said '' I want that one''. I wish he would have spit on the old design for some more heat but I guess the spinner belt's last act fits fine with its introducer. On the ground where the piece of crap belongs.
This new belt is horrible. The WWE Championship belt should NOT have any black background showing in the center plate. It's looks so cheap. The center plate should cover the total area in gold, etc... You could tell the audience didn't even like it.

Fantastic, they have a TV logo on a belt. Garbage!

P.S. - After the Rock went on & on about how the new belt should wipe away any Cena "spin", there behold he's got his bull signs on either side. Take that crap off.

Also as far as the "spin". It hasn't spun in YEARS!. So why bring it up Rock?
The new WWE title. It's horrendous. :wtf:. It is just a huge WWE logo. IT LOOKS LIKE A TOY. Who agrees, disagrees, why? Hopefully it will only remain like that until the Rock drops it. If I had it my way the Mick would smash it to bits RIGHT NOW.

Its true man... just look at that "awful" belt. Who was the designer anyway? :confused: It looks like a big TITLE Publicity. :wtf: I mean a BIG wwe logo on the world championship. :wacko: All the previous WWE championship had a golden eagle on them, this doesn't even have that. :banghead: It sucks. Really sucks.
At first reaction, I thought it was just as ugly as the spinner belt. All of the black paint in the background made it feel empty. It especially looked way too dark, lacking detail, like it's missing something in some of the pics I've seen from RAW:


And in some pictures, it just looks strange like a silly cartoon title, like the spinner belt:


But then I saw this pic of The Rock with it:


Now maybe it's just taken a moment to grow on me, but this pic actually looks badass. It's a professionally photographed picture so you can actually see the contrast between the black and the gold, and it looks good. But in some of the TV stills, that contrast is lacking... and it made me think they should have painted the back a gold colour instead of black. I also think all of those diamonds in the bright lights of the arena takes that contrast away, making it look darker, instead of gold like in the professional shots.

It will grow on me, as it already has. I already like it more than my initial reaction. I just wish it was brighter and more gold than dark black, I guess. Will be interesting to see what it looks like on Cena and CM Punk.
From what I've been reading it does look like the gimmick with this belt is going to be the customized side plates (hence, as others have stated, no name plate). I kinda like that idea as it will be interesting to see what each new champion does in terms of customization. Plus it will be a cash cow for WWE as they can sell replica custom superstar plates.
It raises questions like will a guy change to new plates (from his previous plates) when he wins the belt again? Will some guys just have the generic WWE plate? Will some guys have 2 different plates or just one?

I think Rock's side plates would be a lot cooler if the circle part had a globe or world in the back ground with the gold bull over it.
To emphasize my point above, these two titles look almost completely different, depending on the lighting:




I prefer the above shot, because of the contrast between the black and gold. Where in the bottom shot, you lose that and it just looks dark and black. Maybe WWE will make some minor modifications after seeing what it looks like in the bright lights. Because it looks very different than in the merchandising shots.
The eagle belt has always been my favorite, but i wonder if that is just nostalgia. It looked pretty bad ass when in its debut. It reminds me a little of the nxt belt. very basic design. it will take a few months before we know if it has lasting power. it is very different then most titles.
I like this design better than the spinner belt because of these reasons:
1.)The Spinner Belt was getting old
2.)This Belt looks better overall
3.)The "W" in the center no longer spins
I actually really like the new belt. I did expect some type of classic design when the Rock was going on about legends being proud of the belt and stuff, but I still like it. I even like the leather showing behind the WWE logo. I am a little worried that the spaces in the center plate make the belt more likely to break due to superstars hitting each other with it or it just dropping on the ground. I would have liked the leather spaces to be filled in with silver or even platinum to bring out the WWE logo, but I do like the leather look. Overall better than the spinner, but by no means the winged eagle.
I like the design of the new belt, but Im in the minority because I didn't have a problem with the "spinner belt". it served a purpose for the era it was presented in. This has a more classic feel, to it but it leaves something empty. Mabye have the Eagle on the globe behind the W or something to that effect. Overall, change is good and welcomed.
Honestly, I don't like it. Mind you, I absolutely HATED the John Cena "bling" belt. I hated the spinner belt the second I saw it, I hated the US Title spinner design.

I'll give it that it's an improvement, if only a slight improvement.

The scribbled WWE logo looks fucking stupid. It's a cheap attempt to seem avant-garde in a way that relates to fans of the attitude era, basically pride in their lack of concern for detail. The diamonds (probably cubic-zirconias) in the logo look stupid. The only positive thing I can say about it is that it's not the botched abortion that Cena pinched off.

The greatest design for a belt is without a doubt the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from before the Big Gold Belt was introduced. I was hoping for something more like that, instead you get a gigantic scribbled diamond studded double double u.

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I personally think its not good, I am happy they have changed the belt after so many years and it is better than the spinner belt but I thought they could do alot more better than this design

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