No fancy title for the 205 Live thread.

I haven't saw it yet. But I hear great things about it. On Raw, the division is meh because they really don't get enough time to showcase and they're placed with unneeded storylines. They just need to let them wrestle. Then 205 Live was born. I'm going to have to check it out.
Their time on RAW is enough. Until there are more than 2 people in the division I care about, then watching seems pointless.

As for the title, "205 reasons why WCW did it better" seems more like it.
The promo for Tajiri debuting has me bummed the fuck out, and I'm a Tajiri mark.

I'm just infinitely confused.

The WWE brought in four international workers for the CWC that are on a different level from the rest of the group- Kota Ibushi, Zack Sabre Jr., Mascara Dorada, and Akira Tozawa.

I get that they tried hard to sign Ibushi but he balked due to not wanting to uproot to the US(as well as not wanting to give up the freelance privileges that allow him to work DDT- the same reason he'd never sign exclusive with NJPW despite them backing up the Japanese equivalent of a Brinks truck).

I get that they tried hard to sign ZSJ, but he balked(I'm still operating under the assumption that the new UK special and belt is a reaction to the WWE being scared over how big the new World of Sport could be with Sabre as its potential face).

Then there's what I'm pissed and confused about...

The curious fucking case of Tozawa and Dorada.

Both men have finished up their dates and commitments to Dragon Gate and CMLL respectively. Both men were announced and featured on the intro stage at the first 205 Live. Both men are objectively better than everyone who has been featured on that show so far. Yet somehow both men are awaiting a debut with none in sight while we are stuck seeing scrubs like Ali, the Shira's, and Daivari.

What the fuck gives?

As a wrestling fan whose WWE fanship is only a very small part of my following for the business, this is even more frustrating. If WWE is not gonna use Tozawa, I could be still seeing him have better matches in Dragon Gate against better opponents than the WWE will offer him. If WWE wasn't gonna use Dorada, he could still be in CMLL, and having great matches against their incredible corp of monumentally talented young up and comers as well as making regular New Japan appearances. And more over even, the increased cross-over relationship with NJPW's little brother partners in arms- CMLL/ROH/RevPro, would have surely meant regular features for Dorada in ROH over the last couple months as well.

Yet as it is- Tozawa(a top 5 worker in Japan not under exclusive NJPW contract) and Dorada(the best Luchador on Earth under 30 years old) are sitting on the sidelines completely wasted, while the WWE's cruiserweight division is relatively floundering.

What could possibly be the reasoning behind that?

FREE Akira Tozawa and Mascara Dorada !!!!
Akira Tozawa is signed he just hasn't debuted on live TV yet. He's wrestled on NXT's recent tour of Japan though.

Mascara Dorada is signed as well and has already debuted as Gran Metalik.
I'm very aware that both guys signed, as I'm aware that the other two I mentioned did not(reading comprehension is your friend if you actually read the post ;)).

But it's the fact that neither guy is being used despite being better than the rest of the division that I take issue with. Tozawa's been finished up with Dragon Gate for six weeks, while Dorada finished up with CMLL in September.

Both are doing NXT house show tours, while we're stuck seeing marginal talents get spots on WWE TV.

Dorada hasn't been used since the 4-way Raw debut of the cruisers and Tozawa hasn't been used since the CWC(unless you count an appearance on stage but no match at the 205 Live debut episode).

I also get that Tozawa has been working the NXT overseas tour which makes sense to feature him in Japan, but those wrestlers are back now, and instead of featuring Tozawa right away, instead they're teasing Tajiri who was also on that tour- even though he wasn't even announced on the initial 205 Live, and doesn't need an introduction to the WWE audience(not to mention that even though he can still go, he's no where near as good now as he once was, and even when he was at his best he wasn't nearly as good in the ring as Tozawa- and that's coming from a HUGE fan who saw him live multiple times in his ECW days and later WWE days).

So again... I just wonder what the fuck gives? If I have to see two more average ass Gallagher/Daivari matches before these guys debut, I'm going to kick a goddamn whole in every TV/laptop/tablet within a five mile radius.
The name of the show must be based after the amount of empty seats always visible on the show

At this point , the execution of this is so obscenely stupid that it HAS to be Vinces way of never having to answer another Cruiserweight division question ever again.

Noam Dar being a creep is funny in an MST3K way I suppose
At least they have time to develop characters and have storylines that don't revolve around the title
At least they have time to develop characters and have storylines that don't revolve around the title

That was what I thought at first too, but after having seen a few more episodes it is becoming a chore to watch. Neville being there as a heel now helped, although I'm nearing my point of giving up on this show.
Wait until they roll out all of the top guys in the division.

In a couple months when this show is a weekly showcase of Neville, Aries, Swann, TJP, Metallik, Tajiri, Tozawa, Cedric, Gallagher, Nese, Itami(?), Kalisto(?); and there's not really room left for the filler of the division, its gonna be nearly impossible for creative to keep this show from being a quality hour of wrestling from week-to-week.
That was what I thought at first too, but after having seen a few more episodes it is becoming a chore to watch. Neville being there as a heel now helped, although I'm nearing my point of giving up on this show.
To each their own. 205 live & NXT are the only shows i watch on a regular basis anymore so i may be a bit biased
When i first saw Cedric Alexander I thought he would be on of the most bland men on the CW roster but this thing with Noam Dar & Alicia Fox has actually gotten me interested in him over the weeks/months.

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