No Surrender - Lethal Lockdown 4 way - MEM v Beer Money v Team 3D v British Invasion


Pre-Show Stalwart
For some reason this four way tag team match is a Lethal Lockdown match up and even more strangely there are no tag team titles on the line.

The teams have had no opportunity to really build credible feuds with each other recently going into this match and it looks like it has been randomly thrown onto the card like a lot of matches on TNA ppvs recently.

It look like an entertaining bout will come out of this with both sets of tag team champions participating in this four way and maybe Beer Money can get back into the title picture heading into BFG. Weapons will be used if it's Lethal Lockdown even though the ppv is called No Surrender. Thoughts?
i think this match was a bad idea, id rater see an 8 man tag or 8 man elimination if they all have to be in the same match....i hope beer money gets back into the tna tag title picture and not have them go after those stupid plastic looking japan tag belts. but a 4 way i dont think was the best thing they could of done with these teams
I love it when TNA have these cage matches that have more wrestlers than it's physically possible to have in a match. They work so well. Primarily because you can't see anything.

It's just a variation of the same match TNA has had all year.
I love it when TNA have these cage matches that have more wrestlers than it's physically possible to have in a match. They work so well. Primarily because you can't see anything.

It's just a variation of the same match TNA has had all year.

Pretty much. But we're wrestling fans, and thus we're fickle creatures and easily entertained. As long as we see muscled men hitting each other with household objects, I think the fans will be happy. TNA fans are easily amused. They're like children. Or dogs.
It will never cease to amaze me how TNA continues to boggle my mind. There are two sets of tag belts floating around TNA when only one is needed, and yet in the big tag team match with both teams in it, neither are on the line. So, what's the point in watching this match? If they were going to do anything here it should be unification or something so we don't have to put up with two sets of tag champions. It's pointless to have two when clearly there are enough to actually have a tag division, but of course, TNA must be like WWE used to be and go with this mess instead. As for the match, it won't be anything special. There's a cage match every month now and this is our entry this month.
The fuck is with this match? It's a fourway Lethal Lockdown Match, I'm not even sure how that works. I think that MEM and BI both have the advantage, but they aren't actually on the same team. Quite strange. There is really not much point to the match at all other than having an excuse for a cage match, it's ridiculous.

They could've at least made it 4 on 4 where the winning teams got to pick the stips for the next PPV or something. Just stupid, hopefully the cage breaks or something and it' cancelled.
What the blue frig is the point of this match exactly? I mean, is it just an excuse to randomly toss in a cage match to the card?

TNA has two different tag titles currently floating around in their company and the company hasn't done squat with them in the little more than 2 months that the BP and Booker T/Steiner have had them. Both those teams are involved in this match, yet neither title is on the line?

I think it's beginning to look like TNA is just going to stick certain titles onto people, not have them do anything with them for months at a time, and leave it at that. The WWE did that for a long time and the product suffered because of it.
Well this turned out to be a complete embarrassment. Anyone would think the crowd were witnessing a funeral from their reactions. This clusterfuck that went on wayyyyy too long. The opening 5 minutes were horrendous. Then to really put the icing on the cake we got Brutus Magnus, the British guy with the eastern European name. What a mess.

And while we're on its nice to know that TNA have not only murdered their tag division but have also managed to ruin Beer Money's music, which prior to that god awful singing and spunky new guitar riff was the best theme in wrestling full stop.

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