[Official] Ask A Prisoner A Question (Dedicated To HHD)

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Dear Prisoners,

You are more than likely in here for a very good reason. However, this does not mean that you can't (eventually) be readmitted into the main forums. In fact, some of you may be very good posters that are waiting to shine. This thread is for non-prisoners to ask current prisoners questions about wrestling. More often than not, I have seen prisoners who want to be released become disillusioned with the fact that no one will respond to the threads they create in here. However, in the case of this thread, we (or at least I) will come to you.
Well in pure wrestling ability it has to be

1.Bret Hart
2.Kurt Angle
4.Brck Lesnar
5. tie between Undertaker and Sting

Who would you rather have to start a promotion with

Austin in his prime, or Hogan in his prime
Hogan only because in this day and age the BADASS era is dead so why not start with the Superstar era with Hogan.
Damn time zones, how could I have missed this? Anyway ask all you want Tdigle. I'll be happy to answer you're questions ;) .
All right, HHD, here are two question for you:

Who are your top five wrestlers of all time?

Are there any wrestling promotions in The Netherlands or continental Europe? If so, would you take the time to tell us a little bit about them?
All right, HHD, here are two question for you:


Who are your top five wrestlers of all time?

Well Tdigle, I cant say that I really have all time favorites but if I were to name a few a like I'd go with this:

1. Bret Hart
2. Rick Rude
3. Kurt Angle
4. Chris Jericho
5. Macho Man Randy Savage

Are there any wrestling promotions in The Netherlands or continental Europe? If so, would you take the time to tell us a little bit about them

There are a few little promotions but those are VERY small and they only give a show once a month. I dont excactly remember the name, but last time
I watched a Dutch show it had Orlando Jordan and I thought that he qas pretty good. But as I said I dont know much about them in Holland. There is a forum called WWE Holland that has much more member that could tell you a lot more about the Dutch Indies. If you want a legit, succesfull promotion you should go search in Spain. Wrasslin is really popular over there ;) .

When you ask Dutch people if they could name one wrestler, almost 90% of them would answer Hogan. Since it's not on TV people dont really know about it. However I can watch TNA on Eurosport. But the Dutch commentary and TNA's show bores the shizzle out of me. And besides if you ask the Dutch people if they like wrestling they'd answer '' Its fake right?'' .... Yes my friend that is how far the Dutch are involved with Pro Wrestling.

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