[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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Its much easier to use American indy talent rather than trying to Import from Europe or Japan or Mexico for a one night stand, TNA is still having difficulties trying to sign Sarah Stock to a long term contract.

TNA is probably going to use the Kong storyline to help introduce and establish a new talent in order to push said talent into a long term feud with Kong for the title, I will say the woman that does defeat Kong in these random matches will receive a huge momentum push. But, I agree the Kong angle as of right now is pointless, and if it turns out TNA was just using this as a way to bide their time before they gave kong another angle I would have rather seen another Gail vs Kong angle.

Well they could've used Indy talents still and made up the backstory behind them as the only people who are going to know otherwise are the smarks. But that's not who they're aiming their product at, it's the casual viewer and the new viewers.

I read somewhere this Shantelle in this VIDEO is going to be involved in the Awesome Kong angle. I also think people should give these guys credit for TNA's "Beautiful People" angle.. :icon_smile:
Just like a recent Jeff Jarrett interview said, it is all in a breakthrough character/star for TNA.

Right now the TNA name/brand is what sells for TNA. The TNA name is what draws the 1.0 rating. Jeff Jarrett said it and I back up the claim, TNA needs to create a breakthrough star to get higher ratings. With the exception of the Knockouts Division and AJ Styles, everything in TNA is there but not on fire. Looking at the past year in TNA, they have had many opportunities to build new breakthrough stars but through one mean or another it just hasn't happened. Yes, TNA has problems with Production and problems with Booking but this isn't about that, this is about what TNA can do to create a new star.

Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle at Genesis was rumored the highest rating in TNA History. That is because the on-fire character of Samoa Joe met the on-fire character of Kurt Angle. Stars sell PPVs, stars draw bigger ratings and TNA needs to create those stars. The following are stars who have had the opportunity to catch fire but through bad booking or something else, missed the boat:

Abyss-Last Summer, Abyss had tons of heat following the vicious Christian Coalition beatdown. The fans were solidly behind him and he had many programs in front of him including against the Christian Coalition, Judas Mesias and Kurt Angle. Teaming him with Sting was okay but where was the payoff to the feud with Cage. He ended up wrestling in the Doomsday Chamber of Blood Match (where he didn't get his revenge on Cage) and then ending the feud in a First Blood Match on iMPACT where it was Samoa Joe who busted open Cage. This hurt his character quite a bit in my opinion because he came out on the lesser end of the storyline. This new character change for him could give him some new momentum however.

Motor City Machine Guns-They were TNA's hottest team in late 07 until they put themselves in the "doghouse". This is indeed their fault but eventually we have to move on. I think a program between an edgy LAX and a heel Machine Guns could be feud of the year and deliver some very excellent matches.

Christopher Daniels-While his Curry Man character is being utilized to a point I am questioning his push from 07. He had some solid momentum in Spring 07 in the feud against Sting. Unfortunately TNA pulled the plug on the feud and what became of it? An 8 minute match at Slammiversary where Daniels lost. Triple X reunited in an excellent moment at Victory Road but nothing came from the team. Daniels had been stagnant until after Turning Point where he eventually became Curry Man. While the Spicy Man is an entertaining character, it is Daniels who has the mic skills and mat skills that could headline shows if used right.

LAX- The difference between LAX 2006 and LAX now is the lack of edge. Back in 2006 LAX were the cool rebels who beat down faces and heels. LAX now high fives Don West and shakes hands with their opponents. LAX needs to regain their edgy attitudes.

James Storm- I love Storm's character and he has a solid following. Storm is great as both a heel and a face. In 2006 he had one of the best win/loss records and was receiving an excellent push. He had another opportunity when he busted the bottle over the head of Sting at the Live iMPACT. Nothing came of it which is unfortunate.

Jay Lethal- Machismo had three opportunities which were dashed. Winning the X Title the first time only to lose it a few weeks later. A momentous win over Kurt Angle only to be manhandled later in the night by Samoa Joe, losing to Christopher Daniels a few days later and to be a glorified beatdown boy for Team 3D, finally his win at Against All Odds should have catapulted him huge but nothing came of it and now he has been sidetracked with the Marriage Angle while Kaz is the forefront of the X Division.

Kaz- Kaz is getting a push right now which is excellent however he could be a bigger star than what he is now. While his lack of mic skills have something to do with it, the level of continuity in his push lacked. He got a win over Christian Cage, came close to winning the World Title against Kurt Angle but got into a feud with Black Reign and Rellik, the official Momentum Killers of TNA. Hopefully his new push goes well.

Roxxi- While there is still more time to go, Roxxi in my opinion lost alot of her heat from losing her hair. The Voodoo Queen character that got her over is dropped for some hybrid emo type character. She could regain her heat if used well but I can't write that, TNA Management can.

Samoa Joe- It is unfortunate that someone who was such a badass in 2005 and had a HUGE fan following lost so much momentum. People loved his killer attitude and lone wolf mentality. Joe now while still a great wrestler has gone to screaming in every promo and becoming a second fiddle star to Kevin Nash. Fans would love it if he regained his momentum and his attitude.

Shark Boy- After he went "Stone Cold" he got some of the loudest cheers in the arenas and had one of the top selling shirts on ShopTNA. So what happened, he is rarely seen and rarely used. TNA needs to strike while the character is hot and they haven't. While crowd reactions don't necessarily lead to ratings, that is the first step to ratings.

Sting- The Icon should be used as a Special Attraction for TNA and he seems like just another wrestler. He should not have lost in an opening tag team match at Sacrifice. He should be used rarely but when used it should be important. Otherwise his appeal is lost.

Tomko- Tomko was on fire back in February this year when he was becoming his own man. Fans loudly cheered for him and he was becoming TNA's version of Batista. Unfortunately after Tomko rejoined Angle, he lost tons of momentum. It wouldn't have mattered if he would have blown his push from his suspension. Now he has become pretty generic.

With that said TNA has many stars who right now are on fire like AJ Styles, Booker T and Team 3D and the Beautiful People. Christian Cage is up there but more needs to be done.

Am I the only one who thinks a TV Title (Midcard Title) would help TNA. While the lower tier Heavyweight Division guys like Eric Young, Robert Roode, James Storm, Tomko and Kaz battling for the TV Title, bigger stars like Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, Booker T, Kurt Angle and Sting would battle for the more important World Title. This would allow the midcarders to have something to do while they wait for their move up into the main event. Tell me what you think!
Well they could've used Indy talents still and made up the backstory behind them as the only people who are going to know otherwise are the smarks. But that's not who they're aiming their product at, it's the casual viewer and the new viewers.

If I'm not mistaken, that's what TNA did this week with the girls. Amber O Neal, Becky Bayless, and Daffney all appeared on the show, but instead of treating the girls like random audience members, TNA made it very clear to the audience who the girls were as they brought them all ringside. They even let Kong choose who she wanted to face.

I read somewhere this Shantelle in this VIDEO is going to be involved in the Awesome Kong angle. I also think people should give these guys credit for TNA's "Beautiful People" angle.. :icon_smile:

Shantelle was a plant in the audience in the first week of the challenges, but didn't get chosen to face kong. In all honesty, I have a feeling their is a high chance that Taylor will be the one chosen to face Kong at the PPV, although I am still keeping my fingers crossed for a Sarah Stock debut. A Sarah Stock/ Awesome Kong feud properly done would own so much ass people would just forget that guys like Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, and Christian Cage even exist
I watched most of Impact, the last half and some of the beginning. Now I am a newbie when it comes to TNA but wasn't that Roode as Booker's tag team partner? Aren't they enemies? Didn't he supposedly do something to his wife or was I getting them mixed with another wrestler? Because it would take more then a month before I would work with the SOB that hurt my woman. Does anyone else cring when Kong powerbombed that woman into the mat? Ouch!
Yeah, that was stupid. It goes back to the idea from the 80's that all storylines never happened after a turn. Tito Santana and Rick Martel were never Strike Force when the IC feud was on.

Other than that, Impact was great. AJ Styles looks like a world title contender. All the fueds were tied into nice little bows for the PPV. WWE could take a page from this last Impact. The King of the Mountain X match was entertaining. I don't like Christian jerking the curtain, but the match was solid. Joe and Nash are intense. Real factions are being formed. It seems like all the top card guys have chosen sides. Tomko, Kurt, Booker, 3D, Roode, and Storm seem to be always fighting LAX, Joe, Rhino, Christian, AJ and Nash. All of the stories are tied together and keep you guessing.
To say the Knockouts are a big draw for TNA is an overstatement, their matches may do a couples tenths of a point better, but it's not really that much at all. Their better rating probably coincides with the best demo for TNA. Dirty old men 50+ like to look at the young girls wrestling.

Ouch. lol.. good point

Hey Talon, I wrote a HUGE reply replying to a lot of your thoughts but it got deleted.. i'm going to concentrate on the more recent posts and will get back to the older ones later...

Anyways... Yeah, knockouts only probably at most get .1 more... i hate it when keller "overanalyzes" the ratings by the 15 minute quarter.. when the entire show does a 1.2-1.22, that's TNA's best rating. TNA hasn't gotten that since January..

I actually wish TNA will just do great entertaining shows.. it took them like 15 straight great shows to do 1.2. now they're back to square one.. due to a few people whining online causing the direction to change

Mister Rob,
during the wwe's highest ratings period, Sable was the highest rated character on the show. it'd be alarming if the girls DIDN"T draw, which would mean your audience finds them unattractive. Maybe WRESTLING fans think that the wrestlers should do better than the girls, but it's alot easier for a channelsurfer to stop on your show if there's hot chicks, and alot more difficult for them to change the channel.

I agree with Glenn. But it isn't just the chicks that will keep people staying for the whole show, it's everything else. You put out a boring match, peopel change the channel. Everything on the show dialogue, segments, matches, need to be written in a way that keeps people interested the whole way. Russo is good for that. Perhaps TNA should let him do this thing.

I mean, overall, the shows are pretty good. But one thing I've noticed, that really irritates the shit out of me lately, is all the shows are pretty much the same. I understand having storylines that continue on a weekly basis, but why do the shows not really vary? I literally feel like I'm watching the same episode every week. This week my girlfriend actually said, "Didn't we watch this one already?"

Bradxxx, its good that you like TNA IMPACT as your fav wrestling show. TBH, it's mine too. i dont watch WWE programming.. but I really enjoyed TNA a while back when they were doing much more great entertainment, and there'd be a title to the show to go along with what would happen. It'd be great stuff and memorable stuff. But yeah, I do agree that most shows are the same.

As for Sable.. damn, that stuff was controversial.the stuff with mark mero.. people HAD to tune into that. People HAD to tune into Austin... People HAD to tune into what Bret Hart would say about USA>. people HAD to tune into what DX would do.

Where's that "HAVE TO" watch formula that TNA is doing. The only thing is Nash.. but he doesn't even appear every show and Shark Boy was one of those things but TNA has stopped his push. VKM was one of those things.. but TNA stopped that.. so all we have is restling storylines. I sure as hell dont care about what Cornette is going to say. The Angle thing, although it may be going somewhere, i want it to be a "must see".. they need to do more twists/turns and advancement EVERY WEeek
I actually wish TNA will just do great entertaining shows.. it took them like 15 straight great shows to do 1.2. now they're back to square one.. due to a few people whining online causing the direction to change

If TNA changed their direction because of a few people online whining then they have no backbone and more problems then I thought. And they've changed it in a direction the people complaining online don't want, so I don't buy this..

I agree with Glenn. But it isn't just the chicks that will keep people staying for the whole show, it's everything else. You put out a boring match, peopel change the channel. Everything on the show dialogue, segments, matches, need to be written in a way that keeps people interested the whole way. Russo is good for that. Perhaps TNA should let him do this thing.

Russo IS writing.

Where's that "HAVE TO" watch formula that TNA is doing. The only thing is Nash.. but he doesn't even appear every show and Shark Boy was one of those things but TNA has stopped his push. VKM was one of those things.. but TNA stopped that.. so all we have is restling storylines. I sure as hell dont care about what Cornette is going to say. The Angle thing, although it may be going somewhere, i want it to be a "must see".. they need to do more twists/turns and advancement EVERY WEeek

How has Sharkboy ever been "Have to" watch tv? They got rid of VKM because no one cared and no one was watching. You're right though, if TNA ever did accomplish this "must see" tv then they would be going in the right direction, let's hope eventually they can get there. The WWE needs the same.
Here's my aftermath review of 6/12/2008:

"Most of the matches were boring, so i fast forwarded most of it. I watched the main event for the most part

Kaz vs Joe. Joe wins. Booker T comes out, good promo. Nash/Joe drama in the ring was really good too.. kinda went down when Nash said "you can't beat Booker". But good drama..

lots of x division long matches that i fast forwarded.

Angle's first promo backstage with Lauren was really good.. about spike tv wanting hot chicks that draw huge ratings. Awesome Kong just punches Karen at the end of the show. Kurt beats AJ and AJ was kinda beating Kurt.

AJ's segment defending Karen from Velvet/Angelina was pretty good...

It was good that Sonjay got on the mic before his match... aftermath was okay and the fans seem to be into the storyline..

Abyss' return is okay too. Ending aftermath was pretty good

There was crap wrestling that made me not give this show a "full" thumbs up. but some watchable moments.. enough to kinda get me wanting to watch next week. Nothing spectacular like WCW 2000 or Attitude though... I do see Russo's control a bit.. but not too mujch. I didn't care for Roode/Cowboy's promo and the LAX "restart the match due to interference, leading to retain of tag title" scenario.

Kurt was seen talking to Rhaka and Scott/Petey, who got 3 seconds of air time with no mic...

No Shark Boy

okay show... some good moments. but boring wrestling too... Joe got some good lines on Nash.. stick it up your ass... "
Let me say that the impact last night was actually pretty good.The Main Event was okay,Kaz vs. Joe was solid,The tag title match was interesting,and I enjoyed the women's match-up.It had some good action.Kozlov vs. Curry wasn't that good but I could stand it.Now besides Sonjay's match which I can't remember much about I thought Impact was very good last night.I would like a show like that every Thursday but there is room to improve(but isn't there always).

With that short review I would like to say something about the match between Muscle and Speed and the Motor City Machine Guns.FRIGGIN AWESOME.Hell just shut wrestling down for the rest of the week cause it won't be topped the rest of the week.Maybe not the rest of the month.If that is what the rest of the World X Cup will be,bring it on.That was match of the week in my own opinion.Great match.Great.All you people who think you know so much about wrestling,give that match some love or you no nothing.

All in all good Impact.I'm looking forward to next weeks.
Here's my aftermath review of 6/12/2008:

"Most of the matches were boring, so i fast forwarded most of it. I watched the main event for the most part

Kaz vs Joe. Joe wins. Booker T comes out, good promo. Nash/Joe drama in the ring was really good too.. kinda went down when Nash said "you can't beat Booker". But good drama..

lots of x division long matches that i fast forwarded.

Angle's first promo backstage with Lauren was really good.. about spike tv wanting hot chicks that draw huge ratings. Awesome Kong just punches Karen at the end of the show. Kurt beats AJ and AJ was kinda beating Kurt.

AJ's segment defending Karen from Velvet/Angelina was pretty good...

It was good that Sonjay got on the mic before his match... aftermath was okay and the fans seem to be into the storyline..

Abyss' return is okay too. Ending aftermath was pretty good

There was crap wrestling that made me not give this show a "full" thumbs up. but some watchable moments.. enough to kinda get me wanting to watch next week. Nothing spectacular like WCW 2000 or Attitude though... I do see Russo's control a bit.. but not too mujch. I didn't care for Roode/Cowboy's promo and the LAX "restart the match due to interference, leading to retain of tag title" scenario.

Kurt was seen talking to Rhaka and Scott/Petey, who got 3 seconds of air time with no mic...

No Shark Boy

okay show... some good moments. but boring wrestling too... Joe got some good lines on Nash.. stick it up your ass... "

Wow are you serious? Is this really someone's review of last night's Impact. My God if you fast-fowarded through the MCMG World X-Cup Preview then you need to stop watching real wrestling and go back to eating everything Vinnie Mac has been spoon-feeding us for the last 5 years. How can you fast-foward that match and call yourself a wrestling fan?!? I mean really. That was the best match I've seen on TV in a long time. I agree with the last post. Wrestling should shut down the rest of the week b/c nothing will beat this match. I had never seen Speed and Muscle before last night but my God they were impressive and this was finally.....FINALLY the MCMG of old, the one that the fans were crazy about before they got in the TNA doghouse.

I am shocked and appauled that someone who has to be a fan of wrestling (to be a part of the IWC) can have such a negative opinion about what was truly a step in the right direction for Impact last night. My full review coming soon I just had to touch on this subject. Nothing personal and not trying to pick on you but I hope you still have that show DVRed. If you do, for the love of all that is holy, go back and watch this match.
6/26/2008 iMPACT! review - kinda a weird show but had some good moments. Here are my thoughts:

"I fast forwarded a bit of the show. THe first match was AJ vs Creed. AJ won, and then AJ was lured backstage. AJ protected Karen and then Trigg, who cut a good promo in the ring, llured AJ out.. Kurt got the beautiful people to kinda harrass Karen.

Joe/Nash segment backstage was well done

Booker T's segment with his fancy lockerroom = pure Russo. JB was hilarious. Photo with Muhammad Ali/Booker T. JB says "How did you get apicture of the greatest?". Booker T says "and the guy next to me is Muhammad Ali" = very funny. Great talk against Nash.

Ending was really cool with Joe nailing Nash by accident costing the match. Booker T backstage said you have to speak up to be heard.

Sonjay Dutt and the "Guru-ites" came out and he did a great promo asking for So Cal Val. Very entertaining and great look "visually". Lethal comes out and attacks. So Cal wants to postpone the wedding.

Team 3D put Christian through a GLASS TABLE. I haven't seen that before... I've seen tables but never a glass table, so putting hype around it was cool. The fake blood was okay too.. Team 3D was later in a segment with Kurt Angle... Total great comedy from 3D, Angle and Tomko. That's entertainment

Bimbo match with that girl and ODB.. they fought over the ring with weapons etc...

I really enjoyed the ROugh Cut with Matt Morgan and more on Angelina/Gail because it was based on reality and we don't really see that type of stuff on a normal weekly wrestling show. WWE Confidential used to have a show dedicated to that kind of stuff. D'Amore is talking normally instead of that over-the-top cartoony Canadian manager character he used to play. Thumbs up there.

The Awesome Kong challenge is okay, I kinda fast forwarded it, but I'm sure TNA is building it somewhere. Gilbertti said the next three weeks of TNA should be good television. It was a weird mix with a lot of the World X Cup wrestling, which I fast forward due to no characters being involved, but it also had some good pretapes and segments (ala Russo I would bet)... I liked some of the character development.

I don't know where Black Reign, Scott Steiner, or Shark Boy is..

It had some okay moments on the show.. Not sure I would give it a full thumbs up.. but it is kind of worth watching, in my opinion."
I ask the same question on where is Shark Boy and Black Reign. Steiner is injured and will be out 4 to 6 months.

TNA has got the wrestling aspect of the show down. The only thing left is intrigue/character development and pacing of the show.

Why does Kevin Nash come off looking like a bigger star than Samoa Joe? Joe always yells and complains. I think TNA should have Joe turn on Nash rather than the other way around.

Moose and Snitsky both have faces that aren't TV friendly. No offense to Moose but she is butt ugly. She makes ODB look hot.

I enjoyed the Christian Cage/plate glass table segment as it was very heated.

The World's X Cup continues to impress but I just hate Rey Bucanero. After seeing him wrestle last night, I truly believe he didn't live up to the hype. Plus he looks kinda like Tim Curry in the face.

Joe looked incredibly bad tonight and didn't come off as a star. He was shown up by Nash backstage, then when Nash was wrestling and he looked like a complete idiot after being cheapshotted by Booker T then costing Nash the match.

The in ring action was solid and very well done.

MVP of iMPACT: Booker T and Team 3D
I didn't overly enjoy 6/26 Impact but it had its moments. Too much focus on the Women. You had the Awesome Kong challenge again, then the ODB/Moose brawl, also the angle with Karen Angle/AJ/Kurt. Then you also have the angle with Val/Lethal/Sonjay. Too many angles that are similiar. The Awesome Kong challenge is getting irritating sort of like the "Masterlock" challenge Chris Masters had in WWE, and the payoff has to be good

The matches they had were ok. The X-Cup match was quite good. The X-Cup matches are what excites me to watch the next Impact maybe. Nash/Booker was decent for what Nash can do. I dunno where there going with that Joe/Nash thing. A Joe vs Nash feud wouldn't be that interesting in the ring probably. Its not bad out of the ring though Joe and Nash have had good verbal battles.

Some of the backstage segements were good. The Booker T locker room was funny and the meeting between Team 3D/Angle/Tomko to get dates for Kurt Angle.

The Christian Cage going through the table came off bad imho. You could see the fake blood stained towel obviously by mistake and there really was no blood on Christian and the glass looked too fake. But it did add interest to the Team 3d vs Cage/Rhyno feud.

I did like the reality stuff about Morgan/Angelina. They need to do more stuff like that. I remember WWE used to do stuff like that in Attitude era like interviews with Foley and Dustin Runnels. It helped fans get to know them better and advance their careers.
Here is my write up I just did:

"Kurt Angle went out on three dates: one ugly woman, one manly woman, and one that had problems. The segment with 3D was really good/funny. They brought a hot chick. THis seems like a Russo segment. Angle is pissed at all women and at Brother Ray.. Ray says he lost his black book and had to use D-Von's. Beautiful people come out and attack, Karen attacks them and slaps Kurt. AJ, Rhino, Gail, ODB make the save.

First segment with AJ and 3D was not bad

Beer Money (Roode/Storm) used leather straps and attacked everyone, including West, Refs, and Penzer. Okay segment.. Cornette says he'll find two people to fight them later tonight. Those being Nash and Joe. Nash/Joe had segments with Cornette.

Booker T continued his locker room scene thing. Pretty good.

Rough Cut with Matt Morgan was good. THey reference his debut at WWE. Gail Kim/ANgelina "reality-esque" segment was really good too

Bimbo vs Roxxi.. okay.. Bimbo wins

World X cup matches were short and pretty okay. First one... Mexican dude wins. Second one. I was rooting for Japanese guy to beat Curry Man. Japan gets the pin after low blow.

No Christian/Tomko this week.

Highlight of the night has to be the Kurt Angle/3D/Hot Chick segment...

Not sure I can give it a full thumbs up but it was a strong show"
Here are my thoughts for the 7/10/2008 IMPACT:

7/10/2008 Impact! REVIEW: Really Strong/Good show.

I did see quite a bit of Ru$so influence in terms of the flow and character development. I loved the Angelina/Velvet segments backstage where they just care about themselves. "Was that your microphone, JB?". JB was funny when he told Kurt that they'd put paper bags over Kurt's head. Kurt was good.

The show starts with a hot brawl in the parking lot with Roode and Hernandez. I couldn't even fast forward it because it's a different environment and it kept me intrigued visually. Masked man attacks; revealed to be James Storm

The Guru segment with the Guru-ites was great. I like where his character is going. Petey showed up there lifting his weights, which was classic "Maple Leaf Muscle". "Set Val Free" is working for Dutt. Great stuff there. Lauren is super hot by the way. Speaking of hot, where on earth is Christy Hemme? She needs to join the Beautiful People.

Where is Shark Boy and Rock N Rave Infection>?

I liked Kaz's promo backstage too where he mentioned a lot of guys come in and talk about what they did 10 years ago. The promos and segments backstage are totally produced by Ru$so because there wasn't anything lame or cheesy about it. There is where the difference lies between his writing and WWE - WWE just bores you to death with lame-ass dialogue and promos that put you to sleep because they're so damn pathetic.

First World X Cup. I didn't really care for it so I kinda fast forwarded it.

Awesome Kong vs Taylor Wilde. I read the spoilers like an "IWF" lol, so I knew what was going to happen. It was cool to see her win, although I kinda fast forwarded her match.

Kaz gets the win on a match I fast forwarded.

I watched the ENTIRE match with the six man tag. All guys in this match were "where were they?" and I really want TNA to push these guys and give them more prominent roles on the show. I really enjoyed Matt Morgan's Rough Cut - Very excellent stuff. It reminded me of the Beyond The Mat segments where they showed those two guys mike modest and that other guy trying to break in the business.

- Tomko: This guy is a star. It was good to see him back. but no role?
- Kip James: He's kinda old but I still think he and BG can still stir up some controversy. Give him something to do
- Petey Williams: Little Petey Pump/Maple Leaf Muscle: some really funny promos when TNA were doing the 1.2s

- BG James: Part of one of the most popular tag teams, much like Dudleys. I think they need more
- Matt Morgan: Yeah, they should push him. GIve him a compelling character
- Eric YOung: Good to see him back. He hasn't done that Super Eric stuff in a while but contrary to what Gilbertti thinks, if TNA creative can consistently come up with good stuff for either eric of Super Eric, i think it should be fine.

These six guys all have good potential. Tomko wants to use the lead pipe when ABYSS COMES OUT! I marked out here... the crowd was probably not as loud because they taped 3 shows in 2 days and that's a lot of wrestling for 2 days, so this was the last of the crowd.

Abyss beats up Tomko and gets kinda threatened by the pipe. Good intrigue!

Booker T "apologizes" to Joe. GREAT segment. It's a wrestling-hype segment but there was nothing cheesy about the promo. Booker T is sorry for what he is going to do at Victory Road. I mark out to Booker T's new role as the top heel. It sucks that he's going to lose, but I hope there is some sort of interference or something that makes him lose. He should not lose clean. He brought up Rick Martel, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Chris Jericho and beating them, which was really cool. "Who have you beat? Joe?"

I love that his locker room is slick. They followed up on him being upset about him being treated like crap when he was teaming with 3D.

Sting comes out and says he'll be there. TNA has REALLY got to put this guy over more as a legend. I don't know how to use him. Turn him heel? I don't know but I think if he is to retire, it needs to be good.

AJ Styles' promo was strong; he put over the women. Gail talks about Velvet/Angelina being wrong for the business: good promo. ODB says she hates blonde bimbos and will give them a facial. whoa.. lol. Great stuff.. for all. I liked the reality-esque hype for Angelina/Gail as well.

I didn't fast forward any of the main event. It was cool to see Frank Trigg come out before commercial and I was surprised to see Karen Angle come out too.

AJ does that move and lands on Angle. Gail gets the win after pinning Velvet Sky. Angle attacks. Beautiful People paper-bag Gail Kim. It's good that the fat girl that helped beautiful people is not part of them anymore, lol. Frank Trigg does a move on AJ and Angle does the ankle lock.

No Nash, Shark Boy, Rock n Rave (not important), Christian is injured. I think this was a strong really good show. I do personally want more for the six guys in that match I mentioned, but they did a great job. I'll give it a thumbs up. I don't give thumbs up to many shows often but most of this show held my attention and there was enough intrigue!

Good show. I dont want to predict the rating. I'd say another 1.0, but I"m "hoping" for a 1.1

I like the angelina/velvet/angle segments. They're short and sweet. WWE can have McMahon talking to a HHH for like 4 minutes backstage REALLY boring. It was cool that they were tanning and I like the dialogue from the beautiful people. I really wanted these girls to be pushed ever since the time they teamed up and since then, their characters have taken off. I love the diva attitude, ....

I dont want to whine about the show and there isn't much to whine about. I think they do need more controversy though. "Controversy creates Ca$h"
Nobody posts on this thread. Here are my thoughts for 7/17/2008:

The best show TNA has done in a few months in my eyes

1) they pushed the young guys and brought back people i haven't seen in a while and put the young guys over.
2) they're pushing next week's show and they're doing it well. TNA never really did that too much
3) the ppv is already kinda being set up. stories are being pushed, character development that is done well. nothing cringeworthy
4) i couldn't fast forward much of the show, this includes matches because it kept meinterested the whole way. if it did that for me, i'm sure it could hold casual viewers' interest :)

mankind, you can't get a good rating in one week. Remember, I came on here every week for 15 weeks straight and said "Thumbs way up" for TNA. Somethign i haven't done in like 5 months.. This is probalby the true Thumbs UP show I have said for TNA in a very long time, although i gave thumbs up to last week's show too... this one is a thumbs way up

I agree that Booker T picking up his cell to call 911 was hilarious. JB praising his locker room was priceless. Cornette flirting with Traci. I think they'll explain that.. Cornette telling JB to shut up was funny too after JB made a comment about Traci.

- IT was awesome to see Velvet Sky to win that match against Gail. I think the viewer would think Gail would win that match just from the way it looked. I watched the battle royal in full. Very very entertaining, ODB chants. Christy Hemme is BACK!! YES! - I love Rhaka Khan - very sexy girl. Salinas got involved, Roxxi was in.

- Beer MOney was total gold this week because they were whipping everyone. I liked that they went outside and attempted to whip the fans. The "fake" fan was done well too...they whipped the refs and the whipping they gave Hector was crazy. Sign of the night: "Brokeback Beer Money" - I cracked up. But yeah, good to see them whip everyone and cut decent promos...

- Kurt Angle and 3D come out in Sting masks. That was cool, it's actually creating some story for Sting, the legend, WHO DID NOT SHoW UP.. Great promo by Kurt Angle. AJ STyles comes out and believes in STing, and they set up tables matches. Christian's promo was okay.. kinda weird when he says Rhino get the table. his new theme is good. Bubba is funny

- Karen's Angle - I can't wait for that. Nice package - her package and the video package.

- Hard Justice: i dont know who that ice t and grandmaster kaz is, but the tna theme they made is pretty cool. slick spot.

- Kevin Nash got paid to do a 2 minute segment with Joe, - nice promo on champions beliving in themselves

- Booker T gets to keep the belt, I think this is a way to not piss off the iWC, but it's cool tosee Booker T as the champ.. or him holding the belt up until hard justice. I think fans online will go 'titles switch to fast, blah blah blah". it's a nice prop here.. and i like booker t with the belt

- Booker T selects his opponent through a nice TNA book. and selects Creed and mentions Apolo Creed/Rocky. Creed, who we haven't seen talk on the mic, is all jacked up.. he sets up a stretcher match after calling 911 - classic Ru#so.. haven't seen that in ages.. i think since 2002 when Hall faced Jarrett in the Asylum!! LOL

- Joe attacks Booker at the end and got the bat

- Here's my beef, why are TNA asking why STing attacked Joe as if Sting turned heel. The reason Sting attacked Joe is because Joe was being an ass, attacking Booker, and said "F*ck you" to Sting while giving him the finger. Logical reason to attack Joe...

- Great segment with the Knockouts backstage and Traci is BACK!! Hemme is back!! LANCE HOYT is now LANCE ROCK! which makes more sense because they aren't called the Hoyt and Rave Infection...

- Matt Morgan has a new theme, and he kicked Rave's ass Goldberg-style, I marked out. Hemme brings out Rock. Rock said the lead singers in bands are usually the toughest SOBs.. Lance Rock gets into the match and loses in a few minutes. Tenay mentioned that rockers have screen names and they change their names all the time, same happened with Hoyt... Matt Morgan got a nice push ehre and i didn't fast forward any of it.

Shark Boy was there for about a minute. Super Eric was funny - even when the music played. Eric Young backstage was funny too... kinda weird, but i haven't seen that since January.

- Kaz cut a good promo on him letting down TNA. He lost to Petey after a rollup and they zoom in on Kaz and he's a little upset.

-- next week, Kurt and 3D vs Christian aj and rhino in 5 tables elimination. I find it funny that Rhino/AJ - who fought in elevation X are together; Rhino/Christian who had a feud in BFG 2006 are together; as well as Christian/AJ who have a long history together as buddies and enemies are together.. only in wrestling :p

-- That taylor chick faces Velvet Sky. It was really nice to see her win...
-- debut of Karen's Angle next week, and as we saw in a segment, kurt wants Tomko to "spoil the party"

I really enjoyed the show-- damn how can i forget.. Jay Lethal/So Cal Val.. they talked and So Cal says Dutt has feelings

EY faced Dutt and Devine (who has a badass theme). I dont get Devine filming himself.. Dutt wins the match - whoohooo.. and lethal attacks.. Dutt, being the ass that he is, fakes get beat up with the chair and frames Lethal. So Cal is upset... Dutt is giving a smirk.. I like this story. ... Classic soap opera telling

why to iwc like Lethal as Macho Man but do not like Shark boy as Stone Cold? What's the difference here? One is from an era/generation they do not particularly like? ala Ru#so and one is old school 80s where most people watching today won't remember??

ANyways.... I love the show and give it a thumbs up and it's damn good to see Ru$so writing aagin!!!

I am hoping for a 1.11... but want a 1.7 (when will that happen, goddammit)!!!
I liked it alot! Except for Beer Money. I mean I understand when you are angry that you want to do things like that but you think that a bunch of wrestlers would find them and beat them up. Like LAX, who were very slow to get there.

I liked that Dutt/Lethal thing that went on, and I think I can see what is going to happen. A Rift will form between him and her, because of mistrust. However can you tell me why is it that she does not watch the replay if she loves Lethal.

Keep in mind that I know that the storylines are untrue.
My 7/17 Impact review:

Booker T opening the show with Joe confronting him was decent. They played up Joe's noble no nonsense character by letting him tell Booker to keep the title so he can earn it back. A little confusing for the records though as how this will go down in the title history. But still interesting enough feud as to who the real heel/faces are. No Sting appearance yet.

Kaz vs Petey match was good. You won't expect anything worse with these two. Kaz loses again and doesn't look to happy. It looks like a heel turn in the works? It might work or not..

Morgan destroys Jimmy Rave and then the newly named Lance Rock. Matt Morgan seriously did remind me of Goldberg for some reason. A more gifted Goldberg though.

Beer Money going after everyone to whip them was still funny. The whipped Sharkboy, Eric and Curryman having a secret meeting, which was pretty funny. The whipped the heck out of poor Hector. Tenay said next week Motorcity Machine Guns challenged them, which added a incentive to watch.

The Angle-3d Alliance added more fuel to whos side Sting is on by pretend to wear his mask and say he's on their team. They cut a good promo with Christian AJ and Rhyno. Tables rematch next week another reason to watch.Karen Angles new show is ok whatever to me, but she seems to be popular. Tomko will also have something to do about as Angle give him a job.

Devine vs Dutt vs Eric was just a match to keep the Lethal/Dutt feud going. Which is funny as Dutt pretended to get hit with a chair ala Eddie Guerrero RIP. Will have to see where this one is going.

The Knockout gauntlet was pretty entertaining. Suprise that Velvet Sky won. Looks like they are going to give other's chances and is a good way to keep them all in the mix. Sky vs Wilde another reason to watch next week.

Consequences Creed pretty much jobbed out to Booker. The crowd was hot for Creed though. I guess to keep Booker strong he barely got any moves in.
Sharmell having a bat at the end to further confuse everyone who's side Sting is on. No Sting appearance, another reason to watch next week.

So yeah it was a good show. Everyone almost on the roster appears. They give a loaded card of reasons to watch next week...
Good review from Razz, even though it's almost identical to mine, lol

I agree that Matt Morgan had a good "re-debut" after Rough Cut and it was Goldberg-like. Monty Brown, Tomko, Lance Hoyt - other big guys that may have had a similar push, but got put down afterwards. Hopefully, they'll push this guy.

I still dont understand why tehre is a question "Why sting why" - The answer is simply Joe giving him the finger and saying "Fuck You". Giving that circumstance, any other wrestler would attack Joe.

However, I like the 3d/angle homecoming type segment. It reminded me of teh Bischoff - welcoming Bret Hart to WCW segment where they came out with Canadian flags the night right after the Survivor SEries 1997 screwjob.

Yeah, poor HEctor. Damn, they were whipping the guy good. I hope it didn't hurt too much because it looked like it did

Tomko showing up at Karen's ANgle will be very interesting. Tomko used to say "I'm my own man". Funny that he's back to being Angle's stooge.. which is fine, because Tomko is good at that, lol

It was just great to see a lot of the people we didn't see, back.. LIke Curry Man, Shark Boy, Johnny Devine (haven't seen him in a while), Super Eric/EY, Rhaka Khan, Tracy, Sharmell,Rock and Rave, Hemme - just good to see them used and back in action. TNA cut a lot of these guys off for a VERY long time.

I really enjoyed the way th Knockout Battle Royal was booked. There were really interesting ways to have them knocked over the top rope.. Gail/ANgelina.. Jacqueline/Roxxi... I also really loved how they went to commercial break,a nd when theyc ame back, they showed "during commercial break" and three people were out.. Very fast paced and great flow to the entire show. I credit a lot of the show to Russo.. it had a lot of his fingerprints on it,and is proof that this guy can still damn write

ON another forum, I said if TNA does 30 straightw eeks of great programming (Russo), they'll be at 1.5. I think the longest streak they did in my eyes is like 12-15 and they got 1.2 three weeeks straight by the end of it

TNA always lets Russo write for 2-3 months straight before cutting him off. If they just gave him one full year and stop reading the bullshit fans online and the critics, TNA wouldb have been at 1.7 a while ago..

Anyways, I really enjoyed the Knockouts Battle Royal.. just to see all of them. Very entertaining. Velvet Sky ends up winning. It's about time this girl won a match. She looked great too.. The Beautiful People are grea.t. who else can they add down the line? May be Hemme/Gail - they're hot girls. I think they'd be a killer foursome group if they did that,

ANyways, yeah, Booker T was great throughout the entire night. my brotehr said booker should be scared of JOe after getting his ass kicked. But i guess it doesn't matter. I love Booker's promos. He reminds me of Adebisi of Oz, lol.. "who have you beaten, huh, Joe? WHO HAVE YOU BEATEN? YOU can't beat me, man.. YOU CANT BEAT ME"

Booker T as heel in TNA - probably my fav booker character of all time. with his jacket, his fancy locker room.. just very entertaining to watch.

Joe is getting a more prominent role. I love the stretcher matchb ecasue i haven't seen one of those in ages.. good to see Joe attack, and classic AMbulance drive-off of BOoker T. Great ending - just visually well done.. there's a bat.. i guess they're making this "who's side is sting on" story prominent, even though it was very simple as to why he nailed joe at the PPV.

Yeah, as Razz said, TNA has done a tremendous job setting up nextw eek's show... They never really do that before. The segment with 3d/angle and the unlikely alliance - three guys who have all had huge feuds over each other: christian, aj, rhino... should be entertaining...

Good job TNA - THumbs way up, and they got a 1.05 rating rounded to a 1.1 - which is the best rating they did in a few months. I thought this was the best show TNA has done in months.. The pre-tapes were all really great.

I watch snippets of Raw and they are absolutely atrociious to sit through. the fans are dead, there are no signs/passion like there was back in the day when wrestling was hot. Smadckdown is a piece of shit, and ECW is boring as well. The stories, promos, matches are all very insulting

If TNA gets the rating up a little, put them on Mondays, and in the long run, TNA will whoop their assesonce the people samnple TNA and know TNA is just a much more exciting, entertaining, and innovative product

Please TNA let Russo write 1 year, this will end the argument as to whether he can increase the rating or not. I hope TNA doesn't listen to the IWC/Meltzer/Keller, becuase if they do, they'll be at 1.0 forever
My review of the 7/24/2008 show:

"I think people are saying it's a bad show because they think Ru$so is writing.. that's the only reason..

I thought it was another good show

- They followed up with Dutt/Lethal - great set - Dutt was hilarious
- I laughed at the Shark Boy, Curry Man and Super Eric stuff. "We come in peace, they will leave in pieces". Curry Man pronouncing all the ls with rs.
- Lots of homegrowns got to fight and glad to see Consequences win the match against Devine, Young, Rave. Fast paced match with lots of poeple getting spots. I fast forwarded a bit

- Where was Tomko? I guess since the Kaz thing is being continued, he may show up next week

- Karen's Angle. The Kaz thing was really good and it was cool to see his history. This is a reality way.. maybe he is gone.... I wanted to see more. The set looked tremendous. TNA has come a long way since the Asylum days.

- Matt Morgan, aka the beast... My brother said it's been a while where TNA just put a jobber in a match, lol. Cool match and great to see Morgan get the sqaush. THe fans were into the show for the most part. great match.

- Booker T starts the show with Joe. I love how the big time players start the show with a segment.. I always liked it that way. Joe is already walking to the ring before the show starts. Nash did not say a word thorughout the whole night. "Beware of the dark" - Booker T says. End segment ends with some pretty funny stuff with Booker kissing Sharmell.. asking Joe to do the same. Lights go out and Joe is laid out with a baseball bat. That's okay ending... sorta like last week. Booker T mentioned the ambulance in the first promo.. the fans in the crowd, who attended the taping one day afterwards, won't know what he's talking about. But it's cool to see him reference that

- Back to Dutt... "did you see the replay?" - So Cal says she doesn't like violence. Great tying up with the potential flaws! lol.... Looks like Dutt may propose... The Guru-ites are entertaining...

- Velvet Sky vs Taylor Wilde. Taylor pins her twice really fast and gets a good third match on. I watched the whole thing due to the unpredictability. It was awesome to see these girls go at it and I have more respect for Taylor. Angelina interferes every now and then... she looks hot... Finally, as Taylor is about to win, Agnelina nails Taylor.. they fight.. and puts the paper bag on her head... Very good stuff and I absolutely love how the beautiful peopel are built... "ODB ODB" chants start and ODB and Gail Kim make the save. ODB was eating a turkey leg!!!??? damn.. lol

- Back to consequences... he wins th ematch, which was cool because after all those packages, that's how you build someone.. you give them airtime and let them win... he won.. which i enjoyed.. and the heels beat him up.. same with Lance Rock.. ABYSS' new theme.. he comes out, whoops ass.. and puts the chair down. foreshadowing something

- Dalvari aka religious name: Abdul Bashir!!! This was really controversial.. and really well done.. he talks about coming to the states.. and people looking at him, checking him if he has bombs.. or something to that extent.. he talks about making a living. It's a history to a potential really interesting gimmick.. and its way better than him just being some leader of team international for a world x cup. This is how you introduce someone

- Motor City Machine Guns; This is probably the first time i heard them talk in 6 months.. Ru$so produced segment.. Very very good pretape and it shows their new personality. they have new masks.. and they are serious,.. they talk about tag teams, make a few jokes.. shelley says detroit is also one of the cities with high crime rates - hence the 'Murder city'. they end with saying they're the best tag team and will shoot the opponent down, etc.. Very very well done.

- Pretape with Kurt/3D.. they put JB on the table. this was okay.. it's real, damn real, etc

- Back to Dutt.. JB: "how can he be thinking about you if he was in a coma for 3 days?"

- Pretape with AJ/Christian/Rhino. AJ says he believes in sting. Still don't know why they're making ab ig deal for those that saw the PPV,. However, for those that didn't see the PPV, it is actually a pretty good story as to "why did Sting beat up Joe"... and it will probably lead to Joe/Sting - and I hope it is a really good feud, and I wouldn't actually mind a "semi heel" sting.... to be honest. Christian says he doesn't care.

- Beer Money vs MMG Strap match. This was probably the longest match, but because it was a different kind of match, i kinda didn't fast forward the whole thing.. lots of beatdowns.. and nice little situations.. blah blah blah.. Jacqueline helped with the handcuffs and got Beer money the win... LAX makes the save.. after a whipping... some nice oves. I can't believe jacqueline is part of TNA> she needs to turn on beer money, lol.. enough hanging out with that hillbilly james storm..

I had an idea that the reason for her turning would be that she doesn't like being around white guys.. being around james storm almost turned her into trailer park trash. soemthing liek that. and every week, she'd try and talk the black guys: creed, lethal, booker, into being their manager, lol.. just a stupid thought. they kinda need to use her.. i dunno.. she's in her 40s

Karen Angle segment was a little too short and TNA usually follows up on everything they talk about.. no tomko this week but i assume the next week there will be. Interesting stuff with Kaz

Tables Elimination Match. This was also pretty long and got really exciting near the end, with Devine coming in and throwing powder in Bubba's eyes, leading Bubba to think Devine was AJ, and he put Devine through the table. I loved the replays of how each got put through the table. Trigg helped Kurt Angle get the win... Fun match..

Last segment was good too. Booker T is a good heel..

Damn, TNA has a shitload of stars.... I think they did a nice balance of getting stories moved forward, following up on the main stories.. I'm not sure what that "super angle" is.. but they kinda need one.. I give it a thumbs up.. i was entertained through most of the night.. I think the 3.5 rating WWE audience is missing out on a great alternative with lots of new young guys, better flow, and a lot of recognizable stars they will know

- Look forward to next week. I praise TNA for the last few shows.. but I want them to be more creative and better and better as each week goes by..

Peace, i'm out"
These are this weeks iMPACT results taken off WWE.com.

Consequences Creed defeated Jimmy Rave, Johnny Devine & Eric Young.
Cory Chavis lost to “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan.
Beer Money beat The Motor City Machine Guns in a Double Strap Match.
Velvet Sky lost to Knockout Champion Taylor Wilde three times in a row.
Team 3D & Kurt Angle defeated A.J. Styles, Christian Cage & Rhino in a Six-Man Five-Table Elimination Match.

Now I haven't seen the show myself. But I would if I was able. But this show appears to be incredibly stupid to me. You've got 5 matches, 3 of which are gimmick.

You've got Consequences Creed defeating 3 other wrestlers. Is this the start of a push? If so then fine. But when exactly did Eric Young turn heel? He did turn heel didn't he, or is this some type of angle?

One match is a jobber losing to Matt Morgan. Yet I bet there was a match on Xplosion that involved two name jobbers who weren't on iMPACT. Wouldn't it mean more if Morgan defeated somebody you've at leats heard of?

Beer Money beat the Machine Guns. Fair enough. But why have a gimmick match if they're not feuding? And if this is the beginning of a feud then why isn't it just a regular match?

And what exactly is a Six-Man Five-Table Elimination Match? What if, hypothetically, you're involved in this match and the 5th table breaks. You can't use it in any way shape or form, it's done. You then have to get another table, does the match continue? Because that would make it a Six-Man Six-Table Elimination Match, and well, I don't want to see that gimmick. I'd recommend the title of Six Man Elimination Table Match. Don't be cheap, let them use as many tables as they need.
Don't bitch about something you haven't seen, although I can be hypoctricial because I bash WWE and have bashed them for all the crappy shows I have seen over the past 5 years. I hadn't watched a Raw in about 2-3 years but stated my reasoning as to not watching due to poor Smackdown/ECW shows. I then fast forwarded through a Raw a few weeks back after trying to watch some of the matches/promos = terrible

THis TNA impact, however drew a 1.1 - i think higher than last week's 1.05.. so after about 3-4 weeks, they've increased the rating back. I think they can reach 1.5 in this same direction in 6 months.. by the end of the year (hopefully). Russo rules.

- Consequences won the match in an exciting four-way. Peopel then beat him up afterwards and Abyss made the save.
- The Matt Morgan Goldberg push was awesome and I really enjoyed seeing him squash this jobber.
- The Beer Money match was actually the longest and probably might lose some casual viewers' attention IMO, but it was a strapping match so it was visually different. I think MMG cut a tremendous promo (helped by Russo) about their history, and detroit being the murder city. Their new "look" with the masks kinda differentiates them from being jobbers. Their serious approach to the promo while making good shots were good

- You missed Shark Boy/Curry Man/Super Eric in some hilarious stuff. They need more air time and hopefully an inring segment too...

- Karen's Angle wasn't interfered by Tomko as it was supposed to be, but I think he may show up next week

- THey did a gijmmick match because Beer Money kept whipping everyone in previous weeks. MMG explained that they'll win. For me, it's different and it may catch channel flippers who get bored watching two guys wrestle in a regular match

- the same applies to a tables match - team 3d's specialty. There was actually a lot of "action" displayed in this show.. but it was more visually appealing in my eyes. lots of stars

You also didn't see Booker T and Joe's segments... they were pretty good. BOoker T is a great heel and him "holding onto the belt" works for me.

- There were tables all around the ring.
THis TNA impact, however drew a 1.1 - i think higher than last week's 1.05.. so after about 3-4 weeks, they've increased the rating back. I think they can reach 1.5 in this same direction in 6 months.. by the end of the year (hopefully). Russo rules.

I still find it incredibly funny that people talk as if TNA is going in the right direction. They've dropped ratings and are finally back to the mediocre rating they were at before, which they couldn't improve in the past. Nothing's changed, the product is exactly the same as it was before. One has to wonder why TNA can't get past this constant 1.1 rating that fluxuates but always comes back.. while ECW which is neck and neck with TNA, which has far, far, far less talent then TNA and far, far, far less potential because of their roster then TNA, has suddenly jumped and begun to climb in the ratings. They reached a 1.5! TNA's die hard fans are admirable, but you're also entirely delusional, and people need to start accepting that there's something majorly wrong beneath the surface with TNA's product and until its fixed nothing's going to change and all these dream goals, and false hopes aren't going to come true. Ignroance is not a solution.

As for the review:

SharkBoy/Curryman/Super Eric was not hilarious. I found it stupid, and I am entirely bored of Shark Boy.. and Super Eric's appeal (which I never found any to begin with) died a long, long time ago. Move on TNA, please.

The wrestling is always good with TNA, so nothing to complain about there. I will say this though, anyone who thinks Kaz's whole "work" is going to draw interest and attention is once again delirious. Who cares about Kaz, whether he comes or goes? Maybe TNA fans.. but those who aren't fans aren't going to be drawn in and have any urge to check out the product because some wrestler, whose not a star at all and doesn't have any appeal (so why are they pushing him?), is pretending to leave the company.
MisterRob, they dropped because the shows were not as good. Now it took one month with a more Russo direction to get them at 1.1. last week's show was the most viewed show they did in a fwe months. 6 more months of this and I'm betting a 1.5

Fuck the critics that bash Russo. Rob, the shows are not 'exactly' the same as before. I rank it near the shows they were doing in January in terms of creativity. I want them to get better and better as the weeks go by. THe IWC doesn't know jack shit and TNA has got to continue to let Russo write and the ratings will only go up higher. I'm sick and tired of staying at 1.0 due to TNA stupidly listening to the online fans.

As for TNA Spin Cycle, that has no wrestling and is real/raw - i hope Spike gives them that half hour show

ECW has WWE to promote their shows. and they've been around for ages. I can't explain why TNA is not getting the high ratings, but I'm still thinking it's an exposure thing. Do a great show, do a publicity stunt to get the masses testing theshow and if the shows are great, they'll stay - see tyson/wwf

I found shark boy/curry/se very funny. that's my take. I liked the quote, I liked Shark Boy saying they needed something catchy like "Gimme a shell yeah". Very entertaining and they need more time. Shark Boy hasn't had much TV time over the past 6 months

I liked the action and there was a lot of in-ring action - a lot of visually intriguing spots on the show. I like Kaz's story.. it's fun to watch.. What do you mean who cares about Kaz? I do... He is not happy with his performance.. He's "part" of the show and "part" of the many stories/characters people watch the soap opera show. See Attitude era when ther atings/buys shot through the roof: there were tons of stories going on for many characters thorughout the company.

I'm not sure whre this kaz thing is going but i look forwrad to seeing where it goes, same with abyss (glad mitchell is gone). hell i'm kinda glad d'amore is gone,, lol...

Kaz does have appeal.. and I think this is part of his growth. MMG did a great promo too, first time these guys talked in ages...

People watch their fav shows to see what happens to their fav characters. Right now, i want to see what happens to the characters at TNA> a loittle pissed that Nash didn't talk.. Dont know where Black Reign is? I ikinda liked his split personality gimmick... and wanted to know more about it.

but i think they did a great job of using the talent on the show, and pushing the young guys and using the established stars.. also continuing to create intrigue for STing.

STing is always a tricky character to use... and i hope they use him like a legend. THey have 2 hours and it still seems like they have so many characters to push. I thinkT NA is doing a great job right now...

I hope they have a big angle/pubolciity stunt ready because this show is ready o be shown to the masses, imo
Don't bitch about something you haven't seen, although I can be hypoctricial because I bash WWE and have bashed them for all the crappy shows I have seen over the past 5 years. I hadn't watched a Raw in about 2-3 years but stated my reasoning as to not watching due to poor Smackdown/ECW shows. I then fast forwarded through a Raw a few weeks back after trying to watch some of the matches/promos = terrible

Why on earth not? Say I'm a wrestling fan but I either don't have the means to watch TNA or it simply isn't shown. There's one way I'll be able to find out the results, and that is over the internet. Ok so I might have misinterpreted the show and the results wrong. But if I'm unable to watch then what other option do I have? Anyway you gave a review and I've come to the conclusion I'd much rather see the show I read the results of than the show you reviewed.

Mute point anyway. iMPACT starts in 5 minutes and I'll give a review. If I like it it will be positive, if I don't it will be negative.
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