One Night Only: Hardcore Justice 2

The fact that no thread on it was made until now says it all really... the trailer for this looked awesome but the actual show was complete garbage. Only one good match, Bad Influence vs Generation Me, and come on these guys are not hardcore wrestlers, but they did a great ladder match. Bad Influence's promo before the match was also stellar as are all of their promos.

But the rest of the show...ugh... is hardcore wrestling truly dead now?

Anyone else watched this and willing to give their thoughts?

This will probably be the last One Night Only I ever watch. Three so far and all three have been bad, and I say that as a big TNA fan.
I didn't watch it, but I will give my general thoughts on the One Night Only PPVs.

First of all, I'm not really a TNA fan, nor do I hate them. I tune in on Thursdays because I love wrestling and I always hope to watch a great match or two. I like guys in TNA and I also hate some, but all in all you could call me a casual viewer.

Anywho, when the word first came out about the One Night Only PPVs, I was interested. They sounded interesting and the concept wasn't that bad. The biggest issue is that they film months in advance and some matches may not make sense from a storyline standpoint if you follow TNA on a weekly basis.

I'll admit that I have not watched a single one of these PPVs, but at the same time I don't have a desire to watch them. All I hear are negative things and I know that I have to form my own opinion, but it doesn't help that TNA barely (if at all) hypes these. In fact, if the reports are true, TNA is losing money because of these PPVs. I feel like they shouldn't have done so many One Night Only's without testing a couple out a year to see if the public enjoys them.

I never wish anything bad for anybody/anything. I'd love for TNA to succeed, grow, and compete with the WWE, but how could that happen with debacles like One Night Only? If anything, TNA needs to get rid of the concept and just dedicate select episodes of Impact to this. They had the Destination X episode last week and it would be alright if they did a hardcore themed one and others. I feel like that would save TNA some many too.

That's just my two cents.
I only watched the first couple matches I do believe I might have stopped after the ladder match with the intent to come back later and finish but I just never made it back to it. Granted I didn't pay for it I watched it off of a internet site so it wasn't a loss of money but what I had seen up to the point I had stopped didn't catch my attention all to much. I do agree that for the most part hardcore wrestling is dead in the united states and I feel for a good reason even though I still love a great hardcore match but with so many injuries and what not its just better to avoid them, but if your going to promote this whole night to hardcore matches at least deliver on that name. To hit a point on all these one night only PPV's I watched the Jokers wild PPV and I didn't care for it much at all either and I also watched the x division one also and made it like three matches in before giving up on it also. I do believe the pre taping so many months in advance as the OP mentioned I do believe is what is causing so many problems for me. Some of this stuff just does not make calculate to the current product but they can't change that now. On to what the second post mentioned I totally agree they should do the themed shows every other month or what not and I think not only would it save money but it would be good ratings boost also.
I'll give credit to TNA for trying something different. I was hugely disappointed with this One Night Only event though. It didn't bother me that it wasn't all that hardcore, it just wasn't massively entertaining. The ladder match was great, but apart from seeing Funaki return I have to admit that I got a little bored, which I rarely do when watching wrestling.

One if the things I've noticed is that TNA show a lot of video montages during these One Night Only events of amazing things that have happened in the past. Sadly nothing in the events themselves have got close to living up to these past clips.
Well it's been almost a month and it's nowhere to be found in the piracy department. Probably why no thread was made yet. (Share no links or you will be infracted).

Personally, I liked X-travaganza and the fact that this one had Ricky Banderas on the card had me fired up beyond belief. Then I saw the results. No wonder he'd rather stay in Mexico. Goddammit. That's the only reason I'd look into this card. To see the top Latin-American draw of today. Wrestle a comedy character. Talk about a blown opportunity.

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