Paige Hits a New Low, if That is Even Possible


With the safety off!!
According to the dirtsheets the Orlando Police Dept. have found probable cause to charge Saraya Bevis (Paige) with battery. This is in regards to the debacle at the Orlando airport between her and Del Rio or Del Patron whichever you prefer.

The Orlando police have forwarded the information they obtained to the state attorney's office to review and decide if charges will go forward. Now Paige's story has changed many times over the days that followed this incident, but the one thing that is clear is something happened and there is either video or audio confirming it. It's just a little confusing as to what exactly happened and who is to blame.

If Paige is charged then it should be assumed that she would be suspended immediately and if convicted lose her job. All in all this is just another nail in her coffin. I really believe that the WWE hasn't got rid of her yet because of the movie the Rock is making about her family. They say any publicity is good, but I can't believe the Rock would think this shit is doing her any favours.

It's also been suggested that this is an elaborate stunt to get the WWE just to outright fire her and she can go elsewhere and make a living. I don't believe that for a second as I think the two of them, Paige and Del Rio are as dumb as a bucket of frogs.

Anyway it's another week and another low for Paige. Oh and Del Rio is still under investigation. So I guess we will all wait and see if Paige manages to rise like a Phoenix from the ashes or continues to crash and burn.
I feel really bad for Paige. Yeah a lot of this may be her fault, but she comes off as a good person who's always in the wrong situation.

She needs to get away from Del Rio. It's not all his fault, but he clearly hasn't helped the situation.

Again this is just really sad. Paige was talented and in my opinion one of the best females on the roster. She's also really young and had a lengthy career ahead of her. Of course that's all gone now. I seriously doubt WWE wants her back or if she even wants to be back.

Hopefully Paige can get her life back on track. It's up to her. She's got to make some changes, and maybe she will.
I feel really bad for Paige. Yeah a lot of this may be her fault, but she comes off as a good person who's always in the wrong situation.

She needs to get away from Del Rio. It's not all his fault, but he clearly hasn't helped the situation.

Again this is just really sad. Paige was talented and in my opinion one of the best females on the roster. She's also really young and had a lengthy career ahead of her. Of course that's all gone now. I seriously doubt WWE wants her back or if she even wants to be back.

Hopefully Paige can get her life back on track. It's up to her. She's got to make some changes, and maybe she will.

Oh well, the fans won't miss her, since they forgot about her once the Four Horsefaced Women come up to the main roster and took her spot.

I bet Vince gets on his knees every day and thanks the Lord above that a product of Ric Flair's loins decided that she wanted to be a wrestler.
I feel really bad for Paige. Yeah a lot of this may be her fault, but she comes off as a good person who's always in the wrong situation.

She needs to get away from Del Rio. It's not all his fault, but he clearly hasn't helped the situation.

Can we all just take a minute to look at this statement, please? Paige is being looked at for a possible domestic violence charge and yet we have people feeling sorry for her and blaming Del Rio. Paige is a grown woman. She screwed up her life, no Del Rio. She isn't a child. Live with the decisions you make and stop whining like she is right now.

Never in a million years, if this was the other way round (if Del Rio was the one under investigation looking at a possible domestic violence charge), would people be feeling sorry for him.

Paige very well may have committed domestic violence. I hope she gets the same treatment as other major sports stars who have done the same thing. Get rid of her. Waste of talent for the amount of times she has screwed up.
One thing not many have considered is this charge could have life-changing implications for Paige. Surely if convicted, a criminal record will have implications for her green card/visa? Let's not forget she's from the UK, not the US...

One thing is for sure: whatever the truths about who is responsible/right/wrong, too much has happened since the couple have been together for Paige and Del Rio to NOT be seen as a toxic, poisonous relationship for both parties
I know the WWE is generally seen as a heartless company but I think there is more to it than meets the eye. I think the Rock wanted to do this movie specifically because he saw Paige going down a bad road, thought she had an interesting story, and hoped they could get her back on the straight and narrow with the production. I think the WWE hasn't released her because they realize she was too young to handle the pressure of being a star at such a young age and feel responsible for her well being after she has essentially fallen apart.

You'll notice that since Paige has started going down a bad path, the WWE has been focusing more on older wrestlers and trying not to rush young wrestlers too quickly. They thought they could have a real heroic story with Paige being so young, with so much experience, and taking the WWE by storm. What they discovered is it was way too much, she was too young to deal with it, and her personal life has been in shambles ever since.

They've likely been watching this situation unfold for years now and are making the right choices to prevent it from happening again. Sure, in the UK tournament they had Tyler Bate win and become the first ever UK champion but you'll also notice they immediately back tracked on building a brand around him because he is simply too young. He has a lot of talent, he has everything necessary to be a major star, but he was also 19 when he won that belt. Pete Dunn is only a few years older and I imagine they're even suspect of him with modern research showing the brain doesn't fully develop until you're around 25.

I think this whole Paige story is one of a girl who never got to be normal, she was always the wrestling girl, and she came into the WWE without having the personal life skills needed to keep herself together in such a brutal business. Then when she was in a position where she was around all of her idols and all of the hot stars of the modern era, she did what any young person would do and found herself making some bad decisions with them. I'm sure it was fun at the time, and if she were more mature that may be where it ended, but unfortunately this downward spiral led her into a really bad dependency issue that she is now, unfortunately, living out in front of the entire world.

Imagine all of your mistakes from your teen years and your twenties (for those of you who aren't still there) being played out in front of the entire world. It would only multiply the destructiveness of that situation. I think the WWE wants to look out for their best interests and I think their best interests are doing everything they can to save this young girl from completely ruining her life.
This situation is not exclusive to wrestling. There are lots of young girls out there who are followers and overly concerned with being loved by a guy. It's an even bigger problem when this type of girl is also attracted to the "bad boy" type. It leads to those girls doing things (porn, drugs, etc) they wouldn't do if they dated a decent guy. Paige is clearly one of these girls.

Hopefully she grows up quickly and realizes she is acting like a moron and Del Rio is clearly a troubled guy. I honestly don't care if she's on TV or not as I don't pay much attention to women's wrestling, but I still hope she gets it together.
For all the bad comments that WWE as gotten over the years about what they did to certain performers, i think that WWE as always had to well being of their performers at heart. In this case, i think that the move they did last year of putting del rio and Paige on separate brand was exactly to protect her from herself. They knew how Del rio was in his personal life and how much of a hot head he was and they tried to be her parents and protect her. Unfortunately, it didn't work and it ended up backfiring on them.

The movie was probably made for the same reason, to make her see what her family went through and what she went through to get to where she's at and to get her to realize that she had family to help go through whatever his going on with her relationship with Del Rio. Again this didn't seem to have help her.

The fact is that she need help, but she need to realise that she's in trouble by herself, maybe hitting rock bottom and getting charge and convicted which would lead to her getting release will make her realize that she need to get her life back in her hand and fix whatever is going wrong in her life and only then, i think that her family and WWE can truly help her with this, but now she's too far gone to really except help from anybody. She's young and while she seem like a good person, she doesn't have the experience to realize how bad her relationship with Del rio is for her.

Is her love for Del rio worth losing everything, only her can respond to that. But if she get release, while i don't think continuing wrestling is what's best for her, i could she her going to GFW even if she's convicted.
I've just about lost all respect for Del Rio and Paige, it's clear they don't want to change their ways and they would rather ruin their lives and careers instead of improving them.

As for the news story: Personally, I think we are witnessing the beginning of the end of Paige's career in WWE. Because, let's think about it for a moment. This is a no win situation for her.


A. She gets convicted for the crime, thus resulting in WWE having no choice but to fire her.

Or B. She doesn't get convicted, but is still fired anyway because of the matter that she was arrested.

Either way, she's screwed.

This is why I said Paige was going to be the biggest bust NXT ever produced. Because when you look at it, there is no other superstar from that roster that had as much potential as hers and flushed it down the drain; yes, she was booked pretty decently for most of her run, yes she won two titles along the way, but in the end; if you're going to be the next big face of the women's division (which it seems she was groomed to be), you have to know what your restrictions are and ensure yourself that you are ready for such a task.

Paige has proven with this relationship that she is not ready for such a thing, if she ever was in the first place.

I can imagine what WWE is thinking right now: The house is on fire, they need to douse it somehow. If it ends up that Paige gets convicted, if i'm WWE; she would be fired. As for the movie? Forget it. Not happening. And if somehow she finds her back, by some miracle she does return: She should either be buried to oblivion or return to NXT indefinitely. She put the company through so much trouble recently that I think she needs to be taught a lesson.

I never thought I would say this to any wrestler: But i'm starting to hope that they do get convicted and that they do get fired from their jobs, because if that were the case; maybe there would be a slight chance that the two could look themselves in the mirror and realize that this relationship is completely screwing them over and they would break up for good.

I wish it didn't have to come to this, but I think we're witnessing the death knell of Paige's career in WWE and to a lesser extent Del Rio's in GFW.
I feel really bad for Paige. Yeah a lot of this may be her fault, but she comes off as a good person who's always in the wrong situation.

I feel bad for her too, but it's all totally her own fault. I doesn't matter what kind of person you are good or bad when it looks like almost every decision you make goes south on you. Yes it's true that people can put you into a bad situation, but most have the where with all to realize it and get out before it gets really bad. Paige unfortunately for her, doesn't seem to have that ability. Listen I'm not trying to dump on her, but her life is a mess and almost everyone but she herself can see it. Therein lies the problem.

She needs to get away from Del Rio. It's not all his fault, but he clearly hasn't helped the situation.

Getting away from him is a no brainer. The WWE tried to put them on separate brands but to no avail. Now she's not been seen in a WWE ring for a long time and spends all her time with him. If she was serious about her job, she would be rehabbing at the Performance Centre and not be travelling the world getting into public fights with him.

Again this is just really sad. Paige was talented and in my opinion one of the best females on the roster. She's also really young and had a lengthy career ahead of her. Of course that's all gone now. I seriously doubt WWE wants her back or if she even wants to be back.

She is very talented, but I agree I don't think the WWE wants her back and it's a shame that she has flushed what could have been a very successful career seemingly down the drain.

Hopefully Paige can get her life back on track. It's up to her. She's got to make some changes, and maybe she will.

It is up to her, she has to do a complete 360 degree turn. Get away from Del Rio, go back to England for awhile and come back in a year or so fresh and ready to go. Sadly I don't see that happening. Every negative news story about her will begin to stack up and if she does find a job in the business, which she probably will, she will never reach the heights she could have.
I think everyone has to stop speculating about Paige. She is a young lady who has encountered a lot of fame at a young age and also has had a very serious injury she has had to rehab from and still is. Bless her.
This is a nothing story, true or false. Yes, Paige and Del Rio obviously have problems but Paige hasn't done anything that will make her unemployable. Even if WWE fired her over this they will be happy to hire her back after a cooling off period. Overall this would mean next to nothing to us since she has been gone for a long time already from WWE tv.
I feel bad for her in the sense that she wound up in this situation but that's about as far as my sympathy goes. It's been obvious to anyone that's at all kept up with this story, and it's hard not so seeing as how there's always some sort of story about them coming out on a regular basis, that Paige and Del Rio are bad for each other.

In Del Rio/Patron's case, I don't know if it's 100% a case of him just being an asshole, how much of it is drug related, how much of it is him going through a mid-life crisis, etc. I think back on the seemingly alcohol/drug fueled rants he's had towards WWE, even going so far as to accuse the company of trying to break up his relationship with Paige and it just seems sad now.

As for Paige, the simple fact of the matter is she's made some extremely bad choices and she should own up to them. She accused Del Rio of ruining her career in the audio tape that was released a little while back and it's not fair to lay it all on Del Rio. He certainly didn't help things and I'm sure encouraged many of her bad decisions, but she ultimately chose to go down this road; Del Rio didn't force her to take something that caused her to fail a drug test, she's gotten into these public arguments with him of by her own choice that've resulted in the police being called on more than one occasion.

IF he's physically abusive to her and her family has photographic evidence to prove it, like they claim, then she truly is in a desperate situation. Unfortunately, there's no helping her if she doesn't want help and as of right now, that seems to be the case. All people can hope for is that things don't escalate and/or she comes to her senses before it's too late.
Can we all just take a minute to look at this statement, please? Paige is being looked at for a possible domestic violence charge and yet we have people feeling sorry for her and blaming Del Rio. Paige is a grown woman. She screwed up her life, no Del Rio. She isn't a child. Live with the decisions you make and stop whining like she is right now.

Never in a million years, if this was the other way round (if Del Rio was the one under investigation looking at a possible domestic violence charge), would people be feeling sorry for him.

Paige very well may have committed domestic violence. I hope she gets the same treatment as other major sports stars who have done the same thing. Get rid of her. Waste of talent for the amount of times she has screwed up.

When did I blame Del Rio? I simply said he hasn't helped the situation. Yes 90% of this is Paige's fault. Yes she has screwed up.

Gowever I simply feel sorry for her. Never said she deserves sympathy because she doesn't.

However we are supposed to forgive others, no matter what they do. That applies to both Paige and Del Rio.
I don't feel bad for Paige since she made her choices. She started out strong and I thought she was on her way to becoming one of the best modern female wrestlers in WWE, but she'd rather just be a loser. Now, I don't know her and what's going on in her mind so I can't say how she's like in real life as a person, but the behaviour she has been exhibiting in recent times have made her more and more unlikable in my eyes. I do hope she climbs out of her pit and gets her life together and matures and gets a fresh start. Unfortunately, that doesn't appear to be anytime soon.
When did I blame Del Rio? I simply said he hasn't helped the situation. Yes 90% of this is Paige's fault. Yes she has screwed up.

Gowever I simply feel sorry for her. Never said she deserves sympathy because she doesn't.

However we are supposed to forgive others, no matter what they do. That applies to both Paige and Del Rio.

By saying you feel sorry for her, you are indeed giving her the sympathy that you claim she doesn't deserve.

Here is the thing, if she laid her hands on him in a violent manner, then she deserves the blame and punishment. If he laid his hands on her in a similar manner, then same goes for him.

These two are a perfect example of two toxic people in an awful relationship. They both have faults, they both make excuses for their shitty behavior, and they both keep running back into each other's arms. It is going to take a minor miracle to separate these two permanently. Until then the destructive behavior is going to continue.

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