Parody films?

Do movie writers really have no creative thoughts in their mind? I could see adapted a moving or making a sequel but these movies are just parody's and bad ones at that. Scary Movie was the first and last good parody film and thats probably only because it was new. I also think their is a difference about basing your movie off of another film, then just blatantly rip off other movies trying to be funny. The reason why these horrible things keep coming is because they keep making money and drawing in, and as long as they keep bringing in the bucks...they will countinue to make these "films".
Scary Movie was, and is the last good parody film. Ever since it's gone down the shithole. I can't believe I wasted my time on Epic Movie. Could be one of the worst films I've ever seen. Can't even remember laughing ONCE.

There's no way in hell you'd get me to watch Meet the Spartans without strapping me to a chair with metal things holding open my eyes while being forced to listen to Ludwig van Beethoven.
Everyone is saying scary movie was the last funny parody movie but there was a movie that came out last year that is so freakin funny that it could be the best parody movie ever. That movie is Hot Fuzz staring Simon Pegg and Directed by Edgar Wight. The movie had an actual plot and tons of Mindless Violence lampooning cop films and Real, Current situation jokes. I think it was the best comedy of 2007.
Scary movie was terrible I saw that and thought, "what a waste of fucking time", I hated that movie, complete shit that movie was, I constantly heard people say how good it was, and that I just had to see it, so I rented it, watched it, and was left with what-a-ripoff feeling you get after watching a shitty movie, I still can't see what was so funny about that piece of shit on it
Everyone is saying scary movie was the last funny parody movie but there was a movie that came out last year that is so freakin funny that it could be the best parody movie ever. That movie is Hot Fuzz staring Simon Pegg and Directed by Edgar Wight. The movie had an actual plot and tons of Mindless Violence lampooning cop films and Real, Current situation jokes. I think it was the best comedy of 2007.

Hot Fuzz is a pile of shit. The only amusing thing is the dropkick on the granny. It tries to spoof Michael Bay films, and it does so very well. So well in fact that they forget any humour. From the people who did Shaun Of The dead & Spaced I'd expect better.
I am so tired of these movies... Why are they still coming out???!? WHO GREEN LIGHTS THESE THINGS??

Meet the Spartans might have been one of the biggest train wrecks I've ever seen on film.... Superhero movie was INSANELY horrible... Scary Movie 3 and 4 was UNWATCHABLE.. And now Disaster movie???

Can't we get a break?? Date movie, epic movie? STOP MAKING MOVIES....

It takes no talent to do pieces of crap like this... "Hey let's have the Spartan baby be shrek and Brad Pitt can adopt it!!" --- I hope the table reading was quiet with no laughter because THESE MOVIES HAVE TO STOP.

I download these things and watch in awe.. Somebody ACTUALLY said okay to this? Was it O-K'd before a script?

These movies add nothing..... And the ticket sales reflect that.

Why can't people be fans to shows with smart jokes like Arrested development? lol
I love parody films, I think they are great and they have all managed to make me laugh out loud. I remember watching Meet The Spartans and I almost choked on the V I was drinking because I was laughing. The Britney Spears impersonation in it was hilarious.

Scary Movie two would be one of my faveourites, at the start how everyone is throwing up on each other and then the butler with the ******ed hand and how he tries to save the guy hanging off the building but wont take his hand because it's ******ed.
Parody films can be funny and sometimes are but they arent the movies you wanna go see with big expectations. But they definately wont stop being made theres always people who want to see them
it all starts as soon ad you here "from the guys who watch too many movies" you know its gunna be rubbish as they try to parody to many movies. they insult the viewers intelligence with such jokes as amy winehouse burping in the face of the guy from 10,000 b.c. with his hair flying back, a transexual and britney spears. and the type of people who would like this movie probally like zombie strippers or teeth.

what maked me annoyed me was that a friend called Dan said he liked Disaster Movie but coming from a guy whoes girlfriend is more manly than chuck norris on steriods you can for give.
There's no such thing as so stupid they're funny. I could take a shit, rub it in my face and eyes and run around in your house naked and squealing like a pig. Would that be funny?

Actually, I laughed out loud at this... Sam, buddy, you are the next Andy Kaufman. I can see it now...

Anyway, I am with anyone on this issue who says that these movies have gotten so lame and horrendous that they should not be shown in any theater anywhere. The jokes are all the same. The plots are all absolutely ridiculous. The acting is freaking shameful. These are nothing more than glorified high school drama class improv sketches. The very first Scary Movie I actually enjoyed. And Not Another Teenage Movie. But NATM had decent filming and somewhat of a solid plot. Otherwise, nothing has really impressed me.

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