Phoenix Region, NC Subregion: First Round: (6) Brock Lesnar vs. (27) Marc Mero

Who Wins This Match

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Marc Mero

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When you have a tough time trying to decide which character (Marc Mero or Jonnie B. Badd) had more of a career, it really shows that neither deserve your vote. I can't stand the type of huge man-love Lesnar gets simply because his bitch ass didn't stay in the business long enough to compile a bigger losing record.. and for that, his followers like to cling to him being damn near "unbeatable".

Unfortunately, in this specific match - he would be. Lesnar has the power and size advantage on his side here, and while you'd think Mero could have speed, Lesnar is equally as quick and twice as deadly.

Lesnar wins in a squash here, as Mero doesn't stand a chance. Unless it somehow got switched into a Golden Gloves boxing match - then maybe he might get a couple shots in before Lesnar still killed him.
I couldn't help wondering how fitting a match this is for Brock Lesnar. Not only is he married to the girl Mero had the good fortune of banging at some point, he has also taken Mero's finisher( Shooting Star Press ), botched it and yet the botch is more memorable than any of Mero's own Shooting Star Presses.

Yep this match is Brock's for the taking. It is not as if he has not taken anything else from Mero. Mero was not too bad at all but Brock is a beast. He is better in the ring than Mero and unquestionably the bigger draw.

Brock wins.
Lesnar is one of the strongest men i've ever seen in the ring. He's reached the top faster then most ever do. I'm with Noticeably F.A.T., 30 second squash match,3 min at most.
This wouldn't be a match, it'd be legalized homicide. Brock Lesnar would maul Mark Mero to the point that what was left of him wouldn't be recognizable as human. If this lasted more than 60 seconds, it'd only be because Lesnar wanted it to.

Brock Lesnar wins this match, anybody that doubts that would doubt that the sky is blue.

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