Playing catch-up

Amarillo del Bosque Verde

The straightedge Irishman.
I literally haven't been here since like June of 2010 D:
So obviously it would be a little difficult to catch up on every event, but who are the current admins? Any admins from June lost their position? Any new ones?
I just don't wanna be confused ;_;

Thanks guize! :D
You missed Jonny B's surprise return and then his drug-fuelled fall from grace. Man, that was a great four hours.
Quick synopsis for those of you who did miss it: This was when the proposed building of a mosque near Ground Zero was hot news and FTS was far from happy. It ended up with him basically launching into tirades which could (and by man were) be considered racist. He spent the night in prison before being released and hasn't been seen since.
Hey granite, I'm now one of the most respected people on these forums.

No not really every one here but milenko seem to hate me
I'm very easy to get along with.

Especially over the internet where I can get up and walk away if you start annoying me.

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