Popular/critically acclaimed movies that you hate


WZPC Intercontinental Champion
There are alot of movies that are popular among the masses and also movies that are acclaimed by movie critics. What movies, that fall into these categories, do you generally dislike, hate, or think there is too much hype on?

I'll name one to get the ball rolling, Napoleon Dynamite. I have no idea why this movie was so popular. I watched this movie and did not even crack a smile once, absolutely trash.

Your turn...
That's why I put it here because I knew most people would just post the movie title with no explanation. It could work as a non-spam thread, though.

You should remake this thread in the Movies and Television section. Add one or two more reasons for you hated Napoleon Dynamite, and you'll be golden. If you don't, I'll make it in the morning, as it's a great thread idea.
Fight Club. Or as I have never called it before, Shite Club. There's loads though. My mate once said, in all seriousness "if it's critically acclaimed, it's shit".
I like the work of David Fincher. You know, except for Alien 3, The Game, Panic Room and Benjamin Button.

The Departed. Thought it was terrible. That shitty Irish song they played every five seconds in it was also shit.
I didn't hate it- but I was a bit unimpressed watching Burn After Reading. It hovered in that curious zone between a thriller and a farce but never quite went far enough either way. I heard really great reports about it from a lot of people.

Another two films I didn't enjoy that much were Gus Van Sants latest two, Last days (which I watched with a friend of mine a major Kurt Cobain fan which probably didn't help) and Paranoid park which I found very slow.

Finally its an Irish film you guys probably havn't heard of- but it did quite well in Sundance a few years back- Garage. It was very effective yes, but so bleak and depressing I couldn't finish it.
Last Days was fucking terrible and I'm a huge Cobain and Gus Van Sant fan.
Last Days was fucking terrible and I'm a huge Cobain and Gus Van Sant fan.

I agree with X. I am a huge Cobain fan and it took me forever to find a copy of Last Days. The movie turned out to be shit and cost me like 20 bucks or some shit. Not wise on my part but a terrible film all in the same.
Last Days was fucking terrible and I'm a huge Cobain and Gus Van Sant fan.

The bit that really got us was the end. We both turned to eachother as the credits started to roll with incredulous looks on our faces- and asked if that actually happened. :D Best moment of the film actually- getting to laugh at the sheer sillyness of the ending.
The Dark Knight. How this movie made one billion at the box office is beyond me. I found it so boring, it went for like two and a half hours and nothing interesting happened until the last twenty minutes. People were raving that it was so good, I can't say a two and a half hour movie is any good when the only interesting part (which wasn't that great anyway) happened in the last twenty minutes.

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