Pot calling Kettle black?

But it's also more racist. You're willing to be racist to save you from saying another two syllables?
It is racist. I always thought saying "The pot calling the kettle a ******" to be much more appropriate.

Oh yeah, they finally got around to banning me.
I always thought the term "Pot calling the kettle black" was slightly racist because it insinuates that being black is bad. Why couldn't he call the pot devoid of human emotion?

Well, when you understand the true meaning of the idiom/proverb, being "black" isn't necessarily bad. The point is to show a double standard or what have you.

The pot is calling the kettle black, because the kettle is black. The pot is black as well, though. So I think it does a sufficient job in showing the contradiction. It doesn't mean that being black is bad, just that one party is being hypocritical. It's only racist if you choose to think it is.
In that case, what's to say the pot isn't just making an observation? The pot isn't saying, "Oh, you're black!" the pot is saying, "Hey! You're black you bastard!"
I know, it was the most fruiltess and meaningless debate I've probably ever had. Let's debate the definition of the word "is" is.
I know, it was the most fruiltess and meaningless debate I've probably ever had. Let's debate the definition of the word "is" is.

It wasn't entirely unproductive. I think we reached an interesting conclusion: the proverb "the pot calling the kettle black" is an extremely good, useful one, despite it potentially being racist.
I suppose that it was slightly educational and we will now think more about what we're saying when we use the proverb. My side of the debate was slightly more fruitless than yours, being that there was no chance that I was going to change the use of the phrase.
I suppose that it was slightly educational and we will now think more about what we're saying when we use the proverb. My side of the debate was slightly more fruitless than yours, being that there was no chance that I was going to change the use of the phrase.

But your point, of it being racist, is still semi-legitimate. So, it's all good.
I know it's immature but I'm going to take some time to troll these jacobites. Feel free to take time to check my profile. Jimothy Tableface is the name.
Banned. Who's got the watch? I've got 25 minutes.

'You have been banned for the following reason:
Yeah, it's just not going to happen.'

I asked some high-ranking poster to apologize for something he'd said to me. He said he would If I found the post. I said I didn't have the time and then proceeded to direct him to a tub of hair gel so that he may 'take hair, spike his hair'. I think his first real indication was me saying I was an 80 year old widow who's favorite company was NJPW and listed one of my favorite wrestlers as Vince Cable.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to The artist formerly known as Prince Iaukea again.

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