Predict It: Bound For Glory 2016


Getting Noticed By Management
Basically we have four months until BFG 2016. What are your predictions for the card?
Note: I wrote this card with Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow signing in with TNA. I can do it without them but they are important star power to the show.

Those are mine:

Drew Galloway (C) vs Mike Bennett for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

This just makes sense. No matter what way the WHC match goes on Sunday, Drew will still be the champions heading into BFG. Also, I hope this year will see the return of the bound for glory series. The series will have the final 4 of: Mike Bennett & Ethan Carter III & Jeff Hardy & Broken Matt Hardy. EC3 will be will fight TNA King Of The Mountain Champion Eli Drake to a Draw, and Mike Bennett will defeat Jeff Hardy to make a triple threat main event. In the main event Bennett would defeat EC3 and Drake (by pinning Drake) to become the No.1 Contender for Galloway.

Winner and NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion: "The Miracle" Mike Bennett

Eli Drake vs Ethan Carter III
This is a long shot, but I want them to build up TNA's next generation's "four horseman" who are in my eyes - EC3, Bennett, Galloway and Drake. At Slammiversary EC3 defeats Bennett to end their feud, and Drake retains his KOTM Title against Bram. After what happened in the end of the BFG Series we have a King of the Mountain match for the title on the next Impact featuring Bram, Broken Matt Hardy, Eddie Edwards and a returning Davey Richards. Bram wins the match after EC3 attacks Eli Drake. Then a match is set between EC3 and Drake for BFG.

Winner: Eli Drake

Bram (C) vs Broken Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy vs James Storm vs Lashley in a King of the Mountain match for the TNA King Of The Mountain Championship
Basically this is kind of thrown together. Bram wins the KOTM title in the IMPACT after No Surrender. This match can go in a couple of ways. In my eyes it needs to be either Bram or Matt Hardy. The two should feud from BFG going forward in my booking, and both man have fresh characters and they can have an interesting dynamic. I will go with Bram winning after Jeff Hardy does some kind of a crazy stunt into Matt costing him the match.

Winner and STILL TNA King Of The Mountain Champion: Bram

Gail Kim vs Maria Kanellis
This is the match that was supposed to happen tonight at Slammiversary. I think they should wait and have it here if it's not going to happen. Same story just have it saved for a big event.

Winner: Maria Kanellis

Davey Richards vs Eddie Edwards
This is a long shot but hear me out. I think that when Davey returns he should fight against Eddie. He will return as a face uniting with Eddie as the Wolves. In the injury time Eddie Edwards wins the title at Slammiversary and cashes in for a world title match at Destination X against Drew Galloway. Now if Davey is ready to return by then, I will have him cost Eddie the match and turning heel saying he didn't care he was gone and he went on to make it on his own. Eddie says that isn't true and that he waited for him to regain the tag titles with him. Then we can have each of them find a partner and the winners of a tag match between the two teams will get the title shot. Eddie's team wins, but Davey costs him the title match against Decay. This all leads to a showdown at BFG.
The other way is have Edwards deciding NOT to cash in on Galloway. Then have Davey return, they will almost win the titles from Decay only to have Davey turn on Eddie.
No matter what it needs to be a face Eddie Edwards vs a heel Davey Richards.

Winner: Davey Richards

Sienna (C) vs Allie vs Jade in a Triple Threat Match for the TNA Knockouts Championship
Well this is the continuation of Maria's group against Jade, Kim etc.. Have the three way to give them advantage (note: Sienna wins the title at Slammiversary). In the match Allie turns on Sienna, turns face and wins the title.

Winner and NEW TNA Knockouts Champion: Allie

Decay (C) vs The BroMans vs The Tribunal vs Tyrus and Rockstar Spud vs Mahabali Shera and Grado vs ??? (Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow) in a Tag Team Gauntlet Match for the TNA World Tag Team Championship

It's build up as a super tag match. All the teams here have history with each other. The 6th team is secret, and at BFG it is revealed to be the debut (hopefully) of Team Rhodes Scholars - Rhodes and Sandow. Decay puts a dominant performance but they are eliminated by The Rhodes Scholars who enter last.

Winners and NEW TNA World Tag Team Champions: Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow.

Andrew Everett (C) vs Trevor Lee for the TNA X Division Championship with Gregory Shane Helmes as the Special Guest Referee

I think Eddie Edwards will win the title tonight. No matter if he takes on Option C or not, I think he will drop the title to Everett before BFG. That angers Lee who thought he is the face of their duo. They will settle their difference here at BFG, with their leader and manager Helmes as the referee. In the match Helmes turns on Everett allowing him to go full face mode but lose the title.

Winner and NEW TNA X Division Champion: Trevor Lee

Braxton Sutter vs ??

Don't Know who will he face we need to see how he continues..

What will your dream card be?
Wanted to wait until after Slammiversary to see what would happen before I posted.
Here goes:
Bobby Lashley(c) vs EC3 [vs DJZ]- TNA Heavyweight championship
Most obvious choice. They've been planting seeds for this match every since EC3 turned. Top heel vs Top face.

Tyrus(w/Spud) open challenge: Alex Riley, Braxton Sutter, Brad Maddox, ANYONE as long as who ever it is is build up as serious competition.

Eli Drake(c) vs Drew Galloway vs James Storm vs Matt Hardy vs Bram vs DJZ(no way I leave my favorite off my card): KOTM championship
(I tried extremely hard to make this a 1v1 match, but couldn't figure out what to do with rest.)

Jeff Hardy vs Mike Bennett

Gail Kim vs Maria/Sienna(c): TNA Knockout's championship.
Maria vs Kim didn't happen tonight, so hopefully they are saving it for BFG.
I expect *Allie to turn on Maria* and see Kim's final run as knockout's champ.

Eddie Edwards(face) vs Davey Richards(face): X-division championship [vs DJZ]
I would rather not split the best team in TNA. I would have the x-division title defended in a tag match between the Wolves vs Lee and Everett. Wolves win due to Richards getting the pin, and go on to face each other to find out who the real champ is. (Also would love to see a triple threat match with the wolves and Lashley for the heavyweight title, due to option C)

Tribunal vs Lee and Everett vs Bromans vs Decay(c) [vs DJZ]: Tag team championships

Okay, I'm sorry for the DJZ spam, but I went on an inside rant. It annoys me how bad TNA misuses him. The guy is constantly training to learn new things and has been the most consistent guy in the x-division for 5-6 years now.
I picked a card on who is currently signed with TNA

World Heavyweight Championship:-
Bobby Lashley (c) vs ECIII

15 Man Bound For Gold Battle Royal
Winner: Davey Richards
- I wouldn't mind if Wade Barrett or Cody Rhodes won it if they are in TNA by then.

Eli Drake (c) vs Jeff Hardy

Knockouts Championship
Sienna (c) vs Gail Kim

Matt Hardy vs Drew Galloway

The Decay (c) vs Bromans vs The Tribunal vs Spud

James Storm vs Mike Bennett

X-Division Title - Ultimate X
Eddie Edwards (c) vs Tigre Uno vs DJ Z vs Andrew Everett vs Trevor Lee vs Marshe Rockett
I don't really watch TNA all that much now, but from some of the product I have seen it is interesting like Eli Drake, EC3 and the new stars of TNA, I'm going to try and put together my card of how I feel it should be put together.

1) X-Division Showcase Match.
You can have between four and six guys compete in this match as a decent opener for the show, the winner gets a future shot at the X-Division title at a later date.

2) Sienna (C) Vs Jade Vs Madison Rayne Vs Marti Bell Vs Rebel Vs Allie
Knockout Title Six Way Elimination Match. Have the top Women of the Knockouts go at it in an elimination match, I would possibly let Sienna retain the title.

3) Braxton Sutter Vs Damien Sandow
Open Challenge Match. I would have Sandow show up here and it could possibly go either way here I don't mind who wins this one.

4) Eddie Edwards (C) Vs DJ Z Vs Davey Richards
X-Division Title Triple Threat Match. With this one you have Richards come back and challenge his partner to see who the better man is BUT DJ Z comes in and complains about being overlooked constantly by TNA management so they decide to go with the triple threat match which is possibly match of the night here, no one turns on anyone and try to build Edwards up as a credible champion. Save the partner vs partner match for further down the line.

5) Gail Kim Vs Maria
Singles Match. I would have Kim finally win the match and move onto a Knockouts title run.

6) Eli Drake (C) Vs Jeff Hardy Vs Matt Hardy Vs James Storm Vs Bram
King of the Mountain Title Match. I saw this on someone elses card so I thought I would steel it, I'm enjoying what Drake has to offer and I personally would have him retain the title in a MOTY candidate.

7) Decay (C) Vs Bromans Vs Tribunal Vs Shera & Grado Vs Spud & Tyruss Vs Everett & Lee.
Tag Team Title Battle Royal Match. You have 6 teams and 12 guys, you treat it like a royal rumble sort of battle royal where one member from each team comes in one at a time and the last two men standing in the ring their tag partners come back and it becomes a regular tag match. I would have the Tribunal win the match by eliminating the Bromans last. After that you have Rhodes and Sandow make their debut in TNA to build up an interesting tag team title match.

8) Drew Galloway Vs Mike Bennett
No DQ Singles Match. You have Bennett cost Galloway his title rematch against Lashley and these two square off with it going either way.

9) Lashley (C) Vs EC3
Tna World Title Match. You have EC3 win an 8 man tournament featuring TNA's best and EC3 finally wins the title and gets a huge babyface push and goes onto feud with either Galloway OR Bennett over the title.
The card seems to look like as follows:

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Lashley © Vs. Ethan Carter III

TNA Grand Championship
Aron Rex Vs. Drew Galloway

TNA X-Division Championship
DJZ © Vs. Eddie Edwards Vs. Braxton Sutter Vs. Some more X-Division guys

TNA Knockouts Championship
Maria Kanellis © Vs. Gail Kim

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Decay © Vs. The Broken Hardys

Grudge Match
Mike Bennett Vs. Moose

Grudge Match
Sienna Vs. Allie

Ethan should regain the ultimate championship. I am torn between Rex and Galloway. Galloway needs a big win as he's just turned heel. I would love a Rex title win but I think that it could be too soon. Not sure about X-Division match. I am not sure about who should win the tag title match. I am almost sure that Maria loses the belt to Gail Kim. Not sure about Bennett Vs. Moose either. And TNA please stop making a joke out of Allie.

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