Pro Wrestling Illustrated Awards For 2017


We're at that time of year, or around that time, when pretty much anyone and anything involving wrestling journalism or news hands out its best and worst of the year awards. Of course, the PWI awards are generally viewed as being on a much higher order than others, possibly except for the Wrestling Observer Newsletter awards. At any rate, here's Pro Wrestling Illustrated's best of the year:

PWI Wrestler of the Year - AJ Styles
1st Runner Up - Kazuchika Okada
2nd Runner Up - Kenny Omega
3rd Runner Up - Cody

PWI Tag Team of the Year - The Young Bucks
1st Runner Up - The New Day
2nd Runner Up - Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins
3rd Runner Up - The Usos

PWI Match of the Year - Kazuchika Okada vs. Kenny Omega for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at Wrestle Kingdom 11.

PWI Feud of the Year - Kazuchika Okada vs. Kenny Omega
1st Runner Up - Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman
2nd Runner Up - Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens
3rd Runner Up - Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman

PWI Most Popular Wrestler of the Year - AJ Styles
1st Runner Up - Shinsuke Nakamura
2nd Runner Up - Braun Strowman
3rd Runner Up - Kazuchika Okada

PWI Most Hated Wrestler of the Year - Jinder Mahal
1st Runner Up - Kevin Owens
2nd Runner Up - Roman Reigns
3rd Runner Up - Sexy Star

PWI Comeback of the Year - The Hardy Boyz
1st Runner Up - Finn Balor
2nd Runner Up - Mickie James
3rd Runner Up - Shelton Benjamin

PWI Most Improved Wrestler of the Year - Jinder Mahal
1st Runner Up - Braun Strowman
2nd Runner Up - Eli Drake
3rd Runner Up - Naomi

PWI Inspirational Wrestler of the Year - Christopher Daniels
1st Runner Up - John Cena
2nd Runner Up - Shane McMahon
3rd Runner Up - Mia Yim

PWI Rookie of the Year - Otis Dozovic
1st Runner Up - Ray Gonzalez Jr.
2nd runner Up - Andy Williams
3rd Runner Up - Hirai Kawato

PWI Woman of the Year - Asuka
1st Runner Up - Alexa Bliss
2nd Runner Up - Charlotte Flair
3rd Runner Up - Sienna

PWI Stanley Weston Award - Jack Brisco

A couple of surprises to this year's list for me and a few I vehemently disagree with.

To me, the Young Bucks are overrated spot monkeys while New Day and the Usos absolutely killed it in 2017 with one fantastic match after the other.

Jinder Mahal being the most improved wrestler of the year is sickening to think about. With that being said, it's easy to see how he got the votes as he literally went from lifetime jobber to winning the WWE Championship within the span of about 5 weeks.

As for Rookie of the Year, Otis Dozovic winning while Velveteen Dream didn't even rank among one of the runners up is a goddamn Greek tragedy.
The yearly PWI awards are fan voted awards so I can pretty much agree with the majority of the options. However, two of the awards I feel are a bit undeserving.
PWI Tag Team of the Year - The Young Bucks
1st Runner Up - The New Day
2nd Runner Up - Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins
3rd Runner Up - The Usos
In what world are The Usos the fourth best team of the year? I'll give credit where it's due, The Young Bucks are a killer team. They've managed to make a small fortune on the independents without the WWE machine backing them. Their t-shirts are constantly sold out in places like prowrestlingtees and Hot Topic. They're great when they aren't superkicking the literal shit out of everyone. The Usos kick the literal shit out of everyone but have consistanly out performed nearly everyone on the mic this year while putting on phenomenal matches with every team theyve performed with. The Usos rejuvenated a stale division and rejuvenated their characters to be some of the more interesting performers on Smackdown Live. Nothing against The Young Bucks but 2017 was The Usos' year.
PWI Most Improved Wrestler of the Year - Jinder Mahal
1st Runner Up - Braun Strowman
2nd Runner Up - Eli Drake
3rd Runner Up - Naomi
Another major problem I have here. Winning the WWE Championship and doing absolutely nothing with it isn't exactly improving in my book. Even if it is, Braun Strowman blew him out of the water in 2017. His feud with Reigns and Lesnar have proven how great of a commodity Strowman has been as one of the few big men left in the WWE. He's glided straight to the top of the Raw roster as perhaps one of the most interesting/over characters in the WWE. Jinder Mahal hasn't gained anything since his title reign other than the moniker of being a former WWE Champion. Strowman beat out Jinder in every conceivable way.
The New day didn't do anything that stood out in 2017 War Machine should've been 1st runner up or GOD as for AJ Styles Okada is just about two years as champion with only one loss taking on a who's who of wrestling and what about Naito or Bobby Lashley both men had a great year.
The New day didn't do anything that stood out in 2017 War Machine should've been 1st runner up.
Completely disagree about The New Day here. Along with The Usos, they've managed to keep the Smackdown Live tag division a float for the entire year with flat out amazing matches. In's top 25 matches of the year, Usos v. New Day ranked in both the #11 and #4 spots. Not that War Machine didn't have some memorable matches in 2017 they just didn't come near New Day.
I think that the Miz should have been at least a runner up for wrestler of the year. I also would have given Uso's the tag team of the year award. I dislike the Young Bucks although I do understand that they are extremely popular within the IWC. AJ was a good choice as was Asuka. AJ is simply the best wrestler in the world right now imo.

I have no huge problems with any of the award winners. 2017 was actually a solid year for wrestling.
PWI Rookie of the Year - Otis Dozovic
1st Runner Up - Ray Gonzalez Jr.
2nd runner Up - Andy Williams
3rd Runner Up - Hirai Kawato
This horrifies me. This horrifies me greatly. The fact that Ray Jr is just behind Otis Dozovic as Rookie of the Year horrifies me to the must Godly level. It horrifies me to the point that I would jump down the pit of Ahch-To and welcome the Dark Side with open arms.

What the fuck happened to this world?


I think you can figure out who Jr is by looking at the two. You're telling me he's better than Hirai Kawato and the Velveteen Dream? The same Velveteen Dream who had one of the best matches of the year with Aleister Black in all of wrestling? This kid, who's already been wrestling for 3 years and can't even do a basic Dropkick properly, who was so bad far better wrestlers in the company left frustrated that this twerp was getting a far bigger push and far better pay just because his dad is the booker? Go fuck yourself, PWI and hand over your credibility. You clearly don't deserve it.


Watch out, Kenny Omega. Soon enough, he'll be the 'Best Bout Machine'. Just give him another 4 years to see if he can Dropkick properly.
Ray Gonzalez Jr. is ok I seen him wrestle in Puerto Rico a few years ago. Look for Ray Jr. to wrestle in ROH or NXT before this year is out.
LAX should've been comeback of the year and in the top 3 runner ups in tag team of the year category as well as OVE I mean come on you have a tag that went from barely a blip on the radar on the indies to becoming IMPACT tag team champions in a program with one of the best factions around as for AJ Styles can't complain and it's good to see that finally the wrestlers of year category wasn't dominated by WWE wrestlers.
Ray Gonzalez Jr. is ok I seen him wrestle in Puerto Rico a few years ago. Look for Ray Jr. to wrestle in ROH or NXT before this year is out.

You must have shattered glass in your eyes. I HIGHLY doubt he will be anywhere close to NXT or ROH by the end of the year. There's a level of skill you need for that, not to mention a level of disciple which time and time again he's shown to lack.
Cody making it that high up the wrestler of the year list is making my eyes bleed. Fuck Cody Rhodes and everything he stands for.

Cody, who wouldn't be in wrestling if it wasn't for his last name, has zero qualities that make him stand out. Bland look, bland moves, bland promos. He is also a gigantic fucking dickbag. He constantly shits on WWE employees on social media, throws a fit whenever WWE tries to use anything related to WCW or Heaven forbid his dad, and despite being the third banana in his own family, makes companies book his shitty wife. He bitches about the Stardust character, despite him initially pitching that idea to creative. He constantly shits on anyone who has an opinion on wrestling that differs from his, and he runs to white knight for his meal ticket (The Young Bucks) anytime they are criticized.

His entire character these days is "My dad was famous so I deserve stuff. WWE treated me bad. Look at me leaching off the popularity of the most overblown faction on the indie circuit."

Seriously, has Cody ever accomplished anything on his own merit?

Usually when WWE castoffs leave WWE, they are able to provide something fairly unique to the indie scene. Be it a crazy character or crazy flippy moves or something unique. Cody provides his last name, average matches, and too much spotlight on his wife.
The PWI Awards is usually awards in the kayfabe spectrum, isn't it? I'm actually surprised Brock Lesnar isn't in the top three. He delivered in 2017, even Goldeberg he was capabble of delivering a good match. Winning the Universal Championship and successfully defending it against the likes of Braun Strowman and Samoa Joe, as well as beating AJ Styles to declare himself the Champion of Champions.

AJ Styles did win the US Title and the WWE Championship in 2017, so maybe, that's it? He pretty much won every feud he's been in.

That's also the only explanation I have for Cody to be in the third place. He won the ROH Championship, aligned himself with The Bullet Club and challenged for some championships like the Impact Grand Championship, IWGP World Championship and Tag Team Championship. He lost in all of them, but he kinda delivered in Ring of Honor winning the ROH Wrestler of The Year Award. It has to be it, because the guy isn't anything out of the ordinary.

Also, fuck the Young Bucks. Never seen a match of them where I genuinely thought they were good. Overrated.
Ray Gonzalez Jr. would be better off in NXT or ROH if WWC is still closed due to Hurricane Maria a few months ago. It's better than ending up in Impact Wrestling.
You must have shattered glass in your eyes. I HIGHLY doubt he will be anywhere close to NXT or ROH by the end of the year. There's a level of skill you need for that, not to mention a level of disciple which time and time again he's shown to lack.
Especially since he is only 19. WWE will only sign those 21 and over. He is still a KID. Give him a few years.
Cody making it that high up the wrestler of the year list is making my eyes bleed. Fuck Cody Rhodes and everything he stands for.
What? You mean he should not try to get himself booked to where HE thinks he should be?

Rainbow Yaz said:
Cody, who wouldn't be in wrestling if it wasn't for his last name, has zero qualities that make him stand out. Bland look, bland moves, bland promos. He is also a gigantic fucking dickbag. He constantly shits on WWE employees on social media, throws a fit whenever WWE tries to use anything related to WCW or Heaven forbid his dad, and despite being the third banana in his own family, makes companies book his shitty wife. He bitches about the Stardust character, despite him initially pitching that idea to creative. He constantly shits on anyone who has an opinion on wrestling that differs from his, and he runs to white knight for his meal ticket (The Young Bucks) anytime they are criticized.
But, you forget that Cody Rhodes is portraying a HEEL character. What he is doing is what HEELS do. He has a right to bitch because Stardust was taken in a direction where the creator of the gimmick did not feel it belonged. And, what is a Heel if he did not bring in his better half? And, if your father had the same legacy that Cody's father had, you would be ferociously defending it as well. And, we all know that happens to a lot of wrestlers whose parents were in the business. Do you think Roman Reigns would be in the business if he was not born Leati Anoa'i?

Rainbow Yaz said:
His entire character these days is "My dad was famous so I deserve stuff. WWE treated me bad. Look at me leaching off the popularity of the most overblown faction on the indie circuit."
Again, he is a HEEL character. He is going to come off with an "I am entitled!" promo. Miz does that all the time. Only his real last name is not Runnels. And, The Young Bucks are a DRAW. Whether you like them or not. If I am not mistaken, Cody Rhodes was INVITED by the Jacksons to join Bullet Club. And, why not join a faction that makes MILLIONS? Look at the merch sales? If Daniel Bryan went Indy TOMORROW, he would be in Hot Topic in a month, and Birdie will have her and her Grandchildren's College Fund paid a hundred times over. Cody made a SMART business decision that is making him MORE money than WWE could give him.

Rainbow Yaz said:
Seriously, has Cody ever accomplished anything on his own merit?
Yes, he has. When he broke from WWE, he went out and got matches he felt he needed and what WE, as fans, WANTED to see. Apparently it worked because a lot of people went to see him in places one might not have gone to.

Rainbow Yaz said:
Usually when WWE castoffs leave WWE, they are able to provide something fairly unique to the indie scene. Be it a crazy character or crazy flippy moves or something unique. Cody provides his last name, average matches, and too much spotlight on his wife.
And, made Indy promoters a lot of money. He did better in that department than Adam Rose, Bull James and, yes, Damian Sandow. If people are willing to PAY to see you, take a picture with you, buy your merch, and believe you give quality for your dollar, mission accomplished.

What people need to remember is that this is a FAN vote. Not a vote of Pro Wrestling writers. It was the FANS that chose the Young Bucks and Cody Rhodes. And, why not? There is not one bad choice here. Some may differ. But, when your merch is flying out of Hot Topic and not the Bingo Hall or American Legion Hall exclusively, you must be doing SOMETHING right for your fans. Just because you hate something does not mean it is not celebrated by others. I have seen worse from PWI. However, I can agree with every choice made.
The PWI Awards is usually awards in the kayfabe spectrum, isn't it? I'm actually surprised Brock Lesnar isn't in the top three. He delivered in 2017, even Goldeberg he was capabble of delivering a good match. Winning the Universal Championship and successfully defending it against the likes of Braun Strowman and Samoa Joe, as well as beating AJ Styles to declare himself the Champion of Champions.

AJ Styles did win the US Title and the WWE Championship in 2017, so maybe, that's it? He pretty much won every feud he's been in.

That's also the only explanation I have for Cody to be in the third place. He won the ROH Championship, aligned himself with The Bullet Club and challenged for some championships like the Impact Grand Championship, IWGP World Championship and Tag Team Championship. He lost in all of them, but he kinda delivered in Ring of Honor winning the ROH Wrestler of The Year Award. It has to be it, because the guy isn't anything out of the ordinary.

Also, fuck the Young Bucks. Never seen a match of them where I genuinely thought they were good. Overrated.

Brock has been SO overlooked this year, I have given up.

He had one of the best matches of the year at Mania with Goldberg, also fuck your 45 min choreograph fests.

He had a good enough match with Joe, Strowman and a great one with AJ. Brock is what is best about pro wrestling and it's again, going back to the roots: a legit tough guy, who beats every REAL top contender in front of him CLEAN.

Oh yeah and just for that, Fuck you PWI.

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