Pronounce It Right


Lord And Master
Staff member

The gimmick is so silly it's actually quite entertaining.
I read something earlier saying that WWE may never debut him as they are said to already be over the character. That would suck because it is entertaining and Johnny Curtis doesn't seem to have what it takes just being Johnny Curtis. I hope that's not the case.
The Johnny Curtis character was awful and read like chapter 1 of the totally unoriginal guide to hero motivation. "I'm an orphan, I had to fight all my life." Boo hoo, now go get yourself a real gimmick. And that's what happened. Not seeing the problem.
I read something earlier saying that WWE may never debut him as they are said to already be over the character. That would suck because it is entertaining and Johnny Curtis doesn't seem to have what it takes just being Johnny Curtis. I hope that's not the case.

Great news. Now give him a gimmick that isn't a joke and will wear thin in 6 months. If he has potential in ring, give him a more serious gimmick so he has a better chance of getting over and staying over!
Fandango needs a page from the Alberto book. Personal Ring Announcer.

The segment did come off pretty funny between Maddox killing Lillian from the commentator's table and Curtis calling her "Jillian". He needs to chill with the whispering everything though.
Johnny Curtis was entertaining on NXT. He's entertaining as Fandango.

Plus some props to Brad Maddox. After three years I finally see a use for him, that being an obnoxious commentator.
Johnny Curtis was entertaining on NXT. He's entertaining as Fandango.

Are we talking about season 4? If so, I didn't see him as entertaining at all. He was as plain as they come. He never should of won over Derrick Bateman or Brodus Clay. It was evident whenever Brodus Clay debuted on the roster before the actual winner and actually was involved in WM season WHC title feud with ADR and Edge. Hell, Curtis couldn't even get his meaningless tag title shot that he won in a meaningless division with a meaningless wrestler, R-Truth.
Are we talking about season 4? If so, I didn't see him as entertaining at all. He was as plain as they come. He never should of won over Derrick Bateman or Brodus Clay. It was evident whenever Brodus Clay debuted on the roster before the actual winner and actually was involved in WM season WHC title feud with ADR and Edge. Hell, Curtis couldn't even get his meaningless tag title shot that he won in a meaningless division with a meaningless wrestler, R-Truth.

No, the good NXT. The current version.
Current as in 6 months ago? Johnny Curtis is shit, no matter his gimmick. Some careers just dont deserve to be saved.
Also, this gimmick could be gold if done correctly.

This is the WWE, though, so we all know what the chances of that happening are.

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