Punk 365: A Wrestlezone Forums Editorial

This started out as a word fort but I narrowed it down to 400 words.

CM Punk is the WWE Champion. You’d think that the wrestler holding the federation’s top prize is meant to be their best guy. Under said assumption, it would make sense for the reigning champion to put his belt on the line in the final match of each consecutive pay-per-view event. That has not been the case for Punk’s ongoing title reign. In fact, quite the opposite has held true. It wouldn’t be as bad if Punk and the current World Heavyweight Champion were taking turns closing shows, but sadly that has not been the case either.

During this WWE Championship run Punk has defeated wrestlers such as The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Chris Jericho, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Daniel Bryan, Kane, John Cena, Big Show, Ryback, and more. That’s quite the list of challengers. After an entire calendar year as WWE Champion, Punk’s title matches have closed a grand total of 4 pay-per-view events. That’s 33.3% of the year. Out of the 8 remaining shows we have seen other matches closing the shows. Some which make sense, while others leave one wondering why they went on last and the WWE Championship match did not. The Royal Rumble closing the show named after it makes sense. So does the dream match a year in the making of John Cena facing The Rock at Wrestlemania 28.

Then we have strange choices for closing matches. Why did Brock Lesnar VS Triple H go on last at Summerslam? How about John Cena VS Kane in an Ambulance Match going on last at Elimination Chamber? What about Big Show VS John Cena in a non-title match closing No Way Out? Finally, my personal least favorite…. No Way out 2012. CM Punk had a WWE Championship match against Daniel Bryan that had all the makings of a main event. Instead John Cena facing John Laurinaitis went on last. Why in the world would they have a match featuring a general manager go on last rather than the WWE Champion defending the federation’s top belt? That was by a landslide the lowest point in CM Punk’s current reign in my opinion. It made the belt as well as Punk not feel important. Punk having been WWE Champion for over 365 days would feel like a much bigger deal if he had been closing more shows. The world titles need to go on last, Ric Flair even said so himself.

Hope you like it. :)
Punk's reign as champion was intresting.Yes,at first he failed to draw ratings.But he slowly evolved into the #2 face in the company.He was competing wit The Rock and Cena in the merch department.While he has actually failed to draw the big ratings during the face run,he didn't fail to deliver drawing PPV buys.If you give Cena vs Laurinitis the credit for increasing OTL buys,then I've got nothing to say against you.But Punk's finest moment as champion came at RAW 1000 when he beatdown the rock.He hasn't had the best run as the WWE champion.But it was a decent run.[P.S:Dagger hit the point on Punk's title reign]
I hope you'll accept my premise that his finest championship moment hasn't actually happened yet and will come at the royal rumble. It's not far shy of 500 words.

"We, the masses who still call ourselves wrestling fans, are so attuned to the action these days that it's become increasingly rare to find a moment that you could adequately describe as "must-see. But I remember by date the Raw show on the 27th of June, 2011, as many of you do. It was a moment poised to change mainstream wrestling irreversibly, and people couldn't be happier. Somebody gave CM Punk an open microphone on a bad day and a Stone Cold T-shirt, and the next few months were a whirlwind. At the time the dust was only beginning to settle, CM Punk secured a much-deserved title reign. Then on his own merit, he undertook a promise that he never had to make, almost dangerous in its certainty. He promised us change.

It’s possible that Vince McMahon pulled one of his greatest tricks at this point, making CM Punk think that he was important. Punk was the WWE champion, yes, but it was the man with no title that closed shows, got to wrestle the biggest names and was in essence bigger than the WWE championship belt. Punk was having good matches and delivering good promos, he was even singled out to work with the returning Chris Jericho as well as going 20 minutes with guys like Alberto Del Rio, Daniel Bryan... But you couldn't disguise the facts. CM Punk was their WWE champion in name, John Cena was in everything but. Perhaps the lowest point for Punk personally was going out in the second match and winning the Elimination Chamber, only for John Cena to headline the event against Kane in an ambulance match, a wash-out in hindsight.

It’s not known how these winds of change picked up eventually because at some point prior to the 100th episode of Raw it would be determined that CM Punk would turn heel and face The Rock at The Royal Rumble. It wasn’t officially announced but it was already concrete. Since that moment we have seen more of the CM Punk that we were guaranteed. He is now the man that closes out shows, that has the biggest matches; he’s the last image you see at the end of every PPV. Whatever the method, CM Punk has done something that hasn’t happened in years; he’s been portrayed as THE top dog.

Now we could look back, but let’s instead look forward. In a weeks’ time CM Punk will have overtaken the title reign of the late Macho Man, a week later that of Cena himself, and then he’s up there facing the unbeatable multiple year reigns. CM Punk has been the WWE champion for an awfully long time but only recently would you know it. I don’t believe we've had the best moment of Punk title reign yet, it’ll come with the confirmation of when he faces The Rock at The Royal Rumble, whatever the outcome."
Alright, thanks to everyone who has submitted stuff. I believe I said you had until 3pm ET to get stuff in, so that gives you almost 5 more hours from the time of me posting this.

That being said, I can extend the deadline for anybody that still wants to contribute. It likely won't be going up until tomorrow morning, so as long as I have your articles TODAY we'll be good. The longer you wait though, the more chance I won't include it.
Punk’s title matches have closed a grand total of 4 pay-per-view events. That’s 33.3% of the year. Out of the 8 remaining shows we have seen other matches closing the shows.
You make redundancy an art form, Dagger.

Finally, my personal least favorite…. No Way out 2012. CM Punk had a WWE Championship match against Daniel Bryan that had all the makings of a main event. Instead John Cena facing John Laurinaitis went on last.
Might want to check your facts next time, buddy.

Why in the world would they have a match featuring a general manager go on last rather than the WWE Champion defending the federation’s top belt?
Because it has implications regarding the management every wrestler in the federation serves under? Just a guess.

The world titles need to go on last, Ric Flair even said so himself.
Ric Flair says a lot of things, son.
For the last 365 days, Punk has been given the world on a plate. He's had a longer title reign than any other man is entitled to in this era. He's had carte blanche to say what he feels on the mic, allowed to point out that certain talents are uninteresting (essentially burying them), all in the name of building himself and his buddies up. And unlike most champions in this day and age, whose feuds boil down to random attacks and opponents boldly declaring that they deserve to be the title holder, Punk's been allowed to participate in actual storylines. Essentially, our little internet darling has grown up to become The Man we always wanted him to be. Show-stealing pay-per-view performances. Video packages encapsulating his greatness as though he's Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Undertaker, Bob Backlund, and Abe Lincoln all rolled into one greasy, tattooed package. He's gotten everything. And it's all shown one thing: Punk's not the man who's going to change the wrestling business.

Yes, Punk has become the second biggest merchandise mover on the active roster, behind only Cena. But by failing to surpass Cena, Punk's proven that he deserves to go second-to-last on PPVs. Cena didn't get to be the biggest draw in the business because he went on last. Cena got to go on last because he became the biggest draw in the business. Punk hasn't done that. Ratings may be in the tank partially because of Raw becoming an indomitable three-hour marathon. But Punk's show-closing segments and quarter-hours weren't setting the world on fire even before July 23. Sure, Punk's had a fun reign. He's my favourite wrestler of all time, and I've enjoyed every second of it. He's become a legend, an integral part of this era and WWE history as a whole. But he's where he belongs. And in spite of all the evidence pointing to that conclusion, Punk's reign as proven that his fans on the internet will never accept that.

My favourite moment of Punk's reign? His match at Extreme Rules with Chris Jericho. I got to see my favourite wrestler defend his title against his heated rival in front of a raucous hometown crowd. No disqualifications. No count-outs. Just disdain-fuelled fun. I got to savour each and every second of it as Punk and Jericho proved themselves to be an integral part of the best show of the year.

And then I got to watch John Cena and Brock Lesnar show me what a real main event looks like.
In a world where the likes of Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Edge are also considered great, Punk is a living legend.
Hmm. Edge seems incongruous, but he hasn't spent as long with the WWE hype machine trundling behind him.
Give Punk and Edge ten more years. Not ten more years on the active roster. Oh, heck no! Just ten more years of stellar video montages.
2006 was the year of Edge, man. The first ever Money in the Bank cash-in, one of the greatest hardcore matches of all time against Foley at Mania, and of course the feud with John Cena. After '06, there were a few good things that came out of Edge's main event run. Matches against the Undertaker. Rated RKO. But way too many damn title reigns in such a short period of time. There are guys who wrestle for 5x as long as Edge did in main event spotlight, and never reach a single World Title run. But 11? Are you kidding me? I can forgive John Cena, because his drawing power merits title changes as a business decision. But the best thing Edge ever did for WWE business was that 5.4 rating during the live sex celebration.

Anyways, Coco why you hating on Edge and Hart? Thought Punk was your bestie.
I agree - Edge got way too many title reigns. I really wouldn't list his feud with Undertaker or Rated RKO as "good things".
Edge > HHH

Edge > HHH

You know, I will say this; there was a time in 2006, where I would have booked Wrestlemania 22 to have as the title matches Edge-Cena, and Angle-Undertaker. Fuck Rey Mysterio, let Undetaker win the 06 Rumble, challenge Kurt, and let Edge hold on to the belt until Mania.

Fantasy booking
It seems so irrational
But it tastes so good
Haiku Hogan
Replenished Artist

That's who I have so far. I will be taking submissions for a little while longer, so if you want to contribute please do. You can always PM me later and see if there's still room for what you wrote.

Also, please let me know how you want me to credit you (forum name, real name, name of a dead president, etc.) and if you want people to be able to contact you (Twitter, forum account, email, etc.).
Contact me through my forum account. Credit me as Coco.

Anonymity, man! You think I'd trust those vultures with my favourite dead president?!

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