Quarter Finals: The Undertaker vs. John Cena

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • The Undertaker

  • John Cena

Results are only viewable after voting.
Undertaker on PPV in 2007 = 3-4-1. Cena on PPV in 2007 = 10-1-0
Alright i'll give it to you there point for you there bud, except the fact that the only way people could really get a true victory off the undertaker was by cheating. but thts a different story.

Who was more dominant again?
Still got to go with the man who could kick out of anything and everything even a bonzi drop by yokozuna.

like the fact that Cena had a year long title reign during a time period when it was unheard of
Or the fact that the undertaker defeated hulk hogan when that was almost unheard of.

Like the fact Cena has been carrying the largest wrestling company in the world for years now.
Yet the ratings have been going down ever since Cena has appeared in wrestling... hmmm... i wonder why?

Like the fact that the Undertaker has far more snoozefests than Taker could ever dream of
Yep that's exacly why undertaker has one of the 4 5-star matches in WWE/WWf history and John Cena has yet to get one.

I'm not going to great out the "Vote Cena" in size 98 font just yet, but I may soon have to.

Alright i'll give it to you there point for you there bud, except the fact that the only way people could really get a true victory off the undertaker was by cheating. but thts a different story.

Still got to go with the man who could kick out of anything and everything even a bonzi drop by yokozuna.

Or the fact that the undertaker defeated hulk hogan when that was almost unheard of.

Yet the ratings have been going down ever since Cena has appeared in wrestling... hmmm... i wonder why?

Yep that's exacly why undertaker has one of the 4 5-star matches in WWE/WWf history and John Cena has yet to get one.


How about all Cena's great matches with HHH, HBK, Edge, etc?

Defeating Taker was unheard of from 1984-1988 more than it was when Undertaker beat him. What happened six days later? He lost the belt.

Undertaker couldn't even kick out of a powerslam by Vladimir Kozlov. Who gets put down by that in this day and age?
Defeating Taker was unheard of from 1984-1988 more than it was when Undertaker beat him. What happened six days later? He lost the belt.

bud you really should reread your stuff before posting... and again the fact was that he beat the hulkster in match.

Undertaker couldn't even kick out of a powerslam by Vladimir Kozlov. Who gets put down by that in this day and age?
A man who's 45 years old and is way out of his prime. But also remeber the Undertaker was the same man who sat up from a powerslam from big daddy cool diesel. and if koslov vs undertaker were to happen now im pretty sure it'd end like undertaker vs diesel.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/I1fAzkmv6WQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/I1fAzkmv6WQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
How about all Cena's great matches with HHH, HBK, Edge, etc?

Defeating Taker was unheard of from 1984-1988 more than it was when Undertaker beat him. What happened six days later? He lost the belt.

Undertaker couldn't even kick out of a powerslam by Vladimir Kozlov. Who gets put down by that in this day and age?

Cena's has great matches Taker has greater matches that simple. That Power Slam was off the top rope. And you know whats worse John Cena lossed to Keven Federline yeah he's going to beat Taker sure Cena can't beat federline but he has a legimate chance against Taker. Sure Taker lost to a power slam Cena lost to a couple of shitty horrible attempts as wrestling moves
bud you really should reread your stuff before posting... and again the fact was that he beat the hulkster in match.

A man who's 45 years old and is way out of his prime. But also remeber the Undertaker was the same man who sat up from a powerslam from big daddy cool diesel. and if koslov vs undertaker were to happen now im pretty sure it'd end like undertaker vs diesel.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/I1fAzkmv6WQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/I1fAzkmv6WQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

So getting defeated by a powerslam means nothing because the Undertaker was 45 (which is wrong because he was 44 at the time)? I guess when he wins, it is a testament to his age right?

Cena's has great matches Taker has greater matches that simple. That Power Slam was off the top rope. And you know whats worse John Cena lossed to Keven Federline yeah he's going to beat Taker sure Cena can't beat federline but he has a legimate chance against Taker. Sure Taker lost to a power slam Cena lost to a couple of shitty horrible attempts as wrestling moves

Bam Bam Bigelow lost to Lawrence Taylor. Doesn't make him any less of a wrestler so it shouldn't have any bearing on Cena's ability to beat Taker.
So getting defeated by a powerslam means nothing because the Undertaker was 45 (which is wrong because he was 44 at the time)? I guess when he wins, it is a testament to his age right?
bud i'm gonna put this is terms you can even understand. when you old and not in prime you weaker then when you in prime and this whole tournament is based off of your prime. According to your little example then Ric Flair is now terrible because he lost to Shelton Benjamin when he was way out of his prime.

Bam Bam Bigelow lost to Lawrence Taylor. Doesn't make him any less of a wrestler so it shouldn't have any bearing on Cena's ability to beat Taker
Wow. Great way to use a wrestler the Undertaker has beaten as an example... great job man.
bud i'm gonna put this is terms you can even understand. when you old and not in prime you weaker then when you in prime and this whole tournament is based off of your prime. According to your little example then Ric Flair is now terrible because he lost to Shelton Benjamin when he was way out of his prime.

Wow. Great way to use a wrestler the Undertaker has beaten as an example... great job man.

I define prime is when a wrestler was at his best whether that be a good win-loss record of titles held during said prime. The Undertaker won two world titles at age 42 and 43 and defeated most of the top superstars around that time. Cena did that and more before reaching the age of 30. The Undertaker was mediocre to awful for basically a decade and a half with few glimpses of brilliance here and there. Cena has been on top for five straight years and counting. I hear about all the matches that Cena was carried in and I scoff at that. It took Mick Foley for Undertaker to actually be worth a damn and what happened a couple of years after that. The Undertaker started sucking again until Batista had to come and rescue him. Cena hasn't had too many problems in that department.
Kayfabe, Cena wins for many of the same reasons Hogan should have won (but obviously didn't, and Cena won't win here for similar reasons to why Hogan lost.) Cena is built on overcoming the odds, beating bigger men, never giving up, an d being nearly impossible to beat cleanly.

Cena has been charged with doing something that Undertaker never has, and never would be able, to do: carry the company. John Cena is the primary superstar of the current era. Undertaker has always, and I mean ALWAYS, been a second fiddle. In an era where titles are passed around like hotcake, Cena has more world titles then the Undertaker, even though he only started winning them in like 2004, and he's held the world titles for a longer period of time FAR longer then the Undertaker. Because the Undertaker is a gimmick, not a company front man.

Someone mentioned the Undertaker having "one of the four five star matches in WWE history." Well, ignoring the fact that Meltzer is a Japanophile mark who hates on everything made in America that doesn't go "WOOOOOOO!" (I mean, honestly, this is a man who never even rated WCW as the best promotion even in their ultra hot and innovative nWo period), John Cena also was named "Wrestler of the Year", the most prestigious award Meltzer gives out, and an award Undertaker never won. Further, Undertaker has been named by Meltzer the most overrated wrestler in the world once, something that Cena, despite all his hate, never received. Not to mention that he has also received "awards" for Worst Feud of the Year and Worst Worked Match of the Year. So yeah, I don't think bringing Meltzer into this really helps.

Do the right thing (though most of you won't). Vote Cena.
I define prime is when a wrestler was at his best whether that be a good win-loss record of titles held during said prime
Ok good at least you know what prime is.
The Undertaker won two world titles at age 42 and 43 and defeated most of the top superstars around that time
yes he indeed he did and this wasnt even during his prime bud.

Cena did that and more before reaching the age of 30.
During the crap PG Era and during a time when the WWE was missing many people and were desperate after they'd just lost a good bit of there top people. While the undertaker dominated during some of the best years of the WWF.

The Undertaker was mediocre to awful for basically a decade and a half with few glimpses of brilliance here and there.
I think you've just been watching the fake undertaker your whole entire life bud cause the underaker i know is an amazing wrestler and is a lot better then 5 move cena.

Cena has been on top for five straight years and counting

and there's a reason why the WWE ratings have been going down....

It took Mick Foley for Undertaker to actually be worth a damn and what happened a couple of years after that.
umm he went and won another belt had a 5 star match with shawn michaels. had a great feud with Kane, went on a became a bad ass and kicked some butt came back as the dead man and beat some more people up and oh yea he kept his undeafeted streak and WM alive all during that time too.

The Undertaker started sucking again
If the Undertaker sucks then John Cena blows.

The Undertaker started sucking again until Batista had to come and rescue him

:lol: excuse me for a moment because i can't breathe because im laughing so hard at this! Botchtista save somebody haha wow.. alright now that that's over with Undertaker was and always was great during this whole little time period tell batista came along. I'm starting to think you didn't even watch wrestling before the Batista Undertaker feud. but i'll give you the benefit of doubt and say you did.

Cena hasn't had too many problems in that department.
half the wrestling world that's over the age of 12 would beg to differ.
Ok good at least you know what prime is.

yes he indeed he did and this wasnt even during his prime bud.

So tell me when was his prime? In the 90s when he lost a lot or in the 2000's when he lost a lot?

During the crap PG Era and during a time when the WWE was missing many people and were desperate after they'd just lost a good bit of there top people. While the undertaker dominated during some of the best years of the WWF.

The best years of the WWF were being dominated by guys like Austin, Rock, HHH and Undertaker was a distant fourth and maybe even fifth behind Foley. Cena had to bring the WWE back up from the HHH reign of terror and did a damn good job. When Cena is out, ratings go down. When Undertaker is out, nobody cares.

I think you've just been watching the fake undertaker your whole entire life bud cause the underaker i know is an amazing wrestler and is a lot better then 5 move cena.

Undertaker has probably had four or five great matches in his career. Cena had that in less than a year.

and there's a reason why the WWE ratings have been going down....

umm he went and won another belt had a 5 star match with shawn michaels. had a great feud with Kane, went on a became a bad ass and kicked some butt came back as the dead man and beat some more people up and oh yea he kept his undeafeted streak and WM alive all during that time too.

Undertaker sure did kick a lot of butt by losing to Kurt Angle, HHH, Austin, Cena, and getting dominated by Brock Lesnar.

If the Undertaker sucks then John Cena blows.

Like your post.

:lol: excuse me for a moment because i can't breathe because im laughing so hard at this! Botchtista save somebody haha wow.. alright now that that's over with Undertaker was and always was great during this whole little time period tell batista came along. I'm starting to think you didn't even watch wrestling before the Batista Undertaker feud. but i'll give you the benefit of doubt and say you did.

half the wrestling world that's over the age of 12 would beg to differ.

Besides his match with Kurt Angle, Undertaker was having boring matches for most if not all of 2006. Batista gave Undertaker some of his best matches in the past decade and that's a fact.
Cena is built on overcoming the odds, beating bigger men, never giving up
and the undertaker is built to beat men and overcome the odds take a hit and sit right back up to it.

an d being nearly impossible to beat cleanly.
wow sounds just like another wrestler i know! oh what's his name it ryhmes with fundertaker.

Cena has been charged with doing something that Undertaker never has, and never would be able, to do: carry the company.
and the ratings prove he's doing a great job at it too!

In an era where titles are passed around like hotcake, Cena has more world titles then the Undertaker
So according to your logic then David Arquette and Vince Russo are now better then Scott Hall because they've won more heavyweight championships then him. :lmao:

Someone mentioned the Undertaker having "one of the four five star matches in WWE history
Hey that's me!

Well, ignoring the fact that Meltzer is a Japanophile mark who hates on everything made in America that doesn't go "WOOOOOOO!"
Yupp that must be why japan hasnt gotten one since what 1997 if i remeber correctly?

John Cena also was named "Wrestler of the Year", the most prestigious award Meltzer gives out, and an award Undertaker never won. Further, Undertaker has been named by Meltzer the most overrated wrestler in the world once, something that Cena, despite all his hate, never received.
and Undertaker's won best gimmick 4 times something Cena's won once, Undertaker has 2 matches of the year to Cena's 1 both have the same amount of feud's of the year in PWI but wrestling observer had Undertaker as match of the year and feud of the year both of which are something Cena has never gotten and for good reason.
So tell me when was his prime? In the 90s when he lost a lot or in the 2000's when he lost a lot?
The 90's when he was one of the most dominant men in wrestling.

The best years of the WWF were being dominated by guys like Austin, Rock, HHH and Undertaker was a distant fourth and maybe even fifth behind Foley.

Actually I'd go as far as to say he was the 3rd best also if you put Cena in this time he's be way further back then 5th.
Cena had to bring the WWE back up from the HHH reign of terror and did a damn good job.
again i laugh at this. Cena had nothing he needed to build up at all. and the HHH reign of terror? really? HHH was at least entertaining and could wrestle. Cena on the other hand, can't say so much about.

When Cena is out, ratings go down.
because 12 year olds miss there hero.

When Undertaker is out, nobody cares.

Actually a lot of people do bud.

Undertaker sure did kick a lot of butt by losing to Kurt Angle, HHH, Austin, Cena, and getting dominated by Brock Lesnar.
This was during the Bad Ass Undertaker. A version of him which is much weaker the the Deadman. Go and watch some of his 90's matches and tell me how often he got his butt kicked or dominated. Also if were talking about Brock Lesnar beating people I'm pretty sure Cena lost to him too infact really who didnt lose to Lesnar? :confused:

Like your post.
and you:rolleyes:

Undertaker has probably had four or five great matches in his career. Cena had that in less than a year.
Dude have you ever really watched the undertaker before? seriously?? He has had a ton of great matches in his career and atleast 4 times as many as Cena. and don't make me laugh Cena hasnt had 5 great matches in a year EVER!

Besides his match with Kurt Angle, Undertaker was having boring matches for most if not all of 2006. Batista gave Undertaker some of his best matches in the past decade and that's a fact.
Bud i want you to go to this thing called Youtube and look up some of taker's matches right now and you'll see how good he was for yourself.
The 90's when he was one of the most dominant men in wrestling.

You mean the 90's in which he lost to almost everybody big he faced? The slow and boring Undertaker? Good one.

Actually I'd go as far as to say he was the 3rd best also if you put Cena in this time he's be way further back then 5th.

Austin > Rock > HHH > Foley > Undertaker.

Nice try.

again i laugh at this. Cena had nothing he needed to build up at all. and the HHH reign of terror? really? HHH was at least entertaining and could wrestle. Cena on the other hand, can't say so much about.

RAW was crap with HHH at the top? Name one good match from 2003 that involved HHH. You're not going to find one. HHH was terrible from start to beginning.

because 12 year olds miss there hero.

Who misses the Undertaker?

Actually a lot of people do bud.

It must shows in the ratings, doesn't it?

This was during the Bad Ass Undertaker. A version of him which is much weaker the the Deadman. Go and watch some of his 90's matches and tell me how often he got his butt kicked or dominated. Also if were talking about Brock Lesnar beating people I'm pretty sure Cena lost to him too infact really who didnt lose to Lesnar? :confused:

Wasn't it you who said this?

umm he went and won another belt had a 5 star match with shawn michaels. had a great feud with Kane, went on a became a bad ass and kicked some butt came back as the dead man and beat some more people up and oh yea he kept his undeafeted streak and WM alive all during that time too.

I see no indication of weakness there. The Undertaker was worse then than when he was before 1996.

and you:rolleyes:

Dude have you ever really watched the undertaker before? seriously?? He has had a ton of great matches in his career and atleast 4 times as many as Cena. and don't make me laugh Cena hasnt had 5 great matches in a year EVER!

Bud i want you to go to this thing called Youtube and look up some of taker's matches right now and you'll see how good he was for yourself.

Name me ten great Undertaker matches.

I bet you won't even get past six.
Name me ten great Undertaker matches.

I bet you won't even get past six.

Everything else I can let slide, but this has got to be one of the most ridiculous claims I have ever seen in my life. Just off the top of my head I got:

Undertaker vs Undertaker (Summerslam 1994)
Casket Match against Yokozuna (Royal Rumble 1995)
vs Mick Foley (Boiler Room Brawl, Summerslam 1996)
vs Bret Hart (Summerslam 1997)
vs Shawn Michaels (First HIAC, Badd Blood 1997)
vs Shawn Michaels (Casket Match, Royal Rumble 1998)
vs Kane (Wrestlemania 14)
vs Mick Foley (HIAC, King of the Ring 1998)
vs HHH (Wrestlemania 17)
vs Ric Flair (Wrestlemania 18)
vs Jeff Hardy (Ladder Match, WWE Raw)
vs Kurt Angle (Smackdown, 2002)
vs The Rock and Kurt Angle (Vengeance 2002)
vs Brock Lesnar (HIAC, No Mercy 2002)
vs Randy Orton (Wrestlemania 21)
vs Batista (Wrestlemania 23)
vs Edge (Wrestlemania 24)
vs Edge (HIAC, Summerslam 2008)
vs Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania 25 & 26)

You can say a lot about the Undertaker, and a lot of it would be right and fair, but the man has had a legendary career filled with great matches. That can not be denied.
Everything else I can let slide, but this has got to be one of the most ridiculous claims I have ever seen in my life. Just off the top of my head I got:

Should be most delightful.

Undertaker vs Undertaker (Summerslam 1994)
Casket Match against Yokozuna (Royal Rumble 1995)

Moving on.

vs Mick Foley (Boiler Room Brawl, Summerslam 1996)
vs Bret Hart (Summerslam 1997)

Good matches. Great they are not.

vs Shawn Michaels (First HIAC, Badd Blood 1997)
vs Shawn Michaels (Casket Match, Royal Rumble 1998)

I'll give you the HIAC but not the casket match. Mediocre at best. So far you have one great match.

vs Kane (Wrestlemania 14)
vs Mick Foley (HIAC, King of the Ring 1998)

His match was Kane was more about the buildup than the actual bout and Foley did take some impressive bumps. I'll give you half a great match for each. Now you're at 2.

vs HHH (Wrestlemania 17)

Good match but so were most HHH matches during that time. Was the best Taker match in years.

vs Ric Flair (Wrestlemania 18)
vs Jeff Hardy (Ladder Match, WWE Raw)
vs Kurt Angle (Smackdown, 2002)
vs The Rock and Kurt Angle (Vengeance 2002)
vs Brock Lesnar (HIAC, No Mercy 2002)

No dice. When his best match that year was possibly against Flair, you know you had a bad year.

vs Randy Orton (Wrestlemania 21)

I've felt the same way about this match as I did Edge/Orton in 2004. Was good but seemed like a RAW or Smackdown match that went ten extra minutes.

vs Batista (Wrestlemania 23)
vs Edge (Wrestlemania 24)
vs Edge (HIAC, Summerslam 2008)

I rated that HIAC is the third worst behind his match with Bossman and HHH/HBK. Cheesy effects at the end didn't help.

vs Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania 25 & 26)

Just because I have nothing against you, I'm going to give you two great matches. The total is four.

You can say a lot about the Undertaker, and a lot of it would be right and fair, but the man has had a legendary career filled with great matches. That can not be denied.

In terms of championships and accomplishments, Cena has surpassed the Undertaker and when it's said and done will be way above him.
Should be most delightful.

Moving on.

Good matches. Great they are not.

I'll give you the HIAC but not the casket match. Mediocre at best. So far you have one great match.

His match was Kane was more about the buildup than the actual bout and Foley did take some impressive bumps. I'll give you half a great match for each. Now you're at 2.

Good match but so were most HHH matches during that time. Was the best Taker match in years.

No dice. When his best match that year was possibly against Flair, you know you had a bad year.

I've felt the same way about this match as I did Edge/Orton in 2004. Was good but seemed like a RAW or Smackdown match that went ten extra minutes.

I rated that HIAC is the third worst behind his match with Bossman and HHH/HBK. Cheesy effects at the end didn't help.

Just because I have nothing against you, I'm going to give you two great matches. The total is four.

In terms of championships and accomplishments, Cena has surpassed the Undertaker and when it's said and done will be way above him.
LOL. Just LOL. I joined this forum JUST to tell you you're ridiculous. Claiming that John Cena is greater than the Undertaker is one thing, but going as far as to demote the Undertaker's matches as well as his legendary career.. Going by your standards, name 10 John Cena matches that were greater or as great as the only four Undertaker matches you deemed "great".
I am voting for the Undertaker. I feel Taker has had a larger-than-life persona in professional wrestling since his debut in 1990, and it would be hard for me to vote anyone above him in a straight-up wrestling match. Some of you are seemingly going out of your way to flush Taker's career down the shitter, and I'm not sure why. Even though I think it's idiotic to join a forum just to let one poster know you think they're stupid, I have to agree with the above poster.

Taker hasn't had a lot of great matches, but he has had some. I can't recall a terrible performance by Taker. Sure, you can talk about him having shit matches with guys like Mable, The fake Undetaker, Giant Gonzalez, Kamala, etc. But to be honest, no one had a good match with those guys. Taker has been as athletic as any big man you can name, so I'm not sure where all this hate for his wrestling ability is coming from. If you're just a total Cena mark, then I understand. But I can't agree that he has been a "boring" or "shit" wrestler. He's had too many good to great matches for that to even be possible.

John Cena is the face of this generation (like it or not). He is the biggest name in pro wrestling, no doubt about it. But as the one-time poster said earlier, how many more great matches has he had than Taker? A few of his matches against HBK can be considered great. But outside of that, I can't think of any. My hatred for Cena has lessened over the past year, and I think it has a lot to do with respect. I still think he's greatly overrated as an in-ring competitor, but a lot of people see something in him. If that were not the case, he wouldn't be where he is today.

I think Cena has had a better start to his career, and has accomplished more in his first several years than Taker did. But Cena hasn't had the bigger career (yet). The Undertaker never dominated professional wrestling in the sense that he was the biggest name of the company. But, in a sense, he is the measuring stick. He's the "guy to beat." Sure, other guys have the same credibility; Hogan, Andre, and maybe even Austin. While those guys are the bigger names and probably had more success, it doesn't mean Taker isn't in that group.

Beating Taker automatically gives you more credibility than beating anyone else in professional wrestling today. More than beating HHH. More than beating Orton. More than beating Sting. And yes...more than beating John Cena.

John Cena will probably go down as one of the three or four biggest names in the history of pro wrestling, but that doesn't convince me he is better than Taker. Over his career, Taker has had better matches (as a whole) than Cena has. Sure, Cena has had some HUGE wins, and I'm not taking that away from him. John Cena is on his way to becoming a legend, but Taker IS a legend.

In a kayfabe sense, I can't see Cena putting Taker away. I don't care what their record against one another is, I really don't. In a fake sport, it means nothing to me. What matters is how I envision the match going down. It would be an epic battle, so once again for all of you Cena-lovers out there, I'm not really bashing the guy. I see each guy kicking out of the others finisher a few times, but Taker eventually putting Cena away with a huge Tombstone, something like the one that put HBK away at Mania 26.

Someday, John Cena may have had the career (barring an injury, etc.) that warrants him beating Taker. Someday, I may vote for Cena AGAINST Taker. But not yet. I'm voting Taker. When Cena has the career of a Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, or Steve Austin, I'll buy it. But once again, not yet.
I am voting for the Undertaker. I feel Taker has had a larger-than-life persona in professional wrestling since his debut in 1990, and it would be hard for me to vote anyone above him in a straight-up wrestling match. Some of you are seemingly going out of your way to flush Taker's career down the shitter, and I'm not sure why. Even though I think it's idiotic to join a forum just to let one poster know you think they're stupid, I have to agree with the above poster.

Taker hasn't had a lot of great matches, but he has had some. I can't recall a terrible performance by Taker. Sure, you can talk about him having shit matches with guys like Mable, The fake Undetaker, Giant Gonzalez, Kamala, etc. But to be honest, no one had a good match with those guys. Taker has been as athletic as any big man you can name, so I'm not sure where all this hate for his wrestling ability is coming from. If you're just a total Cena mark, then I understand. But I can't agree that he has been a "boring" or "shit" wrestler. He's had too many good to great matches for that to even be possible.

John Cena is the face of this generation (like it or not). He is the biggest name in pro wrestling, no doubt about it. But as the one-time poster said earlier, how many more great matches has he had than Taker? A few of his matches against HBK can be considered great. But outside of that, I can't think of any. My hatred for Cena has lessened over the past year, and I think it has a lot to do with respect. I still think he's greatly overrated as an in-ring competitor, but a lot of people see something in him. If that were not the case, he wouldn't be where he is today.

I think Cena has had a better start to his career, and has accomplished more in his first several years than Taker did. But Cena hasn't had the bigger career (yet). The Undertaker never dominated professional wrestling in the sense that he was the biggest name of the company. But, in a sense, he is the measuring stick. He's the "guy to beat." Sure, other guys have the same credibility; Hogan, Andre, and maybe even Austin. While those guys are the bigger names and probably had more success, it doesn't mean Taker isn't in that group.

Beating Taker automatically gives you more credibility than beating anyone else in professional wrestling today. More than beating HHH. More than beating Orton. More than beating Sting. And yes...more than beating John Cena.

John Cena will probably go down as one of the three or four biggest names in the history of pro wrestling, but that doesn't convince me he is better than Taker. Over his career, Taker has had better matches (as a whole) than Cena has. Sure, Cena has had some HUGE wins, and I'm not taking that away from him. John Cena is on his way to becoming a legend, but Taker IS a legend.

In a kayfabe sense, I can't see Cena putting Taker away. I don't care what their record against one another is, I really don't. In a fake sport, it means nothing to me. What matters is how I envision the match going down. It would be an epic battle, so once again for all of you Cena-lovers out there, I'm not really bashing the guy. I see each guy kicking out of the others finisher a few times, but Taker eventually putting Cena away with a huge Tombstone, something like the one that put HBK away at Mania 26.

Someday, John Cena may have had the career (barring an injury, etc.) that warrants him beating Taker. Someday, I may vote for Cena AGAINST Taker. But not yet. I'm voting Taker. When Cena has the career of a Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, or Steve Austin, I'll buy it. But once again, not yet.

I know it was the gimmick of Undertaker to be invincible to pain and all that shit. He was still slow and boring whichever way you slice. Then Foley came and breathed some life into the Deadman and he started actually having decent matches. Then he went to being the American Bad Ass and while I liked the gimmick, the matches were terrible. From 2004-2007, he had some glipses here and there against Orton and Kurt Angle but was mediocre for the most part. Batista gave Undertaker one of the best WM matches he ever had up to that point. Injuries play a factor especially in his later years but it doesn't change the fact that his matches have been average at best during his whole career.

Beating the Undertaker used to give a wrestler credibility but it doesn't anymore. Kozlov beat the Undertaker fifteen months ago. How's that working out for him? You would think his profile would be raised a little bit after beating him wouldn't you think?

On the other hand, a wrestler can even gain credibility just by losing to Cena. Everybody says Miz is the most improved wrestler. Where did that start? When he feuded with Cena and he's taken off since. The Great Khali was undefeated before he lost to Cena twice. Khali won the WHC the next month. Umaga was chosen to be McMahon's representative in the Hair vs. Hair match a month after feuding with Cena. Today, even being in the ring with Cena gives a wrestler more credibility than simply beating Undertaker because Undertakers isn't the guy to beat and hasn't been for a long time.

LOL. Just LOL. I joined this forum JUST to tell you you're ridiculous. Claiming that John Cena is greater than the Undertaker is one thing, but going as far as to demote the Undertaker's matches as well as his legendary career.. Going by your standards, name 10 John Cena matches that were greater or as great as the only four Undertaker matches you deemed "great".

I'm glad you joined the forums just because of me. It's a honor.
Then he went to being the American Bad Ass and while I liked the gimmick, the matches were terrible.

Terrible my ass. He had some very good matches during that time period. His matches with Kurt Angle and The Rock were good, his match with Triple H at Mania 17 was great, his ladder match with Jeff Hardy was great, Mania 18 against Flair was very good, the HIAC vs Bock Lesnar was another good one. I like Cena as much as the next guy but you are discrediting a very good performer unfairly. Saying Cena had more good matches in one year then Taker has in a career is complete bullshit. Right now you are no better then the Undertaker fan boy posters in this thread.
From 2004-2007, he had some glipses here and there against Orton and Kurt Angle but was mediocre for the most part. Batista gave Undertaker one of the best WM matches he ever had up to that point.

No. The Undertaker and Batista had a great Mania match. Batista didn't give Taker anything. Saying Batista "gave" anyone a great much is laughable.

Beating the Undertaker used to give a wrestler credibility but it doesn't anymore. Kozlov beat the Undertaker fifteen months ago. How's that working out for him? You would think his profile would be raised a little bit after beating him wouldn't you think?

Kozlov hasn't done anything since because he sucks. It didn't matter who he beat, he wasn't going to make it as a main eventer.
Terrible my ass. He had some very good matches during that time period. His matches with Kurt Angle and The Rock were good, his match with Triple H at Mania 17 was great, his ladder match with Jeff Hardy was great, Mania 18 against Flair was very good, the HIAC vs Bock Lesnar was another good one. I like Cena as much as the next guy but you are discrediting a very good performer unfairly. Saying Cena had more good matches in one year then Taker has in a career is complete bullshit. Right now you are no better then the Undertaker fan boy posters in this thread.

The Undertaker was horrible in 2002 and his heel turn was a flop because the fans still cheered him. The best match he had that year was with Flair and when that is the case, you had a bad year. It took a broken hand and HIAC for Brock Lesnar to beat the Undertaker when he could have easily done the job for him a month earlier at Unforgiven. Undertaker was just going through the motions that year as he has done most years.

No. The Undertaker and Batista had a great Mania match. Batista didn't give Taker anything. Saying Batista "gave" anyone a great much is laughable.

I beg to differ. The Undertaker was in a rut for almost a year leading up to that match and Batista had been three or four months removed from coming back from injury so the ring rust was coming off. Putting them together benefitted both wrestlers but Undertaker finally became interested in the first time in a long time.

Kozlov hasn't done anything since because he sucks. It didn't matter who he beat, he wasn't going to make it as a main eventer.

Undertaker couldn't beat a guy that sucks and who was in a main event three months earlier? Sucks to be him.
This is probably the match in this whole tournament I'm most torn about, on one hand I would love to see Undertaker pass through, but on the other hand, I would also like seeing John Cena pass through.

I really think this match would've been better for John's sake, Undertaker has a more negative win / loss record as opposed to John Cena, who doesn't really loose in big matches, sure he looses every now and then, but he wins when the time is right.

John has always proved he can take one hell of a beating, in manners that Undertaker can dish out, I believe there's even been mentioned that John defeated Undertaker in a rookie period, and while Undertaker did as well, Undertaker hasn't beaten the main event prime John Cena, who is by far one of the toughest opponents to face on the whole roster when it comes to putting him down.

I'm voting John, but I could easily see this one going to Undertaker as well, but I'd feel better passing John through.
I know it was the gimmick of Undertaker to be invincible to pain and all that shit. He was still slow and boring whichever way you slice. Then Foley came and breathed some life into the Deadman and he started actually having decent matches. Then he went to being the American Bad Ass and while I liked the gimmick, the matches were terrible. From 2004-2007, he had some glipses here and there against Orton and Kurt Angle but was mediocre for the most part. Batista gave Undertaker one of the best WM matches he ever had up to that point. Injuries play a factor especially in his later years but it doesn't change the fact that his matches have been average at best during his whole career.

Beating the Undertaker used to give a wrestler credibility but it doesn't anymore. Kozlov beat the Undertaker fifteen months ago. How's that working out for him? You would think his profile would be raised a little bit after beating him wouldn't you think?

On the other hand, a wrestler can even gain credibility just by losing to Cena. Everybody says Miz is the most improved wrestler. Where did that start? When he feuded with Cena and he's taken off since. The Great Khali was undefeated before he lost to Cena twice. Khali won the WHC the next month. Umaga was chosen to be McMahon's representative in the Hair vs. Hair match a month after feuding with Cena. Today, even being in the ring with Cena gives a wrestler more credibility than simply beating Undertaker because Undertakers isn't the guy to beat and hasn't been for a long time.

I'm glad you joined the forums just because of me. It's a honor.

I agree that he was slow, and stiff, ya know, like a dead body (which after all, was his character). But to me, he wasn't boring. His match with Jake Roberts at Wrestlemania 8 was anything but boring. That was the first big PPV where Taker was the genuine face of the match, and he peformed like it. Sure, he was still stiff (or, in character), but he still moved a hell of a lot faster when he was actually moving around, and not just stalking someone. The man told a story in the ring as well or better than anyone during the first five or so years of his career. Look at his match with Yoko at Royal Rumble 1994. Technically great? Big spots? No. But a great story was told, and it was entertaining.

He also had another great match with Bret Hart at Royal Rumble 1996. He wasn't nearly as stiff as he was before, but still sold the fact that he was "that dead guy." Once again, IMO, it was entertaining stuff.

And I don't think Mick Foley should be given as much credit as you are throwing out there. Taker was changing with the times. The supernatural stuff still worked, but the WWF was moving into a more realistic type of programming. They were beginning to shed themselves of most "gimmick" and they were moving toward more realism. Foley took a beating like no one I have ever seen, but Taker always carried the offensive side of the matches.

I do agree that Taker's worst matches came under the American Bad Ass gimmick. I hated that gimmick, but that's another story. He was a bit out of shape, banged up and just looked slower. But let's not act like the guy was taking a shit out there every night. He still put on some decent matches, as someone pointed out earlier.

Batista GAVE Taker a great match at Mania? Is that supposed to be a joke? Batista has never carried another wrestler in a match, in his life. I saw that match live, and on DVD later, and while Dave did a hell of job, it was an equally great performance by Taker. Why would you even throw that in there? Are you really that big of a Cena mark that you need to tear down everything Taker has down just so John can win a fantasy tournament?

Taker gave Kozlov a win...and Kozlov sucks. It's not like Taker was scouting this guy, telling the world he was going to be the next big thing. Blame that on McMahon, Hayes, whoever. But to make fun of Taker for losing a bum they TOLD him to lose to is just weak. Plus, there is a bigggg difference between getting a quick pin on Taker on Smackdown, and beating him clean in the main event of any PPV. Big difference. Taker is the most over guy in the company, so by default (combined with his 20 year career), beating Taker is easily a bigger deal than beating John Cena..right now, maybe not in 5 years, but right now yes.

The Miz is the most improved character, but I wouldn't say the most improved wrestler. And yes, anytime a mid carder (who already has a TON of talent on the mic) moves up to face off against the face of the company, his stock is going to rise. But let's not act like he has become the hottest thing in wrestling since his deal with Cena. He's won tag team and US gold, neither of the big belts. It helped him, but not as much as you are putting out there. Khali...come on, really? The man was a walking gimmick, another monster for Cena to slay, and then a monster for Batista to slay. Let's not overstate his importance.

You talk about how average Taker's matches have been, besides his matches with HBK, Batista, etc. What about Cena? Outside of HBK aroud Wrestlemania 23, when has Cena put on a performance that would make him in any way superior to Taker? When did John Cena become the greatest in-ring competitor out there? There is a reason the man is boo'ed by live audiences. Does he take more heat than he should? Absolutely. But if he were out there putting on great matches week in and week out, month in and month out, it wouldn't happen. He be as loved by everyone as he is by women and children. Taker has NEVER had that happen to him. Never. I think that alone shows just how big Taker has been in pro wrestling.
I agree that he was slow, and stiff, ya know, like a dead body (which after all, was his character). But to me, he wasn't boring. His match with Jake Roberts at Wrestlemania 8 was anything but boring. That was the first big PPV where Taker was the genuine face of the match, and he peformed like it. Sure, he was still stiff (or, in character), but he still moved a hell of a lot faster when he was actually moving around, and not just stalking someone. The man told a story in the ring as well or better than anyone during the first five or so years of his career. Look at his match with Yoko at Royal Rumble 1994. Technically great? Big spots? No. But a great story was told, and it was entertaining.

He also had another great match with Bret Hart at Royal Rumble 1996. He wasn't nearly as stiff as he was before, but still sold the fact that he was "that dead guy." Once again, IMO, it was entertaining stuff.

And I don't think Mick Foley should be given as much credit as you are throwing out there. Taker was changing with the times. The supernatural stuff still worked, but the WWF was moving into a more realistic type of programming. They were beginning to shed themselves of most "gimmick" and they were moving toward more realism. Foley took a beating like no one I have ever seen, but Taker always carried the offensive side of the matches.

I do agree that Taker's worst matches came under the American Bad Ass gimmick. I hated that gimmick, but that's another story. He was a bit out of shape, banged up and just looked slower. But let's not act like the guy was taking a shit out there every night. He still put on some decent matches, as someone pointed out earlier.

Batista GAVE Taker a great match at Mania? Is that supposed to be a joke? Batista has never carried another wrestler in a match, in his life. I saw that match live, and on DVD later, and while Dave did a hell of job, it was an equally great performance by Taker. Why would you even throw that in there? Are you really that big of a Cena mark that you need to tear down everything Taker has down just so John can win a fantasy tournament?

Taker gave Kozlov a win...and Kozlov sucks. It's not like Taker was scouting this guy, telling the world he was going to be the next big thing. Blame that on McMahon, Hayes, whoever. But to make fun of Taker for losing a bum they TOLD him to lose to is just weak. Plus, there is a bigggg difference between getting a quick pin on Taker on Smackdown, and beating him clean in the main event of any PPV. Big difference. Taker is the most over guy in the company, so by default (combined with his 20 year career), beating Taker is easily a bigger deal than beating John Cena..right now, maybe not in 5 years, but right now yes.

The Miz is the most improved character, but I wouldn't say the most improved wrestler. And yes, anytime a mid carder (who already has a TON of talent on the mic) moves up to face off against the face of the company, his stock is going to rise. But let's not act like he has become the hottest thing in wrestling since his deal with Cena. He's won tag team and US gold, neither of the big belts. It helped him, but not as much as you are putting out there. Khali...come on, really? The man was a walking gimmick, another monster for Cena to slay, and then a monster for Batista to slay. Let's not overstate his importance.

You talk about how average Taker's matches have been, besides his matches with HBK, Batista, etc. What about Cena? Outside of HBK aroud Wrestlemania 23, when has Cena put on a performance that would make him in any way superior to Taker? When did John Cena become the greatest in-ring competitor out there? There is a reason the man is boo'ed by live audiences. Does he take more heat than he should? Absolutely. But if he were out there putting on great matches week in and week out, month in and month out, it wouldn't happen. He be as loved by everyone as he is by women and children. Taker has NEVER had that happen to him. Never. I think that alone shows just how big Taker has been in pro wrestling.

Foley gave the Undertaker character new life. Foley gave Undertaker somebody that he can work well with and actually have entertaining matches and they did for that two-year period.

What I saw from Undertaker when he faced Batista was better than anything I've seen from him in a year and a half except for his match with Angle. The only wrestlers I think Undertaker has a natural chemistry with are Foley, Angle, HBK, and Batista. 2007 was arguably the best year Undertaker ever had and most of that year he was feuding with Batista.

The reason Cena gets booed a lot is because of the competiton he faced when he was first champion. They put him against a fan favorite in Jericho which didn't do him any favors. Angle was the perfect opponent for Cena until he displayed his lack of heel psychology and that damaged Cena even more and then HHH tried everything he could to embarrass Cena but luckily he came out on top.

As for the Khali argument, there were plenty of people who could have won the belt in that battle royal. Kane was the number one contender before Edge got injured and Batista was champion for four months that year. Yet they chose Khali. Do you believe that if Khali hadn't faced Cena, he would have still won the belt? I don't. Khali was at his peak in 2006 and didn't get the belt. A month after facing Cena, he got the belt.

Beating Cena is simply more important beating the Undertaker right now because he is the top guy in the company. When Cena was out injured, ratings from RAW dropped. When Undertaker is out, Smackdown just goes on like nothing has happened because he has never been the focal point of a company, let alone a brand.
The Undertaker was horrible in 2002 and his heel turn was a flop because the fans still cheered him. The best match he had that year was with Flair and when that is the case, you had a bad year. It took a broken hand and HIAC for Brock Lesnar to beat the Undertaker when he could have easily done the job for him a month earlier at Unforgiven. Undertaker was just going through the motions that year as he has done most years.

I beg to differ. The Undertaker was in a rut for almost a year leading up to that match and Batista had been three or four months removed from coming back from injury so the ring rust was coming off. Putting them together benefitted both wrestlers but Undertaker finally became interested in the first time in a long time.

This is what we call a difference of opinions, however, I'm sure I could find much more people to agree that the Undertaker had some great matches over the last 10 years while you on the other hand would struggle to find many people with your same opinion that the Undertaker basically sucks.

Also the Undertaker wasn't in much of a rut before facing Batista at Mania 23. After coming back from injury he had a solid first feud back with Mr Kennedy. It wasn't spectacular but not bad either. Then he won the Rumble after he and HBK had one of the best finishes to the match ever. A great match goes both ways and Batista didn't "give" Taker anything.

Like I said in an earlier post that was never responded to, Cena is the face of the company. He also beats all of the big name heels like Khali, Edge, Orton, Umaga, Batista etc. but when it comes to taking on other big name main event faces he usually loses.

Wrestlemania 23/Next night on Raw- Split with HBK

Night of Champions 2008- Loses to Triple H

Summerslam 2008- Loses to Batista.

The Undertaker is the exact kind of guy that Cena would lose too. Cena would then turn around and beat whoever the biggest heel at the time is, in some gimmick match that doesn't seem to favor him at all. But the fact remains Taker would most likely go over Cena.
This is what we call a difference of opinions, however, I'm sure I could find much more people to agree that the Undertaker had some great matches over the last 10 years while you on the other hand would struggle to find many people with your same opinion that the Undertaker basically sucks.

Also the Undertaker wasn't in much of a rut before facing Batista at Mania 23. After coming back from injury he had a solid first feud back with Mr Kennedy. It wasn't spectacular but not bad either. Then he won the Rumble after he and HBK had one of the best finishes to the match ever. A great match goes both ways and Batista didn't "give" Taker anything.

Like I said in an earlier post that was never responded to, Cena is the face of the company. He also beats all of the big name heels like Khali, Edge, Orton, Umaga, Batista etc. but when it comes to taking on other big name main event faces he usually loses.

Wrestlemania 23/Next night on Raw- Split with HBK

Night of Champions 2008- Loses to Triple H

Summerslam 2008- Loses to Batista.

The Undertaker is the exact kind of guy that Cena would lose too. Cena would then turn around and beat whoever the biggest heel at the time is, in some gimmick match that doesn't seem to favor him at all. But the fact remains Taker would most likely go over Cena.

Losing to big name main event faces has happened to the Undertaker as well.

No Way Out 2006- Lost to Angle

Cyber Sunday 2007- Lost to Batista

Some Smackdown in 2008- Lost to Jeff Hardy

Cena would be the exact kind of guy that Undertaker would lose to.

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