Report: Sting Not Signed With WWE Yet?


There's a report out on a few sites suggesting the possibility that Sting hasn't signed a deal with WWE. According to the report, Sting's next scheduled appearances will be in the U.K. on March 14th & 15th for a pair of cards put on by Revolution Pro Wrestling. Back in November, it was reported that Ric Flair was scheduled for these appearances but as he's signed a new WWE contract, WWE has the right to override any outside wrestling project Flair is committed to. As one would expect, Flair has indeed pulled out of the appearances, according to Revolution Pro Wrestling, but the promotion has announced that Sting is his replacement.

Over the past few months, virtually every report going about gave the impression or flat out stated, at least based on what "sources" have said, that it's all but certain Sting will sign with WWE. Other reports have stated that WWE hasn't been in any rush to sign Sting and that signing him isn't a top priority at this point. So take it all for what it's worth.

This doesn't necessarily mean that Sting is no longer interested in signing with WWE or vice versa, but could be a further indicator that WWE genuinely has no plans for Sting to be part of WrestleMania this year. If that's the case, then it's possible that Sting could pop up sometime during the post WrestleMania season. Generally speaking, May or June is usually the start of what some people refer to as the "doldrums" in which things very much slow down. Again, if that turns out to be the case, maybe it's the best thing to do since Sting coming to WWE could bring some additional interest along with some potentially fresh feuds for current stars during the post WrestleMania down season.
Mania doesn't need Sting. The post Mania months do. While I personally believe that the lull period between Mania & SummerSlam produces some of the best matches and is a chance for new talent to emerge, nothing actually happens. There are no real storylines of note bar a couple involving the headliners. Add Sting, if he signs, to the roster then. If he'll wrestle frequently for TNA then he'll surely do a Goldberg type schedule and appear most weeks and wrestle a good half a dozen PPV matches over a year.
You mean an annual report about Sting's signing around this time of year being imminent that has been released nearly every single year around this time and has been wrong every single time might have been wrong again? You don't say!

As usual, Sting being in WWE is something I won't believe until I see it actually happen. That being said, he still doesn't need to be with the company to prove anything about his career. He's already viewed as a legend and has more titles and accomplishments than he could ever need. Sting coming to WWE would be fun, but it's not something that needs to happen. The fact that it still isn't a lock after people were sure that THIS would be the year doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
It's an interesting situation. For one, I think the MAIN reason Sting would even want to sign with the WWE at this point in his career would be for the chance to work Mania at least once before he hangs them up for good. He's mentioned before that is one the one thing he's wished he had the opportunity to do.

However, if anyone saw him in his last TNA appearances a month ago, he is nowhere near in shape to be put in a ring at Wrestlemania. He's someone that at this point, would be an attraction type of wrestler for that show and what type of attraction would he be as the old guy that doesn't move that fast anymore and wrestles in a t-shirt?

Next years Mania makes more sense for him. It gives him a year to get back into shape, and let's face it... with him being off the average fans radar for so long now they do need to not only re-educate fans on him, but also come up with a character more in tune with who he is today (not a knock on TNA, but lets face it... the average WWE fan doesn't watch their show and has probably barely heard of it... and he's not really the same guy that was the Crow Sting anymore either).

I like the idea floated around here of introducing him after Mania as the new Authority figure on RAW. Build him like that. Protect him by keeping him out of the ring until he's back in shape and then start inserting him in matches leading up to an eventual Mania match at WM31.
I have zero expectations of him being involved in Wrestlemania 30 anyway. I think that, with this past Monday being such a milestone for the promotion, it was pretty much the cutoff for any 'big name' set to be booked for Wrestlemania to make their appearance. With that being said, whether he's signed a contract or not there's very little reason to pull him from a non-physical appearance. With Flair, who knows, it might have been a case of them offering him more to show up at a Raw or Smackdown taping that week to be involved in the pre-show, or some other appearance to advertise the WWE Network and/or Wrestlemania. I might be wrong but it would be odd that they'd pull him from an appearance just because he's under contract. Sting, on the other hand - if he has signed, or is on the brink of signing - isn't going to be involved for the company until beyond Wrestlemania anyway, and if anything outside appearances might 'throw people off the scent', from the company's point of view.

Maybe he has signed, maybe he hasn't; either way, I don't think there's much to read into with this story.
Other reports have stated that WWE hasn't been in any rush to sign Sting and that signing him isn't a top priority at this point.

It must be true that: "Time and tide wait for no man."

A few years ago, Sting might have had WWE practically begging him to sign; we've read all the reports but don't really know for sure what was keeping him away. There were supposed to be some moral issues ol' Steve Borden had against WWE; the fact that negotiations are now taking place make me wonder what became of those. We also read Borden didn't want to work the rugged, rigid WWE schedule; another obstacle that can today be overcome in light of the contracts signed by guys like Brock Lesnar and Rob Van Dam.

On the other hand, the "time & tide" statement might indicate that Sting has yet to sign because his age and physical condition has robbed him of the leverage in negotiations he possessed before. He's still a legendary name, which may have led him to believe he can command a much larger monetary deal.

The part about WWE not being in a hurry to sign him has validity too, in that his separation from TNA (which was only recently announced) cuts off one of Sting's last areas of choice as to where he can go if he doesn't join WWE. Sure, he can re-join TNA, but my feeling is that with their shedding the large contracts of "name" wrestlers, they're just as happy to be rid of Borden's.

In the end, the question is: what is Sting really worth to WWE? A few years ago, when he could still really go in the ring, it was an entirely different question than it is now. Yes, it would be terrific to have him show up in a WWE ring to make some noise on the mic.....and hopefully eke a match or two out of his body..... but how much is that worth to WWE......and most importantly, how much does Steve Borden think it's worth?

That's what the hold-up might be. The fact they don't really need the present-day Sting, at Wrestlemania or beyond, gives them the luxury of stalling negotiations until the company can get Sting on terms more favorable to themselves.

I still hope he gets here, but face it: time ain't exactly on his side anymore.
I don't think people realize HOW MANY times it has been reported that Sting is signing with the WWE. Now this is definitely the hottest the topic has ever been but I have a strange feeling that WWE is going to miss the boat with Sting again.

IF he has not been signed as of today, literally ANYTHING can happen from here on out.
Maybe Sting wants too much money. He sees this as a great way to get some extra cash for retirement and, well, the WWE don't particularly need him. He is hardly The Rock or Lesnar.

It seems this will actually happen this year. Sting is no longer with TNA so it seems he is prime to finally join. Moreover, the Network is in it's first few months and Sting was the face of WCW.

All parties can wait until after Mania. He isn't particularly needed until then and he is a useful asset for the Summer and beyond. Taker, Triple H, Orton and Ambrose are just a few matches I'd like to see.
Most of us keep falling for the same ol line we have been seeing for the past 4 years or so. Sting is close signing with the WWE. Its all about damn there done,all that needs to happen is Sting to fly to Standford and sign on the dotted line. Sting 5-7 years ago,singing with the WWE would have been Epic. Huge Huge news.

Imagine instead of Taker vs Mark Henry it could have been Undertaker vs Sting at WM22. While back then Undertaker could still go,was relatively injuy free,and back then sting signing would have been bigger than angle signing with TNA! But now,meh sting doesn't need WWE or WWE doesn't need him. He is already a legend,doesn't need the WWE to pad his already HOF legacy. IF they do sign him,sign him after WM season he could be useful in the summer months and fall!
Rob Feinstein ( is a very trusted source in the industry and he's practically guaranteeing that Sting has already been signed. He has noted that Sting would not be seen on TV (or PPV) prior to Wrestlemania, but may show up at 'Mania or the next night on Raw. This UK appearance would seem to indicate otherwise, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a swerve on WWE's part (in fact, Feinstein says just that).

First of all, the appearance is 3 whole weeks before Wrestlemania, so it's not as if it's going to conflict with the event. Secondly, as was stated before, WWE has the final say on which events performers can and cannot attend. Since Ric needs to be at Axxess and possibly 'Mania, WWE couldn't take a chance of some sort of International incident or any other trouble he might get into knowing his history. Sting, on the other hand, has a clean track record, so this appearance shouldn't be an issue (and if it was, it's not like they 'have' to use him soon or at all). Finally, the IWC. Vince knows we keep up on things like this, so allowing this appearance makes everyone believe there's no deal and Sting won't appear, thus making a possible surprise appearance at 'Mania or Raw just that..... surprising! It's the same way Daniel Bryan wrestled an Indy show days prior to making a shocking return at SummerSlam 2010 or when Kevin Nash appeared on iMPACT wrestling just days before being a surprise entrant in the 2011 Rumble.

I do think Sting's appearance in the UK will be interesting and very telling. If he appears to be in better shape and is growing his hair out, that should be a good sign he's already under contract or close to it. Also, what he says about WWE (since I'm sure it'll come up in the Q&A) will be noteworthy.

All that being said, I'm still in the group that says, "I'll believe it when I see it." Of course, I said the same thing about Bret Hart, Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, Brock Lesnar, etc....
Rob Feinstein ( is a very trusted source in the industry and he's practically guaranteeing that Sting has already been signed. He has noted that Sting would not be seen on TV (or PPV) prior to Wrestlemania, but may show up at 'Mania or the next night on Raw. This UK appearance would seem to indicate otherwise, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a swerve on WWE's part (in fact, Feinstein says just that).

First of all, the appearance is 3 whole weeks before Wrestlemania, so it's not as if it's going to conflict with the event. Secondly, as was stated before, WWE has the final say on which events performers can and cannot attend. Since Ric needs to be at Axxess and possibly 'Mania, WWE couldn't take a chance of some sort of International incident or any other trouble he might get into knowing his history. Sting, on the other hand, has a clean track record, so this appearance shouldn't be an issue (and if it was, it's not like they 'have' to use him soon or at all). Finally, the IWC. Vince knows we keep up on things like this, so allowing this appearance makes everyone believe there's no deal and Sting won't appear, thus making a possible surprise appearance at 'Mania or Raw just that..... surprising! It's the same way Daniel Bryan wrestled an Indy show days prior to making a shocking return at SummerSlam 2010 or when Kevin Nash appeared on iMPACT wrestling just days before being a surprise entrant in the 2011 Rumble.

I do think Sting's appearance in the UK will be interesting and very telling. If he appears to be in better shape and is growing his hair out, that should be a good sign he's already under contract or close to it. Also, what he says about WWE (since I'm sure it'll come up in the Q&A) will be noteworthy.

All that being said, I'm still in the group that says, "I'll believe it when I see it." Of course, I said the same thing about Bret Hart, Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, Brock Lesnar, etc....

I know Feinstein still has his contacts in the business, but I find it hard to believe that he of all people has the scoop on this, and that no one else is confirming it yet.

First off, do Feinstein and Sting have a relationship? Let's keep in mind too that Sting is a born again christian, and Feinstein is the guy that got busted trying to pick up underage boys. On the surface, it doesn't really seem like they'd be close enough that Sting would be giving Feinstein this information (and if it's not Sting, then who is Feinstein's source, and how trustworthy are they?)

I'm not saying that it's not true, or that even if he hasn't yet, that Sting won't sign with the WWE... but I just wouldn't take Rob Feinstein's word on it.
I'm over this Sting nonsense. We've heard it every single year since 2001.

Even if he does come in, have you seen him? He's a fat, unathletic old man with barely a hair on his head. Getting ripped at 55 is close to impossible and anyway, it's not going to restore his hair. When the match gets going and the strands unravel, he looks like Doc Brown. I'd rather remember him in WCW (luckily nobody watches TNA) than see a stiff, bald old fool in WWE. WWE has Lesnar, Cena, Bryan, Wyatt and others ready to feed to 'Taker; Sting isn't needed.
Im kinda on the fence on this whole Sting issue or has he or hasn't yet signed with WWE. Im under the impression of Ill believe it when he is on WWE TV or a headline on WWE.COM. Im scratching my head on why of all people they chose his action figure to showcase on the article on action figures we didnt know about and next to all people the Undertaker. Also when Apter did his article on Sting on the site and they sent out a tweet about it they used Stings official Twitter handle. Typically they wouldnt use a twitter handle of a wrestler who isnt with them.

I want to think of the best scenario of that he is signed and his overseas appearance is just a smokescreen. We will have to see. Also it may turn out to be the same situation that Brock Lesnar did. Everyone assumed he would be coming back a few yers back at Mania but showed up at the end of Raw. Im hoping Taker comes out and says it was a hard battle against Lesnar and that he needs to time to think about things and his future and when he is about to leave, Sting shows up and challenges him for next years Mania and we have the year long build and in the meantime Sting wrestles a few times before then.

One can only hope.
I few years ago I would have slightly smiled at the thought of sting in wwe, now if he shows up I don't want him with the undertaker, I would expect him in a stable of great kahli, hornswaggle, and natalya. But but but he paints his face? So do clowns, maybe he could join ICP
Im hoping Taker comes out and says it was a hard battle against Lesnar and that he needs to time to think about things and his future and when he is about to leave, Sting shows up and challenges him for next years Mania and we have the year long build and in the meantime Sting wrestles a few times before then.

One can only hope.

Here's how I think it might go down. Before Raw, it will be announced that Undertaker will make a huge announcement that night. Michael Cole will inform us that 'rumors' have been circulating that Undertaker is going to announce his retirement. In the final segment, the lights go out and Undertaker makes his usual entrance with all the bells and whistles. He starts talking about his amazing career and all his accomplishments. He mentions the streak and how, during his long career, he's met ever challenge, every obstacle to come his way and has defeated every opponent in the business. Just then the lights go out and a spotlight in the rafters shows Sting standing there. Sting and Undertaker have a stare-down as Raw goes off the air.

From there, I don't know how WWE wants to build the program. Personally, I think they should have Sting and Undertaker's first match at SummerSlam (or, perhaps, Survivor Series which would take place after the initial 6-month WWE Network commitment and would be the selling point for the next 6-month commitment). At the event, Sting would go over on Undertaker which would be to put doubt in people's minds as to whether or not Undertaker could actually defeat Sting. Of course this would set up the Wrestlemania match where Undertaker would get his win back and the streak would remain intact. Also, this way everyone goes home happy. Sting gets his big win, gets a match on the grandest stage of them all and the streak is unblemished. Win, win, win.
If I'm remembering correctly, it's about this time of year where Dixie Carter always talks Sting into coming back. I'm not sure about the rest of you, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if she does it again
If I'm remembering correctly, it's about this time of year where Dixie Carter always talks Sting into coming back. I'm not sure about the rest of you, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if she does it again
That's true, unless he has already signed with WWE. Pretty sure he can't back out of the contract to sign with TNA.
I love how something that has NOT happened is considered a "Report".

If something didn't happen, then it just didn't happen. There is nothing to report.

Get back to me when/if he DOES sign, or if he is at least seen in WWE headquarters or something. This whole "Sting to the WWE" speculation has reached absurd levels.
Don't even care anymore. It was a cool concept a few weeks ago, but now I'm much more interested in how the WWE is going to fare with the fans turning on Cena, Batista and Orton + No Punk and top guys like Del Rio leaving + guys who are always around like Jericho opting not to return. Would rather that screen time go to a younger/fresher superstar.
Agreed. This Sting versus Taker match would have been golden in 2001 after WCW folded or even the few years after it. Now they are both old, and both past their prime. It's difficult to market a feud when you are asking fans to feel nostalgic over something they already felt nostalgic over.
Agreed. This Sting versus Taker match would have been golden in 2001 after WCW folded or even the few years after it. Now they are both old, and both past their prime. It's difficult to market a feud when you are asking fans to feel nostalgic over something they already felt nostalgic over.
Thankfully they both have gimmicks that sort of hide their age. As long as Sting can get in decent shape (which, honestly, shouldn't be that difficult), I think the match will work. Will it be as good as it could have been 10-15 years ago? Of course not! But can it still draw? Yes. Will fans still get excited? No doubt. The true dream match that is Sting vs. Undertaker is dead and gone, but they can still have a match that will satisfy fans.

Seriously, if Undertaker can deliver Old School, the apron legdrop, Hell's Gate and a couple tombstones and Sting can execute a few Stinger Splashes, a big drop kick, a Scorpion Deathdrop and a Scorpion Deathlock..... all will be just fine.

Let's be real for a moment, though..... the most exciting part of this program, and what the fans really want is the build-up and the ring entrances. That's 90% of the hype right there! WWE does amazing video promos and the ring entrances will be a piece of cake. The match itself is almost an afterthought.
Unless Sting is willing to take a majorly drastic paycut, he won't go back to TNA.

Last I heard, the WWE and Sting were discussing merchandising ideas (shirts, etc), but I never heard anything after that.

I think he still comes over, but I could care less either way at this point. I have the Network to watch Sting now. Personally, I never expected him at WM in the first place.
how bout this. maybe sting did sign and as a swerve wwe is letting him do the signing and appearances just to confused the marks.

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