Return of the Championship Scramble?


Quote the Raven, nevermore.
Did that get you excited? Or does it mean absolutely nothing to you? The point of this thread I guess, is to see whether or not you would be interested in seeing the Championship Scramble match return to WWE. It doesn't just have to be for the WWE title (imagine the chaos of a tag title scramble? lol).

So I guess my 3 main questions are:

1. Do you want to see it return?
2. Would you have it for just the WWE title or all of them?
3. Would you want to see it as a PPV theme?

Let me know what you think. Here's a link of 2008's Scramble match for the WWE Championship.
Do you want to see it return?

No. It was a really stupid match type that gives me a headache just thinking about, let alone watching. I hope it never comes back. The Championship Scramble was one of the worst match types I have ever seen.

Would you have it for just the WWE title or all of them?

None of them. If this match type ever did come back, it should be used for a #1 contendership, not for the actual titles. It somewhat makes sense when used for a contendership spot, but it's too frustrating when a title is involved. Luckily WWE has spared us the idiocy by not doing these matches for several years.

Would you want to see it as a PPV theme?

Absolutely not. I'd rather see the Punjabi Prison Match get its own PPV before they ever try the Championship Scramble again. It was stupid and should remain in the past where it belongs. I give the WWE credit for trying something new when they did these matches, but it didn't work and there's a reason we haven't seen one in over 5 years.
I wouldn't mind seeing it again. I wouldn't want it to be an annual themed pay-per-view, but it's something interesting to do once in awhile.
I LOVED the Championship Scramble, from the minute it was introduced. I thought it was a very unique and innovative match, and I've never understood the hate for it. I'd love to see it come back. The only thing that needs to change is that the announcers need to understand that if the same guy walks out as champion who walks in, the title did NOT change hands. I think it was at The Great American Bash 2009 where Tommy Dreamer retained the ECW Championship in a Scramble match, and was announced by the ring announcer as the "new" ECW Champion, and even one of the commentators had to correct the error, saying the ring announcer made a mistake.
The only thing I didn't like about the scramble was that all the competitors didn't start the match together. The last guy would be fresh yes, but he'd only have 5 minutes of action which is a bit cheap for a Championship match.

I think they would be particularly well served for the IC/US titles at the minute. An IC scramble of Harper, Ziggler, BNB, Cesaro and RVD could be a great match.
I agree with the idea that it should be all 5 guys in the match at once, but it is kind of a giant clusterfuck. Plus I found it really stupid when they had the WWE Championship scramble match and when Jeff Hardy was the "champion" during the match I remember he was going for a pinfall at the same time as Triple H I believe and Trips ended up getting the pin. I remember thinking "Jeff, you idiot, you didn't need the pin, you should have been breaking it up!"

So, only when it's absolutely necessary, and only if they change the rules a little.
I agree with the idea that it should be all 5 guys in the match at once, but it is kind of a giant clusterfuck. Plus I found it really stupid when they had the WWE Championship scramble match and when Jeff Hardy was the "champion" during the match I remember he was going for a pinfall at the same time as Triple H I believe and Trips ended up getting the pin. I remember thinking "Jeff, you idiot, you didn't need the pin, you should have been breaking it up!"

So, only when it's absolutely necessary, and only if they change the rules a little.
I remember thinking that too during the Jeff Hardy/Triple H one. I just chalked it up to Jeff making a mistake under the pressure and time crunch, which does happen in real sports.

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