Returns You Would Like To See

I can definitely get behind Simmons as a manager, the problem is nobody wants to hear him say anything other than "DAMN!" I hate to say it because I don't think we need another racially motivated stable, but he'd be great for Ezekial Jackson (Ahmed Johnson type with no personality) and maybe even Tyler Reks... two big guys with good looks but no personality.

I'd love to see Raven back in WWE just because he's great for TV. No need for another Flock, but he'd have some great promos against Punk, Ziggler, and really fits the whole 'play by your own rules' gimmick which seems to always get over (Austin, Rock, Punk, Mankind)

The Hunico/Epico/Primo stable needs a mouthpiece... who better than a former Latino superstar like Primo, Savio Vega or Konnan?

New Age Outlaws rule, I'd love to see them back raging hell. Like James Storm said, there's no more characters on TV. We need more... not characters like Boogeyman or Kevin Thorne, but just fun characters.
I'll jump straight to the point and just list off some returns I would love to see.
Chris Jericho, Batista, Kurt Angle, Goldberg. I believe those are all possibilities too. Even if not full time.
If I were to want to see anyone return it would be Tajiri due to his in ring ability. Any big name from the AE or even past that returning would overshadow the current rosters and pushes. Tajiri is a great in ring worker that could have great matches with the likes of Ziggler, Miz, and mostly Evan Bourne. He is one of my favorites to ever be released from WWE since I believe he was very talented. I am a sucker for the buzz-aw kick and the mist that he spit out of his mouth. It would be interesting to see his interaction with the current roster, and with the solid mod carders of today it would lead to a great feud with a fantastic technician like Tajiri.
I’m a Jericho mark and would love for him to return which I’m hoping the new vignettes are referring to.

One day I hope that Kurt Angle returns to WWE for just one last run, even if it’s just for a Wrestlemania season of 4-5 months or something. Anything involving Angle back in WWE would have me marking out so hard. He’s hands down the best in ring competitor in wrestling today and for him to be wasting his talents in TNA is heartbreaking. I understand his commitment to them and his desire to work less dates but I think he could really pull off one last amazing run in WWE feuding with the likes of Punk or Bryan or even Cena. His work speaks for itself and WWE as well as Angle could benefit amazingly from a return, even if it’s just a short run before retiring.
Batista- Just when he was becoming awesome he left. Apart from Cena there was really no one on his level. He had beaten Orton, Undertaker and HHH several times. He is on the Cena level, and for him to come back would put a huge but current star back inot the fold.

Thanks to his work with Taker, his ring work had improved big time, and his mic work was fanatsic in his last 6 months thanks to becoming a heel.

He would be a great re-edition to RAW.
Melina - One of the many Amazing female talents released, but she was my favorite, and I miss her dearly, in the ring, and especially her heel persona

Kurt Angle - I really want him vs Orton again. Him vs Punk would be amazing, and I wouldn't mind seeing him and Cody in any fashion
London & Kendrick- one of my favorite teams ever. loved these guys they were fast pace and put on some great tag matches during their run on smackdown.

Noble- pretty sure hes retired but id want him back as a manager. loved this guy on the mike his southern redneck gimmick was fantastic and he was one of teh best guys in the CW division.

Worlds Greatest Tag Team- im a huge fan of the tag division. These guys were/are the best team in teh business today imo. I liked Benjamins run as a singles superstar but I would love to see these guys back to bring the tag division back.

Lashley- a lot of ppl didnt like the guy but i thought he was pretty good. Would like to see him back in the mid card to help that division out since i think guys like Rhodes and Dolph are going to be moving to the main event soon and theyve been carying the midcard for awhile now.

Masters- same reasons as Lashley. Thought his last run would be good for him but just when hed build some momentum hed be shut down just as fast. Good mid card guy and pretty good on the mike and in the ring.

Jericho- obvious reasons. Id love to see him feud with guys like Punk, Miz, Dolph, Christian, Taker and others. The guy is one of the best the business has ever seen. Not much more explanation needed for this guy.

Rhyno- same as Lashley and Masters. Mid card guy. I like his work i think its pretty solid. Also a veteran that could give the rub to some young up and coming talents.

Kennedy- the guy is great. Its unfortunate that he was plagued with injuries during his run but I think if he returned he would make a nice addition to the main event scene.

Kozlov- i actually enjoyed his singles run he first had when he debuted on sd. I know HHH was carrying the guy but i like the russian mawler gimmick he had. I hated the tag with Santino at first but the guys ended up working pretty well together. So either have him in teh mid card as a heel or tag division with Santino again.

JBL- return the guy to commentary. Really enjoyed him on it and his pairing with Cole was funny since Cole such a wuss and JBL is a big dude and was sarcastic at times. I think him and Mathews on SD would be a good pairing. Get Book out of there and back in teh ring full time. Also would be a good trainer on Tough Enough if it returns...

Carlito- return him with the new group they got going. This guy would have been great in teh main event. He was great on teh mike and very good in teh ring. I think he was in the doghouse a lot becasue his attitude wasnt the best but he sure was entertaining.

I could go on and on. I wanna see teh brands seperated again but right now there just isnt enough talent to evenly spread it. But if they brought back a few guys then I think it would work out. SD could get the tag division, Raw the mid card title and divas. Then the world and wwe titles on either brand.

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