Round 1: Knuckles vs. Luke Cage

Who wins?

  • Knuckles

  • Luke Cage

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Round One


Two brawlers go toe to toe here, but there's one major difference. One is a massive man with bullet proof skin, and the other is an echidna. Can Knuckles roll onto round two, or will Luke Cage power is way through?

Okay, I have to go to bat for my boy Knuckles.

If there's one echidna whose fisticuffs can puncture Luke's skin, it's this one. Not only is he pretty fast and incredibly strong, Knuckles can also channel the power of the Chaos Emeralds to become Hyper Knuckles, making him even faster and even stronger. Knuckles can speed up to or glide to Luke, brawl with him, and come out on top.

That said, I love me some Luke Cage and maybe on a good day if he can wait out Hyper Knuckles and deprive him of his rings, he has a good chance of going over. But I really think Knux can sneak in the W.
Doc's argument is what put Knuckles over the edge for me. Cage has bullet proof skin and is a tough hombre but Knuckles is pretty fast and IIRC correctly his actual knuckles are overgrown bone with a sharp point. That could easily punch some holes in Cage. I'll give it to Knuckles.

This would be a hell of a fist fight to watch
I previously voted for LC, as I am a HUGE fan, but Doc's argument has me second-guessing myself. Sure, the echidna is fast as fuck and strong and all, but this IS bullet-proof skin we're talking about here, although now I do wonder if that really matters...
On the fence as of now.

I voted Luke Cage because this is going to be a brawl. Sure, Knuckles has his spinning ability, but since he's not as fast as Sonic, it's not going to be as effective, and would likely be nothing more than an evasion tactic for Knucks. That essentially makes this into a brawl, and Luke Cage just packs a way harder punch than Knuckles. Knuckles' major weapon is... well... his knuckles, which are spiked and could do some serious damage to most people's flesh... but Luke Cage's flesh is IMPENETRABLE.

It's impenetrable to blades (except ones made of adamantium and MAYBE vibranium), gun shots, shrapnel, and even lasers.

There's nothing Knuckles can do to beat Cage, all he can hope to do is avoid being killed.

Luke Cage and his impenetrable skin move to the next round.
Knuckles has access to the Master Emerald, and has in the past shown the ability to utilize them and the Chaos Emeralds to power up into Super and Hyper versions of himself. In these modes, he is immune to damage and his speed and power increase. Cage has nothing for that.

Knuckles Wins.
DirtyJosé;4114405 said:
Knuckles has access to the Master Emerald, and has in the past shown the ability to utilize them and the Chaos Emeralds to power up into Super and Hyper versions of himself. In these modes, he is immune to damage and his speed and power increase. Cage has nothing for that.

Knuckles Wins.

I agree with this, as I know I've seen a Super Knuckles before. Even if Cage has unbreakable skin, that still doesn't make him KO proof. If Super Knuckles is anywhere close to the level of Super Sonic then a barrage of punches should be all that's necessary to take Cage out.

Voted for Knuckles and it's still tied.
Voting Knuckles to give him the lead.

He is quick. He is strong. He can overcome any odds. Cage is both of these, but not on the level of Knuckles. Plus the rings. Knuckles can recollect these any time needed and gain his extra bit of life. Cage may be a street fighter, and he may have very strong skin; but he doesn't have enough to overcome Knuckles.
Voting Knuckles to give him the lead.

He is quick. He is strong. He can overcome any odds. Cage is both of these, but not on the level of Knuckles. Plus the rings. Knuckles can recollect these any time needed and gain his extra bit of life. Cage may be a street fighter, and he may have very strong skin; but he doesn't have enough to overcome Knuckles.

Not very strong skin... IMPENETRABLE. As in, it can't be broken. As in, unless Knuckles has an extremely high powered laser (which he doesn't), he can't break it. His only hope would be to cause internal bleeding to Cage which he would never be able to do.

Knuckles has one advantage of Cage, and that's his ability to evade. His wall climbing, gliding, and rolling abilities will make this fight drag on, but once Cage gets his hands on Knuckles it's game over. He's much much much stronger than Knuckles and probably just as good a brawler, if not better.

Even with the Chaos Emeralds, I don't see Knuckles having enough to take on Cage.
Not very strong skin... IMPENETRABLE. As in, it can't be broken. As in, unless Knuckles has an extremely high powered laser (which he doesn't), he can't break it. His only hope would be to cause internal bleeding to Cage which he would never be able to do.

Knuckles has one advantage of Cage, and that's his ability to evade. His wall climbing, gliding, and rolling abilities will make this fight drag on, but once Cage gets his hands on Knuckles it's game over. He's much much much stronger than Knuckles and probably just as good a brawler, if not better.

Even with the Chaos Emeralds, I don't see Knuckles having enough to take on Cage.

In World War Hulk Cage was defeated by Hiroim, one of the dudes from the Planet Hulk planet. Hiroim has basically super strength and the ability to turn into a rock. That's it. If Cage can be taken down by Hiroim, no doubt Super Knuckles and his Chaos Emeralds would be able to take him down as well.

Knuckles wins.
I just want to clear a small detail up quickly, that probably won't much of a difference in the long run. But listed on Knuckles bio it states that the Chaos emeralds can be used to transform him into Hyper Knuckles; they're actually used for the Super Knuckles transformation. It's the ever-rare Super Emeralds that make the Hyper transformation possible.

I'm also not sure where ya'll think Knuckles is getting the rings he needs to stay in a transformed state. One ring lost per second, that's the rate. He needs 50 AND the Chaos emeralds to transform, and IF he has access to all of that he has at most 50 seconds to finish the fight, unless he can find more rings at a ratio of more than 1 ring per second.

I'm also not sold that Knuckles would just have the 7 chaos emeralds. He's the only creature who can control the Master Emerald, but as there is probably a powerful need for Angel Island to stay IN THE SKY, he probably isn't going to just take it with him to a tournament. I also think his strength is being over-exaggerated. He can shatter BOULDERS not mountains, in his regular form.

So Knuckles is an experienced fighter and guardian; Luke Cage is an experience fighter and martial artist. Knuckles has incredible strength; Luke Cage has incredible strength. Knuckles is agile, can glide around and burrow like a champ. Cage would have a hard time actually getting to Knuckles, but I don't see the offense on the part of the echidna to take out Cage. What's he going to do, punch through his armor-like skin? The only that has been shown to really do damage to him is adamantium weapons. Knucks is strong, but he's no Wolverine. Speaking of which, Cage's regen powers are also pretty impressive.

He is quick.
Noted. Not THAT quick, but he is agile.

He is strong.
Arguably not as strong as Luke Cage.

He can overcome any odds.
This is...not a real point.

Cage is both of these, but not on the level of Knuckles.
Again. Not a real point unless you can provide an example of how Knuckles is actually stronger than Power Man.

Plus the rings. Knuckles can recollect these any time needed and gain his extra bit of life.
To my knowledge rings don't have healing powers. They're a platforming gimmick to give you an extra hit before death; as long as you have one you can only insta-die by falling in a hole. And uh...I'm still curious as to where these rings are coming from. This fight isn't going down in Green Hill Zone.

Cage may be a street fighter, and he may have very strong skin; but he doesn't have enough to overcome Knuckles.
This is your third point that isn't a real point.
I also think his strength is being over-exaggerated. He can shatter BOULDERS not mountains, in his regular form.
Even if he stays in his regular form, he can shatter nearly anything. Maybe not the skin of Cage, but he can certainly damage the internal organs.

Knuckles is agile, can glide around and burrow like a champ. Cage would have a hard time actually getting to Knuckles, but I don't see the offense on the part of the echidna to take out Cage.
Cage would have trouble getting to Knuckles. And when he does get to him, Cage will only be able to get a shot or two in, and Knuckles could possible manage to escape and the more this happens, the more pissed off Knucks will get. We all know how bad his temper is.

What's he going to do, punch through his armor-like skin?
No, he is going to attack the inside. You don't have to break skin to cause damage. You don't have to bleed to lose. When Knuckles hits Cage, the damage on the inside will overcome the damage on the out. And the few times i believe Cage can hit Knuckles, wont be near enough.

Again. Not a real point unless you can provide an example of how Knuckles is actually stronger than Power Man.
I don't know enough about Cage to state any of his feats of strength. But, many times as a child, I saw Knuckles show amazing strength. Knuckles strength can and has been noted as the equivalent of his buddy Sonic's speed.
Luke Cage isn't that strong... ironic, considering his previous moniker was Power Man. However, he is super tough, super durable and he is an excellent fighter. Knuckles may be quick but through his training with Iron Fist, Cage would be well versed in hitting with speed.

I see this as a war of durability and that is Knuckles major let down. Without power ups, Power Man will outlast the Guardian of Master Island.

Edit: Hmmm, should have checked the closing time. Congrats to Knuckles and his supporters.
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