Round 1 Results/Round 2 Matchups


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Round 1 Results

Hogan Region

Omaga Subregion

(1) Hulk Hogan b. (32) Ahmed Johnson 30-3
(16) Jack Brisco b. (17) Giant Baba 18-4

(8) Goldberg b. (25) Jeff Jarrett 29-2
(9) Eddie Guerrero b. (24) Christian 24-5

Chicago Subregion

(4) Dusty Rhodes b. (29) Jumbo Tsuruta 20-4
(13) Great Muta vs. (20) Kofi Kingston 26-7

(5) Chris Jericho b. (28) Tully Blanchard 25-1
(12) Jake Roberts b. (21) Carlos Colon 15-10

Rio de Janeiro Subregion

(2) Bret Hart b. (31) Karl Gotch 24-5
(15) Dory Funk Jr. b. (18) Arn Anderson 18-9

(7) Edge b. (26) Kerry Von Erich 22-3
(23) Buddy Rogers b. (10) Curt Hennig 14-10

Toronto Subregion

(3) Randy Savage b. (30) Hawk 25-1
(14) Stan Hansen b. (19) Big Daddy 22-7

(27) Antonino Rocca b. (6) Rey Mysterio 17-15
(11) Billy Graham b. (22) Kevin Owens 17-8

Cena Region

Sacramento Subregion

(1) John Cena b. (32) Billy Robinson 17-0
(16) Scott Hall b. (17) Ted DiBiase 18-7

(8) Terry Funk b. (25) Tatsumi Fujinami 19-1
(9) Brock Lesnar b. (24) Seth Rollins 25-2

Melbourne Subregion

(4) Sting b. (29) Bubba Ray Dudley 25-1
(13) Rob Van Dam b. (20) Scott Steiner 17-15

(5) Randy Orton b. (28) Paul Orndorff 20-0
(21) Samoa Joe b. (12) Jerry Lawler 17-14

Denver Subregion

(2) Undertaker b. (31) Tito Santana 19-0
(15) Blue Demon b. (18) Sheamus 12-12 (2-1 Tiebreaker)

(7) Ricky Steamboat b. (26) Giant Haystacks 15-2
(10) El Santo b. (23) Ultimo Dragon 17-5

Billings Subregion

(3) Lou Thesz b. (30) Ricky Banderas 21-1
(14) Mil Mascaras b. (19) John Bradshaw Layfield 13-9

(6) CM Punk b. (27) Pedro Morales 18-5
(11) Harley Race b. (22) Dynamite Kid 24-0

Austin Region

Tokyo Subregion

(1) Steve Austin b. (32) Masahiro Chono 24-1
(17) Diamond Dallas Page b. (16) Sgt. Slaughter 26-4

(8) Antonio Inoki b. (25) Barry Windham 22-3
(9) Verne Gagne b. Abdullah the Butcher 19-2

Minneapolis Subregion

(4) Bruno Sammartino b. (29) Gory Guerrero 21-1
(13) Jushin Thunder Liger b. (20) Jeff Hardy 12-12 (Tiebreaker 6-4)

(5) Mick Foley b. (28) Junkyard Dog 24-0
(12) Bob Backlund b. (21) Gorgeous George 14-7

Portland Subregion

(2) Shawn Michaels b. (31) X-Pac 24-0
(15) Chris Benoit b. (18) Sid Vicious 19-16

(7) Ultimate Warrior b. (26) Dos Caras 20-0
(23) Shinsuke Nakamura b. (10) Kevin Nash 17-16

Lexington Subregion

(3) Triple H b. (30) Mick McManus 29-1
(14) Lex Luger b. (19) Goldust 16-11

(6) Mitsuharu Misawa b. (27) Greg Valentine 20-4
(11) Kenta Kobashi b. (22) Ron Simmons 22-2

Rock Region

New York City Subregion

(1) The Rock b. (32) Blackjack Mulligan 21-1
(16) Rikidozan b. (17) Owen Hart 13-8

(8) AJ Styles b. (25) Sami Zayn 25-0
(9) Vader b. (24) Finn Balor 25-4

Las Vegas Subregion

(4) Kurt Angle b. (29) Ken Shamrock 29-0
(13) Rick Rude b. (20) Tiger Mask I 14-7

(5) Roddy Piper b. (28) Genichiro Tenryu 18-2
(12) Kane b. (21) Bruiser Brody 20-5

Leeds Subregion

(2) Ric Flair b. (31) Shinya Hashimoto 22-0
(15) British Bulldog b. (18) Jimmy Snuka 17-6

(7) Daniel Bryan b. (26) Perro Aguayo 24-0
(23) Hiroshi Tanahashi b. (10) Big Show 14-10

Birmingham Subregion

(3) Andre the Giant b. (30) Alberto Del Rio 28-2
(14) Booker T. b. (19) The Miz 20-13

(6) Nick Bockwinkel b. (27) Rick Martel 19-1
(11) Batista b. (22) Roman Reigns 26-9

Round 2 Matchups

Hogan Region

Omaga Subregion

(1) Hulk Hogan vs. (16) Jack Brisco
(8) Goldberg vs. (9) Eddie Guerrero

Chicago Subregion

(4) Dusty Rhodes vs. (13) Great Muta
(5) Chris Jericho vs. (12) Jake Roberts

Rio de Janeiro Subregion

(2) Bret Hart vs. (15) Dory Funk Jr.
(7) Edge vs. (23) Buddy Rogers

Toronto Subregion

(3) Randy Savage vs. (14) Stan Hansen
(11) Billy Graham vs. (27) Antonino Rocca

Cena Region

Sacramento Subregion

(1) John Cena vs. (16) Scott Hall
(8) Terry Funk vs. (9) Brock Lesnar

Melbourne Subregion

(4) Sting vs. (13) Rob Van Dam
(5) Randy Orton vs. (21) Samoa Joe

Denver Subregion

(2) Undertaker vs. (15) Blue Demon Jr.
(7) Ricky Steamboat vs. (10) El Santo

Billings Subregion

(3) Lou Thesz vs. (14) Mil Mascaras
(6) CM Punk vs. (11) Harley Race

Austin Region

Tokyo Subregion

(1) Steve Austin vs. (17) Diamond Dallas Page
(8) Antonio Inoki vs. (9) Verne Gagne

Minneapolis Subregion

(4) Bruno Sammartino vs. (13) Jushin Thunder Liger
(5) Mick Foley vs. (12) Bob Backlund

Portland Subregion

(2) Shawn Michaels vs. (15) Chris Benoit
(7) Ultimate Warrior vs. (23) Shinsuke Nakamura

Lexington Subregion

(3) Triple H vs. (14) Lex Luger
(6) Mitsuharu Misawa vs. (11) Kenta Kobashi

Rock Region

New York City Subregion

(1) The Rock vs. (16) Rikidozan
(8) AJ Styles vs. (9) Vader

Las Vegas Subregion

(4) Kurt Angle vs. (13) Rick Rude
(5) Roddy Piper vs. (12) Kane

Leeds Subregion

(2) Ric Flair vs. (15) British Bulldog
(7) Daniel Bryan vs. (23) Hiroshi Tanahashi

Birmingham Subregion

(3) Andre the Giant vs. (14) Booker T.
(6) Nick Bockwinkel vs. (11) Batista

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