ROUND THREE: Wonder Woman & Flash Gordon vs. The Punisher & Neo

Who wins?

  • Wonder Woman & Flash Gordon

  • The Punisher & Neo

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The Doctor

Great and Devious
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The fight continues to heat up! Wonder Woman and Flash Gordon defeated the vicious Predator and the ice-man Sub Zero last round, while The Punisher and Neo teamed up to defeat fellow gunslingers Bishop and Duke Nukem. Which team advances to the next round?

Okay seriously, this isn't even close.

Wonder Woman is bullet proof. She's a demi-god for all intents and purposes a demi-god. Punisher and Neo who's only saving grace have been the hailstorm of bullets they can toss at people.
Wonder Woman is not bullet proof, however her connection to the earth allows her to heal at an accelerated rate so long as she is in contact with the planet. In rare cases where she has been gravely injured, Diana showed the ability to physically merge with the earth, causing whatever injuries or poisons to be expelled from her body; such an act is considered sacred, and can only be used in extreme cases. She is also capable of flying at speeds approaching half the speed of light. She can react quickly enough to deflect bullets, lasers, and other projectiles with her virtually impenetrable bracelets.

Neo & Frank are essentially just human's with excellent combat skills, all of Neo's powers only work when inside the Matrix, & since these battles are taking place on neutral turf he won't be be connected. Sure, he does have some degree of wireless connectivity with the Matrix system, & because of his status as The One, he has a direct connection to the Source, and can therefore affect everything connected to it, however he's not fighting the machines, & Diana & Flash Gordon aren't connected to the Source.

Flash Gordon would likely keep one of the opposition busy while Wonder Woman disposes of the other, then when she does he helps Gordon finish off which ever one is still kickin'.
Neo & Frank are essentially just human's with excellent combat skills, all of Neo's powers only work when inside the Matrix, & since these battles are taking place on neutral turf he won't be be connected. Sure, he does have some degree of wireless connectivity with the Matrix system, & because of his status as The One, he has a direct connection to the Source, and can therefore affect everything connected to it, however he's not fighting the machines, & Diana & Flash Gordon aren't connected to the Source.

Flash Gordon would likely keep one of the opposition busy while Wonder Woman disposes of the other, then when she does he helps Gordon finish off which ever one is still kickin'.

This is something I asked about in the conveniently titled 'Ask a Question' thread.

When I read Doc's blurb about these fights taking place in a neutral zone, it sounded a hell of a lot like a training program. Yup, a training program. A program, which Neo would be inserted into a la The Matrix and not the cold and very nearly dead earth in which he blasted a shit-ton of sentinels to pieces by the power of thought.

So if this is a program, then Punisher and Flash (aaahhhhhh) Gordon can do as they please as this surely comes down to Wonder Woman and Neo. Neo isn't hindered by the usual restrictions of strength, speed and gravity in programs/The Matrix so I can see him laying on quite a beat down to Wonder Woman while Punisher fuckstarts Gordon's head with a shotgun.
Oh hey bullets, meet Diana.


Oh and her durability outclasses Frank and Neo's combined.



That's a hydrogen bomb, folks. That's far more power than whatever Frank, and Neo could throw at her, and the fact she has 100+ ton strength and super-speed reflexes, this shouldn't even be a debate. Wonder Woman and her Wonder-Tits coast onto the next round.
Cool, she can deflect bullets. Bullets don't even reach Neo. :shrug:

Neo's biggest challenge was a physical fight against a super-powered negative version of himself that frequently took to the sky.
Wonder Woman is not bullet proof, however her connection to the earth allows her to heal at an accelerated rate so long as she is in contact with the planet.

Neo launches Wonder Woman into the sky and relentlessly beats her while her healing powers are diminished. Simples.
Cool, she can deflect bullets. Bullets don't even reach Neo. :shrug:

They do in a real world situation, which is what Neo will be facing off in.

Neo's biggest challenge was a physical fight against a super-powered negative version of himself that frequently took to the sky.

Yeah in a Virtual reality world. Neo's biggest challenge in the real world was making sure his blind ass didn't run into any closed doors.

Neo launches Wonder Woman into the sky and relentlessly beats her while her healing powers are diminished. Simples.

Yeah if Neo had even an ounce of strength in reality. In reality, Punisher and Neo are the greatest martial artists of their time, and with Punisher they both gain access to an outstanding arsenal of weapons that carried them through this tournament. Though now they deal with someone who is one of the most powerful beings in the DCU. Which unfortunately for Neo, isn't connected to the source. Diana will grab Neo by his frail, unfed body and beat him to death against Punisher.
They do in a real world situation, which is what Neo will be facing off in.

Yeah in a Virtual reality world. Neo's biggest challenge in the real world was making sure his blind ass didn't run into any closed doors.

Yeah if Neo had even an ounce of strength in reality. In reality, Punisher and Neo are the greatest martial artists of their time, and with Punisher they both gain access to an outstanding arsenal of weapons that carried them through this tournament. Though now they deal with someone who is one of the most powerful beings in the DCU. Which unfortunately for Neo, isn't connected to the source. Diana will grab Neo by his frail, unfed body and beat him to death against Punisher.

He does, remember his powers OUTSIDE of the Matrix? He can emit an EMP for crying out loud. Also he still KNOWS everything he knew in the Matrix. Electrical Stun to Diana and then she's in trouble. I think Flash Gordon can bail her out but yeah, to say that Neo is totally useless without being jacked in is incorrect.
They do in a real world situation, which is what Neo will be facing off in.

Yeah in a Virtual reality world. Neo's biggest challenge in the real world was making sure his blind ass didn't run into any closed doors.

Yeah if Neo had even an ounce of strength in reality. In reality, Punisher and Neo are the greatest martial artists of their time, and with Punisher they both gain access to an outstanding arsenal of weapons that carried them through this tournament. Though now they deal with someone who is one of the most powerful beings in the DCU. Which unfortunately for Neo, isn't connected to the source. Diana will grab Neo by his frail, unfed body and beat him to death against Punisher.

See, this is the problem with there essentially being 2 versions of Neo. And no, I'm not meaning Smith.

Matrix Neo is essentially in our world. Real world Neo pretty much fucks everyone else up, as for that Neo to fight them, they would have to have been 'woken up' from their red jelly pods and have to face the dystopian coldness of the world ruled by machines, sans their usual powers.

This is why I wanted a bit of clarification over which Neo we're arguing for. But yeh, as Shotaro said, even physically blind Neo could still see true energy (hey, that seems pretty Demi-god like too!) and blast it to pieces.
He does, remember his powers OUTSIDE of the Matrix? He can emit an EMP for crying out loud. Also he still KNOWS everything he knew in the Matrix. Electrical Stun to Diana and then she's in trouble. I think Flash Gordon can bail her out but yeah, to say that Neo is totally useless without being jacked in is incorrect.

Did we miss the panel of Wonder Woman going through a Hydrogen bomb and went on flying? Which if I remember correct give off EMP Blasts as well. So that ability is moot.

I never claimed that Neo is completely useless, I did state he has a master martial artist and weapons expert. Which luckily for Neo paid dividends because he teamed with the Punisher who has access to almost any weapon they needed. With that being said, their isn't a weapon in Frank's arsenal or in Neo's move-set that could take down Wonder Woman.
To go back to the 'which Neo' well again, I am gonna presume that you are arguing the case against non-Matrix Neo, right?

I'm still of the belief that it is Matrix Neo in this fight, as the fight is taking place in a 'neutral' fight zone, it seems quite unbalanced to say that Neo can't use his powers from one reality, but oh, in DC's Universe (an alternate reality too, remember), Wonder Woman is incredibly powerful and can carry them all over without a fuss.

Plus it would kinda be the same as entering Tony Stark into the tournament rather than Iron Man.

The bomb thing is kinda interesting, I'll give you that. Neo always faced off against hand-to-hand fighters, not armies so there's no way to definitively say that he could also withstand an hydrogen bomb simply because if smaller objects that move faster are useless, why would you waste a perfectly good bomb on him?

One thing to bear in mind too, Neo has fought a very strong (and at that time stronger) opponent than himself long enough for his partner to sneak up and grab a kill. Presuming Frank doesn't distract himself too much with riddling Flash with too many bullets, Neo's endurance and onslaught could take WW's attention away from Neo's partner long enough for Frank to do something crucial. I'm not totally up to speed on what Frank's capabilities are, but I figure someone called the Punisher who likes skulls would know some dastardly ways to kill a bitch.
In the realms of fairness - Neo has to be portrayed in his strongest form because it could be very easily argued that 'Superpowers' wouldn't exist on a neutral battlefield. If it's full power WW, then it's full power Neo. As such, WW's recognized weakness is 'piercing' weapons like arrows, swords, knives, bullets and both Neo and the Punisher excel in that respect... especially when Neo's time control abilities are taken into account.
In the realms of fairness - Neo has to be portrayed in his strongest form because it could be very easily argued that 'Superpowers' wouldn't exist on a neutral battlefield.

Placing this fight in the Matrix gives Neo an unfair advantage. It would be like arguing for Joker because in one universe he has reality warping abilities.

If it's full power WW, then it's full power Neo. As such, WW's recognized weakness is 'piercing' weapons like arrows, swords, knives, bullets and both Neo and the Punisher excel in that respect... especially when Neo's time control abilities are taken into account.

If Deathstroke has not been able to kill Wonder Woman, what realm of thought are you in thinking a much weaker character in Punisher could do such a thing?
Placing this fight in the Matrix gives Neo an unfair advantage. It would be like arguing for Joker because in one universe he has reality warping abilities.

If Deathstroke has not been able to kill Wonder Woman, what realm of thought are you in thinking a much weaker character in Punisher could do such a thing?

If the Joker spent the majority (or even a notable period) of his existence in said universe, that would have to be recognized. What makes Neo a superhero, DEFINITELY displays him in his strongest form and is his regular universe is the Matrix. When the canon that applies to the character is called "The Matrix", then how can you say that the Matrix cannot be counted? The DC universe specializes in characters who have seemingly measureless powers in comparison to other universes (like Marvel). When they pit Marvel and DC characters against each other, the DC characters powers lessen in the Marvel universe because the laws of physics hold more sway there. If WW is at her most powerful, then so is Neo which means Matrix Neo.

WW's weakness is universally recognized as piercing weapons like bullets and blades - two items the Punisher has in abundance. A distracted Amazon would make for a duck shoot to someone of his skill set.
If the Joker spent the majority (or even a notable period) of his existence in said universe, that would have to be recognized. What makes Neo a superhero, DEFINITELY displays him in his strongest form and is his regular universe is the Matrix. When the canon that applies to the character is called "The Matrix", then how can you say that the Matrix cannot be counted? The DC universe specializes in characters who have seemingly measureless powers in comparison to other universes (like Marvel). When they pit Marvel and DC characters against each other, the DC characters powers lessen in the Marvel universe because the laws of physics hold more sway there. If WW is at her most powerful, then so is Neo which means Matrix Neo.

You're entire argument for Neo is about a Universe that is demonstrated time and time again as "Not real" it's a fabrication, it was a prison designed so the humans would not resist being plugged in and sapped of their energy. An alternate reality that Neo and the rest of his crew have taken advantage of by hacking it and giving them weapons, vehicles, etc. Though while Neo may be been the only one to hack it through his own mind, the vast majority of those powers only applied to a universe that could be hacked and tampered with.

Meanwhile Wonder Woman, she garners her powers from the world and the life that lives on it. There's nothing she needs to be "plugged into" or "jacked" she's 100% all natural badass who has strength, speed, and fighting ability that exceeds the vast majority of the DC universe. Maybe if this was a game of pong, or Mario Kart I would give this match to Neo and Punisher, but unfortunately Neo is just out of his element here.

WW's weakness is universally recognized as piercing weapons like bullets and blades - two items the Punisher has in abundance. A distracted Amazon would make for a duck shoot to someone of his skill set.

For the love of god why does everyone forget the fact that DC hero's have a gross amount of speed. WW can move at half the speed of light. She has deflected bullets with her bracelets because it's "fun" and she can move the Earth if she needed to. Again I beg the question, if someone like Deathstroke, a superhuman who specializes in shooting, stabbing, burning, etc. Has failed to kill Wonder Woman. How would two, baseline human beings even begin to touch Wonder Woman?
Then again, Frank, and Neo both have their fair share of bladed fights in their past, and if it were down to it, Frank would keep it simple and just continue holding down the trigger and mowing Beatrix down as well.

From the first round.

Neo has only used blades weapons in the matrix. You argued for this Neo before, but now are deciding to argue against it? That strikes me as very odd.
From the first round.

Neo has only used blades weapons in the matrix. You argued for this Neo before, but now are deciding to argue against it? That strikes me as very odd.

In the first round, the team was facing Robotnik. Now they're facing Wonder Woman. A much more capable fighter than Robotnik.
You're entire argument for Neo is about a Universe that is demonstrated time and time again as "Not real" it's a fabrication, it was a prison designed so the humans would not resist being plugged in and sapped of their energy. An alternate reality that Neo and the rest of his crew have taken advantage of by hacking it and giving them weapons, vehicles, etc. Though while Neo may be been the only one to hack it through his own mind, the vast majority of those powers only applied to a universe that could be hacked and tampered with.

Meanwhile Wonder Woman, she garners her powers from the world and the life that lives on it. There's nothing she needs to be "plugged into" or "jacked" she's 100% all natural badass who has strength, speed, and fighting ability that exceeds the vast majority of the DC universe. Maybe if this was a game of pong, or Mario Kart I would give this match to Neo and Punisher, but unfortunately Neo is just out of his element here.

It is a legitimate alternate universe that is every bit as legitimate as having a cartoon or a computer character's universe recognized. If you can be killed in the Matrix, I'd call that pretty much 'real'. To me, this is being fought in a combination Marvel/ Matrix/ DC/ 'Flash' universe were all characters are optimum.

For the love of god why does everyone forget the fact that DC hero's have a gross amount of speed. WW can move at half the speed of light. She has deflected bullets with her bracelets because it's "fun" and she can move the Earth if she needed to. Again I beg the question, if someone like Deathstroke, a superhuman who specializes in shooting, stabbing, burning, etc. Has failed to kill Wonder Woman. How would two, baseline human beings even begin to touch Wonder Woman?

Because Deathstroke didn't take her on while she was fighting someone described as "the One".
In the first round, the team was facing Robotnik. Now they're facing Wonder Woman. A much more capable fighter than Robotnik.

But you still referred to Matrix Neo, so I think its safe to say that it's him against Wonder Woman, which is why I believe that he and Frank are going through. It won't be easy but their combined strengths are enough to get the job done.
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