Royal Rumble 2019: WWE Championship - Daniel Bryan (c) VS AJ Styles


Due to winning a Fatal Fiveway match on SmackDown Live this past Tuesday, AJ Styles gets a WWE Championship shot against the "New" Daniel Bryan at the Royal Rumble.

Their bout at TLC was a killer outing that was among the top matches of the year, in my opinion. That wasn't surprising considering these are two of the very best in-ring workers in the world, and have been for a long time, as it had the story, the build up, the selling, they tied it in with the previous matches they'd worked together and Bryan won clean while still coming off like the douchebag heel his character is. If they're given the time, I have little doubt they could have another bout on the same level at the Royal Rumble.

I don't see Styles regaining the title, I don't see Bryan dropping the title until WrestleMania, at the earliest, and the interaction between Styles and Vince McMahon is interesting and whatever the goal for that angle is, that's where I see Styles' attention being focused. I don't think this match ends clean as it's been established already that both men can beat the other cleanly, so I could see someone like Orton interfering, since Orton was the one Styles pinned this past Tuesday to earn the #1 contendership in the first place, or maybe Vince himself does something to cause Styles to lose so he can bring out the "real" AJ Styles.
I personally think WWE has wasted an opportunity here. With Roman Reigns out of action I think right now you could argue that the biggest draw maybe AJ Styles so why not have him win the Rumble and challenge Lesnar at Mania? Their match at Survivor Series in 2017 was solid. So you could've had Mysterio win the the Fatal 5 way pinning Ali or something and that match could've been very solid for Rumble vs. Daniel Bryan. But Styles winning the Universal Title from Lesnar at Mania would be best for business. Imagine Summerslam 2019 with Styles vs. Rollins for the Universal Title??? That would have a shot to be the match of the year for sure.
for me this has been a great feud and adding bryan turning heel was epic and for once something i dont think anyone really saw coming (i cerntainly didnt) but i do think the direction there going with styles is a little lame so you got the real bryan and now you got vince trying to get the real aj which triple H is doing the same thing to seth new era same repeat from wwe. I still think this match will be great as these are arguably the best two in ring performers in the world let alone wwe but i do see bryan winning and maybe this could be where bryan puts together a heel faction.

I am a fan of factions when done properly and i think a couple of factions done right could be good for wwe
Love the feud but bryan really need to move on from this feud, so does aj styles so i really want this match to be the blow off match of the feud and then we move on to something else for both guys for mania.

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