Santino Marella - On The Rise


Fuck Rep
Over the past month or so, you may have noticed that the man who was so so notorious for being a wimp, the man with the least in-ring skill(kayfabe), start to pick up victories with actual moves(not including the stupid Cobra).

So, about 4 years ago, Santino wrestled in OVW under the name of Boris Alexiev(Cool last name). Santino was a Shoot style wrestler which is a full contact style of wrestling to make things look more real. 4 years later, Santino has adopted Sambo wrestling with a minor twist of shoot and it has done wonders.

Some people aren't ready to see Santino earn his succession. They're somewhat afraid of change, but if Santino kept his move-set since day one then nobody would even notice him right now. Santino debuted as a fan, he faced Umaga for the IC in a fan invitational. Why would he be a great wrestler? The WWE has stuck to this story for a while and the only reason I was pissed was because he won the IC title twice but now that he's earning it, everyone is still acting like he sucks.

Most people can't get past the finishing move, I don't blame you. But a "Knife-edge to the jugular" as Matt Striker once said is far more unique as a finisher than an elbow drop. Yea, your hero The Rock's finishing move is also a sham, but no one will ever get mad at that. It's not like he came from the stone age WWF like Hogan with his leg drop, Rock really had no excuse to have a simple elbow drop as a finisher. Whatever rip me to pieces for that statement, but for real an elbow drop and y'all complain about someone punching you in the throat.

Santino will be successful. He's leading a tag team with both mic work and in ring-skill. Yea he's slowly getting his moves back, more and more each week, but he works so much smoother than Koslov.


I know alot will agree on this, alot will disagree but any reaction would be positive reaction.
The only thing is, The Rock rarely got a 3-count out of the People's Elbow, and when he did it was usually because he delivered a Rock-Bottom and then the elbow.

As for Santino, there have been many worse finishers than the Cobra. However, the whole thing about Santino is his character is exactly what Vince wants. He's an entertainer first and a wrestler second(or atleast that's how he's portrayed). Hopefully we see him continue to progress and show his skills in the ring. Although I for one don't want to see him totally lose his comedic style. I often get a laugh out of his antics and he's alot more entertaining than Hornswaggle.
Santino's great. Funny, over, and works well with Koslov. His ring work is fine, as is his mic work. There's no reason why he can't hold the tag title, no reason why he can't work in the midcard, and really no reason why he can't benefit from this push, if you choose to call it that. He's been consistent with being over with the fans at the very least. Sometimes he gets bigger reactions than main eventers, which is telling. In fact, a similar thing happens to a NZ cricketer called Chris Martin. Good bowler, but shocking batter. Yet the NZ crowds go wild whenever he scores a run (he averages less than 2 a game). Sometimes taking the piss is a good thing. But I digress.

Santino does need a new finisher. The Cobra is fairly iconic now, but in all fairness in your comparison to the Rock, Rock usually used the Elbow as a follow up finisher after the Rock Bottom, assuming he didn't just 3 count them after the Rock Bottom in the first place. Yes, a punch to the throat can be devastating in reality, but in wrestling it looks as weak as Starship Pain/Lie Detector/various flashy moves when they don't connect correctly. Maybe something after he lands the Cobra could be worked in?

Also, wasn't there a thread like this made not too long ago?
Yea yea yea, another laugh at Santino. I guess no1 saw his great actual talent in the ring as Boris Alexiev while he was in OVW. I know they cant do it right now, them being the tag champs and all but in the next few months after they lose the tag straps, Kozlov should get upset at Santino's comedic rants and "train him" and have him become the "Russian Kickboxing Machine" Boris Alexiev again. Is he funny, yes. Is he a good break from a few boring segments, of course. But honestly I think he has great upside as a TRUE US or Intercontinental Champ
you need to realize that santino is the comedy break in Raw right now, i like better santino than horny any given day, and he is given promo time, some mat work. I dont think he'll change his persona, not until a few more years when people start turning on him. Maybe just maybe then we'll see a serious approach to santino the wrestler.
@ Syborg Yes, it's true that the Rock didn't always use the elbow to finish, but it was knows as the most electrifying move in sports entertainment. That's a title that exceeds 'finisher'. I wish he would've just stuck to the Rock Bottom, that's a great move.

@Layorz There have been threads talking about Santino's team, and a compare contrast to the Cobra and the People's Elbow but what I'm trying to get across is completely different. I'm talking about Santino's skill and how he no longer will be a pussy in the ring like the pas 3 years. I used the People's Elbow to shut certain people up, people who don't care when a huge player does something stupid but when someone on a lower level does something equally stupid, the criticize.

@6timehitta yea I want to see Santino in a year or so, see if he will have a credible run as mid-card champ.
I'm sorry, dude, but I really can't see what you're talking about. The reason people dis Santino is because he's a comic relief character who is overstaying his welcome with the older audience who never found him amusing. I agree with you that he's not really a bad wrestler, but I never saw the point of having a clown (and that's all Santino will ever be, to me) hold what is supposed to be a legitimate title.

The thing that confuses me most about your argument is that it's like you're angry and surprised that people are laughing at Santino. I don't know if you noticed, but he's supposed to be laughed at. That's why I'm sick of him, because he's supposed to appeal to kids with his stupid jokes and fake accent. But, here's the problem: I'm not a kid, I'm a full grown man and I don't need a clown to entertain me. Santino is no Bryan Danielson in the ring, and he's not funny enough to me for him to carry over as an entertainer.

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm trolling, but that's just my honest opinion of the guy. I don't know how anybody could tolerate him, and I will always put him on the same level as Hornswoggle or Eugene. Santino isn't as offensively unfunny as Eugene was, but I don't care how many titles you throw on Santino, I'll never value him as a wrestler or a performer.
@Foshinzo When did I say I hate when people laugh at him? He does funny shit! Laugh away. All I'm saying is that for the past month he has been becoming an accomplished wrestler, again, and most people don't acknowledge that. But really, to say that you'll never value him as a wrestler is ignorant because as I stated in the thread, he was a wrestler first, comedian second.
Over the past month or so, you may have noticed that the man who was so so notorious for being a wimp, the man with the least in-ring skill(kayfabe), start to pick up victories with actual moves(not including the stupid Cobra).

So, about 4 years ago, Santino wrestled in OVW under the name of Boris Alexiev(Cool last name). Santino was a Shoot style wrestler which is a full contact style of wrestling to make things look more real. 4 years later, Santino has adopted Sambo wrestling with a minor twist of shoot and it has done wonders.

Some people aren't ready to see Santino earn his succession. They're somewhat afraid of change, but if Santino kept his move-set since day one then nobody would even notice him right now. Santino debuted as a fan, he faced Umaga for the IC in a fan invitational. Why would he be a great wrestler? The WWE has stuck to this story for a while and the only reason I was pissed was because he won the IC title twice but now that he's earning it, everyone is still acting like he sucks.

Most people can't get past the finishing move, I don't blame you. But a "Knife-edge to the jugular" as Matt Striker once said is far more unique as a finisher than an elbow drop. Yea, your hero The Rock's finishing move is also a sham, but no one will ever get mad at that. It's not like he came from the stone age WWF like Hogan with his leg drop, Rock really had no excuse to have a simple elbow drop as a finisher. Whatever rip me to pieces for that statement, but for real an elbow drop and y'all complain about someone punching you in the throat.

Santino will be successful. He's leading a tag team with both mic work and in ring-skill. Yea he's slowly getting his moves back, more and more each week, but he works so much smoother than Koslov.


I know alot will agree on this, alot will disagree but any reaction would be positive reaction.

ok here is what i think of santino. he is way better as a heel than as a face. he is horrible in the ring and i dont see how you think he is leading the team of him and kozlov. kozlov is a beast. santinos gimmick is good if you need a quick laugh but really the sad thing is people think and want him to be wwe champion. if he is ever champion i will quit watching raw altogether. i hate santino more than the x division champ robbie e
the problem with Santino is easy. His look doesn't help him look like a serious wrestler. His mannerisms make him look like an incompetent goof. His attitude makes him look more like a joker than a wrestler. You could have him end The Undertaker's streak, and people would still have issues taking him seriously. Sure, could be good. I have confidence that he can be a good in-ring competitor. But would you really look up the ramp, see an Italian guy with a uni-brow, strap tights and walking all goofy looking towards and take him as an actual threat?

The problem is his look. If the idea is for him to become a serious competitor, the look is gonna need changing.
the problem with Santino is easy. His look doesn't help him look like a serious wrestler. His mannerisms make him look like an incompetent goof. His attitude makes him look more like a joker than a wrestler. You could have him end The Undertaker's streak, and people would still have issues taking him seriously. Sure, could be good. I have confidence that he can be a good in-ring competitor. But would you really look up the ramp, see an Italian guy with a uni-brow, strap tights and walking all goofy looking towards and take him as an actual threat?

The problem is his look. If the idea is for him to become a serious competitor, the look is gonna need changing.

I completely agree with changing his image. He's always looked the same, never liked it one bit. Always with the red knee pads and red shoes, sometimes blue. This has always been one thing I didn't get, why does he wear what he wears? Why won't the WWE change his look? Make him hit the gym?
Santino can be funny sometimes and I admit that I'm a bit surprised that he's gotten as over as he has. I'm not necessarily sure I see big things in Santino's future because of his current push, however.

I'd be more impressed with Santino & Koslov if the WWE tag team scene wasn't the overall weakest that it's been in well over a decade. Santino & Koslov have gotten wins over the likes of The Usos and Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater. I think that the WWE could have done some great things with either of those two teams but they dropped the ball. The Usos are little more than scrubs and Santino & Koslov only won the tag titles due to some interference from John Cena. If Santino & Koslov had gotten wins over guys like Edge & Christian or The Hardy Boyz or even Jeri-Show, I'd be at least somewhat impressed. However, tag team wrestling means virtually nothing in the WWE at this point so it's hard for me to become overly excited about a comedic tag team.

Santino is someone that actually can work inside the ring but I just can't take the guy seriously. He's spent most of his career in the WWE as a comedy jobber who has attained most of his major accomplishments in the WWE through fluke wins or some degree of outside interference. When it comes to the stuff he does during promos, some of it is fun but it just looks ridiculous during a match. His facial expressions and mannerisms during his matches go beyond corny & cheesy to downright cartoonish and he has the lamest finishing move in wrestling today. Santino's character would have to have almost a complete makeover before I could look at him and even possibly think that he could be a great star while keeping a straight face.

All I'm going to say is that no, he's not a wrestler first. The guy is a comic relief character, who isn't a good enough wrestler to blur the lines in between clown and athlete. The Rock was funny, yes, and in some ways he was sort of a clown what with the ridiculous People's Elbow finisher, but don't you ever confuse Santino for being on the same level as the Rock; Santino will never even be close.

To be honest, and again, I'm not trying to be a troll, you're just coming across as a huge Santino mark right now, which just makes me think that you're a kid. Like I said, I could understand if a kid was entertained by Santino, but I'm a full grown man and I don't tune in for sometimes three hours on Monday nights to see clowns pretend to know Sambo and to win titles that should go to legit wrestlers. It just makes me feel like a fool for watching it.

All I'm going to say is that no, he's not a wrestler first. The guy is a comic relief character, who isn't a good enough wrestler to blur the lines in between clown and athlete. The Rock was funny, yes, and in some ways he was sort of a clown what with the ridiculous People's Elbow finisher, but don't you ever confuse Santino for being on the same level as the Rock; Santino will never even be close.

To be honest, and again, I'm not trying to be a troll, you're just coming across as a huge Santino mark right now, which just makes me think that you're a kid. Like I said, I could understand if a kid was entertained by Santino, but I'm a full grown man and I don't tune in for sometimes three hours on Monday nights to see clowns pretend to know Sambo and to win titles that should go to legit wrestlers. It just makes me feel like a fool for watching it.

Dude, you should pay attention to my posts before you reply.

I said Santino was a wrestler first. He didn't start as a comic in the WWE then go to OVW and wrestle as a shoot fighter did he? And when did I put him on the same level as the Rock? I simply compared the moves that they are known for because both moves are pretty riduculous to get over with. And again with this full grown man, okay cool I'm an adult too but give respect where it's due. I'm not marking for Santino, I'm just trying to let people know that the days of him being a comic jobber are over. He will probably always be a comedian, just like Christian, but he's a good wrestler and that is my point. Go back and read my thread if you have to.
Look Rumblus.

This is ridiculous so before you start having a go at people posting in this thread you should think about what you are trying to say. Santino lost any chance of being a serious wrestler years ago and the fact that you think he has a chance of getting that back shows how seriously we should take you. This tag run is a joke just like the Santino character, like Kozlov and like the WWE in its entirety for taking the belts away from what was becoming a legitimate tag team. Marella doesnt ever deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as the Rock because Santino can't touch and the Cobra is pathetic. At least the People's Elbow got a reaction.
Look Rumblus.

This is ridiculous so before you start having a go at people posting in this thread you should think about what you are trying to say. Santino lost any chance of being a serious wrestler years ago and the fact that you think he has a chance of getting that back shows how seriously we should take you. This tag run is a joke just like the Santino character, like Kozlov and like the WWE in its entirety for taking the belts away from what was becoming a legitimate tag team. Marella doesnt ever deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as the Rock because Santino can't touch and the Cobra is pathetic. At least the People's Elbow got a reaction.

Wow, another ignorant reply. Any wrestler can be compared to any other wrestler you know why? Because they're fucking WRESTLERS! Same line of work. The Cobra is a bullshit move, but it gets a huge reaction. Do you watch Raw? And why would you judge a wrestler by the antics he pulls? Why not judge a wrestler by how he WRESTLES?!
This is the problem world today, why does everything have to so serious? How many time can you watch Orton have an orgasm before he lands the RKO or Edge fuck up the spear or watch Cena not be hurt by anything? Who says that a funny man can't be THE man? He can freshen up the lackluster main event scene full of incompetent heels and invulnerable faces. Give the guy a chance before you say he can't do it.
Wow, another ignorant reply. Any wrestler can be compared to any other wrestler you know why? Because they're fucking WRESTLERS! Same line of work. The Cobra is a bullshit move, but it gets a huge reaction. Do you watch Raw? And why would you judge a wrestler by the antics he pulls? Why not judge a wrestler by how he WRESTLES?!
Because his antics completely blur out any possible indication that he can indeed wrestle. He winds up his punches. He salutes before a Diving Headbutt. He parades around acting like he's playing a kazoo. He has a damned uni-brow. It's just too difficult to take him seriously at this point. Every time you see him you expect him to do something goofy. Like when the Undertaker's bell tolls, you expect Taker to pose serious threats of death, not him to come out and crack jokes. Same thing applies to Santino. It's just the way he's labeled. If WWE want to make him serious, they have a looooooooong way to go.

And by the way people, the quote button isn't there to look nice.
Because his antics completely blur out any possible indication that he can indeed wrestle. He winds up his punches. He salutes before a Diving Headbutt. He parades around acting like he's playing a kazoo. He has a damned uni-brow. It's just too difficult to take him seriously at this point. Every time you see him you expect him to do something goofy. Like when the Undertaker's bell tolls, you expect Taker to pose serious threats of death, not him to come out and crack jokes. Same thing applies to Santino. It's just the way he's labeled. If WWE want to make him serious, they have a looooooooong way to go.

And by the way people, the quote button isn't there to look nice.

I absolutely see what you're saying, anyone with eyes can see that and that's why I labeled this thread "On The Rise". I believe that in a few short months, most if not all of those more undesirable antics will be gone.
I absolutely see what you're saying, anyone with eyes can see that and that's why I labeled this thread "On The Rise". I believe that in a few short months, most if not all of those more undesirable antics will be gone.

And another ignorant retort.

you will be shown to be wrong because if anything, I am certain the WWE will ensure that Santino will play to his comedic strengths.

Wow, another ignorant reply. Any wrestler can be compared to any other wrestler you know why? Because they're fucking WRESTLERS! Same line of work. The Cobra is a bullshit move, but it gets a huge reaction. Do you watch Raw? And why would you judge a wrestler by the antics he pulls? Why not judge a wrestler by how he WRESTLES?!

Every move that Santino pulls is BS. The salute, the entire build-up to the Cobra is pathetic, just like the Worm and Ballin'. Neither of these moves get the reaction that the People's Elbow got. The Rock got more reaction from his fricking eyebrow than Santino does.

For good measure, I saw the title change this morning and Cena got them the title, and his appearance got the reaction for the change. So I suspect your definition of huge is off.

Santino is a comedy act and that will always overshadow any wrestling ability. Whenever I see him, I see the joke first and the wrestler second. He is not a credible wrestler because he never gets the chance to show it.
Every move that Santino pulls is BS. The salute, the entire build-up to the Cobra is pathetic,

You're simplifying the move set that he's been using lately. I didn't post that video clip for my health, watch the grapples and throws that Satino uses. Now that was a few weeks ago, he's already improved since then which is a rapid change. Again, give it a few months at most and quit being so short sighted, there's always room for growth in pro-wrestling.
Quit insulting my intelligence already. I know all about his ability to use wresting - specifically judo - moves in his moveset. What I can't comprehend is why he can't use one of those moves as a finisher instead of a bloody poke to the eyes! If he was able to get a decent reaction out of a proper move then he may have a future beyond pandering to a PG audience.

Santino will not be a serious wrestler anytime soon. Understand that already - I'm sick of pwning you and repeating myself. Stop trolling me too - if you want to do that, find the damn Cage.
Quit insulting my intelligence already. I know all about his ability to use wresting - specifically judo - moves in his moveset. What I can't comprehend is why he can't use one of those moves as a finisher instead of a bloody poke to the eyes! If he was able to get a decent reaction out of a proper move then he may have a future beyond pandering to a PG audience.

Santino will not be a serious wrestler anytime soon. Understand that already - I'm sick of pwning you and repeating myself. Stop trolling me too - if you want to do that, find the damn Cage.

Dude you're still not making any sense. If you read my posts or if you followed Santino's career you will see that he went from fan to comic to wrestler(kayfabe). How is a fan that doesn't know how to wrestle suppose to come up with a great move? He came up with the Cobra, it sucks. Then he teams with Koslov, now he's learning how to wrestle(kayfabe). It's too simple. And you act like I invited you to comment this thread?
Santino is probably one of the most entertaining characters in the past 10 years. Seriously, nobody in the WWE has made me laugh so hard outside of The Rock. The thing is he was a comedic sideshow for so long that it will take a little time to get people to think of him as a legitimate wrestler. But in all honesty he can handle himself in the ring and he can make himself and his opponent look good in every match he's in. I'm glad the WWE is finally doing something with him because he's definitely a guy that I can watch every week.
What I can't comprehend is why he can't use one of those moves as a finisher instead of a bloody poke to the eyes! If he was able to get a decent reaction out of a proper move then he may have a future beyond pandering to a PG audience.

For one it's a poke to the adam's apple and if done right it can definately have a negative effect. For two, WWE has a big hand in what he is doing in the ring. They(Vince) want him to do the comedic antics because this is the same company that once thought about taking the word "wrestling" out of their name. They are an entertainment company first and a wrestling company second.

I get Absolute 1's point that Santino could be a serious wrestler and put on some technically sound wrestling matches. However, I don't know if I see it going that far. He will always have an element of comedy in his character. I for one don't mind it and I don't know why the IWC has such a huge problem with it. It would be a boring show if every guy walked in looking and acting as intense as Randy Orton. There would be absolutely no personality.

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