Semi final stats


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Anyways we're at the Semi final stage of the second Video Games Tournament. The final four are all Nintendo Franchises yet strangely they aren't the four you'd expect to be here.

Originally seeded at 31 Majora's Mask has defeated World's Apart, GTAIV, Super mario 64, Super Mario Bros and Super Mario World.

Fun fact: The Happy Mask salesman does have a Mario Mask on his backpack.

Mario Kart 64 was orignally seeded at 14 and has defeated Links Awakening, Pokemon B/W, twilight Princess, Goldeneye and Metal Gear Solid3.

Fun fact: Did you know that Kammy Koopa was orignally slated to be a character in the game?

MK64 has defeated more Zelda games than any other. Majora's Mask has defeated more Mario games than any other. This also marks the second time we've had an all N64 Semi final, the last one also involved a Mario and Zelda game on the N64 but Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 have both fallen.

Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow is originally seeded at 8. It has defeated Theme Park, FFXII, Sonc CD, Shadow of the Collosus and GTA San Andreas.

Fun fact: The American staff in charge of localizing the games tried to change the Pokémon designs, however, Tsunekaz Ishihara refused the proposal.

Originally seeded at unlucky 13 ALTTP has defeated Mortal Kombat, Paper Mario: TYD, Street Fighter II, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario galaxy.

Fun Fact: This is the first Zelda game where you actually see a member of Link's family

Pokemon RBY hasn't faced more than one game of the same franchise and it can be argued that neither has ALTTP.

I look forward to these matchups.

Could we have an all zelda final? Could Majora's Mask over come Mario again? Could Mario overcome Zelda again? Could Pokemon take two Zelda games out? Could it face its first Mario game in the final? So many opportunities!
Also after the semi finals I'll get the 10 games that should have been in here list going.

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