Should Becky Lynch return to NXT?

No. Honestly if she goes back now her presence would just hold back the progress of the other women down there.
One of the main problems with the women's division, and this has been the case for a long time, is that everyone is a title contender, no matter how shit. No, I'm not talking about Nikki Bella, who I think actually possesses talent and is, at the very least, invaluable as an antagonist. I'm talking about the dozens of women's champions whose name you could say to me and I would either say "Her? She was the champion?" or "Who the fuck is that?"

It's OK to not be championship level - not everybody has to be champion.

You wouldn't go up to Heath Slater and say, "Heath, you have a penis, you wrestle, would you like to be the champion for a couple of months?" On the other hand, you wouldn't go up to Heath Slater and say, "Heath, you're never going to be world champion, you shouldn't be on this show at all." You shouldn't anyway.

Becky Lynch is mid-level talent. She's a solid hand. She's definitely the least of the Four Horsewomen. She's not title material - as whoever was writing NXT knew. This doesn't mean she doesn't have value.

If the women's division is to have value going forward - and they seem to be trying their hardest for it not to have - then they're going to have to admit that not every competitor is roughly equal because that's a zero sum game. Women need midcarders too.

The womens division will be worthless and never taken seriously until there are only three girls being featured.


In that order.

Historically, divisions are taken most seriously when there's only three people competing in them on a regular basis, it's true.
No I wasn't trying to "sneak her in". While she may not be as good as Sasha or anyone from PCB, Summer is much better than people give her credit for.

Okay, I did this long post where I analysed Summer's matches from this year, but I'll have to admit I was pleasantly surprised when she was working with Paige. So instead this...

She puts her long legs to good use and her 2015 kit really helps her show off her kicks(actual kicks, not shoes). She has some wrapup moves she does with her legs as well and an unusual figure four. If she wasn't being used as enhancement, I think she could really develop those moves into a decent set. She knows how to roll through, how to do a collar and elbow tie up(you may laugh, but the longest reigning Divas champ still doesn't have this down), even hits the turnbuckle and ropes right, if a little on the slow side for what you want. She sold okay, when she got a big hit though she went the easy route and just sold like death.

Where she is bad is she has this weird slow run where her arms go too quick and her steps are too small, she looks like she is rushing to get to a spot in the ring...very slowly. I have no idea what she'd plan to do once she got there(if she didn't get flattened beforehand which is obviously the spot), maybe go in for a quick smooch, I guess we'll never know. Her punches are laughable and hairtossing and slamming someone's head into the mat are crappy "I don't know how to wrestle" spots.

It really doesn't help being in this Divas division when the crowd are just dead for them, no matter what. Nikki got a slight pop when she squashed Summer, Paige got a decent pop for most of her moves(she is very good), but Summer herself could hit a phoenix splash to the outside and the crowds I saw in her matches wouldn't even notice. Also over the last 18 months she's been involved in a feud over Fandango, Rusev and Ziggler and now she's latched onto Tyler Breeze, worse still when she actually gets to have a match they don't go longer than 3 minutes. She isn't being booked well at all.

In all, she isn't terrible but she is nowhere on the level of the top female wrestlers. Natty and Paige look complete money next to Summer, Nikki doesn't but she has a couple of nice spots and didn't allow Summer to get anything going. Probably told it was a 2 minute squash and there wasn't time.(off topic rant here...seriously it's like the WWE don't even want a female division, how was that supposed to get anyone over? You really just wasted two minutes of airtime. Better off letting them cut a 2 minute promo and generating some heat for a feud rather than this waste of space.)

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