Simon Gotch Released


It was announced earlier today that Simon Gotch, one half of former NXT Tag Team Champions the Vaudevillains, was granted his release today.

Gotch is someone who's said to have a really big mouth and enjoys shooting it off backstage and it ultimately led to a brief scuffle with Sin Cara described as "one sided destruction" as the Backstage Phenom obliterated Gotch in short order last July. Since then, Gotch hasn't won a match and, if I'm not mistaken, was eliminated from the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal this past Sunday almost immediately after the bell rang.

This is no loss for WWE and it's probably best for all if Gotch is someone who hopes of being a major player. There's probably no light at the end of the tunnel for Gotch as far as being buried in WWE goes and the Vaudevillains gimmick is and has been DOA for a long while now.
Neither a big loss nor a surprise. The way the Vaudevillians have been absent from any cards and the backstage fight story, it was probably a matter of time.

I enjoyed the Vaudevillians gimmick, but I see clearly where the universal appeal is lacking. I'm curious what happens with Aiden English?

Replace Gotch with a new wrestler in the Vaudevillians? Aside from a cool sounding name, the gimmick has been fairly DOA. They're dudes obsessed with early 20th century culture - ok, where does that lead?

English is fairly talented as an entertainer. He seems genuinely intelligent, and that coupled with his unique look and Sheamus level of suntan lead to the Vaudevillians gimmick in the first place.

Is WWE going to push Aiden English as a singles guy? Unlikely, maybe forming a new team might be the way to go. He's a bit big for 205 live, but even there he would likely be jobbed out.

It's really too bad, but that could be my personal biases talking. English seems to have something there entertainment-wise. He makes a decent heel and if package correctly, he might make a great heel manager that can also get physical.

Gotch is no loss though and was clearly weighing down his team with his attitude.
The Vaudevillains gimmick had a shelf life that expired some time ago. Even those who were interested like me are not going to miss it in the long run.

I can definitely see Aiden English trading wins and losses on his own, as the vaudeville type character could be tweaked quite a bit if WWE actually cared to give him something.

Sucks for Gotch, but if he's hard to work with backstage, then that's really all there is to it. What the hell is it with people having beef with luchadors in WWE? Like I could have sworn Kalisto had his fair share of trading words/blows, and now Sin Cara.
Aiden has mildly impressed me as a performer. A standout moment was in the Vaudevillains vs Lucha Dragons match, the Dragons went to dive on the villains on the outside and English responds by shoving Gotch aside and taking impact from both Dragons. There's not a lot of veteran talents who work a bit of self sacrifice. Coupling that with catching two full sized men colored me impressed.

So I think what I'm saying with my little anecdote is I'm hoping this turns out well for Aiden, though perhaps he may be best in a newer tag team. I can't think who shouod team with him, though.
here's an idea, they got another english guy that's playing the exact same gimmick on raw in JAck gallagher. Just have Aiden english show up as his partner and you got a new version of the vaudevillains.

The fact is, i'm not surprise at all by this, he already had heat over the sin cara situation last year and they really weren't doing much with the team anyway, in fact, they we'Re lower on the totem pole of the smackdown tag division then the ascension and i'm sure that Breezengo beat them at some point so Simon gotch isn'T really a big loss in my opinion and let just hope that this doesn'T mean that Aiden english is next on the umemployement line.
He gotch up and walked away. Simple as that.

Ok, it's more than that; Simon Gotch had a big mouth, got into trouble with other people (such as Hunico, the modern day equivalent to Haku) and never really struck out as overly talented.

English, he might be fine. I could see him managing or getting a slight push up the card; maybe getting the occasional I.C title opportunity.
Geez I had forgotten all about the Vaudevillains, that's how much I see them on TV nowadays. Is it also bad that I had to ask my son which one Gotch was, the smaller or taller one.

The gimmick worked in NXT, small arena, loyal fans and almost anything there will get over. It failed miserably in the bigger arena's though and not surprising to see at least one of them go. Maybe the other one will get another partner or become a singles wrestler only time will tell. I like the idea of putting Jack Gallagher with him though. Gallagher is fantastic, but a repackage will be necessary. Although Gallagher is one of the main reasons I watch 205 Live, so I'm torn.
the question i have is now what happens to his partner Aiden English??? does he go back to NXT?? or does he form a new tag team with a new partner. i still hope that Fandango somehow gets drafted over to RAW (to be nothing more than a guy on the other shows) and English teams up with Breeze and form a tag team of two prince pretty characters. i always thought Fandango and Breeze as a tag team would work if they scrap the stupid Fashion Police gimmick and also scrap them using ANY peice of Fandango's music. Breeze has great entrance music, so let him use that. As for Gotch, i'm not too surprised since he had heat backstage for a while, but the timing is odd.
English is the one that's Eddie's Son-In-Law, right?

Gotch sucked, English is whatever, no one will miss Gotch. No big deal.
Gotch being let go is no surprise. I am surprised they kept English. English might be talented, but he will need a serious repackaging. For that, he has to go back to NXT. I get the feeling that after the shakeup, Aiden English will follow Gotch out the door.
I have always felt that English was the better Vaudevillain. They could've become something if they got the titles but they were unlucky enough to debut when New Day's record reign was going on and on.

The backstage incident with Sincara worsened his situation and I ain't surprised to see him get released.
Maybe WWE wanted to make his life a misery on the way out, as the only surprise here was that it's took this long for him to get the boot.

Aiden English won't be short of partners if they want to put him in another team, for him that's probably the best thing they could do for him at the minute.
Maybe Auden English is earmarked for better things - maybe he will go to Raw on Monday as a singles wrestler? His original NXT gimmick was a theatrical performer, just amplify that now Gotch has gone. Maybe do similar to Davey Boy Smith and make his team name his nickname - "the Vaudvillain", Aiden English

What this does mean is that Smackdown REALLY needs some new teams in the Superstar Shakeup. The fact they had to bring in the Headbangers and Spirit Squad, plus randomly team Heath Slater with Rhyno, as much as it has worked, shows the depth of the division since the start. Now strike off one more team with Simon Gotch's release and they are left with, what, four teams? Five? American Alpha (who I think will move to Raw on Monday), the Usos, Ascension, Breezango and Rhyno/Slater. One of these was a hitch-pot h, two of them are portrayed as jobbers. What a division...
I actually liked Gotch, thought He was a unique and talented proformer. Loved The Vaudevillians as a Team but I knew Their gimmick most likely would not transition to The Main Roster. Like stated above NXT is a small pond with an avid fanbase and to tell the truth They were not even close to getting the best ovations there. I truly feel bad for English, I think He has little value as a singles Star at the moment. I hope I'm wrong because He is talented but in desperate need of a complete repackaging and even then I don't know if He is that much of a valuable asset to The WWE or NXT. Teamed with Gotch He was in a company trying to establish two separate and distinct Tag Divisions which meant that more likely than not He had a spot on The Main Roster but now I find it very hard to believe that the company that couldn't find anything for vastly superior talent like Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Derrick Bateman/EC3, Ect... will take the time and effort to develop someone like English. Like stated above I hope They team Him with Gallagher, Killian Dain or any of The United Kingdom Tournament Guys that can pull off a similar Sctick.

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