Somebody's in the ocean right now.


All bronies will clop in hell.
So a couple of days ago, I heard about a website that, if you post a certain tracking module on your site, a simple URL link, that they can track where web traffic to your site in coming from. I put this up a couple of days ago, after letting people here know where my site is.

Now, again, I don't want to seem like I'm ceaselessly plugging my stuff, so instead of giving you the link to my site or to the tracking site, all I did was take a snapshot of what the map looked like today.


First thing I noticed was that I'm getting a lot of traffic from Europe. That was kinda cool, I do have some friends in the UK.

But then I looked closer. Look closely at the picture.

The western most dot and the eastern most dot.

Someone is visiting my website from the middle of the ocean.

Which begs the question...

Which of you fuckers is underwater right now?
I was concerned is was this asshole trying to sponge off of my bandwidth. Apparently he lives in a pineapple under the sea behind seven proxies.
Its probably someone from Malaysia airlines, floating along & keeping themselves entertained as they wait for rescue.
Not sure why we decided to crash Alaska into Mexico though. As if the cartel was not already a big enough problem and we just fed them another state.
"The Palins are on vacation! Quick, let's haul ass to Mexico before they get back! No time to pack, just take the whole state."


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