Steel Cage Forums: A Wrestling Forum That Won't Make You Sick And Kill You


Turn Bayley heel
Do you long for a wrestling forum that is run by people that actually care about the wrestling forum?

Would you like a wrestling forum that uses software from this decade?

Would you like to pick your own avatar?

Would you like your avatar to exist at all?

Would you like to have a chance of ever having more rep than someone who last signed in in 2010?

Do you want Slyfox696 to run everything?

Would you like a wrestling forum that has high level conversation from the people that used to provide it here?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then WrestleZone Forums is no longer the place for you, just like it's no longer the place for me.

But there is better.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have seen the future and it is the promised land.

Steel Cage Forums.

It is a Utopia where the people that are in charge are actually in charge.

Steel Cage Forums.

It is a place where good conversation is not only encouraged, but allowed.

Steel Cage Forums.

It is a place where your post autosaves so you never lose it inexplicably for no reason.

Steel Cage Forums.

It is a place that has an original Uncle Sam logo.

Steel Cage Forums.

It is a place for ******s and geniuses alike.

Steel Cage Forums.

It is, unquestionably, the best place on the internet to discuss professional wrestling and shoot the breeze with people like you and people who like you.

Steel Cage Forums.

So click the link, sign up, and kiss WZ goodbye.

Goodbye, Farewell and Amen.

This is in the bar room so you can't infract me for advertising.
I simply don't care enough to try another wrestling forum.

Unfortunately I feel like the forum model is a bit out of date since almost every aspect of it is done better on Reddit. The community isn't there though so it'll depend on how that culture is developed on Steel Cage.

At any rate, good luck guys. Maybe I'll be amongst you there, mysterious and unseen.
Unfortunately I feel like the forum model is a bit out of date since almost every aspect of it is done better on Reddit. The community isn't there though so it'll depend on how that culture is developed on Steel Cage.

At any rate, good luck guys. Maybe I'll be amongst you there, mysterious and unseen.

I use Reddit for various things, but squaredcircle is the stereotype of every neckbeard smark wrapped up into a neat little package that is a neverending circle jerk.
Forums still have their plus sides. The problem with Reddit is that a sub-reddit, unless kept relatively low-scale, will inevitably degenerate into pure, unadulterated...well I guess there's no kind way to say it...autism. One only has to look at SquaredCircle, countless gaming reddits, TV shows, and don't even get me started on political sub-reddits.
Forums still have their plus sides. The problem with Reddit is that a sub-reddit, unless kept relatively low-scale, will inevitably degenerate into pure, unadulterated...well I guess there's no kind way to say it...autism. One only has to look at SquaredCircle, countless gaming reddits, TV shows, and don't even get me started on political sub-reddits.

If you think SquaredCircle is unadulterated autism, you must not have spent any time on /asp/.
What are your goals in SCF? If it's just for the hardcore WZ forums users, then I guess it's okay, but you'll need to find your new users somewhere. You'll need to drive traffic, promote and promote because eventually people will stop coming in.

Running a website is really difficult if you want to succeed as you guys probably know. I'm honestly intrigued in what you guys are doing as far as goals go.

To me and I say most of the people in here, it looks like Slyfox had a bitch fight with one of the owners of WZ, got demoted (not say fired, because I highly, HIGHLY, doubt any of you get paid to be admins or mods over here, heck even write on the main website) and went into business for himself just to stick it to them.

But what are the goals as far as the rest of us are concerned? I mean, should we expect more discussions about wrestling? New users with different insights?

Because, if that will be bring people over from WZ and changing the avatar, then in all honesty, you're just kinda splitting a community for nothing.
I don't know if you've noticed but the version of vbullitin has not been updated on this forum in over 8 years.

It's on its last legs and I believe SF is set up in case anything was to go wrong. I myself was mod of a forum for 7 years and we logged in one day last year to see the owners had decided to close it and didn't notify anyone. It's happening with all sorts of forums across the web so a backup is a good thing.
I hope there are no goals. If there are no goals, then you can't fail, and if you can't fail then you can't disappoint your parents. That's my motto in life.
I don't know if you've noticed but the version of vbullitin has not been updated on this forum in over 8 years.

It's on its last legs and I believe SF is set up in case anything was to go wrong. I myself was mod of a forum for 7 years and we logged in one day last year to see the owners had decided to close it and didn't notify anyone. It's happening with all sorts of forums across the web so a backup is a good thing.

In that sense, yeah, agreed. But de WZ owners want to get rid of the forum?
What are your goals in SCF? If it's just for the hardcore WZ forums users, then I guess it's okay, but you'll need to find your new users somewhere. You'll need to drive traffic, promote and promote because eventually people will stop coming in.

Running a website is really difficult if you want to succeed as you guys probably know. I'm honestly intrigued in what you guys are doing as far as goals go.

To me and I say most of the people in here, it looks like Slyfox had a bitch fight with one of the owners of WZ, got demoted (not say fired, because I highly, HIGHLY, doubt any of you get paid to be admins or mods over here, heck even write on the main website) and went into business for himself just to stick it to them.

But what are the goals as far as the rest of us are concerned? I mean, should we expect more discussions about wrestling? New users with different insights?

Because, if that will be bring people over from WZ and changing the avatar, then in all honesty, you're just kinda splitting a community for nothing.

Man, it's a good thing they had you to ask them these questions, I doubt they thought about any of this before they started the site.
Man, it's a good thing they had you to ask them these questions, I doubt they thought about any of this before they started the site.

You'll find it's way better to give answers before someone like me asked them in order to bring people from one community to another. That and more, but I see you went to the dick road and I'm not going to be the one to block your path. It's 2018 after all.
Man, it's a good thing they had you to ask them these questions, I doubt they thought about any of this before they started the site.

What's the point of talking down to the guy for asking a question? I don't blame him for wanting to know why he ought to abandon WZ and move over if it's ultimately just going to be KB, Sly, and a handful of other regulars having discussions. I've been on small forums like that before and it gets old. If there's a way to generate traffic, on the other hand, it'll be easier to keep things fresh.
In that sense, yeah, agreed. But de WZ owners want to get rid of the forum?

We don't know but the fact that the main site isn't anymore is a sign that things are changing. and if you go to it's hard to find WZ stuff.

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