Stephanie + Nash + Jericho vs CM Punk...

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Okay, so we all remember the epic promo which CM Punk gave on RAW which made him a star overnight...He made a lot of strong statements, insulted a lot of people etc etc...But the two people I'm interested in is,

1) Stephanie McMahon:- We remember Punk calling her idiotic and they also met twice after that and Punk wasn't very kind to her...This surely wouldn't have gone down well with her.

2) Chris Jericho:- Now, directly Punk never made any reference to him but we know that Punk stole his catch phrase that night "BEST IN THE WORLD"...

Now, since that epic night Punk has had a roller-coaster of a ride...One of the main reasons for that was Nash attacking him at Summerslam and costing him his title...Now, for quite sometime we have been wondering who actually sent that text message to Nash to attack Punk. Maybe it was Stephanie McMahon...Maybe, she used Nash to do the Sharpshooters role...

For weeks we have been seeing John Laurinitus trying to screw Punk...we have also been seeing him texting someone every now and then...Maybe its Stephanie McMahon...Maybe its she who could be behind it all...

Now, last month we saw Jericho's 1/2/2012 promo...There were two things that caught my mind...
1) "I am coming to claim back what is mine":- This could be nothing but the "BEST IN THE WORLD" catch phrase that Punk stole from him...

2) "She holds the mystery behind my arrival" :- Now, this could be none other than Stephanie...I mean who else could bring Jericho back...

Its a plan...plan to screw shut his mouth...Vengeance...!!!

I, for one wouldn't be surprised if Jericho wins the Royal Rumble and challenges Punk for the title(we all know that) and also for the "BEST IN THE WORLD" tag-line...

I also wouldnt be surprised to see Stephanie come out in the near future and admit she was behind it all...pipebomb!!!
I really can't see Stephanie being behind anything in this promo. Jericho is the one who belittled daddy's little girl week after week, humiliated her on a regular basis, pointed out to the world that she had implants and generally seemed to show a huge amount of disdain for.

'She' could be anything. Any inanimate object or tool can be reffered to as 'she' in a certain context. In this case 'she' could easily mean the WWE Championship or even the catch phrase that CM Punk stole.
I believe this is the 7th thread now started about Jericho, his return, and his potentially winning the WWE title and/or the Royal Rumble. Most of them also involved Stephanie, Kevin Nash, and/or the Raw GM angle. I'm bound by the rules to answer your question, but this should be merged with one of the endless other threads that are already discussing variations of this...

Yes, the Jericho/Punk angle will happen and it will likely involve the "Best in the World" gimmick in some way. I'm sure it will just be one of those things they talk about. Likely a pissing contest to see whose "best in the world" is bigger... As for the rest, I wouldn't be surprised to see some sort of screwjob angle where Jericho actually walks away with the title this weekend. I don't see Kevin Nash getting involved, because he's indicated that the match with Triple H was his "final run". Maybe that's a swerve, but at this point I don't even want to see him back in the ring or cutting promos... MAYBE Stephanie McMahon. Maybe even Triple H. I've theorized a new Corporation to make the Punk/Laurinatis feud even more like Austin/McMahon. The chances of all that are extremely low, but not 100% out of the question.
1) "I am coming to claim back what is mine":- This could be nothing but the "BEST IN THE WORLD" catch phrase that Punk stole from him...

Very matter of factly there. It could be the Undisputed Title that Jericho hasn't shut up about in 10 years...

There are lots of scenarios and likely these change daily knowing Vince. She being Stephanie McMahon would make sense but would be pretty obvious considering she is the favourite. A few people think 'she' is CM Punk.
I'm hoping that Jericho/Punk at WrestleMania really is the endgame because that would be awesome and makes the most sense. I have a gut feeling that Stephanie will be involved in Jericho's angle in some fashion, but the various reasons why she would return on-camera could be it's own thread. Her one-off appearance backstage on RAW this summer really felt like WWE was going "Hey! Remember her? She's coming BACK!" It could have been just a red herring too, but somehow I doubt it.

Also, no Kevin Nash. At ALL. Outside of a possible Hall of Fame induction a year or two from now I really have no desire to see him on WWE programming ever again. Except for maybe on Legends House... him and Piper under one roof could be a potential shoot gold mine in the making. :D

Just keep him the hell away from Punk and I'll be happy, basically.
I don't see any logic in Stephanie McMahon being involved. If she is.. HUGE letdown and waste of storyline because it's so predictable. Actually.. this is the shell of their former selves WWE creative we are talking about..
Ahhh, please can we let the Steph thing go.

People were saying it'd be Shane and Steph and not Jericho, and now it appears we're clutching at straws (why, you have to ask..) to now see Steph integrated in to the Jericho angle.

No chance, and no thank you.

It'd be disappointing, wouldn't make a great deal of sense, and would be a huge step backwards.
I really can't see Stephanie being behind anything in this promo. Jericho is the one who belittled daddy's little girl week after week, humiliated her on a regular basis, pointed out to the world that she had implants and generally seemed to show a huge amount of disdain for.

'She' could be anything. Any inanimate object or tool can be reffered to as 'she' in a certain context. In this case 'she' could easily mean the WWE Championship or even the catch phrase that CM Punk stole.

well, if I do recall, she sided with Jericho for Wrestlemania 18 against Triple there's the possibility of them realigning again
Where does Nash fit into this. Nash has finished his business with Punk and he has no spot in this angle. Moving on. Everyone is saying that Punk/Jericho will meet at Wm due to Jericho winning the Rumble. Mark my words, JERICHO WILL NOT WIN THE RUMBLE. That would be poor booking and too predictable. At sundays rumble their will be a new wwe champion. It will not be Ziggler. Laurinatis said he will screw punk out the title somehow. It only makes to have Jericho win the wwe title. Like he said this past monday, sunday at the rumble it will the END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT. We all know the world is CM Punk and Jericho will end the world of Punk and his title reign sunday. Punk will not and I repeat he will not go into Mania as champion. wwe will not have a face champion going into Wm as champion. To me thats also bad booking and less interesting.

I really wouldnt be surprised if Stephanie shows up this sunday and fire Laurinatis for not getting the job done only to have Y2J do the job himself. This will lead steph as new gm. Leading into elimination chamber. Steph and Y2J may have Punk fued with johnny boy to earn a wwe title shot. Laurinatis will get back in the ring and prove to stephanie that he deserves his job. Punk wins and johnny boy fired. This jus might happen.
I really wouldnt be surprised if Stephanie shows up this sunday and fire Laurinatis for not getting the job done only to have Y2J do the job himself. This will lead steph as new gm. Leading into elimination chamber. Steph and Y2J may have Punk fued with johnny boy to earn a wwe title shot. Laurinatis will get back in the ring and prove to stephanie that he deserves his job. Punk wins and johnny boy fired. This jus might happen.

Isn't Johnny boy getting interviewed on Monday by Triple H? For that to happen this Sunday would make no sense at all.

Jericho is in the Rumble, thats a fact, whether he gets involved in the WWE Title match is another issue. I wonder if 'she' is Vickie Guerrero and her and Dolph screwing Punk is all part of Jerichos masterplan.
Who cares if Jericho bad mouthed Steph week after week. Didn't Vince & Stone Cold have the greatest feud ever....remember WM x7 ?
Isn't Johnny boy getting interviewed on Monday by Triple H? For that to happen this Sunday would make no sense at all.

Jericho is in the Rumble, thats a fact, whether he gets involved in the WWE Title match is another issue. I wonder if 'she' is Vickie Guerrero and her and Dolph screwing Punk is all part of Jerichos masterplan.
What will ziggler gain for helping Jericho screw Punk. Ziggler doesnt need Jericho. I also know that jericho is apart of the rumble and with him winning the title he could still enter and lose. I mean he could enter #30 without being eliminated. Before he enters have Barrett and Orton eliminated each other. Teddy long would then reward Orton/Barrett a title shot at Mania against D.Bryan. Orton and Barrett may jus fight to a grudge match at EC who knows. Sheamus may win Smackdown EC. Thus making him the contender. This could somehow bring all 4 guys ( Bryan, Sheamus, Orton, ad Barrett) together for a 4 way elimination match at mania. Off subject but I do feel that Foley will somehow be placed back into this picture. With Ziggler of course.
Who cares if Jericho bad mouthed Steph week after week. Didn't Vince & Stone Cold have the greatest feud ever....remember WM x7 ?
Jericho and stephanie settle their differences in 2002 in a fued with HHH. Remember WM x8. I dont think that guy remembers that either.
What will ziggler gain for helping Jericho screw Punk. Ziggler doesnt need Jericho. I also know that jericho is apart of the rumble and with him winning the title he could still enter and lose. I mean he could enter #30 without being eliminated. Before he enters have Barrett and Orton eliminated each other. Teddy long would then reward Orton/Barrett a title shot at Mania against D.Bryan. Orton and Barrett may jus fight to a grudge match at EC who knows. Sheamus may win Smackdown EC. Thus making him the contender. This could somehow bring all 4 guys ( Bryan, Sheamus, Orton, ad Barrett) together for a 4 way elimination match at mania. Off subject but I do feel that Foley will somehow be placed back into this picture. With Ziggler of course.

Ziggler will gain the WWE Title. Jericho will get one over on Punk. I thought that bit was pretty obvious.
Has anyone thought for a second that maybe Jericho is back to regain the undisputed WWE championship. What if this happens:Lets say Jericho does get involved in punks match this Sunday,maybe "SHE" is reveled and helps Chris somehow win the WWE championship at the rumble. Then later that night since everyone is eligible for the rumble match,Jericho comes out at number 30 and wins the rumble. Now since he has the WWE championship he challenges the WHC at mania. Now we get to the EC and lets say someone else wins the WHC match. We then go to mania and Jericho beats punk to retain and beats the WHC to be the NEW UNDISPUTED CHAMPION and since now we have Raw "Super-show" he can easily appear as the one and only True champion in the WWE. Now i know this is far from what will actually probably happen but its just a thought.
I don't think Steph has anything to do with the girl in the promos. I personally got the feeling that that the "girl" in those promos were AGAINST jericho, NOT his ally. I don't think they put any thought into those promos and the girl means nothing. This is WWE we're talking about. Vince probably said "Make up something odd for a new return" and that's what they came up with but it's not symbolic of anything. WWE rarely thinks long term. Like HHH beating punk, Nash attacking punk, J.R. returning to announcing, and the anonymous RAW GM. Just short term angles that seem to be the start of something long term but then quickly just burn out and disappear.
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