Stone Cold Vs. Randy Orton not Stone Cold Vs. CM Punk!

Stone Cold vs. CM Punk or Randy Orton??

  • Stone Cold vs. CM Punk

  • Stone Cold vs. Randy Orton

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CM Steel

A REAL American
In a recent interview featuring WWE hall of famer Stone Cold Steve Austin. He said that if he was to have one more match, it would be against the one and only CM Punk come Wrestlemania time. But why not having Stone Cold face off against someone who's just as cold blooded as he is. Someone who can bring the same intensity into a ring like Stone Cold once did. Someone like Randy Orton!

"The Rattlesnake" Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. "The Viper" Randy Orton.

Stone Cold vs. CM Punk would work because both men have two completely different style's in & out the ring. It would be like watching Ric Flair vs. Rob Van Dam. Two guys with two different style's telling two different stories in a match together.

But Stone Cold vs. Randy Orton could be a respectable match at Wrestlemania 28 in it's own right. Almost a passing of the torch of somewhat? If the WWE is willing to have John Cena vs. the Rock at Wrestlemania 28 in a past vs. present type of match. Then why not have Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Randy Orton as well?

And SCSA is the only big time legend that Randy Orton has never faced/killed (legend killer). But I would rather see Stone Cold vs. Randy Orton over Stone Cold vs. CM Punk anyday. If I have to pay a fee to watch it.
Eh, I don't see it.
Why would Austin's style clash with Punk's? I don't think you're making a whole lot of sense there. I can easily picture them having a great match. Austin likes dishing out, Punk likes selling. No conflict. The comparison to Flair and RVD is ridiculous.

Austin vs Punk would make sense. They are actually more similar than you think. Both characters rebel against the system. In that sense Punk is the modern day Austin. He's challenging the status quo. That's why they get compared all the time. Both characters were initially not slated for a bright future in the WWE but exceeded all expectations.

Also they have a history of taking small shots at one another. There is already a considerable buildup there.

Whereas where is the special appeal in Austin vs Orton? They both have snake nicknames? Orton once had a legendkiller gimmick and Austin is a legend?
I have no doubt the two could have a great match, but I don't see any reason this would be preferable to Punk.

Just think about the storyline leading to the match. Straight edge Punk vs beer swilling Austin. Those promos promise to be gold. Awesome war of words. Whereas Orton would be promo'd out the building by Austin. Orton's just not a great talker.
Nah it just wouldnt work like Ghandi said SCSA vs Punk would be gold and having him against Orton would'nt even be the second best option, and by the way just so you know there are 0 votes in the Randy Orton column.

Was'nt the Legend Killer a gimmick? He's since dropped that in favour of the Schizophrenic/Predator Gimmick.
There are a few reasons the whole Stone Cold vs Cm Punk idea works better....

The main reason is the have already built some what of a twitter rivalry taking jabs at each other often about different issues.

The whole Straight Edge Lifestyle vs the Beer drinking is another angle they would have to use against one another in promo's(because you know a match like this wouldnt be done without some build up)

They then have that whole "stepping up against Authority" thing in common. Austin could say Punk is just trying to be like him.

The only thing Orton has really is the whole Legend Killer gimmick but honestly how long has it been since he has targeted/attacked a legend? One could say Jericho as many consider him a future hall of famer and legend but him attacking Jericho didnt carry the same intensity as when he attacked some of the much older defenseless legends hes assaulted.

Austin vs Punk would be good but only if Austin could put forth 100% effort and also more importantly as long as the chances of him getting seriously hurt in any kind of match aren't too high. In the past it was reported that Austin was one wrong bump away from paralysis. Its not worth it even for a dream match to see any wrestler crippled just for one match.
The poll is 14 to 1 and I'm guessing that the one vote for Austin vs. Orton is yours. With all due respect, that should tell you something right there.

You want to know why The Rock vs. Cena has been such a successful feud and will continue to be leading into Mania next year? Clashing personalities. The two guys have personas that come to life every week and clash directly with one another. The Rock hates what Cena stands for and Cena hates what The Rock stands for. Now, take the Straight Edge vs. Beer Drinker thing with Austin/Punk, and you have the same kind of concept. They'd have to work it so Punk doesn't come off condescending to the audience like he did the last time he did the SES stuff, but it could still definitely work. Then you throw in the fact that Austin was anti-authority before Punk was even in the business, and you have another story to go with it. And then Punk can counter with the fact that he did what Austin could never really do, at least not permanently: get rid of Vince. There are just so many more directions they can go with it. With Austin vs. Orton, it would just be the "Battle of the Snakes" or some shit, and that's nowhere near as interesting.
Eh, I don't see it.
Why would Austin's style clash with Punk's? I don't think you're making a whole lot of sense there. I can easily picture them having a great match. Austin likes dishing out, Punk likes selling. No conflict. The comparison to Flair and RVD is ridiculous.

Austin vs Punk would make sense. They are actually more similar than you think. Both characters rebel against the system. In that sense Punk is the modern day Austin. He's challenging the status quo. That's why they get compared all the time. Both characters were initially not slated for a bright future in the WWE but exceeded all expectations.

Also they have a history of taking small shots at one another. There is already a considerable buildup there.

Whereas where is the special appeal in Austin vs Orton? They both have snake nicknames? Orton once had a legendkiller gimmick and Austin is a legend?
I have no doubt the two could have a great match, but I don't see any reason this would be preferable to Punk.

Just think about the storyline leading to the match. Straight edge Punk vs beer swilling Austin. Those promos promise to be gold. Awesome war of words. Whereas Orton would be promo'd out the building by Austin. Orton's just not a great talker.

I have to agree with entire statement here. Now, remember Austin recently got on Orton about his mic skills and other things in an interview. Punk has it going right now. I'm not saying Orton isn't good, but it needs to be Punk ve. Austin
Oh, I forgot to mention the fact that it's COMPLETELY up to Austin as to whether or not he comes back. He's said that if he does, it will be against Punk. That basically makes it a case closed thing right there. Austin wants to face Punk, so it's either he faces Punk, or he stays retired. And I agree with his point of view on that, one hundred percent.
If it was 2010 there would be 15 votes for Orton and probably no votes for Punk. However, it's 2011 and Punk is the flavor of the month, everyone in the entire IWC thinks he's god and obviously they're going to vote Punk over "Blandy Boreton". I, on the other hand, completely agree with the OP that not only would Austin/Orton be the better match, but it would definitely be the bigger draw. Orton has proved (as a heel) that he can be a valuable draw and he basically carried RAW in 2008 and 2009, forcing Cena into meaningless feuds with JBL, Big Show, and Miz during that time. The only reason why he's not huge and way over now is because they tweaked his gimmick to act like a face. If he was still the same badass that he was in 2010 that turned him face in the first place there is no doubt that everyone would've wet themselves of an Austin/Orton match. The two cold-blooded bastards who don't give a fuck and can strike out of nowhere going at it? That's legendary.

Punk isn't anything like Stone Cold, they both are anti-authority and the comparison stops there. Orton has the similar finisher, nickname, and in-ring style (the brawler over wrestler philosophy) and I think it would definitely draw more due to Orton's drawing power and it would be a 5 star-classic. Orton's been the most consistent man in 2011 no doubt, put him in the match with Austin.
They CAN'T, though. They don't have the option. It's up to Austin, and he thinks Orton's promos are boring. Now, that point can be debated, but I think Orton does have his dull moments sometimes. Stone Cold Steve Austin NEVER had a dull moment, and neither does Punk. Also, what conclusive evidence do you have that Austin vs. Orton would draw more? Because he was on top in 2009? I think you're confusing booking and drawing ability there, my friend. I also have no idea how Punk and Austin being different means that it would be an inferior match. Some of the greatest matches of all time have been between two guys with drastically different in-ring styles.
God no, Randy Orton doesn't need any more big matches, he doesn't need to be put over any more that he has been.

Might as well have John Cena fight SCSA at Wrestlemania 28 too, since we aren't wanting to be reality based.

I agree with the majority of posters on here, it truly is up to SCSA and if he wants to face Punk, that's the way it will go down. The only ones who wanna see Orton in this conversation are fans of his.
In 2009, Austin vs. Orton would have been amazing. Orton was the best heel the company had seen in a long time, and would've been the perfect opponent for Austin. Today, I'm just not that interested.

I've always thought Orton was born roughly ten years late. He would have been perfect for the Attitude Era. He and Austin could have torn the house down back in 98/99. Now, I just don't see it. They have no connection. Orton is no longer a heel, and they haven't interacted, whatsoever, over the last couple of years.

On the other hand, Punk and Austin have history. A very, very small amount of history, but much more so than Orton and Austin. Orton and Austin missed their window, which is unfortunate.
Its simple

Punk fans think that Punk is the "Stone Cold" of this era

Orton fans think that Orton is the "Stone Cold" or this era

Neither one of them are Stone Cold Steve Austin there is no such thing as the next "Stone Cold Steve Austin" or the next anybody but i will say this.

If i had to pick which one resembles Austin the most.. Its pretty obvious that it would be Randy Orton. "The Viper" and Austin was "The Rattlesnake" both got similar finishers that come out of nowhere. Both got similar styles as far as being ruthless and aggressive. Lose cannon etc..

Lately everybody has been saying CM Punk is Stone Cold like because he's going against the establishment. Well Austin went against Vince and the establishment too but.. I dont really remember Stone Cold sitting Indian style in the ring to open up Raw's. I dont remember Austin complaining and whining in a ways that CM Punk has. Even if Punk is not whining, he's doing this with words. Austin went in and did the damn thing with actions, chairs, stunners, beers..The only person that was doing the talking for Mr. Austin was Jim Ross... "MY GOD, THE RATTLESNAKE IS RAISING HELL"

At least Randy Orton did it with actions as well. Punting Vince in the head. No it wasn't really Orton going against the Establishment, it was really about him wanting revenge against Triple H, and no he didnt really do it by himself, he had help along with him(Rhodes and Ted). But Orton is more action than words just like Austin. Yes Austin was great on the mic and how he would just tell us how he doesn't give a damn about anything, and it was funny but.. He never really complained about anything and he wasn't so predicate on words. Neither is Orton, especially now. He's the calculated Viper, what does he need to spend time on the mic for with dazzling words?

With that being said, I just dont get why everyone wants to see Austin and Punk face off so bad. But i guess it would be intriguing to watch. Straight Edged vs Wreckless would be a good theme to build it up by. I'm just tired of everyone saying Punk and Austin are exactly alike, because they are not. And Orton isn't like Austin either.

Austin and Punk would have a good battle on the Mic, and because their styles are so different.. it most likely would be a good match. But i would rather watch a Viper take on a Rattlesnake. That match would be ruthless and entertaining in my book. Rather watch their styles clash in that ring. It would be an emotional high octane match up IMO
I have no doubt a Stone Cold vs Randy Orton match would be good...however, it wouldn't be as good as a Stone Cold vs CM Punk match.

There are a lot of reasons why. CM Punk is better in the ring than Randy Orton. CM Punk is better MUCH better on the mic than Randy Orton. CM Punk and Stone Cold have already been going at it on Twitter. The promos between CM Punk and Stone Cold would be pure Gold. Stone Cold would crush Randy Orton on the mic, and it just wouldn't be entertaining. I could probably go on with even more reasons why CM Punk vs Austin should happen over Randy vs Austin.

The feud between Austin and Punk could go a lot of different directions. They have a lot of options they could go with it. However, I just don't see where they would take a Orton vs Austin feud? Would Austin be pissed that Orton is using a snake as his nickname? Just doesn't seem like they have a lot to build off there.

Orton vs Austin would be good.
Punk vs Austin would be great.
the whole thing about CM Punk being flavour of the month is irrelevant. Not a slight against Randy or anything, because this year, last year and every year succeeding them, he does put on some of the better matches in the company. BUT for the last few years since he turned face... he just doesn't seem to have much of a character. I liked his feud with Christian but it just seems like Randy Orton is more of a cyborg than John Cena when it comes to character. At least I can get behind some of Cenas promos.

Either way Orton/Austin or Punk/Austin would both be good, or great matches.. I just think that everyone is in the same place in thinking Punk/Austin would be the more interesting one.
I for one would much rather see Austin return and wrestle Punk, but I do not want to see it at WM28,


Because of the hype behind Cena vs Rock for WM28, everything else on the card will be overshadowed. If Punk's currently level of popularity continues by the time WM29 rolls around he should be a bigger namesake in the company, and Austin vs Punk should be able to boost the buy rates of WM29 to the moon.

I think cramming Austin vs Punk and Rock vs Cena on the same WM card would be a big mistake for the WWE. Fans have been crying for Austin to return to the ring and wrestle for years, so holding Punk vs Austin off until WM29 gives more time for build up, it gives more time to gain interest, it gives Cena vs Rock full attention at WM28, while building up a different card around those two.

Austin could still be featured as a part of WM28, like he was this past year, Punk could still have a high profile match at WM28 and the two could square off at WM29 as the main attraction.

As for Orton vs Austin, bitch please
Eh, I don't see it.
Why would Austin's style clash with Punk's? I don't think you're making a whole lot of sense there. I can easily picture them having a great match. Austin likes dishing out, Punk likes selling. No conflict. The comparison to Flair and RVD is ridiculous.

Austin vs Punk would make sense. They are actually more similar than you think. Both characters rebel against the system. In that sense Punk is the modern day Austin. He's challenging the status quo. That's why they get compared all the time. Both characters were initially not slated for a bright future in the WWE but exceeded all expectations.

Also they have a history of taking small shots at one another. There is already a considerable buildup there.

Whereas where is the special appeal in Austin vs Orton? They both have snake nicknames? Orton once had a legendkiller gimmick and Austin is a legend?
I have no doubt the two could have a great match, but I don't see any reason this would be preferable to Punk.

Just think about the storyline leading to the match. Straight edge Punk vs beer swilling Austin. Those promos promise to be gold. Awesome war of words. Whereas Orton would be promo'd out the building by Austin. Orton's just not a great talker.

Hold on hold on! If Stone Cold is coming back to wrestle one more match at Wrestlemania 28. Do you think that Vince McMahon would allow Stone Cold to lose? If SCSA faced CM Punk at WM next year in Miami-South Beach. Stone Cold would go over CM Punk by the fault of his in-ring return. Thus marking it the third Wrestlemania match in a row that CM Punk has lost at a Wrestlemania. So really CM Punk would gain nothing from the match, except just going toe-to-toe with SCSA in his return match.

As for Randy Orton. He has been on a roll from the past Wrestlemania's with victories (like this year against CM Punk). So he could also lose to Austin at Wrestlemania as well. But a good build-up done the right way could lead us to believe that it is possible that Randy Orton could pull off a win against Stone Cold Steve Austin. Damn Twitter! Let Austin & Orton have a face-to-face at Survivor Series or at the Royal Rumble. Where we could see history in the making. And at WM 28, we can see Austin pass the "badass torch" to Orton. If Orton won or not.
You have got to be shitting me.

Why? Why would you want Orton to face Austin instead of Punk? Well I'll tell you why this is Punk's match. First of all.. Austin doesn't like Orton's character. And has made it clear that if there's anything that's gonna get him to return for one more match it would be wrestling Punk. Orton shouldn't even be compared o Austin. Where's Orton's sense of humor? It's a crime to compare anyone who's dead serious as Orton is to Austin.

Did you hear the reaction Randy Orton got on Raw when his name was mentioned? It was a mixed reaction. He was booed by some teens/adults in the crowd. And giving him Punk's spot against Austin isn't gonna help Orton avoid going down a "(kids and women) Let's go Randy! (teen and adult males) Randy sucks!" Cena-like road.

Just give it to Punk. He deserves this more. Orton's character is just flat out boring and stale yet he's still shoved down my throat hell take Austin's word for it Orton needs to repackage himself. Plus Orton doesn't need to face Austin he's done with The Legend Killer gimmick. He got to face Hulk Hogan at Summerslam and The Undertaker, Mick Foley, and The Rock at Wrestlemania. Why give him Austin when they have Punk.. Who has been crossing paths with Austin teasing a feud between the two for sometime now. Giving Orton Punk's rightful spot would be a bad move. Orton would be booed the shit out of by Punk's hardcore fans. Plus Orton has already faced 4 big name legends on big stages when Punk never got a chance like that. Just give it to Punk. People need to forget the Orton/Austin comparison.. It's not even funny seriously.
I'll choose stonecold vs. nobody

Come on, do you want to see Austin end up like Edge? He's been noticeably careful about wrestling. He is wary of his past injuries and the surgeries he have undergone in the past.

Well if you are that persistent, I'll have them match with The Ringmaster - The Stone Cold Steve Austin of 1996. He is so ruthless that he will literally whoop and whip the asses of CM Punk and Randy Orton combined. :lmao:
Either one of these matches would be awesome to see. I am in the minority here, but I picked Orton VS Austin. They are already having Cena VS The Rock, so why not have both of the biggest names from both eras in a passing of the torch type of match? Orton could revive his Legend Killer character for this angle to add another layer to his Viper persona. Stone Cold may prefer Punk as an opponent, and that match would be good too. Punk confronting Stone Cold about his drinking to preach Straight Edge to him could make for amazing promos. However, even though I am in the minority on this vote I would rather have the Orton match because it would help Orton significantly to go over Stone Cold. It would bring him one step closer to reaching the level that the legends are at. That hypothetical victory seems like so much more of a big deal than Punk winning does. Orton is already on the path to becoming a future legend, but this victory would solidify his future legend status. Punk will have other opportunities, I'd rather see it be Orton.
IMO SCSA would need to be carried in a match these days. Years of ring rust and injuries will have certainly took its toll and i believe that he would feel much more comfortable and safer working with a guy like Punk rather than Orton.

Punk has more experience than orton and right now he is one of if not the hottest talent in pro wrestling. There is really no competition. Although i think orton has improved a great deal over the last year or so i still believe Punk would be able to carry SCSA to a better match than orton could. I also believe Punk would relish the moment alot more too.

Oh and to the guy who said Vince would not let austin lose????
You really dont have a understanding of how these things usually work do you?

In wrestling, You go out on your back. Its a unwritten rule. HBK, Flair, Austin in 2003. You go out, make the new gen look good, get beat and walk off into the sunset. Heck if vince told austin he was going to win im pretty sure austin would have a problem with that. A old guy coming in after years out and a ton of injuries over the years going over one of your top young stars is a idiotic move that even vince would not make. Come on bro! get your head straight.
I voted for Austin v punk, but Im not gonna come on here and tell you why Austin v orton wouldn't work. I would much rather tell you why I like the match I chose better. To me, it's all about the promos. The great thing about the Rock v SCSA were the promos and the story leading up to the match. That's one thing that CM Punk excels at is telling a story before the match. He and Stone Cold could deliver a great build up to the match and get everyone involved. The in ring performance would also be great, but it would be secondary to the story.

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