
FunKay the Inevitable

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The X-Men’s field leader on many an occasion and a true mutant veteran if there ever was one, Storm is the mistress of the elements. She can whip up a storm (quiet literally) or rain on your parade (again, literally). She’s arguably one of the most powerful mutants out there.

Starting out life in grandiose fashion as a Kenyan princess, Storm’s parents met their untimely end as a plane crashes into her home in Cairo, Egypt. Orphaned and alone, Storm, real name Ororo Monroe, becomes a pickpocket and as thief in the slums. There she meets her future mentor Charles Xavier and her future husband, T’Challa; the Black Panther.

In the Serengeti, Storm first learns of her powers, controlling the weather before being taught how to use them responsibly and with control by a witch-doctor named Ainet. Learning how to disturb rain properly without throwing off the balance of nature, Storm is worshiped as a goddess by a tribe before reencountering Xavier who invites her into the X-Men.

Established as a potential future leader and as a strong character, Storm is developed as a motherly figure for many of the young X-Men. She is also seen as a desirable queen for many rulers and warlords with the Shadow King, Dr. Doom and Dracula all taking a fancy to her, but ultimately she settles down with the Black Panther and they rule Wakanda and King and Queen.

• Weather Control: The elements are a powerful force of nature, and Storm wields them. Bending them to her will, Storm has the power to control weather like it’s no one’s business and can muster the most devastating of forces like blizzards, hurricanes and tropical storms. She also has the power to clear the skies though and prevent nature from taking and ugly turn too.
• Magical Potential: Storm has the potential to be the Sorcerer Supreme. She has slight magical abilities due to her training from witch-doctor Ainet, and uses that to boost her own weather powers.
• Rouge Storm: You don’t really wan to piss Storm off. Why? Simply put she goes Rogue Storm. Combining her powers with her magical potential, she unleashes a deadly tirade of raw power. However her mind is blank and she cannot control her rage.

• Combat Training: Under the tutelage of Wolverine and the Black Panther, Storm’s hand-to-hand combat skills have developed considerably. She can now stand up there agaisnt some of the best regular fighter sin the world and has applies her brute force on many an occasion.
• Sleight of Hand: Storm was once a pickpocket in the back-alleys and slums of Cairo. To do this she had to be slick and conniving, and she has even managed to steal from the likes of Professor X himself.

• Cape: Storm has a cape designed in her costume that allows her to fly using winds that are caused by use of her powers.

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