Summerslam 2012: Triple H VS Brock Lesnar


SORRY! About you damn luck!


It's on!

Brock Lesnar and Triple H will face each other at Summerslam after Paul Heyman accepted the challenge made by Triple H. So, Triple H and Lesnar will fight each other, who is going to win?

In my view, Brock Lesnar needs to win! No doubt about it, he needs to, he didn't need to do it with John Cena at Extreme Rules, and why? Because Cena is bigger than Lesnar, Triple H doesn't need to be bigger than Lesnar right now, he sure can be bigger than him, but he doesn't need the victory over Brock Lesnar at this time of his career.

Triple H could win? Of course. Should he? I don't believe so. If they want Lesnar to be hot at next year Wrestlemania he should go over some top talent before the Grandest Daddy of Them All, and Triple H should be one of them.

What do you think about this match? Who should win? Who do you think will win?
I am a fan of this match as it was a potential big match that never happened during Lesner's first run. I believe Lesner has to win this match to start building steam towards Wrestlemania. Like the OP said Lesner did not need to beat Cena, but there is no reason that HHH needs to win this match. I believe this time Lesner should win and will win.
I have the feeling Triple H will win anyways. I don't understand why WWE invests so much time and money in Lesnar only to be buried by Cena. Sorry OP, Cena didn't need to win at all, he is far too established as is and has a whole career ahead of him to make it water under the bridge. Lesnar will be around until mania, likely to face taker an lose. Worst business deal ever.
Stephanie wasn't the only one looking good (though her looks are surgically altered), Brock looks to have shed all that extra fat he was sporting at Extreme Rules.

Hoping they don't turn this match into No DQ or anything, because I want to see Lesnar WRESTLE. He was an exceptional in-ring talent and I want to see if he has been training or just simply still has it.
I marked out a little when I saw stephanie and then more when they started fighting and HHH actually won the brawl.... but it all comes down to summerslam.... I am looking foward to this match, and it seems it will be the main event (sorry punk). I dont know who will win but I hope its HHH, i get all people saying brock needs to win but I as why? people will always see him as a legitimate badass, second, traditional booking tells us that the good guy wins at the end and this is the main event of the second biggest night of the year and finally, why LET brock win? use all his star power to put over your talent, he doesnt care, he´s already being payed and he is leaving after mania because he has no love for the business. feed him to taker and the rock and lets be done with it.....

I can't wait!

I think HHH getting the upper hand tonight though showed signs he will put up a good fight but Lesnar will come out on top!

I think adding Heyman & HBK in their respective corners could add/fill some much needed: face time, mic skills, & emotional investment!
Lesnar should win. HHH isn't the top dawg anymore but he can still sell tickets and thats why he's in this match. HHH has nothing to gain by winning and he won't lose anything by losing the match. Has he ever beaten Lesnar one on one? no, and theres no reason to believe he must in order to complete his career or anything. Lesnar isn't a wrestler anymore, his in ring performance will never be the way it was because of his UFC training. There's no reason to believe that HHH should win this to say "yeah, i beat all the best", because Lesnar isn't anywhere near that kind of title.

Lesnar wins.
I think this will be a great match between the two. I'm down for it. I think Triple H can work, and I trust that Brock Lesnar can make it interesting.

I'm going with Brock to win here.

I can't wait!

I think HHH getting the upper hand tonight though showed signs he will put up a good fight but Lesnar will come out on top!

I think adding Heyman & HBK in their respective corners could add/fill some much needed: face time, mic skills, & emotional investment!

I think it'd be interesting to have HBK in Triple H's corner. One of the best ways i think to make Lesnar look strong and still lose is to have HHH and HBK do their traditional tag finisher (Super Kick > Pedigree) for the pin after Brock kicks out of absolutely everything HHH can think of.

I still think Lesnar could win and build to WM, this post just made me think of a good way to preserve Brocks monster status if he were to lose.
Lesnar should win. HHH isn't the top dawg anymore but he can still sell tickets and thats why he's in this match. HHH has nothing to gain by winning and he won't lose anything by losing the match. Has he ever beaten Lesnar one on one? no, and theres no reason to believe he must in order to complete his career or anything. Lesnar isn't a wrestler anymore, his in ring performance will never be the way it was because of his UFC training. There's no reason to believe that HHH should win this to say "yeah, i beat all the best", because Lesnar isn't anywhere near that kind of title.

Lesnar wins.

I agree with all of this, but the only thing that keeps me from agreeing with it all is him going over Punk. Punk has been one of the main focal points of the past year, and there was no reason not to put him over in their match, but he didn't, and Punk never got his revenge. And that was against the man they have had the WWE championship on basically the past year. Having Punk win that one would have only made him far above the mid-card champion a lot of people on here say he is, and it wouldn't have hurt a part-time HHH at all (imo). And Punk is a lifer, if HHH wouldn't put over a man that loves the business who the WWE have spent the last year making a bonafide star, why would he do it here, when Lesner only probably has one more match after this at Mania? They wont worry about Lesner looking weak, if HHH doesn't go over him clean.

Oh and by the way, Miseria Cantare is by far and away my all time favorite Punk ring entrance music :headbanger:! Wish he would have chosen that song instead of Cult of Personality, although it does make sense why he did.
I'm fuckin STOOOOOOOOKED for this match. Come on, look at my signature. I'm so excited for this match I took time out of my day to make a sig so I could rep this match for the next month. I hope it main events SummerSlam.

Brock Lesnar NEEDS this win, in my opinion. Losing to Cena clean was understandable, but you can't expect people to keep giving a shit if he's just a job machine. Let him go over Triple H, assert some form of dominance and show he is still the FREAK he's always been. Show that his next opponent or two have a real task ahead of them.

A little P.S.
One reason I find this match interesting and must see, is because these were THE top guys in WWE from mid-2002 to mid-2004 when Lesnar left and Trips started being used to get other guys over. These guys never even TOUCHED each other back then, and now all these years later they go to war. Good stuff WWE.
This is a great match to have. And it is being built pretty well too. My only problem is that I just sense that Brock cannot win this one,specially if this is the main event. You can`t have the guy come back, loose his only two matches he has competed in so far and expect people to see him as anything but a looser. HHH does not need that win, but somehow I feel he will still win. He does not need to be put over. I would expect this to be DQ...should be fun. Hope they built this even more in the upcoming weeks tho, with Lesnar actually appearing...been a while since we`ve had a personal feud.
Surely with Brock's "MMA like style" they're going to put some sort of stipulation to this match like make it a Street Fight for No Holds Barred, similar to how they through in the the Extreme Rules gimmick with his match with Cena earlier this year.

Should be a pretty fun and brutal brawl. Seeing Trips take some of Brock's stiff punches and elbows will be treat and worth the main event price alone. They have been hyping this match since Lesnar finished up with Cena and even though the feud isn't being handled all that well by creative, it's still a first time ever match up and an exciting one at that. The intensity that will be brought will be nothing short of epic.
I am already super pumped for this match, just because it has two huge brawlers who know how to fight.. with that being said I wouldn't be suprised if this became some kind of No DQ match like a street fight or falls count anywhere, so these two can just fight. Lesner should go over in the end and hopefully they won't do what they did last year and have HHH go over the opponent that should win like he did over Punk. Lesner should completely destroy HHH at the end of the match to where HHH is going to have to be carted out of the arena and hopefully something big comes from this match as well
Cena is not bigger than Lesnar. As a rookie, Lesnar was already in programs with different legends, that's how good he was. Now regarding SS, i think having Heyman on Lesnar's corner would be great. Maybe he could sell a pedigree on the announce table just like he sold the Rock bottom in 02. However it plays out, Lesnar will come out on top.
I'm looking forward to this match. Brock needs the win, but I think Triple H will win.

Best thing they did was bring Heyman back. Brock's promos are brutal. The contract signing with Johnny Ace was awful. At least with Heyman as his mouthpiece, they can build a decent storyline.
Kind of hard to pick a winner for this one. On one hand, you can make the argument about Brock Lesnar NEEDING the win here. After all, he did lose his big return match to John Cena. You could also make the argument about the loss putting a big dent in Brock's invincible "ass-kicker" persona, because prior to the match, Brock did run his mouth a lot, and he treated Cena like a bitch. The big bad UFC Heavyweight Champion lost to John Cena in the main event of a pay per view, so Lesnar is looking for some redemption, and defeating Triple H, who is a certified legend, will provide a tremendous boost.

But then you have to consider Triple H's side. Lesnar did break his arm. Triple H came to Raw as the CEO, not a wrestler. But Lesnar decided to attack him regardless. Then Triple had to endure a lengthy taunting process from Paul Heyman, and on top of that, you have to remember all of the lawsuits. Triple H is pissed, and he's looking for revenge. And I love the guy, but I wonder, will Triple H suffer two big loses in one year? Yeah, I know, everyone falls to Taker at Mania, but the fact of the matter is Triple H STILL lost.

There's a good amount of unpredictability going into this match. It's not so easy to pick a winner for this one, and I'm enjoying the "up in the air" feeling so far.

As far as the match itself goes, I'm beyond pumped. From a physical standpoint, Lesnar appeared to be in great condition on the 1,000th episode of Raw. Triple H can still deliver good a match, and Lesnar VS Triple H could provide one of the more memorable Summerslam main events. I'm hoping for a brutal, physical brawl between these two, because Triple H demanded a "fight" with Lesnar, so I expect the announcement of a No Holds Barred stipulation soon enough.
This is probably going to end up being the most intriguing match on the card. Either guy can conceivably win, and it'll be very interesting to see who the WWE decides to put over. I'd have to think that Lesnar will go over and possibly work one more small program before leading into his WrestleMania program, but I really can't just dismiss Triple H in this scenario, either. Triple H is the one who (storyline-wise) stands to go over, with everything that Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman have put him through (broken arm, lawsuits, etc.). Still, Lesnar stands to gain far more from a victory here than Triple H does, which is why I have to lean toward him. I don't think WWE wants Lesnar losing two straight matches, even if they are to two top-flight WWE Superstars, as he'll be a pivotal part of the WrestleMania 29 card and they need to keep one of their top draws secure.

The match itself should be awesome. I'm expecting an absolute brawl and will not be surprised if a no disqualification stipulation is introduced in the coming weeks. Both guys (storyline-wise) want to come after each other and kick some serious ass, so I can only assume that a major stipulation will be added. Seeing Lesnar go over here gives him a solid enough "reason" to go up against Undertaker at 'Mania. Their history would certainly be a selling point, but if Triple H pushed 'Taker to the line and Brock can beat Triple H, then he stands to be 'Takers biggest threat, and so on and so forth. This match can definitely be a catalyst for WrestleMania.
Before Raw last night I thought Triple H was going to go over on Lesnar which I would have hated because that’s what Triple H always does when the spotlight isn’t on himself but after Lesnar said he would see Hunter at Slam and he would see Shawn sooner, I’d say Lesnar wins with the help of Michaels which would lead us to Triple H vs Shawn Michaels for Maina!
It just makes a lot of sense to do it this way as Triple H vs Shawn Michaels for maina along with The Rock vs John Cena 2 would be epic, Let’s not forget Taker will be on the card too so adding HHH vs HBK would make the show that much better.
If WWE continue having Lesnar lose on television to guys who the world knows he would killin seconds in a "shoot", all it is doing is destroying Lesnars credibility and makes WWE look pissweak and childish. What WWE really should do, to make plenty of cash and bring around a huge rematch, is have Lesnar win, and win quite comfortably. It was disgraceful that Cena got the clean win after losing to The Rock a month earleir, a guy who had not really wrestled a singles match for 10 years.(2 tags in the middle of that). HHH is a part timer now a in in his early 40s;' only WWE could believe this match could go HHH winning. Have Lesnar destroy HBK on the go home Raw, giving HHH all the anger and motivation to have the right frame of mind to try and meet lesnar in a fight, have HBK ringside at Summerslam, hell even have him get involved and inadvertantly hit Sweet Chin Music, but knocking his friend out by accident, letting Lesnar pick up the tainted win, Lesnar can then lay the beat on HHH after the match, taking him off tv until Survivor Series or Royal Rumble. HHH will need a storyline to climb into for next years Mania,. wioth CM Punk vs The Rock looking likely, Undertaker running out of guys to bury and Cena staying face, HHH will probably have to be rematched against Leanr at Mania 29, where he can get the return win and Lesnar can leave the company the night after. With an underlyinmg story of HHH/HBK with HHH blaming his good friend getting involved and costing him the Summerlsam match, they could bring in the New Age Outlaws or Kevin Nash from time t time for a good storyline reason, boost rating s and get exposure.
Monday Night Raw 6th August 2012. We saw a Segment with Shawn Michaels, Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar and Triple H.

Towards the end of the segment Brock grabbed the Mic and pointed at Shawn Michaels. He then said "I'll see you before Summerslam"

Does this mean Brock Lesnar is going to attack HBK before August 19th?


Is Brock Lesnar just threatening HBK and nothing more will happen?

We could get the answer this coming Monday on Raw. It is the last Raw before Lesnar vs Triple H at Summerslam.

I think a cool way to make this Fued even more Personal is have Brock ambush Shawn Michaels Backstage or something. This would mean Lesnar and Heyman have verbally/physically attacked Triple H's Wife, Kids, and his best friend. Trips is phenomonal at selling Personal Storylines and this would put the icing on the cake. Shawn could stand in his friends corner during the match at Summerslam favouring damaged body parts inflicted by Brock Lesnar.


(Apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere on the Forums. Merge if needed)
Or they do an injury angle where Brock beats up HBK at home, rendering him unable to appear in HHH's corner, which the announcers could sell pretty hard.

Of course it would confuse the whole "lawsuits for assault" quirk that they've been petering around with during this angle, since he would be appearing at his private home and wrecking shop. But when was the last time consistency and logic got in the way of a wrestling program?
I would not be surprised if we see a NC result for this match. I'm expecting Brock Lesnar to beat down Triple H so bad that he isn't able to respond or something like that to play off the MMA guy/fighter card the WWE is using with Lesnar. It isn't going to be a technical classic or anything but it'll be a hard fight between two brawlers.

Should be fun.
Let me preface by saying that Lesnar is one of my All-Time favorites and Triple H is one of two opponents IMO that are still a possible "Dream Match" left for Lesnar, with CM Punk as a close 2nd. Orton is a far 3rd.(He has already fought Taker, Rock, & Cena.)

So this is basically the match I have been waiting for since Lesnar returned. And I know it will be awesome at the very least!

But as bad as I want a solid one on one match with a clean finish, I will be EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED if HBK isn't at Summerslam!

Not only am I a huge fan and HBK was advertised to be there and he has become a HUGE part of their story & feud. Also with Heyman on Lesnar's side the match feels very unbalanced now, which I assume is the point, but I don't like it. I enjoyed the feeling of a sorta tag match: two, big, brawlers, each with a Legendary Wrestling figure & friend on their side that are both GREAT talkers but can also throw some punches!

IF ANYTHING, I feel like HBK having an arm in a sling & just standing in HHH's corner evens the odds enough(better) already and sets up more story & emotion in the match.

It just wouldn't make sense to me if HBK is not seen in atleast some capacity at Summerslam this Sunday, ESPECIALLY if the plan is for Trip's to go over!!!!

It doesn't take two arms to SUPERKICK!
But as bad as I want a solid one on one match with a clean finish, I will be EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED if HBK isn't at Summerslam!

That's understandable. It's hard to swallow the notion that HBK was brought in only as a table-setter for the PPV, rather than to participate in the event itself. Obviously, it would be WWE's style to have Triple H declare that HBK won't be in attendance, only to have him show up and deliver a super-kick at the opportune moment, even with his arm in a sling.

As I see it, the intrigue as to who wins this match is the big story. After losing to John Cena, I can't see management wanting Brock to suffer a consecutive loss. This view is made more solid by the fact that Triple H has nothing to lose whether he's victorious or not. On the other hand, neither does Brock.....not really, anyway. If he plans to be gone after WM29, does it really matter? It's his job to be fearsome, and he certainly achieves that. If he signs on for another year, there will be plenty of time for Brock to build up a head of steam.......but face it, having Brock lose all his matches isn't to the company's best advantage, is it?

My guess is that HBK shows up, but his interference inadvertently causes Triple H to lose. There are several juicy possibilities that rise from that scenario, no?

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